无臂钢琴师,刘伟,To be or not to be,thats a question.Shakespeare,要么赶紧死,要么精彩地活着!To die quickly or to live brightly!刘伟,VS,刘伟生平,1、刘伟10岁时因一场事故而被截去双臂。When Liu Wei was ten years old,he had both arms amputated in an accident.2、12岁时,他在康复医院的水疗池学会了游泳,2年后在全国残疾人游泳锦标赛上夺得两枚金牌。Liwei had learned to swim in the hospitals spa pool when he was 12,then,2 years later he won two gold medals at The National Swimming Championship for the Disabled.3、16岁他学习打字;22岁挑战吉尼斯世界纪录,一分钟打出了233个字母,成为世界上用脚打字最快的人。He began to learn to type letters with feet when he was 16.In the age of 22,he challenged The Guiness World Record.Within one minute he typed 233 letters and became the fastest man in typing with feet.,4、19岁学习钢琴,一年后就达到相当于用手弹钢琴的专业7级水平。23岁他登上了维也纳金色大厅舞台,让世界见证了中国男孩的奇迹!He began to learn to play the piano at 19,and one year later he had reached the piano 7 levels.At only 23 years old,Liu Wei stepped onto the stage of Golden Concert Hall in Vienna,and let the world witness the miracle of a Chinese boy!,高考啊,高考作文 The college entrance exam composition游刃有余 Perform well in时事 Current affairs,作文啊,高考作文伤不起啊,坚强语录,1、我觉得我的生命里有三样东西不可以少,空气,水,音乐。I think that there must be three things in my life which can not be lack:the air,the water,and the music.2、虽然我体会不到拥抱别人的幸福感,但我能在琴声中感到更多的幸福。I cant get the happiness of hanging others,but I can get even more happiness in the music.3、我觉得我的人生中只有两条路,要么赶紧死,要么精彩地活着。没有人规定一定要用双手弹琴。I think there are only two ways in my life,to die quickly or to live brightly.Theres no rule saying you must play the piano with your hands.4、我要的只是做好自己,这就OK了。What I only need to do is to be myself.That s enough.,颁奖词 Award words,当命运的绳索无情地缚住双臂,当别人的目光叹息生命的悲哀,他依然固执地为梦想插上翅膀,用双脚在琴键上写下:相信自己。那变幻的旋律,正是他努力飞翔的轨迹When the fate of the rope tied his arms down mercilessly,while others sigh the lifes sorrow with their eyes,he still doggedly summon his dream,and with his feet he write this on the keys:believe in yourself!We believe that the changeable melody is exactly the track that he tries to fly.,About the hero,I think the hero is something more epic.Just like the music huh?The hero is always remembered by human and history.Liu Wei is a hero,not only the hero of people,but also the hero of himself.(Maybe he is imperfect in his body,but he is really near the perfection in his spirit.)In some way,he has set an good example to people whoever is disabled or non-disabled.It means that he may have saved many people who lose interest in life by his behavior unconsciously.,The modern hero,Nowadays,I say nowadays,to be a hero doesnt mean you must pay the price of blooding or even sacrifice.(In our daily life,around us there are more people being praising because of their strong will and excellent abilities.)For example,the Meng Peijie,can you deny that she is a hero?or you think the hero must be the death?Everyone has the potential to be a hero.Obviously,if you want,you can also be a hero,刘伟 2010 中国达人秀总决赛 高清,