1,钣金设计,CATIA培训教程,2,课程介绍,先修课程:Catia V5基础Catia V5零件设计Catia V5装配设计Catia V5工程图设计:,课程目的本课程研究利用CATIA V5建立和编辑修改钣金特征和零件的方法。,学员对象从事Catia V5钣金设计的用户,3,目錄,鈑金設計基礎1鈑金設計概述工作臺介紹:使用者介面、術語、一般過程2 鈑金參數3 鈑金壁板(Walls)4 鈑金彎曲(Bends)和凸緣(Flanges)5 鈑金沖孔(Cut Outs),平面陣列模式及特徵6 生成2D鈑金展開視圖7 修改鈑金零件,沈飞工学院,4,进入工作台用户接口术语 了解一般过程,介绍钣金设计工作台,钣金设计概述,5,进入工作台,可以从1-开始菜单 2-档菜单 3-工作台工具,进入钣金设计工作台,建立一个包含几何元素的 Part Body,1-,2-,3-,6,文件扩展名.CATPart(与普通零件设计相同),钣金设计工具.,钣金参数,零件树,标准工具栏,特征.,钣金设计用户接口:,进入草图器.,钣金参数,7,Insert菜单或工具栏,钣金设计用户接口:钣金设计工具,扫掠壁板(Walls),冲压(Stampings),展开(Unfold),钣金工具,弯曲(Bend),数组(Patterns),增强复制(Power Copy),8,术语,零件 由一个或多个壁板、弯曲和特征组成参数 通常是指设计零件的壁板厚度、弯曲半径和起伏类型的值起始壁板 用草图(轮廓)生成,可以是一个或一组拉伸壁板特征 施加在零件上的形态,如:冲孔、数组和冲压等,9,General Process,From Assembly create a new part(Top-down approach),orCreate a new part insert in assembly(Bottom-up approach),Assign Material Parameters,Create different types of walls,Add冲孔and 3D Features,Add different types of弯曲,Modify Wall Thickness and Wall Sizes,Creating a Flat View of the part,10,钣金Parameters,In this lesson,you will see how to start a钣金part by assigning the basic parameter needed to create the part.,Defining钣金Parameters,11,Before starting to create any钣金part,define the钣金Parameters of the part.These are common characteristics that when defined will make creation easier and thus limit your need to supply data during creation of the part.,Defining Parameters,Parameters Tab,Bend Extremities Tab,12,Parameters are the common characteristic used in the creation of the part.They are as simple as stating the dimensional requirement of the material and bend radius,What are Parameters?,It is important to note here that only one set of parameters can be assigned in a CATPart,therefore you are limited to one part per document.,13,In order to start there are three basic parameters that need to be assigned:Material Thickness Bend Radius Bend Relief Type,What Parameters need to be defined?,Bend Radius,Types of different Bend Reliefs,Square Relief,Minimum withno relief,Round Relief,Linear,Tangent,Maximum,Material Thickness,Remember,the Bend Radius assigned here is the standard Bend Radius to be used on the part.This will be used to create all Bend Radii unless specified otherwise during the creation.,14,Defining Material Thickness,Select the钣金Parameter Icon,1,Activate the Parameters tab in the钣金Parameters window,2,With the Thickness field active,key in the new value,3,If the Material Thickness is all you are changing,select OK to end the modification,4,Create parts,15,Defining Material Bend Radius,Select the钣金Parameter Icon,1,Activate the Parameters Tab in the钣金Parameters window,2,Key in the new Bend Radius,Bend radii can be as small as 0.01 mm.0 Radius is not available yet.,3,4,Select OK,Create parts,16,Selecting the Bend Relief Type,Select the钣金Parameter Icon,1,Select the Bend Extremities Tab in the钣金Parameters window,2,Select the type of Bend Relief displayed in the window,3,The relief with its dimensions are displayed,4,If the Bend Radius is all you are changing,select OK to end the modification,5,Where possible bend relief values,L1 and L2 can be modified to suit your special needs,Create parts,17,In this lesson,you will see how to start a钣金part and different ways to define walls,钣金Walls,Defining Walls from Scratch Defining Walls on Existing Parts 钣金Walls recap exercise,18,You will learn how to create the 5 basic types of walls offered in the钣金workbench,Defining Walls from Scratch,Profilewall,Wall on Edge,Extruded Wall,Rolled Wall,Pierced Wall,19,To start a钣金part,create some type of wall first to start from.It can be as little as one line that you can extrude a wall from or a complex profile to create many walls from or a profile to make an individual wall.,What are walls?,Be aware that where you select edges,top vs bottom will drive a different proposal for your wall.For example,a top selection may force your wall to go in an upward direction while a bottom selection may force your wall in a downward direction.,An example of how different ways could be used to create this part is as follows:Wall 1 could have been created first as a flat profile wall and then walls 2,3,and 4 could have been done as walls on edgeWall 1,2,and 3 could have been created with an extrude and then wall 4 could have been done as a wall on edge,1,2,3,4,20,The Profile wall is used to create a wall of a specific shape.Often used as a first wall of a part,When to use the various types of walls?,The Extruded walls are used to create a group of walls using a specific profile.Here it is used to build a simple“U”shaped chassis or a hat section used to strengthen other parts.,The Wall on Edge is used to create a wall on an edge of an existing wall.,You can also select an edge,click on the wall icon and draw the sketch you want,21,Profile Walls,Enter the Sketcheron xy planeand select the profile icon,Draw the Sketch,Exit Sketcher and select the profile Wall icon,Growth arrow defaults upward.If needed,invert button,3,1,2,4,Select OK to create the wall,5,Remember,the direction of growth effects how the wall will be modified if you change the Material thickness later,growth arrow,22,Profile Walls(with冲孔),Enter the Sketcheron xy planeand select the profile icon,Draw the Sketch,Exit Sketcher and select the profile Wall icon,Growth arrow defaults upward.If needed,invert button,3,1,2,4,Select OK to create the wall,5,Remember,the direction of growth effects how the wall will be modified if you change the Material thickness later,23,Walls on an Edge,Select the wall on edge icon,Select OK to create the wall,5,1,2,Key in the new values and select a dimension options,3,To reverse sketch profile direction,select this button,4,Select the edge to attach the wall too,6,Select the“With Bend”option to automatically create the bend,24,Walls on an Edge(with clearance),Note:thereference wall is not impacted by the new wall,Select the wall on edge icon,Select OK to create the wall,1,2,Key in the new values and select a dimension options,3,Select the clearance option.The value is by default driven by bend radius,4,Select the edge to attach the wall to,6,Select the“With Bend”option to automatically create the bend,5,25,Extruded Walls,Note:in the tree,each wall is created separately under the extrusion.No sketches for the walls are created;the sketch for the original profile is kept.,Key or select theextrusion parameters.,Enter the Sketcheron xy planeand select the profile icon,Sketch the profile,1,2,Exit Sketcher and select the Extrusion wall icon,3,Select OK,4,5,The walls can be created on one or both sides of the sketch(Second Limit).Also,the material thickness can be in either directionor symmetrically around the profile(symmetrical thickness checkbox),26,IsolateWalls,MB3 on Extrusion or Edge Wall and select item object and Isolate,1,If an Extrusion,Select a wall,2,5 local axis,6 sketches and some coincidence constraints are automatically created for this extrusion.,Can be performed on:extrusion walls wall on edge,You cannot undo anIsolate action after having modified the wall.Isolating a Wall on Edge erases all updating data.,27,Rolled Walls,Enter the Sketcheron xy planeand select the profile icon,Draw the Sketch,Exit Sketcher and select the Extrude icon,Key or select theextrusion parameters.,3,1,2,4,Select OK to create the wall,5,Remember the direction of growth effects how the wall will be modified if you change the Material thickness later,28,Defining Walls on Existing Parts,You will learn how to define walls on existing solid parts,29,Another way to start creating钣金walls is to take an existing solid and recognize(=change)the solid walls into钣金walls.,What is Wall Recognition?,Be aware that any cut outs in the part,when it is recognized,can only be modified in the Part Design workbench.,Reference Wall,30,Walls Recognition Definition dialog box,2 Wall creation modes:Part body recognition:the whole solid is processed and walls are created wherever possible.Only selected faces:only explicitly selected faces of the solid are processed and the corresponding walls are created.,Compulsory walls-are faces from which the walls are to be generated when there might be an ambiguity.For example,if the initial part is a box,you will need to select two opposite inner faces and outer faces on the other two sides of the box,in order to avoid overlapping when generating the walls.,Internal profiles recognition mode:As cut out wall:generates walls with inner contours(no cutout feature is generated)One cut out by wall:regardless of how many pockets there are on a face of the solid,only one cutout feature is generated per wallOne cut out by profile:for each inner contour on the sketch-based solid,a cutout feature is generatedNone:whether there are pockets on the solid faces,or not,no cutout feature is created in the resulting钣金features.,31,RecognizingWalls on Parts,Changes to Geometry will have to be done from the original creation geometry in the Part Design workbench,Select the Recognize icon,2,1,4,Select the Unfold icon,The Tree is updated with the New Walls,Select the Face of the Reference Wall,The thickness of the shell and the radius of the Fillet are taken as the default values in the SheetMetal Parameters.,5,3,Select the Definition parameters,32,钣金 弯曲and凸缘,In this lesson,you will see how to add弯曲to a part and also see some different type of凸缘that can be used when creating parts,Defining弯曲between Walls Defining Different types of凸缘available 钣金 弯曲and凸缘recap exercise,33,弯曲can be created by four ways.If you choose,you can create your bend each time you create a wall on another wall or you can create a bunch of walls that show how your part will look and then use Automatic弯曲to create all of them at one time.,Defining弯曲for Walls,Singular Bend,Automatic弯曲,Conical 弯曲,弯曲 from flat,34,A钣金part is created from one piece of metal that is cut to the shape needed and folded to create the part.These folds are what is call弯曲.,What are弯曲?,Bend,Bend Relief,Bend Relief is the material cut out(removed)to allow the folding of the part without tearing the material or causing it deform,35,In V5,the new methodology is to create groups of walls which have a common bend size.Allowing a group of walls to be created all at one time and save the steps of having to confirm the direction each time.,When to use Automatic弯曲?,In cases where you have non-standard弯曲,you will have to use the singular bend capability and define direction.Therefore,it is important to make sure your standard bend is the most common bend size on your part.,Singular Bend Created first,All other弯曲are created with Automatic弯曲,36,Using the Auto Bend Function,Today,the direction of the bend is chosen for you.,Display the part you wish to have the弯曲added too.,Select the Automatic Bend icon,1,2,All of the bend radii are created at the default value.,37,Using the Singular Bend function,Bend arrows can be selected to reverse them and the direction of the bend.,Select each of the walls involved in the bend,2,Select the Bend icon,1,The Bend Definition window is displayed indicating the Walls involved,radius value and angular value,3,The bend arrows are displayed showing the wall bend direction,4,The bend and reliefs are created as assigned in the original parameters window,38,Using theConical Bend function,Bend arrows can be selected to reverse them and the direction of the bend.,Select each of the walls involved in the bend,2,Select the Conical Bend icon,1,The Bend Definition window is displayed indicating the Walls involved,radius values and angular value,3,The bend arrows are displayed showing the wall bend direction,4,39,Using the BendFrom Flatfunction,Sketch a line on the future bend area,1,The BendFrom FlatDefinition window is displayed indicating theSketch involved,radius values and angular value,3,Select OK,4,Select the Bend From Flat icon and the sketch,2,40,Modifying a Standard Bend Radius,This process can also be used to create a bend by selecting the equation icon,Select each of the walls involved in the bend,2,Select the Bend icon,1,The Bend Definition window is displayed indicating the Walls involved,radius value and angular value,3,Key in the new value in the Bend definition window.Make sure the bend arrows are pointing in the proper direction,Right-click in the Radius field and select Formula/Deactivate,4,5,The bend and reliefs are created as assigned in the original parameters window,41,Using the Corner Relief function,2,You have several shapes for relieves:round,square,triangular.,Select the More button and switch toBend Corner Relief Tab and activate theCorner Relief option,3,Double-click on the bend to edit it,1,Click OK to validate,You can also define the Corner Relief in the SheetMetal Parameters,42,Using theUserCorner Relief function,Select the Corner Relief Icon,the sketch and the three impacted弯曲directly on the geometry,3,Unfold the part;The User Corner Relief must be done on the unfolded part,1,Sketch the desired profiles for the Corner Relief Area,2,Select OK,4,You can also have access to a catalog of pre-definedsketches instead of drawing your own sketch.,43,凸缘come in four different types:Regular Flange,Hem Bend,Teardrop and Swept Flange.,Defining凸缘,Regular Flange,Hem Bend,Tear Drop,Swept Flange,44,凸缘are different ways to form钣金into tabs,walls and edges that give functionality,beauty,strength and safety to the part.,What are凸缘?,45,Regular凸缘are used to create tabs in cut outs and simple凸缘around the edges of parts,When to use the various types of凸缘?,Tear Drops can also serve to create decorative edges as well as create things like hinge pins openings,Hem弯曲are used to strengthen long thin钣金parts and to also supply a smooth safe edge,Swept凸缘are used to sweep profiles around exterior edges of parts.,46,Simple凸缘,Note:the edges selected can be one single edge,straight or curved or any number of either as long as they are connected.,Select the Flange icon,1,Select the edges,2,Key in an angle value,Key in the radius value,3,Key in the length value,4,5,Select OK to create the flange,6,47,The minimum radius accepted is.01 mm,Key in a length,4,Select OK to create the Hem bend,Select the Hem Bend icon,Select the edge,Key in a radius value,As with any flange,multiple edges can be selected to wrap it around the part.,5,Hem弯曲,1,2,3,48,Select the Tear Drop Bend icon,Key the length,Select an edge,2,Key in the radius,3,Select OK to create Tear Drop Bend,4,Tear Drop凸缘,1,5,The length dimension cannot be less then the radius but it can be the same;allowing you to create a hinge pin opening.,49,Swept凸缘,Only a single line profile needs to be created here.The flange key will add the thickness per the parameters characteristics,Select the Swept Flange icon,Select the Spine the bend is to be located on.,2,Select OK to create the flange,4,Select the profile to be swept,1,3,The element connecting to the edge must be tangent and coincident with the edge.,50,钣金Cut Outs,Flat Pattern Mode and Features,In this lesson,you will see how to add Cut Outs to parts,pattern them,as w