ARMv8技术浏览,Overview,New version of the ARM architecture64-bit operating capability 64-bit general purpose registers,SP and PC 64-bit data processing and extended virtual addressing,Develop history,Two excution state,AArch64 and AArch32 diference excution state include:registers map instruction set support exception model memory model programmers model,Registers map,AArch64 31 64bit general purpose registers.X30 be used as LR.64 bit PC,SPs and ELRs 32 128bit registers for SIMD and float pointAArch32 13 32bit gp registers,PC,SP,LR a single ELR,for exception return from Hyp 32 64bit register for SIMD and float point,Register relationship,general purpose registersSIMD and floating-point registers,Instruction set,AArch64 support a single instruction set.AArch32 support A32 and T32 instruction set.,Exception model,1.ARMv8下,当EL3使用AArch32,为了兼容ARMv7,在安全模式下不区分EL,只有一个EL32.后缀t表示SP_EL0堆栈指针,h表示SP_ELx堆栈指针,Memory model,