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    选修 6,Unit 3 A healthy life,Part A模仿朗读,Part B角色扮演,角色:James and Grandad情景:James想戒烟,他向爷爷询问有关戒烟的事情。任务:请你扮演James,根据中文提示提出问题,请你的同桌扮演Grandad,根据课文内容回答你的提问。1你年轻时吸过烟吗?_,2.你是怎样吸烟成瘾的?_3戒烟困难吗?_ 4.我怎样才可以戒烟成功呢?,答案:1Q:Did you smoke when you were young?A:Yes.I used to be a heavy smoker.2Q:How did you become addicted to smoking?A:At the beginning,I was physically addicted to nicotine.If I didnt smoke for a while,I felt bad-tempered and sometimes,答案:even in pain.Then I began to smoke automatically.At last,I became mentally addicted.I believed I felt happier and more relaxed after having a cigarette.3.Q:Was it difficult for you to stop smoking?A:Yes.It was very difficult to quit.But I did finally manage.4.Q:How can I quit smoking?A:There are something you should keep in mind.You should know the benefits you will get from stopping smoking.Choose a suitable date to quit.But the most important is that you should be determined.Always remind yourself that you are a nonsmoker.Never give up trying.You will succeed eventually.,Part C故事复述,答案:James grandfather wrote a letter to tell James that he used to be a heavy smoker when he was young.As he was addicted to nicotine,he believed he felt happier and more relaxed after having a cigarette.Later her girl friend said he smelt terrible and he was taken out off the school football team because he was unfit.So he decided to quit smoking.It was difficult,but he did finally manage.In his letter,he told James the bad effect of smoking and encouraged him to stop smoking.,请结合上述问题答案,用自己的话复述课文。提示词:be addicted to nicotine,unfit,quit smoking,.写出下列必考单词 1.青少年,青春期n._2香烟n._3精神上的,智力上的adj._4畸形的,异常的adj._5结果,效力n._6局促不安的,笨拙的adj._7酒,酒精n._8女性n._,9怀孕的adj._10性,性别n._11滥用,虐待v._12取缔,禁止 v.&n_13停止,离开v._14偏见,成见n._,答案:1adolescent2.cigarette3.mental4.abnormal5.effect6.awkward 7alcohol8.female9.pregnant10sex 11.abuse12.ban13.quit14.prejudice,.写出下列单词的变化形式1压力,紧张 n_;紧张的 adj._;产生压力地,紧张地adv._2入了迷的,上了瘾的 adj._;上瘾,沉溺n._;使人上瘾的adj._;瘾君子,有瘾的人n._3自动的,无意识的 adj._;自动化 n._;自动地,无意识地adv._4放松,松弛n._;使放松 v._;轻松的adj._;使人放松的adj._,5强壮的 adj._;力量,力气n._;加强,巩固adj._6气喘吁吁的adj._;气息,呼吸n._;喘气,呼吸v._7耻辱,羞耻 n_;令人羞愧的adj._;感到惭愧或羞耻的adj._8绝望的;拼命的adj._;绝望地;拼命地adv._9使失望v._;失望的,沮丧的adj._;失望n._10合法的adj._;非法的adj._,答案:1stress;stressful;stressfully 2addicted;addiction;addictive;addict 3automatic;automation;automatically 4relaxation;relax;relaxed;relaxing 5strong;strength;strengthen 6breathless;breath;breathe 7shame;shameful;ashamed 8desperate;desperately 9disappoint;disappointing;disappointment 10legal;illegal,活学活用用所给单词的适当形式完成句子1Long-term _situations can produce a lasting,low-level _thats hard on people.(stress)2His experience in the Vietnam War caused him much_suffering.In fact,more than half of the soldiers were seriously _ ill because of the war.(mental)3An _cooker can cook your rice _.(automation)4Nowadays lots of children are _ to computer games,which is incredibly _as powerful as heroin.(addict),5You should learn to _ yourself and a knowledge of _techniques will make you feel _.(relax)6The man in the river _ tried to reach the side.The situation was _ but not hopeless.7It is _ of you to sell cigarettes to teenagers.(legal),答案:1stressful;stress 2mental;mentally3automatic;automatically 4addicted;addictive5relax;relaxation;relaxed 6desperately;desperate7illegal,.翻译下列必背短语1对有瘾,入迷_ 2习惯于_3对作出决定_ 4不顾,尽管_5想要做_ 6冒险_7处于危险之中_ 8陷入,染上(坏习惯)_9由于_ 10对感到羞愧_,答案:1be addicted to2.be accustomed to3.decide on4.in spite of 5.feel like(doing)6.take risks/a risk7.at risk 8get into 9.due to 10.be ashamed of,活学活用根据括号中的解释,从“必背短语”中找出恰当的短语完成下列句子1I think my long and active life must be _ the healthy life I live.2Many middle school students begin to smoke and they _(be excessive physical or psychological dependence on)cigarettes easily.3It is not easy for todays only-child to _(get used to)the new life without parents company.,4_(despite)the heavy rain,we keep on playing football on the ground.5Do you _(to want sth.or want to do sth.)going for a swim this afternoon?6A good pilot never _(to do sth.unpleasant or dangerous)when he is flying in the sky.7Those kids are always _(to become involved in a bad situation)trouble.8The student _(feeling guilty or embarrassed)his behavior to his teacher last night.,答案:1.due to2.are addicted to3be/get/become accustomed to4In spite of5.feel like6takes risks7.getting into8was ashamed of,.重点句型I knew it was time to quit smoking(P18)我知道是我该戒烟的时候了。句型:It is time.的句型常有以下几种延伸:aIt is time(for sb.)to do sth.该是(某人)做某事的时候了。如:It is time for us to have class.该是我们上课的时候了。,bIt is(high/about)time that sb.did/should do sth.It is high time that we told him the bad news.该是我们告诉他这个坏消息的时候了。模仿造句(1)他的演讲结束了,他该走了。His speech is over;it is time _ be off.(2)现在,我认为你该睡觉了。_,答案:(1)for him to(2)Now,I think its time that you went to bed/for you to go to bed.,.语篇领悟根据课文 Advice From Grandad完成下列短文 Its easy for you to start smoking,but _1_ you become addicted to it,you may find it _2_ for you to quit.Firstly,you may become _3_(physical)addicted to nicotine,one of the hundreds of harmful chemicals that consist in cigarettes._4_,you may develop the habit of smoking and finally become mentally addicted to it.You may believe that you will only feel good when you smoke and may find all kinds of negative emotions in you when you stop smoking.,Smoking may have all kinds of harmful effects on the health of both the smokers themselves and nonsmokers around them._5_ not only affects your physical fitness,but also does harm _6_your heart and lungs and causes a variety of diseases.Being a smoker,the offensive smell and appearance of you may drive people around you away.So,its important _7_ one quit smoking and live a healthier life.To quit smoking,you should be well-prepared and make _8_ list of all the benefits you may get after quitting.Developing some new habits like listening to music,reading,novels or _9_(do)housework may distract your attention _10_ help you to forget your need for a cigarette.But if you really feel bad,you should consult a doctor or chemist to get some professional help.Remember,if you keep trying,you will eventually succeed.,答案:1.Once 2.difficult/hard 3.physically 4.Secondly 5.It 6.to 7.that 8.a9.doing 10.and,.考点活用 用本单元所学词组、句型翻译下列短文 汤姆是一家公司的首席执行官,他总是努力把工作做好,以至于不能自我放松。有一次,禁不住一个坏人的诱惑,他冒险吸食禁用的毒品,当然,依靠毒品不是什么好事,因为他很快发现通过注射毒品自己已经上瘾了,这影响他的生活,也伤害了身体。幸运的是,总裁听说汤姆滥用毒品,他叫汤姆戒毒。而汤姆也知道是增强体质与意志力的时候了。,答案:Tom,the CEO of his company,always tried to do his work well so that he could not relax himself.One day,he couldnt help being tempted by a bad guy and took a risktaking the banned drugs.Of course,resorting to drugs wasnt a good idea because he soon found he was addicted to drugs by injecting,which affected his life and weakened his health.Fortunately for him,his president heard of his abusing drugs and asked him to quit.Now Tom knew it was time to strengthen himself,both in mind and in physical health.,1.I think my long and active life must be due to the healthy life I live(P18)我想我之所以长寿而且精力充沛,要归功于我的健康生活。词语归纳due to归因于,归功于(一般用作表语)eg.The accident is due to his careless driving.那意外事故归因于你驾驶不小心。,词语辨析because of;due to;owing to;thanks to;on account of because of 是介词短语,意思是“由于”,较口语化,使用范围最广。due to 往往强调直接原因。习惯上不位于句首。owing to 是介词短语,意思是“因为”,较正式,与due to 意思相同,但常位于句首。thanks to 是介词短语,意思是“幸亏,由于”,带有一种感激的意味。on account of 较because of 更为正式。,即学即练用because of,due to,owing to,thanks to与on account of填空(1)He didnt come _ the heavy rain.(2)The trouble was _ his bad behavior.(3)_bad weather,all the planes were late.(4)_your help,we accomplished the task ahead of time.(5)He didnt turn up _ his busy work.,答案:(1)because of/on account of(2)due to(3)Owing to(4)Thanks to(5)on account of/because of,2You see,during adolescence I also smoked and became addicted to cigarettes.(P18)你知道,我十来岁的时候也吸过烟并很快就上瘾了。be addicted to sth./doing sth.沉溺于某物;对某事入迷,探究学习注意下列句中,addicted的意思及搭配The parents felt helpless when they found their only son addicted to gambling.那对父母在发现他们的独生子赌博成瘾时感到很无助。Most teenage boys are addicted to playing football.大部分青少年都对踢足球很入迷,即学即练用上述短语翻译下列小片段 他爸爸沉溺于赌博,他妈妈看电视入迷,而他整天玩电脑游戏上瘾。这样的家庭怎么能培养出对社会有用的人呢?,答案:His father is addicted to gambling and his mother is addicted to television,while he himself is addicted to playing computer games all day long.How can such a family raise a useful person to society?,3I knew it was time to quit smoking.(P18)我知道是我该戒烟的时候了。词语归纳quit(quit,quit,quitting)v后接名词或动词ing形式,“停止做”或“辞职”We had to quit the party in order to get home before ten.为了十点前回到家里,我们不得不停止了晚会。Quit muttering,please.请不要嘀嘀咕咕。,4Decide on a day to quit.(P19)确定一个开始戒烟的日子。词语归纳decide on/upon 决定,确定;选定decide against 决定反对make a decision 作出决定,即学即练选用上述短语填空(1)Lets put our heads together and _ a plan of action.,(2)Weve _ having a big family gathering this Christmas because our house is rather small.(3)The two sides_ the establishment of diplomatic relations so that they could develop their economy and trade better.(4)Its hard _ where to work when you have two good opportunities.,答案:(1)decide on(2)decided against(3)have decided on(4)to make a decision,5If you weaken and have a cigarette,dont be ashamed.(P19)如果你因意志薄弱而又抽烟了,也不要觉得难为情。词语归纳shame n遗憾的事,可耻的事shameful adj.可耻的shameless adj.不知羞耻的be ashamed to do.以干为耻be ashamed of.为而害羞,即学即练选用上述词语或短语填空(1)What a _ it is to miss such a good chance.(2)A _ act is one of which you ought to _ of.(3)He often told big lies.So he was a _ liar.(4)Im _to have mentioned it;please forgive me.,答案:(1)shame(2)shameful,be ashamed(3)shameless(4)ashamed,6Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette,remind yourself that you are a nonsmoker(P19)每当你想要抽烟的时候,你就提醒你自己:你已经是不抽烟的人了。,词语辨析 feel like;would likefeel like+sth./doing sth.想要某事或做某事,后面不能跟不定式;would like 后要跟不定式。,即学即练用feel like与would like填空(1)I _having a drink(2)I _to go home this weekend.(3)I _ a cup of coffee rather than a cup of tea.,答案:(1)feel like(2)would like(3)would like,7In spite of her wounded leg,she managed to get up the stairs.(P20)尽管她腿受伤了,她还是设法上楼梯。词语归纳in spite of尽管,无视,后接名词。She cant see very well in spite of her glasses.尽管戴着眼镜她还是不能看得很清楚。,词语辨析although/though;in spite of although和though是从属连词,后接从句;in spite of 是介词短语,其后只能跟名词性的词或词组。,即学即练用although/though 与in spite of填空(1)_she smiled,she was unhappy in fact.(2)We are living happily _our poverty.(3)_ the bad weather,they still decided to go out.,答案:(1)Although/Though(2)in spite of(3)In spite of,8What they dont realize is that they will get into the habit and eventually become addicted.(P21)他们没有意识到的是,他们会养成习惯并最终上瘾。词语归纳get into the habit of 养成习惯fall into the habit of养成习惯 form the habit of养成习惯 get into trouble惹上麻烦get into debt负债累累get into deep water陷于困境get into ones head有某种看法,即学即练选用上述词语或短语填空(1)Youll _all kinds of _if you make a faulty report to the police.(2)At some time or another during our lives most of us will overspend and _.(3)I think were _ here talking about gender issues.,(4)Its easy _ smoking,but difficult to stop.(5)The idea _ that he should get married and settle down.(6)The girl_ playing with her hair while reading.,答案:(1)get into;trouble(2)get into debt(3)getting into deep water(4)to get into the habit of(5)got into his head(6)has got into the habit of,9at risk处境危险,遭受风险 词语归纳take risks冒险take a risk冒险risk doing sth.冒风险,即学即练,完成下列句子(1)He saved my life_.(冒着生命危险)(2)He was ready for _.(一切风险)(3)They risked _.(失去工作)(4)By criticizing her boss,she _.(冒失去职位之险),答案:(1)at the risk of losing his own(2)any risks(3)losing their jobs(4)risked losing her position,如何介绍活动写作指导 介绍一次活动实际上是写一篇记叙文,因此,同学们要将活动的时间、地点、内容、目的、意义、参与者、活动效果等交待清楚。介绍活动内容常用的词有:activity,match,meeting,competition,the English Corner,concert,the sports meet,discussion,debate,opening/closing ceremony,lecture等。表达参与某项活动常用的词组有:attend a lecture,go hiking/climbing/swimming,compete with sb.for sth.,enter for a competition,try out for sth.,take part in sth.。,介绍活动效果时常可用到下列词组:play an important part in,improve ones ability to do sth.,enrich ones life,enable sb.to do sth.,show ones talent for.等。,活动特点常用meaningful,interesting,instructive,exciting,challenging,wonderful等词来表达。,活学活用(2010年广州调研)为迎接2010年广州亚运会,广州市举办了一场英语才艺展示活动(English talent show)。以下是活动的海报:,写作内容假设你参加了此次活动,请你用英语写一篇短文,回顾本次活动的点滴。内容包括:1活动的情况介绍;2你所参加的活动内容:短剧表演,担任主角;3你的感受:写作要求只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。评分标准句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。,答案:I participated in a fantastic English talent show in Peoples Park on Dec.25,2009.Middle school students from all over Guangzhou performed all kinds of programs,like English songs,English short plays and English stories.The purpose of this show is to encourage students to introduce Guangzhou and the 2010 Asian Games in English and to arouse students interest in English as well.I was very excited because I was the leading actor/actress in an English short play at the show.Though I was a little bit nervous at the beginning,later on I felt relaxed and the performance was a great success.,祝,您,学业有成,


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