09年CFA资格申请流程及注意事项,讲师:吴轶:CFA、FRM、CQF、SII 时间:2009年9月地点:上海 北京深圳,2009年CFA资格申请流程及注意事项,讲座大纲,CFA会员介绍CFA会员申请流程介绍CFA工作经验介绍,CFA会员介绍,个人会员超过93,000名投资专业人士,来自130个国家,当中包括81,000名CFA特许资格认证持有人87%是CFA特许资格认证持有人;13%为非CFA特许资格持认证持有人30%于投资公司/基金公司工作6%于对冲基金公司/对冲基金的基金公司工作7%于商业零售银行/按揭银行工作4%于保险公司工作2%于退休金及基金会工作9%是私人财富管理人/顾问16%受雇于投资银行/经纪自营商24%于其他机构工作,包括顾问公司、政府/监管机构、学术机构或研究机构,2009年统计CFA协会会员地域分布,会员最集中的国家或地区,会员最集中的国家或地区美国 52,362加拿大 12,074英国 6,285香港 4,264新加坡 2,402瑞士 1,812地方社团共有135个地方社团,分布于56个国家及地区,CFA考试人数最多的前五个国家及地区(截止至2008年),美国38,121,中国10,526,香港7,591,加拿大9,997,英国7,771,2009年6月CFA全球考生分布,Examples of non-North American countries and territories with the largest number of candidates that took a CFA exam are Mainland China(11,106)India(7,107)United Kingdom(6,744)Hong Kong(6,529)Singapore(3,929)South Korea(3,867)Australia(2,204)Germany(1,632)Taiwan(1,584)Switzerland(1,458)South Africa(1,318),CFA考生人数增长最快的前5位的市场(0712-0806),中国大陆CFA持证人统计,截至2008年4月14日中国大陆共有1277位CFA持证人,雇佣CFA持证人最多的机构(截至2008年),CFA的收益,Benefits for YouCredibility:Clients and colleagues regard you with a presumption of expertiseCompetitive advantage:Employers and clients want the experience that comes with the CFA charterConnections:Youll join a global network of more than 78,000 professionalsRecognition:Youll earn a designation praised by employers and mediaBenefits for Your FirmA cost-effective and efficient way to increase the knowledge and professionalism of your staffA global program that tracks the needs of the industry and employers like youA measure of job applicants competence and integrity,CFA持证人薪资,基本薪水,薪水加红利,$194,000,工作10年以上薪水加红利,$304,000,$392,000,美国,英国,香港,基本薪水,薪水加红利,$179,200,工作10年以上薪水加红利,$320,000,$412,000,基本薪水,薪水加红利,$155,200,$217,600,$384,000,工作10年以上薪水加红利,CFA VS MBA,CFA VS MBA(工商管理硕士),CFA VS 非CFA持证人士,$236,510VS$200,000(高出18%的年薪)$255,000(同时拥有CFA和MBA),$180,000 VS$116,850(高出54%年薪),如何成为CFA持证人,Interested in becoming a CFA charterholder?Heres what youll need to do:1.Enter the CFA Program2.Study for and pass the three levels of exams3.Become a regular member of CFA Institute4.Get your charter5.Maintain your charter status,讲座大纲,CFA会员介绍CFA会员申请流程介绍CFA工作经验介绍,申请会员资格,经过三年多的苦战,恭喜您顺利通过CFA三级考试;要想拿到CFA证书,还必须申请成为CFA协会的会员有的人在最后环节失败了,究其原因:思想上不重视流程上不清楚工作经验描述上不准确填写表格有错误,申请前准备,Personal Contact Information of business and homeRoom 1106,Zhenda Cubic Building,No.58 Changliu Road,Pudong District,Shanghai,200135Resume(work experience description)Determine the Local Society you will chooseCFA China、Hongkong or SingaporeTwo sponsors CFA local members in the societySupervisor(not necessary CFA charterholder),OR CFA charterholder not necessary local member,申请步骤:一,登录CFA协会网站 点击membership resources下拉菜单中的member resources main页面,出现图:,申请步骤:一,点击上图页面中的apply for membership,出现如图:,申请步骤:一,输入用户名和密码之后,如图:点击apply for membership,申请步骤:一,首先更新work experience,如图:填写完毕后,保存。,申请步骤:一,Professional Profile Update,更新个人信息,其中有10个问题需要回答。问题如下(以下都是选择性问题):问题一:What year did you start working in the investment industry?问题二:What is your current employment status?问题三:Please enter the name of the firm for which you are employed?,申请步骤:一,问题四:(如下图),申请步骤:一,问题五:If you are involved in asset management,which best describes the entity that most directly holds those assets?问题六:Please entry the average account value for the private individuals that you personally advise?,申请步骤:一,问题七:(如下图),申请步骤:一,问题八:Which of the following best describes your professional responsibilities?问题九:(如下图),申请步骤:一,问题十:(如下图),申请步骤:二,选择你需要入会的地方,大陆地区基本上选则,CFA China、Hongkong or Singapore;如图,点击apply;,申请步骤:二,完成上面所有步骤之后,出现如图,此页面显示,你个人在CFA官方网站上提出申请入会已经完成。,申请步骤:三,回到你的个人邮箱,你会收到一封CFA协会发的邮件,此封邮件是转发给你的两个sponsor的,邮件内容如下:,申请步骤:四Sample by GFedu,Analyze the macroeconomic trend in China and provide the recommendation for clientsDetermine clients investment objectives and constraints and formalize the IPSMeasure the investment performance and provide the report to clientsRebalance and monitor the portfolioValue the equity for M&A,申请步骤:五,此时请把此链接发给你的Supervisor和Charterholder来帮你完成您的申请(建议将个人的简历和工作经验描述一并发给Sponsor,确保信息的一致性)出现如图:,申请步骤:五,输入申请人的邮箱地址;,申请步骤:五,Sponsor Statements信息的填写(附图),两个选择题是选“Yes”;,申请步骤:五,Professional Competence and Conduct,选择“No”,申请步骤:六(注意),1 Regular CFA Institute member and the applicants supervisor,one of which must be a member of the society to which the individual is making application for membership.If the supervisor requirement cannot be met because the applicant is the principal of the firm,a student,retired,self-employed,or if providing a supervisor places the applicant in a difficult professional position,then an additional sponsorship by a Regular CFA Institute member is required.,申请步骤:七,您的两个sponsor帮您完成推荐后,会出现如下页面,表示您的入会申请已经全部完成。,申请步骤:八,申请人可登录CFA观看网站查看您的申请状态,如图:CFA协会收到申请之后,需要花10-12周进行审核,一旦审核通过,CFA协会就会发邮件通知。,申请步骤:九,审核通过后,需要登录网站激活并且付费。(附图),讲座大纲,CFA会员介绍CFA会员申请流程介绍CFA工作经验介绍,Working Experience,To earn your CFAcharter,you must become a regular member of CFAInstitute.There are threekey work experience criteria for regular membership.You must have:1.Four years(48 months)of work experience in.2.A full-time position consisting of.3.Qualifying activities,such as:Evaluating and applying financial,economic,or statistical data involving securities or other investments,or producing work that adds value to the process Supervising persons who practice such activities Teaching such activities,Whats acceptable work experience?,You are required to spend at least 50 percent of your time in qualifying activities to accrue your required professional work experience.Summer,part-time,and internship positions do not qualify.Managing your own investments does not qualify.Qualifying activities include being:Directly involved in the investment decision-making process or Engaged in responsibilities and/or producing a work product that informs or adds value to that process,Job Title,Do during the application,Allow several weeks for your application to be reviewed and approved for membership.Provide a detailed description of your daily responsibilities,including what types of clients you serve.Describe how your position adds value to the investment decision-making process.Ask your sponsor to describe how you are engaged in work that impacts the investment decision-making process.,Dont during the application,Describe the general activities of your company.Rely on your job title as a substitute for describing your job duties.Request sponsor forms from someone who does not know the nature of your work.Wait until after you pass Level III to apply.The volume of applications may slow the review process and delay the award of your charter.,Work experience description 1,How your experience relates to the investment decision making process and be as descriptive as possible.,Work experience description 2,How your experience relates to the investment decision making process and be as descriptive as possible.,Sample by GFedu,Analyze the macroeconomic trend in China and provide the recommendation for clientsDetermine clients investment objectives and constraints and formalize the IPSMeasure the investment performance and provide the report to clientsRebalance and monitor the portfolioValue the equity for M&A,Contact Infomation,金程可以给CFA申请人推荐Sponsor联系方式:电话:33926711-8099,400-700-9596联系人:顾老师,于老师Email:,Join Us!Be A CFA Holder!Achieve Your Ambitious!,