Part 5,Letters of Invitation,Activities,P.d.f 1,邀请信(Letters of Invitation),对于别人的邀请,应该给予及时的,有礼貌的答复。如果你不能赴约,主人好另作安排。对于邀请信,在复信时应该明确地说明是接受还是不接受。在你的回信中不能使用模棱两可的话,应该明确地说明是去还是不去。The followings are letters of acceptance or refusal.Please read and try to understand them.,Sample 1(an informal letter of acceptance):,Dear Li Ming,Thank you for your invitation.I will be glad to take part in your birthday party on Saturday,the 9th of December at 800 p.m.I am looking forward to seeing you.Sincerely yours,Wang Ying,P.d.f 2,Sample 2(an informal letter of refusal):,Dear Li Ming,I sincerely appreciate your inviting me to take part in your birthday party.Unfortunately,I will have an important meeting on that day and regretfully I have to decline the invitation.Happy birthday to you!Sincerely yours,Wang Ying,Sample 3(formal):,Mr.and Mrs.Li,Accept Mr.and Mrs.Wangs kind invitation to dinner on Saturday,October 28th at six oclock p.m.,at Junwei Hotel.Sincerely yours,P.d.f 0,从上面的样例可以看出:对正式邀请,通常用第三人称答复,不用签名,文字简短;对非正式邀请,作书面答复时,通常用第一人称,要签名,而且要有一个较大段落,或分成几小段。表示应邀时,要对受到邀请表示高兴,包括:感谢对方的邀请;愉快地接受对方的邀请;表示期待应邀赴约的心情。在回信中要重复写上邀请信中的某些内容,如几月几日、星期几、几点钟等等,这样可以纠正你或者主人可能弄错了的日期和时间。,对于正式邀请的谢绝,一般用第三人称写,不必签字;对于非正式邀请的谢绝,一般用第一人称写,并要签名,其内容包括:首先感谢对方盛情邀请,并对不能应邀赴约表示遗憾;具体说明你不能践约的原因;最后表示相信今后一定会有机会见面,或向邀请人致以问候。,P.d.f 3,回复的格式与邀请信一致。如果是关系非常好的朋友,也可以通过电话表示接受或拒绝。常用句型:I would be very pleased(happy,delighted)to accept(come to).Thank you for your.Thank you for your invitation.but unfortunately.I am sorry but I simply cant come.,P5 acti.t,Activity 1,Activity 2,acti.t 1-1,Write a letter of acceptance according to the Chinese information given below,李明是你的好朋友,他请你参加他们于10月1日星期三11点18分在红玫瑰大酒店(Redrose Hotel)举行的婚礼,你写信表示接受。,Dear Li Ming,Thank you for your invitation.Congratulations!I will be delighted to take part in your wedding on Wednesday,the 1st of October at 11:18 a.m.I am looking forward to seeing you.Sincerely yours,acti.t 2-2,Write a letter of refusal according to the Chinese information given below,就Activity 1 的内容给李明写封信表示谢绝。理由是你和家人那天要在宏光饭店(Hong guang Restaurant)为你父亲庆祝生日。,Dear Li Ming,Thank you for your invitation.Congratulations on you!But I regret very much to tell you that I can t take part in your wedding on Wednesday,the 1st of October.Because my whole family will be celebrating my fathers birthday at Hongguang Restaurant at that time and I must be present.I send my best wishes to you and your wife.Sincerely yours,