MTR Fuel Subassembly(OSIRIS),Experimental Reactors B.Barr GA 2011.-p.1,The Pionneers(UNGG),Intro 1 B.Barr GA 2011.p.2,UNGG Fuel Rods(SL1),Intro 1 B.Barr GA 2011.p.3,Refueling Machine UNGG,Intro 1 B.Barr GA 2011.p.4,Schematics Gas-cooled reactors,Intro 1 B.Barr GA 2011.p.5,Windscale:Magnox&Proto AGR,Intro 1 B.Barr GA 2011.p.6,VVR(or VVER):Russian PWRs,Kozloduy,Intro 1 B.Barr GA 2011.p.7,VVER 1000 Primary Circuit,Intro 1 B.Barr GA 2011.p.8,VVER Fuel,440 1000,Intro 1 B.Barr GA 2011.p.9,Boiling Water Reactors BWR,Only one cooling circuit at Psat pressure 7 MpaVapor generation close to the fuel.Same vapor goes to the turbine(direct cycle)Moderation ration varies axially,Intro 1 B.Barr GA 2011.p.10,BWR Schematics,Intro 1 B.Barr GA 2011.p.11,BWR Fuel Assembly,Intro 1 B.Barr GA 2011.p.12,Chernobyl,Intro 2 B.Barr GA 2011.-p.13,RBMK Schematics,Containment Areas,Reactor Floor,Core:diameter 12 mheight 7 m,Intro 2 B.Barr GA 2011.-p.14,Chernobyl,Intro 2 B.Barr GA 2011.-p.15,RBMK fuel at Electrostal,Half bundles,Spacing&support grids,Intro 2 B.Barr GA 2011.-p.16,CANDU System(Cernavoda),Intro 2 B.Barr GA 2011.-p.17,Intro 2 B.Barr GA 2011.-p.18,CANDU Fuel Bundle,Intro 2 B.Barr GA 2011.-p.19,OSIRIS,MTR-like Irradiation Facility,Intro 2 B.Barr GA 2011.-p.20,SNA NSSS,Intro 2 B.Barr GA 2011.-p.21,Spatial Nuclear Reactor,Intro 2 B.Barr GA 2011.-p.22,MCF Magnetic Containment Fusion,Temperature T:100 million degrees Low Density:1020 particles/m3(*)Containment Time:1 seconde,(*)100 000 times less than atmospheric pressure,Tore Supra Cadarache,Intro 2 B.Barr GA 2011.-p.23,RHF Core at CERCA,Experimental Reactors B.Barr GA 2011.-p.24,