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    Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,1,Tubing Design管路设计,CATIA Training Foils,Version 5 Release 132004,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,2,Course Presentation课程介绍,Objectives of the course目标In this course you will learn how the CATIA Tubing Design product is used to quickly and efficiently create an intelligent tubing layout.智能化管路设计Targeted audienceExperienced CATIA V5 users目标学员有使用经验的CATIA用户PrerequisitesCATIA V5 Fundamentals予要求:CATIA V5基础,0.5 day,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,3,Table of Contents目录,Introduction to Tubing Design Fundamentalsp.4Accessing the workbench模块介绍p.5User Interface:Tubing Design Icons界面介绍p.6Creating Line IDs生成管线ID码p.9Routing a Run生成管线p.10Modifying a Run修改管线p.14Implementing Turn Rules管路拐弯p.19Placing Parts on a Run管路定义功能p.22Generating Reports生成管路拐点坐标p.24,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,4,Accessing the workbench进入模块,To access the Tubing Design Workbench 进入模块,1.Select the Start Menu,3.Click on Tubing Design,2.Select Equipment&Systems,Tubing Design Workbench icon,选择Start菜单,选择设备和系统方案,选择管路设计模块,图标,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,5,User Interface:Tubing Design Icons(1/2),Line ID:Select/Query,Create,Transfer,Rename,Delete,Merge,Import管路ID码编辑,Route a Run生成管路,Update Part,Flip Part Position,Edit Part Parameters刷新功能、参数,Place Tubing Part插入接头,Offset Route,Route from Spline,Route thru a pathway偏距管路等,Connect/Disconnect Part/Run,Create an offset segment con.连接,Manage grafic representation几何显示,Manage flows流量管理,Create weld assembly管路焊接,Build Tubing Part新建功能,Align Side,Align Center,Rotate to Align,Distribute,Align two Planes移动,Rename ID重新命名ID,Snap,Snap three points,Snap center of polygon,snap Surface捕捉,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,6,User Interface:Tubing Design Icons(2/2),Axis,GridStep,坐标轴,网格距离,生成平面,显示模式,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,7,Routing a Run(1/4)生成管路,Place Offset Plane生成起始面Select the Offset Plane Icon选择图标Offset Planes can be placed at anytime during the creation of Runs.此图标可以在生成管路时随时使用,Offset Plane,图标,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,8,Routing a Run(2/4)生成管路,Select the Line ID选择管线ID码Depending on what Line ID is choosen,CATIA lets you select a predefined Turn Radius.In this case is just one Turn Radius for the 3/8in diameter defined,which means that you wont get a selection panel.根据选择的管线ID码,可以选择拐弯半径,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,9,Routing a Run(3/4)生成管路,Click when the green arrow pops up.,Stop when the value reaches 2in.,Point-To-Point-Mode,Create the Run生成管路Make sure that the Grid Step is set to 0.5 in.确认步长为0.5in,Route a Run,图标,当绿箭头出现时点击鼠标,当到达一定长度时停,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,10,Routing a Run(4/4)生成管路,Create a Run from Point-To-Point点到点方式生成管路Click the the next two connectors.The Run will be created.点击两个支座,生成管路,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,11,Modifying a Run(1/5)修改管路,Modify the Run修改管路A new Run shall be created and afterwards being modified.先生成后修改Therefore you create a new Run using the orthogonal mode as shown in the picture.使用对角线方式生成管路After that you will modify the Run.然后修改,Route a Run,Orthogonal,Create the Run,生成管路,对角线方式,产生管路,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,12,Modifying a Run(2/5)修改管路,Manipulation Handles,Modify the Run修改管路Runs can be edited by right clicking and choosing Runxxx.object Definition in the contextual menu.You will see the skeleton of the Run,that consists of Segments,Nodes and Manipulation Handles.在管路上右击鼠标选择Definition菜单,将显示管路骨架,包括分段、节点和操纵柄Segments can be stretched by dragging the green vertexes at the end of each segment.其中的分段可以通过鼠标拖拉端点而改变长度,Segment,Node,Alignment of the Run,操纵柄,节点,分段,管路导向,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,13,Modifying a Run(3/5)修改管路,Modify the Run修改管路Segments and Nodes can also be modified when the Run is in definition mode.You can modify Segments and Nodes by right clicking them.也可以在上下文菜单中选择定义来修改分段和节点,Right click on segment,Right click on run,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,14,Modifying a Run(4/5)修改管路,Modifying the Run修改管路Runs can also be modified by dragging the Planes at the end of each segment.The alignment of the planes depends on the alignment of the Compass!These Planes and the basic Plane of the Compass are always parallel!也可以通过拖拉分段两端的平面改变管,此平面的朝向和罗盘的基准平面一致During the modification of Runs the Offset Plane can be used to allow an exact placement.修改中可以使用等间距平面图标,Offset Plane,Distance to Offset plane,等间距平面命令,间距,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,15,Modifying a Run(5/5)修改管路,Transfering a Line ID转换管路ID码Before you start creating a Run you must select the proper Line ID.Its possible to change the Line ID afterwards by using the Transfer Line ID function.先选择ID码再生成Select the Run,which Line ID has to be changed and the Transfer Line ID Icon.In the appearing dialog box you can select the new Line ID.管路生成后用转换图标改管特性The appearing information dialog close with OK.确定,Selected Run,Select the new Line ID here.,Click OK to put it onto the Run.,Transfer Line ID,选择管路,转换码图标,选择新的ID码,确定,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,16,Implementing Turn Rules(1/3)拐弯,Design Table button activates the Rules options.,Implement Turn Rules设置拐弯半径You can adjust the Bend Radius for the Run using Rules from Design Rules catalog when starting the creation of a new Run.修改拐弯规则When you are using a Line ID for the first time,the Design Table for the available Turn Rules appears automatically.Later you must click on the Design Table Button to access the Rules.生成管路对话框中使用拐弯规则,选择不同半径,Available Bends for the selected Line ID.,拐弯规则,可选择的半径,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,17,Implementing Turning Rules(2/3)拐弯,Modify Turn Rules修改规则You can modify the Turn Rule of a Run by right clicking it and then enter the Definition Dialog.右键上下文菜单选择DefinitionThere you can enter a new Radius which effects the whole Run.输入半径,影响整个管路,Definition dialog,Enter the new Radius here.,The new radius will effect all bends in the Run.,定义对话框,输入新半径,整个管路的弯受影响,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,18,Implementing Turning Rules(3/3)拐弯,Radius is now 0,5”(only for this bend).,BEFORE,AFTER,Override Turning Rules超越规则To apply a certain bend radius to one bend of the Run you must enter the Definition Dialog of the corresponding Node.修改单个弯需要使用节点的上下文定义菜单Therefore enter the definition of the Run(right click Runxxx.object Definition)and then the definition of the node(right click the node Definition).两次上下文菜单In the appearing Node Definition you can enter a Bend Radius that only effects the selected Bend.,Node Definiton Dialog,Enter the new radius here.,Enter the definiton dialog of the node.,如图所示,节点定义对话框,输入新半径值,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,19,Placing Parts on a Run(1/2)插入接头,Place Parts on a RunSelect the Place Tubing Part Icon.选择图标 Check,that spec driven is turned off.关闭spec driven按钮The Place Tubing Part Dialog appears.Click on the Browse Button(“”).选择浏览A class browser appears that lets you select a function.窗口中选择功能,Place Tubing Part,Browse,图标,浏览,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,20,Placing Parts on a Run(2/2)插入接头,BEFORE,AFTER,Place Parts on a Run插入接头For the selected function you must specify a Part Type.对于选择的功能,选择一个类型Click on the Run where you want to place the Part.At the end of Runs or Tubing parts a green vertex appears to show you,there is a connector.You can also use this connetors for placement.选择管路,出现一个绿色节点If there are multiple parts aviable for the selected Part Type,then a Part Selection dialog box will be displayed.You may then select the appropriate part for your design.在Part Number中如果有多种,可以选择适合的,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,21,Generating Reports(1/2)生成弯管文件,Select a macro for the report宏命令Select the Tubing LineID that shall be included in the report.选择管路Select the Tools Macro Macros function from the menu.菜单Tools-Macro-MacroSelect the PslTubingExtract.CATScript macro.选择宏命令文件,并运行,Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002,22,Generating Reports(2/2),The Report will be generated.产生弯管文件,


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