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    人教版,英语,第19讲九年级Units 910,1Australia(n.)_(n.&adj.)澳大利亚人;澳大利亚的,澳大利亚人的2electricity(n.)_(adj.)电子的;电子设备的 _(adj.)电的;带电的3direct(v.)_(过去式/过去分词)_(现在分词)指导;管理;导演 _(n.)导演;部门负责人4stick(v.)_(过去式/过去分词)_(现在分词)粘贴;将刺入 _(n.)棍棒;球棍,Australian,electronic,electric,directed,directing,director,stuck,sticking,stick,5shut(v.)_(过去式/过去分词)_(现在分词)关闭;关上6pain(n.)_(adj.)痛苦的7sad(adj.)_(n.)悲伤;悲痛【高频】8reflect(v.)_(过去式/过去分词)_(现在分词)反映;映出 _(n.)反映;反射;映像9perform(v.)_(n.)表演;演出10value(v.&n.)_(adj.)贵重的;宝贵的【高频】,shut,shutting,painful,sadness,reflected,reflecting,reflection,performance,valuable,11north(n.)_(adj.)北方的;北部的12base(n.)_(adj.)基本的;基础的13behave(v.)_(n.)行为;举止【高频】14suggest(v.)_(n.)建议【高频】,northern,basic,behavior,suggestion,1_ 既然那样;假使那样的话2_ 坚持;固守3_ 大量;充足4_ 关闭;停止运转5_ 偶尔地;间或6_ 总共;合计7_ 顺便访问;随便进入8_ 毕竟;终归9_ 大动肝火;气愤10_ 作出努力,in that case,stick to,plenty of,shut off,once in a while,in total,drop by,after all,get mad/angry,make an effort,11_ 脱下(衣服);(飞机等)起飞12_ ones way特地;格外努力13get _ 习惯于,take off,go out of,used to,1我喜欢能随之唱歌的音乐。I love music that I can _ 2我喜欢能随之跳舞的音乐。I like music that I can _ 3卡门喜欢能演奏不同类型乐曲的音乐家。Carmen likes musicians who play _ music.4当我心情不好或疲惫时,我更爱看那些使我高兴起来的电影。When Im down or tired,I prefer movies that can _ me _5大笑两个小时是一个很好的放松方式!_ for two hours is a good way _,sing along with,dance to,different kinds of,cheer,up,Laughing,to relax,6它是我曾经听过的最动人的乐曲之一。It was _the most moving pieces of music _Ive ever heard.7后来我查阅了二泉映月的历史,我开始明白了乐曲中的悲伤。Later I _the history of Erquan Yingyue,and I _ understand the sadness in the music.8当我们听他的音乐时,我们可以感觉到乐曲中的美丽与悲伤。When we listen to his music,we can sense _the beauty _ the sadness in it.,one of,that,looked up,began to,both,and,9在你们国家,当你初次与某人见面时你应该做什么?In your country,what are you _when you meet someone_10课后,学生们应该把黑板上的粉笔字擦掉。After class,students _the chalk _ the blackboard.11在中国,你不应该把筷子插入食物中。In China,youre not supposed to _ your chopsticks _the food.12他们尽力使我感到宾至如归。They go out of their way to _,supposed to do,for the first time?,are supposed/expected to clean,off,stick,into,make me feel at home,prefer【典例在线】Do you prefer coffee or tea?你更喜欢咖啡还是茶?She prefers living/to live in the countryside.她更喜欢住在农村。He prefers fish to meat.他喜欢吃鱼而不喜欢吃肉。I prefer swimming to playing balls.我喜欢游泳胜过打球。I prefer to buy a new car rather than repair the used one.我宁愿买辆新车也不愿去修那辆用过的。,【拓展精析】prefer意为“更喜欢;更喜爱”,相当于like.better。其现在分词应双写r再加ing,过去式与过去分词形式应双写r再加ed。其后可接名词、动词ing形式或动词不定式等。常见搭配还有:prefer A to B比起B来更喜欢Aprefer doing A to doing B比起做B事更喜欢做A事prefer to do A rather than do B宁愿做A事而不愿做B事(相当于would rather do A than do B),【活学活用】1)我更喜欢歌词很棒的音乐。I _ music that _ great lyrics.2)他喜欢听音乐而不是看电视。He prefers _ to music to _ TV.3)我喜欢葡萄胜过苹果。I _ grapes _ apples.,prefer,has,listening,watching,prefer,to,worth【典例在线】The question is not worth discussing again and again.这个问题不值得讨论一遍又一遍。This picture is worth 100 yuan.这幅画值100元。【拓展精析】worth形容词,意为“值得;有价值(的)”,常用于以下结构中:be worth doing sth.值得做某事be worthn.当名词为金钱时,表示“价值”。,【活学活用】4)It is worth _(mention)that Nanjing has entered Top 10 Appealing Chinese Cities.,mentioning,take off【典例在线】Its warm in the room.You can take your coat off.Its warm in the room.You can take off your coat.房间里很暖和。你可以脱下外套。The plane will take off soon.飞机很快就要起飞了。,【拓展精析】take off意为“脱下(衣服)”,为“动词副词”型短语。当人称代词作宾语时,须置于两词之前;当名词作宾语时,置于两词之间或副词后面都可以。其反义词组为put on,意为“穿上”。take off还可意为“(飞机等)起飞。”常见的含take的词组还有:take care of照顾take care当心;小心;注意take place发生take photos照相,take away拿走take out(of.)(从里)拿出;取出take after与相像take.to.把带到take it easy别紧张take notes记笔记take turns轮流,【活学活用】5)Youd better hurry,or well be late for the plane.Dont worry.The plane will _ in two hours.Atake outBtake awayCtake off Dtake in6)Do you want to eat here?(2014,广州)No.Just fish and chips to _,please.Aget away Btake awayCsend away Dthrow away,C,B,stick【典例在线】I still stick to what I said yesterday.我仍然坚持我昨天说的话。Stick the fork into the potato.用叉子叉土豆。He picked up sticks to make a fire.他拾了些树枝来生火。【拓展精析】stick to意为“坚持(意见、原则、计划、决定、诺言等);固守”,有执意不改变的意思;stick可作动词,意为“粘贴;将刺入”,其过去式和过去分词形式均为stuck。stick.into意为“把插入/刺入”。stick也可作名词,意为“棍棒;树枝;手杖、球杆”。,【活学活用】7)How would your family like to travel?Its a problem in my family.Mother prefers to take a bus to travel while father always sticks _ to travel.Ato drive Bto drivingCdriving Ddrive,B,after all【典例在线】Mary didnt pass the exam,but after all she had done her best.玛丽考试没有及格,但是她毕竟尽力了。I thought I was going to fail the exam,but I passed it after all.我原以为我考试不会及格,然而我还是及格了。【拓展精析】after all意为“毕竟;终究;究竟”。用于句首时,意为“不管怎么说”,“毕竟”,带有“we mustnt forget.”之意。用于句尾时,含有“虽然有前面说过的状况”或“与预料中的情况相反”之意。,【活学活用】8)David suddenly felt nervous._,it was his first time to go on stage.AAt least BAfter allCAt once DAt all9)Why is he not allowed to stay here?_ its his home.AAfter all BFirst of allCIn all DAt all,B,A,I love music that I can sing along with.我喜欢能随着唱歌的音乐。【典例在线】I like music(that)I can dance to.我喜欢可以随之跳舞的音乐。【拓展精析】修饰名词或代词的句子在复合句中充当定语,因此称之为定语从句。先行词:定语从句所修饰的名词或代词。关系词:引导定语从句的词,分为关系代词(who,whom,that,which,whose)和关系副词(where,when,why)。,【注意】初中阶段只学习who作主语,that,which作主语和宾语的情况。当定语从句所修饰的名词是人时,用who,that;所修饰的名词是物或事时,用which,that。,【活学活用】1)Shirley is the girl _ taught me how to use Wechat(微信)2)The movie _ we saw last night was fantastic.3)The Palace Museum is the best place _ Ive ever visited.4)The girl is my cousin.The girl is wearing glasses.(改为定语从句)The girl _ wearing glasses is my cousin.,who/that,which/that,that,who/that is,Youre supposed to shake hands.你们应该握手。【典例在线】We are supposed to help each other.我们应该互相帮助。I dont suppose that the train will arrive on time.我认为火车不会按时到达。【拓展精析】be supposed to相当于should,意为“应该”。supposethat从句,意为“认为,猜想”,用法相当于think。当主句的主语是第一人称单数时,从句表达否定含义时要进行否定前移。,【活学活用】5)You are _(suppose)to type quickly when talking to each other on QQ so the other person doesnt get bored.6)The student ought_to wear school uniforms when theyre at school.(选出能代替画线部分的一项)_Aare supposed to Bare allowed toCwould like to Dlove to,supposed,A,except,besides与but【典例在线】All of us passed the exam except John.除了约翰未通过考试外,我们全都通过了。I have a few friends besides you.除你之外,我还有几个朋友。He eats nothing but hamburgers.他除了汉堡包之外,别的什么都不吃。,【拓展精析】except是介词,意为“除了(某人/某事)之外”,表示所说的不包括在内。besides是介词,意思是“除(某人/某事)之外(还有)”,表示所说的包括在内。but也表示“除了”,相当于except,往往放在all,none,every,any,no以及everything,everybody,nothing,anywhere等词之后。,【活学活用】1)除星期天外,我们每天都去上学。We go to school every day _ Sunday.2)他除了英语学得好之外,语文、数学学得也很好。_ English,he did well in Chinese and math.,except/but,Besides,on time与in time【典例在线】All the students came to school on time.所有学生都按时到校了。They caught the bus in time.他们及时赶上了公交车。【拓展精析】on time“按时;准时”,相当于“at the right time”,指动作发生得不早不晚,正是在约定的时候。in time意为“及时”,指动作在规定的时间内发生或在规定的时间之前发生。,【活学活用】3)医生及时赶来挽救了这个孩子的生命。The doctor arrived _ to save the child.4)倘若你明天不准时到的话,我就要写信告诉你父亲。Ill write to your father if you arent here _ tomorrow.,in time,on time,relax,relaxed与relaxing【典例在线】I need a cup of tea to relax myself.我需要喝杯茶使自己放松一下。He is feeling relaxed.他感到很轻松。You can listen to relaxing music in the bath.你可以边洗澡边听(令人)轻松的音乐。【拓展精析】relax动词,意为“放松;使放松”。relaxed形容词,意为“放松的;自在的”,常用来修饰人。relaxing形容词,意为“令人放松的”,常用来修饰事物。,【活学活用】5)Im very tired these days because of the senior high school entrance examination.Why not _ music?It can make you.Alisten to;relaxed Bto listen to;relaxedClisten to;relax Dto listen to;to relax,A,一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示补全下列单词。1I like to listen to some pop music in my _ time.2It is known to us all that London is the _ of the UK.3There is nothing in the box.It is _4Tommy,dont forget to put your _(护照)into your bag.5In China,students are supposed to _(和打招呼)the teachers when classes begin.,spare,capital,empty,passport,greet,二、根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。6The old photo brought back his _(pain)memories.7Do you know what the reason for his _(sad)is?8Can you give me some _(suggest)on how to learn English?9Do you prefer _(north)food or southern food?10I prefer to eat hamburgers rather than _(eat)noodles.,painful,sadness,suggestions,northern,eat,三、单项选择。11I want to buy the book Gone With the Wind all the time because it is _ _ reading.You can buy it in the Xinhua bookstore.Aworth Bvaluable Clike Dbusy12All of us went to the park _ _ Bob.He had to look after his sister.Abesides Bwith Cexcept Dbeside13My brother preferred swimming _ _ skating.Afor Bto Cthan Din,A,C,B,14The woman _ _ is the most important in my life is my mother.Awhich Bwho Cwhom Dwhat15Its so hot today.Why dont you _ _ your jacket?Atake away Btake offCtake back Dtake care,B,B,


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