Team members:,As the economy of China develops rapidly,the Chinese residents income has expanded substantially.High-end consumers emerged rapidly and China is becoming a major player in the luxury goods consumption market.,The World Luxury Association predicted that,five years later,the amount of consumption in Chinas luxury goods market may top the luxury goods markets around the world.,In this presentation,we want to find out the consumption patterns of Chinas high-end consumers and the consumer behavior.,Preface,Contents,High-end consumers,Who are the high-end consumers?There always will be a segment that can afford the product or service no matter what the price is.The segment with high income,stable career life,can and wants to buy luxurious and healthy product.,High-end consumers,About 13%of the total population in China has ability to buy international brand-name products in 2010.And it will reach 250 million people in 2015.,research report of China Brand Strategy Association,2008,2015,17%,29%,High-end consumers,Chinas proportion in the total global luxury consumption,A Goldman Sachs report said that in 2008,the annual luxury goods consumption in China is about 17%of the total global consumption,and predicted in 2015,its annual growth rate will be approximately 10%,when the total amount of luxury goods in China expects to exceed 11.5 billion,rank first in worlds luxury consumption field,accounting for about 29%of the total global consumption.,Consumption characteristics,Quality and confidence,then showing off their wealth and gifts.,The domestic luxury market develops with international market synchronously.,The effect of public praise is more useful than the mass media.,Chinese consumers do not focus on luxury goods soft power.,Young people in the high-end consumers spend more rational,while the older are more impulsive.,Consumption characteristics,Showing off their wealth and luxury gifts is a major feature to the Chinese people,a lot of the media have guided the public to such direction.But the survey shows that the pursuit of high quality of life and self-confidence is the main motivation to buy luxury goods for the high-end consumers.Only a few people will buy the luxury goods to show off their wealth and gifts.,Showing off,Trends,While luxury goods is popular in China for a short time but within the wave of information technology and an increasingly flat world,Chinese consumers can touch the luxury trends timely.,Consumption characteristics,Consumption characteristics,Study found that the high-end consumers are totally different from ordinary consumers at one side.It is that the young consume extremely reasonable,and the elder are vulnerable to be lured by advertising and promotion.,Most wealth of the young people in the high-end consumers is the result of their struggle.They are more rational for the expenditure of wealth.,The old High-end consumers pay less than young people for their families.They are more willing to spend more and show their wealth to others.,Consumption characteristics,In addition to other fashion magazines and stores,a friends recommendation is the main channel to get information for high-end consumer.From a survey,nearly half of the respondents said that they got the relevant information from the mouth.This ratio exceeded television,radio and other mass media.,As a type of important luxury products,automobile is indispensable for the high-end consumers and it is also a key area of intensive competition for the auto-makers.,So,today,we take the automobiles consumption for example,first we will compare the figures between the own-brand and the imported automobiles.Then we will focus on BMW,Audi and Mercedes-Benz these three name-brand,for the purpose of illustrating the high-end consumers preferences,detailing their consuming patterns at last.,High-end Consumption in Auto Industry,High-end Consumption in Auto Industry,Own-brand Vehicles,From January to September in2010,own-brand vehicles were sold 3.0736 million,accounting for 31.47%of total car sales,whereas,it fell 0.73%when compared with the same period of time last year.,High-end Consumption in Auto Industry,Market Shares,While,it is also worth noting that Japan、German、America、Korea and French also have splendid performance.Accounting for 21.26%、19.92%、15.05%、8.41%and 3.90%of the total market share respectively in the first three quarters in 2010,which,of course,be loved by the high-end groups.,High-end Consumption in Auto Industry,Sales of domestic automobiles in the first three quarters in 2010,High-end Consumption in Auto Industry,Meanwhile,the consumers familiarity with these three brands are also ranked at the top,but the difference of referral rate between them is relatively small.,When we asked about the auto brand that the high-end consumers would first think of,BMW topped the list with 31.1%of answers,followed by Benz and then Audi.,High-end Consumption in Auto Industry,So,now,let us focus on the top three Sales Champion:Audi and Mercedes-Benz,High-end Consumption in Auto Industry,High-end Consumption in Auto Industry,Booming sales of Benz,Apart from the information conveyed in the left picture,it is still proved that the drastic sales growth in the past two years made china the largest market in the world.,High-end Consumption in Auto Industry,Prosperity of Audi sales,Until now,Audi have established 139 outlets in China,It is planned by its headquarters that by the year 2015,there would be far more than 200.,High-end Consumption in Auto Industry,Growth of the BMW sales,China,has become the worlds fourth largest market of Benz,it is now enjoying its booming time.we do believe that this trend will be certain to be continued with the“support”of the high-end.,Sales comparison from 2000-2010,Needless to say,our Chinese top-end group are the main force of this growth,undoubtedly,95%of the purchase are made by them.,Having scrutinized the picture in the left hand,it is true that they all shared the same upward trend during this period,though all suffered fluctuations.,High-end Consumption in Auto Industry,Patterns of High-end consumers,2.,Rational consumption,Aggressive consumption,Show off wealth,Consume as gifts,1.,3.,4.,Patterns among high-end consume,Patterns of High-end consumers,Rational consumption,Mainly posed by gold-collar workers,business owners and other groups.They are all featured with highly educated,high income.Purse:enjoyment,appreciation,collection Preferences:cars;watches;estate;traveling abroad;golf;horse riding,Patterns of High-end consumers,Aggressive consumption,Dominated by white-collar workers aged in 30,with not so much moneyLiving frugally,but a luxury is indispensable They are the main consumers of mass luxury and also the main readers of fashion publications.,Patterns of High-end consumers,Show off wealth,Mainly posed by rich wives and rich second generation,they are not creators of the wealth,but they have the right to command the wealth Frequent visitors of luxury storesThey often shopping abroad,and very generous,Patterns of High-end consumers,Consume as gifts,The buyers are mainly business people,and most is company.Separation of the consumer and the buyers is the biggest character of this type of consumer.According to the different objects presented,buyers would choose different luxury.Places high value on the quality of luxury,and cares little about the price.,Conclusion and advice,Conclusion 1.,Conclusion 2.,Conclusion 3.,Conclusion 4.,Auto products,fashionable goods and alcohol are the most favorite fields of high-end consumers in China.,Middle-aged people have more impulsion to buy luxury goods than young ones in China.,Giving gift and showing off are the most important motivation for high-end consumers in China.,High-end consumers pay more attention to the brands of the luxury goods in China.,Conclusion and advice,High-end consumers emerged rapidly and China will be very likely to be the top luxury goods consumption nation.,Conclusion 1.Auto products,fashionable goods and alcohol are the most favorite fields of high-end consumers in China.,Fashion consumer goods has been the favorite of high-end consumers,such as watches,leather goods,jewelry and so on.,The proportion of the consumption of auto products is the largest among high-end consumers.,Conclusion and advice,Most people think that brand is a symbol of status and personal taste.,Conclusion 2.High-end consumers pay more attention to the brands of the luxury goods in China.,Based on the case of auto products,the auto brand awareness is the most important factor.,Brand awareness is the most important factor no matter what the high-end groups buy.,Conclusion and advice,For middle-aged people,the channel which they get information is relatively narrow,so that they are vulnerable to the temptation of advertising and promotion.,Conclusion 3.Middle-aged people have more impulsion to buy luxury goods than young ones in China.,Older high-end consumers are more willing to show off their wealth to others than the young.,Conclusion and advice,Giving gifts is Chinese traditional custom.,Conclusion 4.Giving gift and showing off are the most important motivation for the high-end consumers in china.,Many high-end consumers think that the luxury is the symbol of the success,wealth and status.,So among high-end consumers,luxury goods is the gift of their first choice.,Advice 1.,Advice 2.,Firstly,managers should be based on the motivation of high-end consumers to find new businessOpportunities in China.,Secondly,Gov.should raise the consumption tax for luxury goods so that inhibit the overheating of luxury consumption of high-end consumers.,Conclusion and advice,Introduction 何妮High-end consumers 龚礼红High-end consumption in auto industry 杨晶Patterns of high-end consumers 吴莲莲Conclusion and advice 周蕊 Thank You!,performance,The rate of cars in the high-end consumers is 78.9%.Average number for everyone is 1.1.When the high-end consumers are asked whether they have a plan to buy cars in the next 1 year,there are 35.8%of consumers say they would consider buying,11.1%for the initial purchase,and the remaining 88.9%of repeat purchasing.,performance,In the fashion goods,the Chinese people,especially the people in Shanghai show the taste to watch.Watches is accounted for 87.1%.The average spending is up to 18,700 Yuan,which is much higher than other accessories。,performance,The high-end consumers have more funds compared with the ordinary people.So they are used to like tourism and investment.The survey show the average annual consumption in tourism amounted to 6 million.And 72%of the high-end consumers have personal investment.,