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    To Be Honest or Not To Be?,Cast(旁白)Honest Woodcutter(诚实的木匠)Greedy Woodcutter(贪婪的木匠)God of the Lake(河神),Scene 1 The Honest Woodcutter(One day,H and G were chopping(砍)firewood(柴火)together in the mountain.)H(诚实的木匠):See all this hard work weve been doing.Its really difficult for us to make a living.G(贪婪的木匠):Yes,I dont know how many days we have to keep doing the same thing.Chop,chop,and chop.(At that time,his axe accidentally dropped into the lake.)H:Oh,no.My axe!G:Its getting dark.Wed better find your axe quickly.H:Well,its O.K.You can go back first.If I cant find it today,I will find it tomorrow.,G:Hmm.O.K.,I will see you later(going home alone).H:Aack,I should have been more careful.Now how can I find my axe?God:I am God of the Lake.You seem to have a problem?What happened?H:I dropped my axe into the lake by accident.Can you help me find it?God:No problem.Its a piece of cake.Ill be right back(disappearing).God:Is this gold axe yours?H:No,its not.God:O.K.,just a second.How about this silver axe?Is it yours?H:No,its not mine,either.God:Then,this one?,H:Yes,its mine.Thank you so much.You really saved my day.God:Young man,you are such an honest person.Nowadays its hard to find people as honest as you.Therefore,Id like to give you both of these two axes,the gold one and the silver one,to award you for your honesty.H:Really?Arent you kidding?God:Of course not.We gods never lie.H:Oh,thank you so much.Today is really my lucky day.I promise Ill work even harder.I wont let you down.God:Thats good,young man.Good luck!,Scene 2 The Greedy Woodcutter(The following day,the greedy woodcutter went to the honest woodcutters home.)G:Hey,youve got these gold and sliver axes.Where did you get them?Did you buy them?Impossible!You are even poorer than I.Or did you pick them up somewhere?(so H told G what happened yesterday afternoon.)G:How nice.That was truly something incredible.Id like to try my luck this afternoon to see if I can also get the gold and sliver axes.(The greedy woodcutter could hardly wait till the afternoon because he wanted very much to get the gold and sliver axes.The afternoon finally came.),G:(Dropping his axe into the lake on purpose)Oh,my God!I lost my axe.Without my axe,how could I make a living?What should I do?What should I do(crying)?God:Young man,why are you crying here?G:I accidentally dropped my axe into the lake.God:Dont worry.Let me help you find it.Ill be right back.(Then,the God went down to the lake,and a moment later,he showed up with a gold ax.),God:Is this your axe?G:A gold axe(very excited and happy)?!Yes,yes!This is the axe I lost earlier.God:Young man(disappointed and shaking his head),it is important for you to be honest.I know you didnt tell me the truth.So,I wont help you.You just go.G:Why?!Why?!Why didnt I get the gold axe?It must be Jacks fault.He must be hiding something from me.Ill go talk to him tomorrow and see what hes going to say about this!,Scene 3 Having a Fight(The following day)H:What happened to your axe?Looks like you didnt get the gold and silver axes.G:(Holding the bad axe)Its all your fault.You cheated me!Because of you,I lost my axe,and now I have to use this old one.You have to get me a new one or youll be in big trouble.H:I dont think so.You are too greedy;thats why you lost your axe.You deserved it.G:What!?I dare you to say that again.H:You deserved it.,G:One more time!H:You deserved it.G:You brought this on yourself.(G pushed H and H tried to push him back.But H got caught.)H:Let me go!Let me go!G:O.K.There you go(pushing H into the lake).H:Help!Help!I dont wanna die.I will give you my gold and silver axes.G:Realy?but i have a better idear,your axes will also be mine after you die,haha.,H:You will be caught for this.God wont let you get away with this.(Thunder in the sky and big waves in the lake)G:O.K.,O.K.,(getting cold feet)Ill help you right away.Hang in there.(Looking for and finding a stick nearby)Hold on to it.(But the stick hit right on Hs head by accident.)H:Ah(going straight down into the lake)!G:I didnt mean it.I swear I didnt mean it.I was just trying to help him.(In the lakeH sank in coma,but showing a smiling face as if he had seen a lot of gold.)God:Isnt that the honest young man?Why are you here?,H:I missed you,so I jumped into the lake.God:Very cold!Its not funny!Speak the truth.H:O.K.!In fact,I was pushed into the lake by my friend.God:Do you wish me to punish him?H:No,thanks.After I dropped into the lake,he tried to help me,Ill forgive him.God:What a nice man you are.I almost want to give you a good person certificate.H:I really appreciate your kind words.God:Hes so lucky to have such a great friend.O.K.,Ill forgive him this time.,Scene 4 A Warm ReunionG:Jack,I didnt do it on purpose.Dont blame me.God,please bless him(worshiping)。(God of the Lake showed up.)God:Did you really not intend to hurt him?G:Of course not!Anyway,I was just very angry,but there was no evil intention,not at all.I swear(raising his hand).God:Then,what do you think of him?G:Although he was a little stubborn,he was honest and kind-hearted.He was a friend who was worth having.In fact,I miss him a lot.,H:I m glad you didnt let me down.I know you were not a bad person.You just lost your head because of your greed.G:Jack,is that really you?Oh,thank God!You didnt die.Thats great!God:Ha,ha,ha!This is really something that makes people happy.Since you two made up with each other,its time for me(waving his hand)One,two,three,sleep.(H and G fell asleep by the Lade.and then they know Honesty is the best policy.,谢 谢 观 看,高一13 靳小龙等,


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