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    深圳牛津 八年级 第3期同步课堂,Unit2 Numbers学案(一)Vocabulary,边学边做,Task I,词义解释。下面的句子是课本中的原句再现,你能写出划线短语的汉语意思吗?1.A long time ago,there was a king in India._2.One day,a wise old man came to the palace and the king challenged him to a game._,很早以前,向(某人)挑战,3.If I win the game,Id like one grain of rice.and then double the amount for each of the rest of the squares._ _ _4.The king and the old man played the game for a long time._ _5.He put one grain on the first square,two on the second,and so on._,赢得比赛,一粒米,剩余的,玩游戏,等等,很长一段时间/很久,6.“I can see nothing but an empty field,”the young man said._7.From then on he was not lazy any more._ _8.He worked hard all year round._ _,只是,只不过是,从那时起,不再/再也不,努力工作,终年/一年到头,Task II,重点词语用法剖析。rest请先观察下面例句中rest的用法,然后补全结论部分所缺的内容。【例句】1.I can only drink one glass of wine and the rest is yours.我只能喝一杯酒,剩余的是你的。,2.Leave some of the food for the rest of us.留些食物给我们其余的人。3.They have a rest every two hours.他们每两个小时休息一下。,【结论】通过观察可知,rest用作名词,意思是“其余”或“剩余部分”,总是与_连用如例句1;其后也可跟of短语,如例句2。rest也有“休息”的意思,have a rest是其常用短语,意思是“休息一下”,如例句3。,the,【运用】根据汉语提示,完成句子。1.我留了几本书,余下的给他了。I kept a few books back and gave him_.2.我有点累了。让我们休息一会儿。Im a little tired.Lets _.,the rest,have a rest,Promise请先观察下面例句中promise的用法,然后补全结论部分所缺的内容。【例句】1.I want you to promise me.我想让你给我做出承诺。2.He promised to write to her.他答应给她写信。,3.Mr Green has promised his son a new computer.=Mr Green has promised a new computer to his son.格林先生已答应给他儿子买一台新电脑,【结论】通过观察可知,promise意为“承诺、答应”,通常用作及物动词,如例句 1。promise 后跟动词时,要用_(动词不定式/动名词)形式,如例句 2;promise 也可跟双宾语,形成 promise sb.sth.(=promisesth.tosb.)这样的结构,如例句3,动词不定式,【拓展】promise也用作名词,意思是“承诺、诺言”,常与keep,break,make等动词连用。例如:He said he would write to me but he broke his promise.他说会给我写信的,但他说话不算数。Dont forget to keep your promise.不要忘记信守诺言。,【运用】根据提示,完成句子。1.我向你保证,事情并非那么容易。(翻译句子)It is not that easy;I _.2.他答应帮我做作业。(翻译句子)He promised_me with my homework.,promise you,to help,3.Miss Yang promised me a reward(报酬).(改为同义句)Miss Yang promised a reward_.,to me,边做边学,Task I,根据句意和所给提示,填写句子所缺的单词。1.I would like to have 500 _(克)of meat.2._(检查)the letters address again before putting it in the mailbox.,grams,Check,3.I often use a calculator to add large _(数字).4.I won a _(奖品)because I guessed the right answer.5.When he _(意识到)his mistake,he hated himself.,numbers,prize,realized,6.Xie Jun is from China.She is very good at playing _(国际象棋).7.For over 100 years,people have looked for_(黄金)in the hills.8.If you cannot go,let me go i_.,chess,gold,nstead,9.Lily had a cold,so she couldnt go swimming with the r_ of her class.10.Mr Smith is a w_ person.He has much knowledge of music and painting.,est,ise,Task II,根据句意,用方框中所给的短语完成下列句子。from then on,one grain of rice,all year round,and so on,win the game,nothing but,a long time ago,work hard,1.They are interested in art,music,books,_.2.His wife left in 1979 and _ he has lived alone.3.Dont scold(责骂)her;shes _ a child.,and so on,from then on,nothing but,4.He had to _ to support his family.5.We shouldnt waste _.We should eat up every grain of rice in the bowl.6.Dinosaurs lived on Earth _,but later disappeared.,work hard,one grain of rice,a long time ago,7.We are going to _.The other team is not strong at all.8.The weather here is very good;we can swim _.,win the game,all year round,Task III 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。One day in summer,little Jack was playing on the beach with his father.Suddenly,he saw a little tortoise moving slowly on the sand.He started to look at it carefully and began to touch it with his hand.To his surprise,the tortoise stopped moving.It pulled in its head and legs,and closed its shell tightly.He touched it again,but the tortoise didnt move at all.Jack became angry.He used a stick and tried to force(强迫)it to open.”When his father saw this,he stopped him and said,“No,son,you mustnt do that!You will kill the tortoise.You wont get it open with a stick.Jack was curious,and asked,“Why?”,“Just wait and see,”his father replied.Then he picked up the tortoise and put it in a bag.After they came back home,the father took the tortoise out of the bag.He put it near the fireplace(壁 炉).After a few minutes,the tortoise began to move a little.Then the tortoise stretched out(伸出)its head and legs.At last,the tortoise began,to crawl across the room.How excited Jack was when he saw this!“Son,now you see,”said his father,“sometimes,you cant force someone to do things he doesnt like.But if you get him warm first,he will do what you want him to do.,1.One day Jack and his father were playing _.A.in the zoo B.on the hillC.on the beach D.in the garden2.Jack tried to use a stick to _ the tortoise.A.feed B.open C.close D.save,3.The father picked up the tortoise and _.A.cooked it B.threw it into the sea C.put it in a bag D.killed it4.After the tortoise got _ near the fireplace,it began to move a little.A.warm B.hungry C.thirsty D.cool,5.The story tells us that _.A.people will do things we want them to do B.people wont do things we want them to do C.we can force people to do things they dont like D.we cant force people to do things they dont like,5.The story tells us that _.A.people will do things we want them to do B.people wont do things we want them to do C.we can force people to do things they dont like D.we cant force people to do things they dont like,Unit2 Numbers学案(二)Reading,边学边做,文脉梳理。阅读Reading部分,根据课文内容补全表格。A long time ago,there was a king in India.The king loved to play games.The kingsfavourite game was(1)_.One day,the king(2)_ an old man to a game.If the old man won the game,the king promised to give him any(3)_.,Task II,chess,challenged,prize,The old man said he would like one grain of(4)_ for the first square of the chessboard,two for the second,four for the third,and then(5)_ the amount for each of the(6)_ of the squares.The king though the old man asked too little for the prize.,rice,double,rest,The king and the old man played the game for a long time.Finally,the old man(7)_.So the king ordered his men to collect a bag of rice.He put one grain on the first square,two on the second,and so on.The king quickly(8)_ he didnt have enough rice to put on all the squares.,won,realized,Task II,要点学习。阅读下面关于课本中原句的讲解,并领会其知识要点。1.A long time ago,there was a king in India.(P19)要点 在英语中,我们常用 A long time ago,there was a.(很久以前,有一个/位)这样的句式用于讲故事的开头;也可用Once upon a time,there was a.(从前,有一个/位)等句式。,例如:Once upon a time,there was a poor old fisherman.从前有一位贫穷的老渔夫。随身练 翻译句子。很久以前,有一位名叫汉斯的老实人。_ an honest man called Hans.,Along time ago there was,2.One day,a wise old man came to the palaceand the king challenged him to a game.(P19)要点 challenge意为“向挑战”,其后通常跟人作宾语。challenge sb.to 是常用结构,意思是“向某人挑战”,例如:Their school challenged ours to a football match.他们学校向我们学校挑战,要进行足球比赛。随身练 翻译句子。我想向他挑战,要跟他下一盘棋。I want to _ him _ a game of chess.,challenge,to,3.Wouldnt you like gold or silver instead?(P19)要点 1)or为并列连词,用于连接同等成分的词、短语等。or表示选择,意为“或者,还是”,用于肯定句或选择疑问句中。or也用于否定句中,表示“和,与”(注意and用于肯定句中)。,例如:You can go by air or by train.你可以坐飞机去,也可以坐火车去。There isnt any air or water on the moon.月球上既没有空气也没有水。,2)instead 为副词,意思是“代替、顶替”。instead常位于句末,用于两个各自独立的句子或并列句的后一句中,也可用于带有状语从句的主句中。例如:Mr Black was ill,so she was taking hisclass instead.布莱克先生生病了,因此她在代他的课。,If you cant go,I will go instead.如果你不能去,我替你去。instead也可位于句首,连接上下句。通常是上句含有否定的意义,然后用instead引出下句,提出相反的情况。这时instead常意为“而是”、“相反”。,例如:He didnt go to the park.Instead he went to the zoo.他没去公园,而是去了动物园。随身练改错。The baby is too young.He cant speak and walk._,and改为or,疑难解析。疑难在I can see nothing but an empty field.这个句子中,nothing but该如何理解?解析 nothing but意为“只是、只不过”,相当于 only,后跟名词短语。,Task II,例如:There is nothing but a card in the box.盒子里面只有一张卡片。nothing but 也可用于 want,like,decide,hope 等可跟动词不定式的动词后面。例如:I want nothing but to speak to you allthese days.这些天来我只想和你说说话。,Task I,TaskI 请把英语和汉语对应起来。1.play chess a.一年到头2.and so on b.很久以前3.win the game c.从那以后4.follow ones advice d.赚钱5.make money e.赢得比赛6.from then on f.等等7.a long time ago g.接受某人的建议8.all year round h.下国际象棋,Task II,根据句意及所给提示,用适当的单词填空。1.Look,the _(数额)of your bill is more than 300 dollars.2.Some people didnt _(认识到)the importance of protecting trees.3.The production of our factory _(加 倍)last year.,amount,realize,doubled,4.He took part in a television quiz and won a p_.5.Two apples will be enough for Grandpa;the r_ are for you.6.Tony doesnt study at all.I_,he plays tennis all day.7.I will be very happy if he _(agree)with me.,rize,est,nstead,agrees,8.She promised _(call)back at seven in the evening.9.Its raining hard outside.Close the window_(quick).10.There were three questions.The first two were very easy,but the_(three)one was difficult.,to call,quickly,third,Task III,从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案。()1.David is a wise boy.He is good at all his subjects.A.kind B.polite C.clever D.helpful()2.Look,there is nothing but an old table in this room.A.over B.only C.about D.with,()3.What are your hobbies?I like reading and playing _ chess.A.a B.an C.the D./()4.If Simon is not well enough to visit the museum with you,take me _.A.instead B.even C.too D.either,()5._ is 10 minus 10?Its an easy calculation.Its _.A.What;no B.How many;nothing C.What;nothing D.How many;no,()6.I hear the famous singer Sun Nan maycome to Shenzhen next month.Really?_ he comes,my younger sister will be very excited.A.If B.Until C.So D.Before,()7.I wont have time _ shopping with you this afternoon.But you _ me yesterday.A.to go;ordered B.going;promised C.to go;promised D.went;knew,()8.I dont like singing _dancing.What about you?I dont like dancing,_ I like singing.A.and;and B.and;but C.or;and D.or;but,根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1.你能教我如何赚更多的钱吗?Can you teach me how _?2.她以做家务、看电视等等度过一天。She spends her day doing housework,watching TV,_.,to make more money,and so on,Task III,3.上尉命令士兵停下来休息一下。The captain ordered the soldiers _ to have a rest.4.从那以后,那个孩子再也不懒了。_,the child was not lazy_.,to stop,From then on,any more,5.三十多年前,深圳只不过是一个无名的小村庄。More than 30 years ago,Shenzhen was_ an unknown small village.,nothing but,一.词汇,A.根据句意和所给首字母写出所缺单词。1.Youd better c_ your answersbefore handing in your paper.2.Tom is good at playing tennis while hisyounger brother isgood at playing c_.,heck,hess,基础训练,3.I dont want to have pork tonight.Can we have fish i_,Mom?4.Peter is a w_ man.He is very successful in his business.5.G_ is much more valuable than silver.,nstead,ise,old,6.Tom,these candies are for you,and the r_ are for your brother.7.He won first p_at the speech competition.His parents were proud of him.8.Though Yang Yang is only one year old,he can count the n_ from one to ten.9.1 kilogram means 1,000 g_.,est,rize,umbers,rams,1.He didnt _(realization)his mis-take until I told him about it.2._(Indian)is one ofAsian countries.,India,realize,B.根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。,1.I can _(答应)you to go there withyou after work.2.He _(挑战)his teacher to play table tennis.,challenged,promise,C.根据句意和所给出的中文提示写出所缺单词。,3.We hope to _(加倍)the price this year.4.She put away the pieces on the _(棋盘).5.Two hundred yuan is a large _(数额)for me.,double,chessboard,amount,二、根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的短语填空,并注意其形式。a bag of,the rest of,look at,follow one s advice,from then on,all year round,1.There are beautiful flowers in Shenzhen _.2.Thank you very much!I will _.It is helpful to me.3.My grandmother lived in Guangzhou for only ten years.She spent _ her life in the countryside.,all year round,follow your advice,the rest of,4._ the tree.Can you see the bird in it?5._,he studied harder than before.6.I want _ rice and some sugar,please.,Look at,From then on,a bag of,三、根据中文意思完成句子,1.很久以前,这里有间学校。_ _ _ _,there was a school.2.你能用这些木材做一张桌子吗?Can you _ the wood _ a desk?,A,long,time,ago,use,to,make,3.夏天有很多种好吃的水果,西瓜、桃子、樱桃等等。There are many kinds of tasty fruit insummer,watermelons,peaches,cherries,_ _ _.4.他们向我们挑战来场足球比赛。They _ _ _ a football match.,and,so,challenged,us,on,to,特别鸣谢:辛勤工作在一线上的全体老师!祝同学们学习进步!英语周报 2013年9月,


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