BRAND STORY品牌故事,Colin,a famous British design master of mens suits,was an imperial designer.The garments designed by him represent the classic British nation spirit of confidence,delicacy and grace,famous for the fine materials and cutting,smooth lines and graceful contour.Forbes was a top French design pioneer of fashionable dresses.Regardless of his youth,he had won the nomination for the designer of the year in French Fashion Awards.Upon the request of the British Crown Prince,Colin customized a full dress for Prince Wales.The dress was precisely cut with perfect and exquisite workmanship,which made Prince Wales feel a little traditional.It just so happened that they met with Forbes who was invited to attend the evening party of the British royal family.Extemporarily he picked up a pair of scissors and threads and made some adjustments to the dress skillfully,so that the originally classic royal dress merged into the soul of fashion.Prince Wales gave high praise to the work and held that a fresh air was infused into the classic British high-class fashionable dresses.The British Crown Prince also awarded the Medal of Honor to them,saying that their cooperation wasDiamond Cuts Diamond.From then on,Colin and Forbes started cooperation and jointly established the brand of COOFO.They have realized that the clothing is not merely clothing,but a kind of symbola synonym of fashion and classics.,著名的英国男装设计大师Colin是御用的皇室设计师,他设计的服装,代表着英伦经典自信、细致优雅的民族精神,以细密的用料与剪裁、熨贴流畅的线条、优雅的轮廓著称。Forbes则是法国顶尖时装设计先锋。虽然年轻,却已经获得了法国时尚奖年度设计师的提名。Colin应英国王储的要求,为wales王子订制了一套礼服。礼服严谨的剪裁,完美的细节做工,让Wales王子总感觉有些过于传统,恰恰碰到Fores应邀来参加当晚的英国皇室派对,他随兴而致的拿起了剪刀和缝线,巧妙地对礼服做了一些调整,使原本经典的皇家礼服,融入了时尚的灵魂,让Wales王子大为赞叹,认为是为英国的经典的高级时装注入了一股新气流。王储也特地为他们颁发了荣誉勋章,共称他们的合作是“Diamond Cuts Diamond”。Colin由此和Forbes携手,共同创立了COOFO的品牌,他们使服装不再只是服装,而是一种符号:是一种流行经典的代名词!,BRAND STORY品牌故事,BRAND CONCEPT品牌理念,倡导品位、雅致的休闲生活;商务和休闲相结合;以时尚观点传播着成功人士的不同需求;精致,优雅、自信:张弛有度;勇于创新的细节完美主义者。,BRAND TARGET品牌风格及目标客户,Elaborate technology,harmonious color configuration and unique design style are totally integrated with its brand style.Everything including the whole and the details is arranged in a perfect way to reflect the delicate taste of life and express the quality of classics,brilliance and luxury with an sunny image.,Target28-45岁都市成功男士。要求精致的生活,注重商品品质,具有一定着装品位的完美主义男士。阳刚十足,对生活充满自信的现代男士。,Brand age考究的工艺、和谐的色彩配置和独特的款式风格。Colin与Forbes设计师将英国及法国的流行时尚元素融入产品研发中,高品质且设计的产品,使其更适合现代都市白领男士。,PRODUCT COMPOSITION产品构成,上装外穿32%、上装内搭42%、裤类18%、配饰类8%,上装外穿32%,上装内搭42%,配饰类8%,裤类18%,WIDE RANGES OF PRICE价格定位,WIDE RANGES OF PRICE品牌价位,BRAND POSITIONING品牌定位,High,Low,Price,20-25岁,25-30岁,3040岁,40岁以上,Age,Ermenegildo Zegna,BOSS,D&G,CK,FAIRWHALE,GXG,JACK&JONES,GOLDLION,JOEONE,C31 ROTC,VICTUTU,Brand Style 一,Fashion Business,Brand Style 二,Fashion Business,Brand Style 三,Fashion Business,Brand Style 四,Fashion Business,Stroe Image店铺分布,Stroe Image 一,Stroe Image 二,Stroe Image 三,Stroe Image 四,THANK YOU!TEL:400-883-1818 SHANGHAI QIAOFU GARMENT CO.,LTD.,