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    Poetry in movies,Do not go gentle into that good night,Old age should burn and rave at close of day;Rage,rage against the dying of the light.不要温和地走进那个良夜,白昼将尽,暮年仍应燃烧咆哮;怒斥吧,怒斥光的消逝。,Though wise men at their end know dark is right,Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night.虽然在白昼尽头,智者自知该踏上夜途,因为言语未曾迸发出电光,他们 不要温和地走进那个良夜。,Good men,the last wave by,crying how bright Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,Rage,rage against the dying of the light.好人,当最后一浪过去,高呼着他们脆弱的善行 本来也许可以在绿湾上快意地舞蹈,所以,他们怒斥,怒斥光的消逝。,Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,And learn,too late,they grieved it on its way,Do not go gentle into that good night.狂人抓住稍纵即逝的阳光,为之歌唱,并意识到,太迟了,他们过去总为时光伤逝,不要温和地走进那个良夜。,Grave men,near death,who see with blinding sight Blind eyes could blaze like 4)meteors and be gay,Rage,rage against the dying of the light.严肃的人,在生命尽头,用模糊的双眼看到 失明的眼可以像流星般闪耀,欢欣雀跃,所以,他们怒斥,怒斥光的消逝。,And you,my father,there on the sad height,Curse,bless,me now with your fierce tears,I pray.Do not go gentle into that good night.Rage,rage against the dying of the light.而您,我的父亲,在生命那悲哀之极,我求您现在用您的热泪诅咒我,祝福我吧 不要温和地走进那个良夜。怒斥吧,怒斥光的消逝。,passion,power,pesante,love,rage,emotion,星际穿越,Interstellar:星际的Time-space-travel:时空穿越,nt go gentle in tote the good night,温柔地走进那个良夜.,In Brank professors deathbed,In the move it tells us“dont give up any hope,refused to bow to the reality,fighting against fate”,Dylan Thomas,A famous poet in Britain.Its the poem he wrote for his dying father,In the future,basic crops are wilting,and humanity is facing extinction for food shortages.Cooper,a retired astronaut,is sent to search a planet that can sustain life with other scientists.His daughter Murphy is left and helps Brand professor build space cities,but they cant figure out gravity equation,because a constant they need must be measured in black hode.,Gravity equation:引力方程Constant:常数Black hode:黑洞,In order to escape the black hole,Coopers shuttle separates from Amelias.,Cooper finally fell into the black hole,Thats what the movies show.,Cooper comes across a three-dimensional space built by higher civilizations,and sands the gravity constant to murphy.,这很电影。,In the end,murphy built the space cities and saved her father Cooper.,But I think,the end of earth will not be the end of us,the spirit of exploration is always our the great power for advance.,According torelativity,space travel can keep youth forever!,Relativity:相对论,When Cooper and Amelia near the black hole.,(corns),Because of environmental degradation,a lot of crops died from diseases.Many American scientists cant find out the causes.Because,plant protection植物保护,Captain,My Captain,O Captain!my Captain!our fearful trip is done,The ship has weatherd every rack,the prize we sought is won,The port is near,the bells I hear,the people all exulting,While follow eyes the steady keel,the vessel grim and daring;,啊,船长!我的船长!可怕的航程已完成;这船历尽风险,企求的目标已达成。港口在望,钟声响,人们在欢欣。千万双眼睛注视着船-平稳,勇敢,坚定。,Captain,My Captain,But O heart!heart!heart!O the bleeding drops of red,Where on the deck my Captain lies,Fallen cold and dead.,但是痛心啊!痛心!痛心!瞧一滴滴鲜红的血!甲板上躺着我的船长,他到下去,冰冷,永别。,O Captain!my Captain!rise up and hear the bells;Rise up-for you the flag is flung-for you the bugle trills,For you bouquets and ribbond wreaths-for you the shores crowding,For you they call,the swaying mass,their eager faces turning;Here Captain!dear father!The arm beneath your head!It is some dream that on the deck,Youve fallen cold and dead.,啊,船长!我的船长!起来吧,倾听钟声;起来吧,号角为您长鸣,旌旗为您高悬;迎着您,多少花束花圈-候着您,千万人蜂拥岸边;他们向您高呼,拥来挤去,仰起殷切的脸;啊,船长!亲爱的父亲!我的手臂托着您的头!莫非是一场梦:在甲板上 您到下去,冰冷,永别。,MyCaptaindoesnotanswer,hislipsarepaleandstill,Myfatherdoesnotfeelmyarm,hehasnopulseorwill;Theshipisanchordsafeandsound,itsvoyageclosed anddone;Fromfearfultripthevictorshipcomesinwithobjectwon;Exult,OShores!andring,Obell!ButI,withmournfultread,WalkthedeckmyCaptainlies,Fallencoldanddead.,我的船长不作声,嘴唇惨白,毫不动弹;我的父亲没感到我的手臂,没有脉搏,没有遗言;船舶抛锚停下,平安抵达;航程终了;历经艰险返航,夺得胜利目标。啊,岸上钟声齐鸣,啊,人们一片欢腾!但是,我在甲板上,在船长身旁,心悲切,步履沉重:因为他倒下去,冰冷,永别。,Captain,My Captain,Walt Whitman,grief,surge,dignity,What is the poetry?,We dont read and write poetry because its cute.We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race.And the human race is filled with passion.,我们读诗写诗,非为它的灵巧。我们读诗写诗,因为我们是人类的一员。而人类充满了热情。,And medicine,law,business,engineering,these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life.But poetry,beauty,romance,love,these are what we stay alive for.,医药,法律,商业,工程,这些都是高贵的理想,并且是维生的必需条件。但是诗,美,浪漫,爱,这些才是我们生存的原因。,The poetry from the movie:Dead poets society,Keatings traditional education methods brought vitality to school.In his class,he encouraged students to free minds,chase ideals,John Keating our Captain,captain,He was their inspiration.He made their lives extraordinary.from a film review,Had I the heavens embroidered cloths,Inwrought with golden and silver light,The blue and the dim and the dark cloths Of night and light and the half-light,I would spread the cloths under your feet:But I,being poor,have only my dreams;I have spread my dreams under your feet;Tread softly because you tread upon my dreams.,假若我有天神的绣袍,镶嵌着金光和银光,那些湛蓝、浅灰和深黑色的绣袍,闪烁着夜光、日光和霞光,我愿把它们全都铺在您的足下;但我身无分文只有梦想,我已经把梦想铺在您的足下,请轻轻踏着走,因为您踏着我的梦想。,Write byWilliam Butler Yeats,1865.6.131939.1.28,Irish poet,playwright,essayist,famous mystic,He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven 他祈求天神的袍服,The poetry from the movie Equilibrium,撕裂的末日,without feeling,without love,without anger,without sorrow,breath is just a clock ticking!没有感觉,没有了爱,没有愤怒,没有悲伤,呼吸只不过是摆动的时钟,In the future,the human being experienced the nuclear war.Some built a dictatorship.In order to control people,they kill peoples feelings.others against it,The most touching to me is that when the leading actors colleague is dying,he recites“I have spread my dreams under your feet;Tread softly because you tread upon my dreams.“,我已经把梦想铺在您的足下,请轻轻踏着走,因为您踏着我的梦想。,Ill love you,dear,Ill love youTill China and Africa meet,And the river jumps over the mountainAnd the salmon sing in the street,Ill love you till the oceanIs folded and hung up to dryAnd the seven stars go squawkingLike geese about the sky.The years shall run like rabbits,For in my arms I holdThe Flower of the Ages,And the first love of the world.,我爱你,亲爱的,我爱你,一直爱到中国与非洲相撞,爱到大河跳上了山顶。鲑鱼来到大街上歌唱。我爱你,直至海洋被关进栅栏,为了晒干而被人倒挂;直至七颗星星粗声喊叫,就像空中出现了鹅鸭。岁月将像兔子一样奔跑,因为我以自己的心坎,紧紧搂住时代的花朵以及大千世界的初恋。,As I Walked Out One Evening Wystan Hugh Auden,1907-1973,爱在黎明破晓前,Before sunrise,Tell a story about first love and felling in love at first sight.thats all,What is the true love?,Like it?,You jump,I jump!,What is the true love?,Like Roman Holiday?,Roman or romantic?,What is the true love?,The story about two men,Like this!?,What is the true love?,Like Lolita?,What is the true love?,Love in the Time of Cholera,Like this story?,End,thanks,If you want my pptSearch poetry in movies in 百度文库,


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