Content,The definition,The clause of delivery&shipment,1,2,Modes of transportation,3,1.The definition,The delivery of the goods means that the seller delivers the contract goods at the agreed time,place and in the agreed manners to the buyer.In international sales of goods,the delivery also means to transfer the necessary documents at the stipulated time to the buyer.,Delivery vs.shipment,with different denotationsThe transport and arrival of the purchased goods at a designated destination-delivery the loading of the goods on board a carrier-shipmentInterchangeable:FOB,CIF,CFR&FCA,CIP,CPTDifferential:Ex works,Ex factory,etc.,A delivery clause in a contract,Time of Shipment:To be effected not later than March 31st,2007,allowing partial shipment and transshipment.Port of Shipment:Any Port of China Port of Destination:New York,Whats the content of a delivery clause?,2.The clause of delivery&shipment,Time of shipment,Port/Place of shipment&destination,Partial shipment,Transshipment,Demurrage&Dispatch,Time of shipmentrefers to the time limit during which the seller shall deliver the goods to the buyer at the agreed place by the agreed methods.Ways of stipulating time of shipmentStipulate the definite time of delivery-Stipulate a fixed time Stipulate a period of fixed time,the seller can arrange shipment during whichever date Stipulate shipment within days after receipt of the letter of creditStipulate the goods shall be shipped in the near future/about,Attention should be also paid to the wording,Case study,某公司出口一批货物,合同规定4月份装船,3月20日接到信用证,证上规定:“Shipment after April 10th till 30th”。该公司于4月7日装船,取得4月10日的提单,结果到银行议付时遭到退单。为什么?UCP500中对“after”应理解为不包括所提及的日期。因此,4月10日的提单就与信用证上的规定不符,所以不能议付。若受益人手上的提单日期为4月11日,则不存在此问题。,Port/Place of shipmentUsually one,two or more also applicableGeneral clause(not determined)-like“China ports”Principles for choosing of the port of shipmentPort/Place of destinationUsually one,two or more also applicablePrinciple for determining the port/place of destination,Case study,有一加拿大商人欲以每公吨800加元CIF魁北克(800$/MT CIF Quebec)购我某商品。12月装船,即期信用证付款。问此条件应如何考虑并答复为佳?魁北克在加拿大的东岸,属于季节封冻港口,对12月装船实难接受,且魁北克为加拿大的OCP地区,故我最好的办法是让对方改报CIF温哥华OCP,然后在视其反应如何而定。OCP条款陆上运输通常可到达的地点。OCP地区是以落基山脉为界,其以东地区均定为内陆地区范围。从远东地区向美国OCP地区出口货物,如按OCP条款达成交易,出口上可以享受较低的OCP海运优惠费率,进口商在内陆运输中也可以享受OCP优惠费率。,Partial shipmentA large amount of goods involved in one transaction shipped in several lots by several carriers onto different means of conveyanceShipment should be effected within Jan/Feb/Mar 2003 in three lots.TransshipmentRefer to either change of means of transport or change of vessels during the carriage from the place of dispatch to the final place of destination,Case study,我某食品进出口公司向意大利出口3000公吨冷冻食品,合同规定2000年47月份交货,即期信用证支付。来证规定:Shipment during April/July,April Shipment 800M/T,May Shipment 800M/T,June Shipment 800M/T,July Shipment 600M/T。我公司实际出口情况是:4、5月份交货正常,并顺利结汇,6月份因船期延误,拖延到7月12日才实际装运出口。7月15日我方在同轮又装了600M/T,付款行收到单据后来电表示拒绝支付这两批货的款项,问:我方有何失误?付款行拒付有何依据?,Demurrage and dispatch 滞期费是指在规定的装卸期限内,租船人未完成装卸作业,给船方造成经济损失,租船人对超过的时间应向船方支付一定的罚金速遣费是指在规定的装卸期限内,租船人提前完成装卸作业,使船方节省了船舶在港的费用开支,船方应向租船人就可节省的时间支付的一定的奖金。,3.Modes of transport,Sea transport/ocean transportAir transportContainer transportInternational multi-modal transportOther modes of transport,a)Sea transport/ocean transport,A most widely used(90%)and cheap mode of transport for delivering large quantities of goods over long distances Subject to bad weather,social risks,and low speed,Liner transport 班轮运输,charter transport租船运输,1)Liner transport,Featuresfixed sailing schedule,stability of freight rates,fixed itinerary of ports,and regularity of service(四固定)the carrier responsible for the loading and unloadingCalculation of liner freight ratesLiners freight tariff(班轮运价表)货物分级表(一般20个等级)、各航线费率表、附加费率表、冷藏或及活牲畜费率表等basic freight+additional fees,Methods to calculate basic freight,Additional fees,Case study,广东A公司与法国B公司签订某商品出口合同。商品总重10公吨,400箱装,每箱毛重25公斤,体积20厘米X30厘米X40厘米,单价CFR马赛(Marseille)每箱55美元。查表知该商品为8级,计费标准为W/M,每吨运费80美元,领征收转船附加费20%,燃油附加费10%.试计算应收总运费。W/M=0.025/0.0241,因此以重量计算总运费=10 x80(1+30%)=1040,Case study,我国口岸某公司货物共5000箱,对外报价为每箱USD275,CFR Copenhagen。几天后,国外商人要求将价格改报为FOB上海。已知该批货物每箱的体积为45cmx35cmx25cm,毛重为40千克,净重36千克,商品计费标准为W/M,基本运费为每吨100美元,到Copenhagen港需加燃油附加费20%,货币附加费10%,港口拥挤附加费20%。试求FOB上海价为多少?W/M=0.04/0.0391,因此以重量计算每箱运费=0.04x100(1+50%)=6FOB=CFR-运费=275-6=269USD,2)Shipping by chartering(租船运输),Featuresno fixed itinerary or schedule and operated on any route according to supply and demandSub-categoryvoyage charter(定程租船)time charter(定期租船)demise charter(光船租船)Freight rateRate freight(规定运费率)Lump-sum freight(整船包价)Fluctuate with market conditions of supply and demand,Marine bills of lading(海运提单),The definitionA receipt for goods shipped on board a ship,signed by the person(or his agent)who contracts to carry them,and stating the terms on which the goods are delivered to and received by the ship.Functions Receipt for the goods 货物收据Documents of title 物权凭证Evidence of the contract carriage 运输契约的证明Evidence of the terms of the contract of affreightment,not the contract itself,The movement of the B/L,b.Air transport,One of the modern forms of transport,The types of air transport1.Scheduled airliner 班机运输 2.Charted carrier包机运输3.Consolidation集中托运 4.Air express急件运送The air cargo agentSimilar to the shipping agent,but gets commission from the airline 中国对外贸易运输总公司既是中国民航的代理,The air waybill(non-negotiable)A contract for transportation between a carrier and a shipper(or an agent for a shipper)A receipt and delivery of the shipmentsUsed for bill calculation,custom declaration and specific information on handling the shipmentThe identification of each consignment(AWB number),Air cargo charges and rateFrom the airport of delivery to the airport of destinationTypes,c.Container transport,from 70s/far more efficient/suitable for sea transport,rail transport and multi-mode transportDimensionsIC:8 x 8 x 20/IA:8 x 8 x 40Container TypesDry cargo container/refrigerated container/open top container/tanker container/flat rack container,Types of Movement of cargo in containerFull container load(FCL)container yard(CY)Less than container load(LCL)container freight station(CFS)Door to door service lorries and railway carsDescription of cargo in bill of ladingFull details of the cargoDescription of cargo and number of packages contained(FCL&LCL),d.International multi-modal transport,The definitionA transport system usually operated by a carrier with more than one mode of transport under the control or ownership of one operatorTypes1.Sea-air 2.Air-road 3.Rail-road-inland waterways-sea-rail-road-inland waterways 4.Mini-bridge 5.Land bridge 6.Piggyback 7.Sea trainMulti-modal transport documentNegotiable/non-negotiableContents(see the sample),Other modes of transport,Rail and road transport,Pipelines transport,Postal transport,