,Intelligence,Artificial,What is Artificial Intelligence?, the study of how to make computers do things at which,at the moment,people are better.,Foundations of AI,Goals of AI,ScientificTo create models and mechanisms of intelligent action EngineeringTo understand and build intelligent systems,“Strong AI”vs.“Weak AI”,“Strong AI”Makes the bold claim that computers can be made to think on a level(at least)equal to humans“Weak AI”Some“thinking-like”features can be added to computers to make them more useful tools,MaybeStrong AI is science?Weak AI is engineering?,The rise of AITuring test,1950s,Turing test(1950),AI continued progress,The rise of AITuring test,1950s,1960s-1980s,The Chinese Room Theory(1980),AI continued progress,Shallow machine learning modelSVM,LR,Boosting,The rise of AITuring test,1950s,1990s-2000,1960s-1980s,IBM“Deep Blue”(1997),AI continued progress,Shallow machine learning modelSVM,LR,Boosting,The rise of AITuring test,1950s,1990s-2000,1960s-1980s,Professor of University of Toronto,leading authority of machine leaning field,2006,New research climax of AIAlphaGo,2011-2017,“AlphaGo”vs.Lee Sedo(2016),Top AI schools and companies,Top AI SchoolsStanford UniversityMITCarnegie Mellon University(CMU)BerkeleyTop research labsMicrosoft Research(MSR)IBM ResearchAT&T LabsXerox PARC,SRI,ATR(Japan),