AIDS,龙艳晨尹艳秀刘园园王思红,What is AIDS?,AIDS,in 1981 in the United States for the first time and found confirmation.Full-called Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome the initials of AIDS who had translated it as AIDS and love sick.There are two types:HIV-1 and HIV-2 type.The body is infected with the human immunodeficiency virus(HIV-human immunodeficiency virus),also known as the AIDS virus,caused by infectious diseases.The World AIDS Day is December 1st each year.,AIDS,September 30,2001,the National AIDSvirus infectionwere reported in 28133 cases,of which 1208cases of AIDS patients,641 cases of death.Experts estimate thatby the end of 2001,the actual,the numberof HIV infectionhas more than 600000.AIDS hasspread throughout the country31 provinces,autonomous regionsandmunicipalities directly under the central government.If you do notspend great efforts tocontrol,is expectedto2010,HIV infected persons in Chinawill exceed 10000000.If thecontrolis good,this figurewill be reduced to1500000.,The clinical manifestations of AIDS?,Have a fever,continuedweakness.Long term cough,chest pain,breathing difficulties.anorexia,nausea,vomiting,diarrhea,blood in the stool can be serious.Dizziness,headache,mental decline,psychosis.There can be a variety ofmalignant tumorsin the body surfaceof Kaposis sarcomavisible redor purple redmacules,papules and invasive tumor.,What is the harm of AIDS?,Harm tothe patients own:at present,AIDS has becomea chronic diseasecontrolled.But there are stilla considerable part of the patientsbecause of nottimely diagnosis and treatment,virusresistant orside effects of drugsand other reasons,andkilled or maimed.Theothersharm:intravenous drug useandneedle sharingthroughmaternalwayscanspread the virus to other people.The harm to thefamilyandsociety:bring a heavy financialburdento the family and societyandsocial issues.,The route of transmission of AIDS,1.Sexualcontact transmission,The route of transmission of AIDS,2.InputHIV contaminatedblood or blood products,The route of transmission of AIDS,3.Mother to child transmission,What behaviors do not spread AIDS?,What should we do?,Prohibited drugs,do notshare syringes with othersNotprostitution,whoring,avoidpremarital sex,extramarital.Do not use without blood transfusion andblood products,to be usedunder the guidance of a doctor.Do not useorsharing a toothbrush,razor,razor and other personal items.,Pay more attention toour diet andlife:,Daily intake ofsufficient energy,the need of meat,eggs,milkand other highenergy,high proteindiet,good digestion.Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.Eat much food less.Pay attention to food hygiene,especially noteating rawmeat.For patients withdiarrhea anddyspepsiashouldmaintain adequatewaterintake,eatliquid food.Quit smoking wine.Appropriate exercise.Maintain good mood,relieve psychologicalpressure.,AIDS is not terrible,we should unitetogether to fight against.,