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    Reading Skills,Text Study,Notes to the Text,Words and Expressions,Idea Sharing,Scanning,Exercises,I.What is Scanning?,Reading Skills,Scanning is to locate a specific item of information or to tell where we can get that information.Scanning is particularly useful in reading newspapers or advertisements.It is also possible to use this reading skill to find some particular information in any kind of reading materials.,Decide what information you are looking for,and think about the form it may take.Next,think about where you would be likely to get the information and move your eyes quickly.Stop reading when you have got the right information.,Steps to scan:,Reading Skills,1.How many Chinese people find it difficult to fall asleep?Lying in bed counting sheep is not a solution to falling asleep,especially for people engaged in continual mental labor.The fear of not being able to fall asleep brings anxiety and insomnia,explained the experts.A recent national survey among 10,455 Chinese people showed 27.3%of the subjects admitted they have sleeping problems.,Reading Skills,II.Exercises,2.What kind of music can audience enjoy at the festival?The 2004 Midi Modern Music Festival will take place on Oct.1 to 4 at Beijing International Sculpture Park.Audience can watch 45 bands playing various music styles including rock,folk,blues,hip-hop and jazz.Sponsored in 2000,it was at first a showcase for students of the music school.Now the festival has expanded into an outdoor festival for young and little-known bands to perform their unique style.,Reading Skills,Question Answering,The author holds a doubtful attitude.,1.What is the authors attitude towards the opinion that geniuses spring up out of nowhere?(Para.1),Question Answering,Tips,Text Study,2.What are the two kinds of parent style that parents take up towards their children?(Para.4),The supportive and the stimulating.,Text Study,Tips,3.What are the four groups in the study?(Para.6),one with supportive parents;one with stimulating parents;one whose parents have both;one whose parents offer nothing.,Text Study,Tips,4.How much time a day does a father in Holland spend in conversation with his children?How about in America?(Para.10),11 seconds in Holland andless than one minute in America.,Text Study,Tips,.5.Which is more important to childrens development according to the author:the biological or the environmental factors?(Para.15),The environmental factors such as better parenting and educationaltechniques.,Text Study,Tips,Focus Study,Active Expressions,I.Active Expressions,1.spring up out of nowhere as if touched by the finger of God.2.steering them toward certain fields and pushing them to work hard,3.The children who fared best were those whose parents were both supportive and.4.,children pick up not only language skills but also adult habits and styles of thought.,Practice,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,out of nowherepushfarepick up,happen or appear suddenly press,drive or impel sb.to do do;get along gain;learn a skill,Active Expressions,1.突然冒出了一辆汽车。2.我们得老是催他做作业。3.你考得怎么样?4.她到法国居住后很快就学会了法语。,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,1.A car seemed to appear out of nowhere.2.We always have to push him to do his homework.3.How did you fare on your exam?4.She soon picked up French when she went to live in France.,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,pressure from parents results in children suffering fatigue rather than becoming geniuses.,rather than与其(不如);不是(而是),Notes to the TextFocus Study,II.Focus Study,Practice,与其说他是教师不如说他是作家。,Notes to the TextFocus Study,He is a writer rather than a teacher.,与其让约翰干这件事,我宁可自己动手。,Rather than John do it,Id prefer to do the job.,While the study is not yet complete,the children appear to have been given a long-term advantage.,While 当 的时候;尽管;虽然,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Practice,他上大学时是戏剧协会会员。,Notes to the TextFocus Study,While at college,he was a member of the dramatic society.,他虽受人尊敬,但并不被人喜爱。,While respected,he is not liked.,Word Using,Old to New,Chinese to English,1.spring up to appear or develop quickly and/or suddenly,在曾是沙漠的地方出现了很多城镇。,Towns spring up where it was a desert.,I.Word Using,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,2.look into to examine,案子正在调查中,如果有什么情况我们会书面向他们报告。,The case is being looked into;when we have anything to report well write to them.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,3.fascinate v.to attract or interest someone very much,What has ever fascinated you?,I am(was)fascinated by,(I am fascinated by rock music;I was fascinated by collecting stamps,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,4.identify v.to discover or notice the existence of something,专家们正在检查机器,但是毛病还未找到。,Experts are examining the machine but the cause of the problem has not yet been identified.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,5.go out of ones way to make a special effort to do something,Use the phrase to describe a situation.,He went out of his way to make me feel at home.,(I went out of my way to pass the exam.),Words and ExpressionsWord Using,6.device n.new invention or means of doing sth.,我在车上装了一个能自动开启车库门的装置。,I have fitted a device to my car which opens the garage door automatically.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,7.pick up to get information or a skill by chance,你在哪儿养成这个习惯?,Where did you pick up this habit?,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,8.have a head start to have an advantage over others,电子行业竞争非常激烈,日本走在了前面。,Electronics is a very competitive business and Japan has a head start.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,9.in question under consideration or discussion,看到那位被谈论的妇女走进商店,他感到很吃惊。,He was surprised to see the woman in question enter the shop.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,10.count v.to have value or importance;matter,What counts in your life?,Happiness counts much in my life.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,(I believe that health counts more than money.),11.far from not at all,我们对选举结果一点也不满意。,We are far from happy with the results of the election.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,II.Old to New,attract tirednessable to think quicklyperson with same agenot at allshow,fascinatefatiguealertpeerfar fromdemonstrate,Words and ExpressionsOld to New,progressmake certaincalculate the valueencouragementwatch sth.done correctlyexcept for,fareguaranteeassessstimulationdate back tobarring,Words and ExpressionsOld to New,III.Chinese to English,让他的儿子着迷父母的激励带领他们去某些领域表现最好培养开放的、有创见的思维方式长远的意义,fascinate his sonparental stimulationsteer them towards certain fieldsfare bestcultivate an open and creative thinking stylelasting significance,Words and ExpressionsC to E,Discussion,Idea Sharing,What is the greatest influence that your parents have on you?,Discussion,understanding fair loving honest communicative non-judgmental respectful responsible having a good sense of humor enjoying spending time with children confident,Idea Sharing,To Task,To Horizon,The End of Section B,


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