,order:n.订单;订购,survive:vi.幸存;活下来her parents died in the accident,but she survived.survive on sth;靠某物活下来;he survived in the desert for a week on biscuits and water.,survive:vt.经历.之后还存在;比.活得长;she survived her sons.the government is unlikely to survive the next election.,turn 词组总结;,generous:adj.慷慨的,prefer:v.宁愿选择(两者之一);更喜欢;prefer sth;prefer doing sth;prefer to do sth;prefer sb to do sth;prefer that.prefer a to bprefer doing to doing,i much prefer dogs to cats.i prefer singing to dancing.he chose Spain,but personally id prefer to go Greece.let me wash the dishes,or would you prefer me to dry them?would you prefer that we reschedule the meeting for next week?,out of work:失业,机器有毛病out of practice:荒疏,久不练习out of stock:已脱销out of reach:Be sure to keep the medicines out of reach of the children.这些药物务必放在孩子们够不着(拿不到)的地方。,cancel:v.取消;废除;中止,break;take;give;bring;go;cut;,back down=back off:放弃论点、要求、意见;承认错误i saw that she was right,so i had to back down.back out:打退堂鼓;食言;不履行i hope i can depend on you not to back out at the last moment.,