2012.03.18编者:许宝林,Email:,2012.03.18编者:许宝林,Email:,普利兹克奖(Pritzker Architecture Prize)是每年一次颁给建筑师个人的奖项,有建筑界的诺贝尔奖之称。1979年由普利兹克家族的杰伊普利兹克和他的妻子辛蒂发起,凯悦基金会(Hyatt Foundation)所赞助的针对建筑师个人颁布的奖项。每年约有五百多名从事建筑设计工作的建筑师被提名,由来自世界各地的知名建筑师及学者组成评审团评出一个个人或组合,以表彰其在建筑设计创作中所表现出的才智、洞察力和献身精神,以及其通过建筑艺术为人类及人工环境方面所作出的杰出贡献,被誉为建筑学届的诺贝尔奖。The Pritzker Architecture Prize is awarded annually by the Hyatt Foundation to honour“a living architect whose built work demonstrates a combination of those qualities of talent,vision and commitment,which has produced consistent and significant contributions to humanity and the built environment through the art of architecture.Founded in 1979 by Jay A.Pritzker and his wife Cindy,the award is funded by the Pritzker family and is considered to be one of the worlds premier architecture prizes;it is often referred to as the Nobel Prize of architecture.The prize is awarded irrespective of nationality,race,creed,or ideology;the recipients receive US$100,000,a citation certificate,and since 1987,a bronze medallion.The Latin inscription on the reverse of the medallionfirmitas,utilitas,venustas(English:durability,utility,and beauty)is inspired by Roman architect Vitruvius.The Executive Director of the prize,as of 2009,Martha Thorne,solicits nominations from a range of people,including past Laureates,academics,critics and others with expertise and interest in the field of architecture“.Any licensed architect can also make a personal application for the prize before 1 November every year.The jury,each year consisting of five to nine experts.recognized professionals in their own fields of architecture,business,education,publishing,and culture,deliberate early the following year before announcing the winner in spring.,艾德瓦尔多苏托德莫拉1952年出生于葡萄牙波尔图,是经验丰富、行事低调的欧洲建筑大师,其作品往往用简单的材质、外形以及细节营造出让人流连忘返的建筑,尤其是他建造的一栋栋引人入胜的独立住宅更为他赢得了诸多殊荣,其代表作品有莫列多住宅、伯格公司办公楼和购物中心、庞利马的两幢住宅、马托辛尤斯的庭院住宅等。Eduardo Elsio Machado Souto de Moura(Portuguese pronunciation:ewau sowtu d mow;born 25 July 1952,better known as Eduardo Souto de Moura,is a Portuguese architect.Son of medical doctor Jos Alberto Souto de Moura and wife Maria Teresa Ramos Machado,he is the brother of Jos Souto de Moura,former 9th Attorney-General of Portugal.Along with Fernando Tvora and lvaro Siza,he is one of the references of the Porto School of Architecture,where he was appointed Professor.Souto de Moura was awarded the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 2011.,第三十三届 艾德瓦尔多苏托德莫拉,葡萄牙 33rd,Eduardo Souto de Moura,Portugal,2011,1981-91.“Casa das Artes”,S.E.C.Cultural Centre,Porto,Portugal.,1,1981-91.“Casa das Artes”,S.E.C.Cultural Centre,Porto,Portugal.,1,2000-2003.Braga Municipal Stadium,Braga,Portugal.,2,2000-2003.Braga Municipal Stadium,Braga,Portugal.,2,3,1994-2002.House in Serra da Arrbida,Portugal.,1994-2002.House in Serra da Arrbida,Portugal.,3,第三十二届 妹岛和世,日本 和 西泽立卫,日本32nd,Kazuyo Sejima,Japan;Ryue Nishizawa,Japan,2010,妹岛和世(罗马拼音:Kazuyo Sejima、日文假名:;1956年是一位近代日本的知名女建筑师,出生于日本茨城县。现任庆应义塾大学理工学部教授。妹岛和世的建筑风格逐渐的受到世人注目,她与SANAA建筑设计事务所的作品,多带有重要的“穿透性”风格。大量的运用玻璃外墙等材质,让建筑感觉轻而且飘浮。亦有报导称其为“穿透、流动”式的建筑。Kazuyo Sejima(妹島 和世,Sejima Kazuyo?,born 1956,Ibaraki prefecture,Japan)is a Japanese architect.After studying at Japan Womens University and working in the office of Toyo Ito,in 1987 she founded Kazuyo Sejima and Associates.In 1995 she founded the Tokyo-based firm SANAA(Sejima and Nishizawa and Associates)together with her former employee Ryue Nishizawa.Sejima was appointed Director of the Architecture Sector for the Venice Biennale,which she curated for the 12th Annual International Architecture Exhibition,held in 2010.She was the first woman ever selected for this position.In 2010 she was awarded the Pritzker Prize,together with Ryue Nishizawa.,1,2007.New museum of contemporary art,New York,New York.,1,2007.New museum of contemporary art,New York,New York.,2,2004,21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art,Kanazawa,Ishikawa,Japan.,2,2004,21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art,Kanazawa,Ishikawa,Japan.,第三十一届 彼得卒姆托,瑞士31st,Peter Zumthor,Switzerland,2009,彼得祖索尔(PeterZumthor)1943年4月生于瑞士巴塞尔的建筑设计师,早在80年代就为人熟知了。到了90年代,他的作品更是层出不穷,这些作品有着重建永恒价值的独特视角,令人刮目相看。比如瑞士丘尔艺术博物馆(1990年)和老房子(1993年),瑞士沙芬托的古格伦宫(1994年),瑞士瓦尔斯热澡堂(1996年),奥地利布雷根兹艺术博物馆(1997年),等等。Zumthor was born in Basel,the son of a cabinet-maker.He apprenticed to a carpenter in 1958 and studied at the Kunstgewerbeschule in his native city starting in 1963.In 1966,Zumthor studied industrial design and architecture as an exchange student at Pratt Institute in New York.In 1968,he became conservationist architect for the Department for the Preservation of Monuments of the canton of Graubnden.His buildings explore the tactile and sensory qualities of spaces and materials while retaining a minimalist feel.,2007,Bruder Klaus Chapel,Mechernich,Germany.,1,2007,Bruder Klaus Chapel,Mechernich,Germany.,1,1996,Hotel Therme in Vals,Switzerland.,2,1996,Hotel Therme in Vals,Switzerland.,2,第三十届 让努维尔,法国30th,Jean Nouvel,Switzerland,2008,让努维尔(Jean Nouvel)是法国当代著名建筑师之一,他综合采用钢同玻璃,熟练的运用光作为造型要素,使作品充满了魅力。他认为建筑设计的过程更多的是适用外部自然、城市、社会条件的结果。本文着重分析他的设计思想,介绍了他对建筑的独到见解。Jean Nouvel(French pronunciation:nu.vl)(born August 12,1945)is a French architect.Nouvel studied at the cole des Beaux-Arts in Paris and was a founding member of Mars 1976 and Syndicat de lArchitecture.He has obtained a number of prestigious distinctions over the course of his career,including the Aga Khan Award for Architecture(technically,the prize was awarded for the Institut du Monde Arabe which Nouvel designed),the Wolf Prize in Arts in 2005 and the Pritzker Prize in 2008.A number of museums and architectural centres have presented retrospectives of his work.,1996,Hotel Therme in Vals,Switzerland.,1,第二十九届 理查德罗杰斯,英国29th,Richard Rogers,Switzerland,2007,理查德罗杰斯,英国建筑师。代表作有著名的“千年穹顶”,与福斯特合作设计的香港汇丰银行和与意大利建筑师皮阿诺共同设计的巴黎蓬皮杜艺术和文化中心等等。虽然饱受争议,但不妨碍他成为是30年来最有影响力的建筑师之一。1991年被授予爵士头衔。Richard George Rogers,Baron Rogers of Riverside CH Kt FRIBA FCSD(born 23 July 1933)is a British architect noted for his modernist and functionalist designs.Rogers is perhaps best known for his work on the Pompidou Centre in Paris,the Lloyds building and Millennium Dome both in London,and the European Court of Human Rights building in Strasbourg.He is a winner of the RIBA Gold Medal,the Thomas Jefferson Medal,the RIBA Stirling Prize,the Minerva Medal and Pritzker Prize.,1999,Millennium Dome,London,England.,1,1,1999,Millennium Dome,London,England.,第二十八届保罗门德斯达洛查,巴西28th,Paulo Mendes da Rocha,Brazil,2006,保罗门德斯达洛查,保罗出生于1928年,1954年毕业于巴西麦克肯兹建筑学院,毕业后不久就赢得了圣保罗保利斯塔健身俱乐部系列运动场馆招投标竞赛的胜利。该作品为他赢得了公众知名度,并因此获得了1961年举行的第六届圣保罗双年展上的总统奖。在之后的数年内,他开始成为巴西最负盛名的建筑师之一。Paulo Mendes da Rocha(born October 25,1928 in Vitria)is a Brazilian architect,honored with the Mies van der Rohe Prize(2000)and the Pritzker Prize(2006).Paulo attended the Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie College of Architecture,graduating in 1954.1 Working almost exclusively in Brazil,Mendes da Rocha has been producing buildings since 1957,many of them built in concrete,a method some call Brazilian Brutalism,arguably allowing buildings to be constructed cheaply and quickly.He has contributed many notable cultural buildings to So Paulo and is widely credited as enhancing and revitalizing the city.,第二十七届 汤姆梅恩,美国27th,Thom Mayne,America,2005,汤姆梅恩英语:Thom Mayne;1944年1月19日是一位世界知名的美国建筑师,2005年的普利策建筑奖得主,出生于康乃迪克州的Waterbury,目前居住在加州洛杉矶。梅恩在南加大与哈佛大学接受建筑教育,毕业后曾任教于加州州立科技大学California State Polytechnic University,由于年轻时相当坚持自己的建筑理念,最后因故被解职,遂在1972年协助南加州建筑学院Southern California Institute of Architecture;简称SCI-ARC创立,教授反主流的建筑思考,并在该校担任主要教职,后期也曾在洛杉矶加大任教。Thom Mayne(b.January 19,1944,in Waterbury,Connecticut)is a Los Angeles-based architect.Educated at University of Southern California(1969)1 and the Harvard University Graduate School of Design in 1978,Mayne helped found the Southern California Institute of Architecture(SCI-Arc)in 1972,where he is a trustee.Since then he has held teaching positions at SCI-Arc,the California State Polytechnic University,Pomona(Cal Poly Pomona)2 and the University of California,Los Angeles(UCLA).He is principal of Morphosis,an architectural firm in Santa Monica,California.Mayne received the Pritzker Architecture Prize in March 2005.,2015,Phare tower,Paris,France.,1,2015,Phare tower,Paris,France.,1,第二十六届 扎哈哈迪德,英国,伊拉克26th,Zaha Hadid,Iraqi,UK,2004,扎哈哈迪德(Zaha Hadid),2004年普利兹克建筑奖获奖者。扎哈哈迪德(Zaha Hadid)1950年出生于巴格达,在黎巴嫩就读过数学系,1972年进入伦敦的建筑联盟学院AA学习建筑学,1977年毕业获得伦敦建筑联盟(AA,Architectural Association)硕士学位。此后加入大都会建筑事务所,与雷姆库哈斯(Rem Koolhaas)和埃利亚增西利斯(Elia Zenghelis)一道执教于AA建筑学院,后来在AA成立了自己的工作室,直到1987年。1994年在哈佛大学设计研究生院执掌丹下健三(Kenzo Tange)教席。Hadid was born in 1950 in Baghdad,Iraq.She received a degree in mathematics from the American University of Beirut before moving to study at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London.After graduating she worked with her former teachers,Rem Koolhaas and Elia Zenghelis at the Office for Metropolitan Architecture,becoming a partner in 1977.It was with Koolhaas that she met the engineer Peter Rice who gave her support and encouragement early on,at a time when her work seemed difficult to build.In 1980 she established her own London-based practice.During the 1980s she also taught at the Architectural Association.She has also taught at prestigious institutions around the world;she held the Kenzo Tange Chair at the Graduate School of Design,Harvard University,the Sullivan Chair at the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Architecture.,2002,Bergisel Ski Jump,Innsbruck,Austria.,1,2002,Bergisel Ski Jump,Innsbruck,Austria.,1,第二十五届 约恩乌松,丹麦25th,Jrn Oberg Utzon,Denmark,2003,约恩乌松(也译伍重,乌特松),AC(Jrn Utzon,1918年4月9日2008年11月29日),出生于丹麦哥本哈根,丹麦建筑设计师,曾经是一名优秀的水手。其最著名的设计作品是悉尼歌剧院。Jrn Oberg Utzon,(Danish pronunciation:jn udsn),AC(9 April 1918 29 November 2008)was a Danish architect,most notable for designing the Sydney Opera House in Australia.When it was declared a World Heritage Site on 28 June 2007,Utzon became only the second person to have received such recognition for one of his works during his lifetime.Other outstanding works include Bagsvrd Church near Copenhagen and the National Assembly Building in Kuwait.He also made important contributions to housing design,especially with his Kingo Houses near Helsingr.,1973,Sydney Opera House,Sydney,Austria.,1,1973,Sydney Opera House,Sydney,Austria.,1,第二十四届 格伦马库特,澳大利亚24th,Glenn Murcutt,Australia,2002,格伦马库特(Glenn Murcutt)澳大利亚人,2002年普利兹克建筑奖获奖者。格伦马库特(Glenn Murcutt)1936 年出生于英国伦敦,在新几内亚 Morobe区长大,并在那里对简洁、原始的建筑产生了偏爱。后来,他的父亲推荐其学习密斯凡德罗(Ludwig Mies van der Rohe)的建筑理论以及亨利大卫梭罗(Henry David Thoreau)的哲学,两者均对他的建筑风格产生了深远的影响。Glenn Marcus Murcutt AO(born 25 July 1936)is a British-born Australian architect and winner of the 2002 Pritzker Prize and 2009 AIA Gold Medal.Murcutt was born in London to Australian parents.He grew up in the Morobe Province of Papua New Guinea,where he developed an appreciation for simple,vernacular architecture.He was educated at Manly Boys High School and studied architecture at the Sydney Technical College,from which he graduated in 1961,1 and where he became friends with other soon-to-be-prominent students,including director Jim Sharman,theatre designer Brian Thomson and film producer Matt Carroll.Murcutts early work experience was with various architects,such as Neville Gruzman,Ken Woolley and Bryce Mortlock which exposed him to their style of organic architecture focussing on relationships to nature.By 1969 Murcutt established his own practise in the Sydney suburb of Mosman.,1984,Magney House,New South Wales,Austria.,1,1,1984,Magney House,New South Wales,Austria.,第二十三届 雅克赫尔佐格,瑞士 和 皮埃尔德梅隆,瑞士23th,Jacques Herzog,Switzerland,Pierre de Meuron,Switzerland,2001,皮埃尔德梅隆(Pierre de Meuron)瑞士人,2001年普利兹克建筑奖获奖者。Pierre de Meuron在苏黎世联合工业大学遇到了Jacques Herzog。Herzog&de Meuron Architekten,BSA/SIA/ETH(HdM)is a Swiss architecture firm,founded and headquartered in Basel,Switzerland in 1978.The careers of founders and senior partners Jacques Herzog(born 19 April 1950),and Pierre de Meuron(born 8 May 1950),closely paralleled one another,with both attending the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology(ETH)in Zrich.They are perhaps best known for their conversion of the giant Bankside Power Station in London to the new home of the Tate Modern.Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron have been visiting professors at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design since 1994 and professors at ETH Zrich since 1999.,2008,Beijing National Stadium,Beijing,China.,1,2008,Beijing National Stadium,Beijing,China.,1,2005,Allianz Arena football stadium,Munich,German.,2005,Allianz Arena football stadium,Munich,German.,2005,Allianz Arena football stadium,Munich,German.,2005,Allianz Arena football stadium,Munich,German.,第二十二届 雷姆库哈斯,瑞士22nd,Rem Koolhass,Switzerland,2000,雷姆库哈斯(Rem Koolhass)1944年生于荷兰鹿特丹,早年担任荷兰海牙邮报的记者和电影剧作者。1968-1972年在伦敦的建筑协会学院(AA School)学习建筑。近30岁才从事建筑设计工作。1975年跟随德国现代主义大师翁格尔斯工作过,参与他的德国科隆的沃尔拉夫-理查兹博物馆的竞赛设计工作。他与艾利娅曾格荷里斯、扎哈哈迪德创立了大都会建筑事务所(OMA)。2000年雷姆库哈斯成为普利策的得主,普利策评委认为,库哈斯的著作价值可以与其建筑设计作品相媲美,评价库哈斯为当今世界最具天才及创造力的建筑师之一,是荷兰新一代建筑师的领袖。Remment Lucas Koolhaas(English pronunciation:/?r?m?k?lh?s/;born 17 November 1944(1944-11-17)is a Dutch architect,architectural theorist,urbanist and Professor in Practice of Architecture and Urban Design at the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University,USA.Koolhaas studied at the Netherlands Film and Television Academy in Amsterdam,at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London and at Cornell University in Ithaca,New York.Koolhaas is the founding partner of OMA,and of its research-oriented counterpart AMO,currently based in Rotterdam,Netherlands.In 2005 he co-founded Volume Magazine together with Mark Wigley and Ole Bouman.In 2000 Rem Koolhaas won the Pritzker Prize.In 2008 Time put him in their top 100 of The Worlds Most Influential People.,2009,CCTV HQ,Beijing,China.,2009,CCTV HQ,Beijing,China.,第二十一届 诺曼福斯特,英国21st,Norman Robert Foster,England,1999,诺曼福斯特建筑学学士(曼彻斯特大学),建筑学硕士(耶鲁大学),英国皇家建筑师学会会员,国际上最杰出的建筑大师之一,被誉为“高技派”的代表人物,第21届斯特林建筑大奖得主。诺曼福斯特特别强调人类与自然的共同存在,而不是互相抵触,强调要从过去的文化形态中吸取教训,提倡那些适合人类生活形态需要的建筑方式。一生的荣誉很多,作品很多。Norman Robert Foster,Baron Foster of Thames Bank,OM(born 1 June 1935)is a British architect whose company maintains an international design practice,Foster+Partners.Foster was raised in Manchester in a working-class family and was intrigued by design and engineering from a young age.His years observing Mancunian architecture subsequently influenced his works,and was inspired to pursue a career in Architecture after a treasurer clerk noticed his tendency to sketch and venture around Manchester to view buildings while he worked at Manchester Town Hall.Foster managed to gain an internship at a local architects office before submitting a portfolio for a place at the University of Manchester School of Architecture.He won a place at Manchester and then won a scholarship to continue his studies at the Yale School of Architecture in the United States.,1997-2004,30 St Mary Axe,London,UK.,1997-2004,30 St Mary Axe,London,UK.,1997-2004,30 St Mary Axe,London,UK.,第二十届 伦佐皮亚诺,意大