无规矩不成方圆,How to Write a Scientific Paper,何为规、矩?如何成方圆?,管子形势解:“以规矩为方圜则成,以尺寸量长短则得。”,矩,规,Scientific Paper,Parts of a scientific paper,TitleAbstractIntroductionMethodsResultsDiscussionReference,规,Title(规 1),简明、确切,不要太长、太笼统英文题名可省去冠词和不定冠词不应列入非公知的符号、代号。,Abstract(规 2),内容:目的、方法、结果、结论长度:100150字英文摘要非常关键内容格式语句时态用词准确性,Introduction(规 3),The purpose of this part is to introduce the paper.要吸引读者注意1)clearly definition of the problem2)literature review and choice of method 3)principle results and conclusions.此外,引言的一个重要作用就是定义、解释一些专有名词,并写出缩写。,Methods(规 4),1)detailed description of the used methods.采用的方法的详细描述2)why to use this method?3)Measurements and analysis4)references,Results(规 5),1)关于试验的整体描述,但不要重复前面的细节信息 Example:It is clearly show in table 1 that the STLSC algorithm produced much smaller areal difference than other methods.The STLSC algorithm produced much smaller areal difference than other methods(Table 1)2)present the data3)要求简洁,但要指代清楚.,Discussion(规 6),1)写结果所表现出的一般化原理、关系,注意是讨论而不是概括2)不足之处,没有考虑的问题,不要遮掩,不要夸大3)与相关其他研究的对比4)理论、实际应用价值5)清晰的重申结论,并总结每一条结论的依据。Discussion与Introduction是对应的关系,discussion answers what the introduction asked.,Reference(规7),引用文献中书刊的层次、数量、出版年份要仔细挑选核实,因为它可反映论文的学术水平和创新程度应遵循GB 7714-87文后参考文献著录规则和中国学术期刊(光盘版)检索与评价数据规范,何为规、矩?如何成方圆?,管子形势解:“以规矩为方圜则成,以尺寸量长短则得。”,矩,规,Scientific Paper,英文写作的“矩”,时态语态常见的用词及句法错误,Tense in scientific writing(矩1.1),Past tense:Abstract;Materials and Methods;ResultsPresent tense:Introduction and part of Discussion.,Tense in scientific writing(矩1.2),Whenever you state previously published knowledge or findings,ethics requires you to treat the work with respect.You do this by using present tense.You would do this as you would say The earth is round.Your own present work must be referred to in the past tense.,语态(矩2),Active versus passive voiceActive voice:“I”,”We”Passive voice:“it was found/proved that”尽量少用被动语态Example:“the authors found”instead of”it was found”Exception:Methods part,常见的用词和句法错误(矩3),Each/everyExample 1)If I had a dollar for every mistake I have made,how much would I have?The answer is one dollar.2)If I had a dollar for each mistake I have made,how much would I have?I would be a millionaire.,常见的用词和句法错误(矩3),It This common,useful pronoun can cause a problem if an antecedent is not clear.e.g.“Free information about VD.To get it,call 555-7000.”Only.It must be placed correctly.“I(only)hit(only)him(only)in the eye(only)yesterday.”Quite.尽量不用Varying.Means“changing”!=various,常见的用词和句法错误(矩3),Which/thatThe word which is properly used in a nonrestrictive sense.”that”introduces an essential clause.While.When a time relationship exists,while is correct;other wise,whereas woud be better choice.”Nero fiddled while Rome burned”is fine.“Nero fiddled while we wrote a paper about TLS”is not.,常见的用词和句法错误(矩3),Like.Often used incorrectly as a conjunction.Should be used only as a preposition.When a conjunction is needed,substitute“as”.“Like I just said”“As I just said”,常见的用词和句法错误(矩3)Euphemistic words and phrases,科学论文不同于写小说,不要用带感情色彩的词 Died-passed away-Subject Mortal consequences from,常见的用词和句法错误(矩3)Singular and plural forms,Incorrect-“data isData is a plural wordSingular-datum,常见的用词和句法错误(矩3)Noun problems,1)abstract nouns(抽象名词尽量不用)e.g.Transformation of the equations was achieved(Inappropriate)The equations were transfromed.2)nouns as adjectives e.g.My parents sent me to a child psychiatrist.除了固有的用法,不要用名词作定语;避免歧义,常见的用词和句法错误(矩3 end)Numbers,One digit numbers should be spelled out;mubers of two or more digits should be expressed as numerals.(一位数拼两位数写)Exception1):带标准单位的,用数字形式.Excepion 2):一句出现多个数字,要统一,Summary,TitleabstractIntroduction MethodsResultsDiscussion,英文的语法、用词、写作规范,ScientificPaper,有规有矩自成方圆,期末论文要求,提交:打印文档(15周 6.4日提交)个人提问(18周 6.25日提交),期末论文文档要求,