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    Unit 4Films and film events,常用经典谚语(二)经典背诵 1.A bow long bent grows weak.常拉满,弓无力。2.A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit.吃一堑,长一智。3.A good name is better than riches.好名声胜过财富。4.Custom makes all things easy.习惯成自然。5.A common danger causes common action.同舟共济。6.A young idler,an old beggar.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。7.Bad luck often brings good luck.塞翁失马,焉知非福。,8.Difficult the first time,easy the second.一回生,二回熟。9.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一日一个苹果,身体健康不求医。10.Behind the mountains there are people to be found.天外有天,山外有山。,趁热打铁 1.山高人为峰。_2.爱屋及乌。_3.人多好办事。_4.不要班门弄斧。_【答案】1.People are the peak of the highest mountain.2.Love me,love my dog.3.More hands make light work.4.Do not teach fish to swim.,【名师点注】谚语是成语的一种特殊类型,在结构上是固定的,经过民众之口长期以来的习用,它能以最少的词语表达最丰富的内容,因此英语谚语非常口语化,注重词的重复,大量使用数词、反义词等,以形成鲜明的对比。,.重点词汇1_ n观点;见解;看法 vt.视作;认为2_ vt.给提供资助n.财政;金融3 vt.&vi.打断(工作、讲话、休息、讲话人等);打扰;阻碍4_ vt.预见;预知;预测5_ vt.拒绝;抵制6_ vt.&n奖;奖励,7_ adv.很少;罕见地8_ n约会;约定9 adj.使人疲劳的;累人的;令人厌倦的;令人讨厌的10_ vt.取得;获得;达到11_ adj.敏感的12_ vt.怀疑13_ vt.拥有_ n具有;拥有14_ vt.限制_ n限制,15_ adj.矛盾的_ v否认;与矛盾16_ n代表_ v代表_n代表;维护17_ n辩护;保卫;防卫_v保卫_adj.防御的;有戒备心的18_ vt.&vi.区别;区分_adj.气度不凡的_ adj.区分得开的,19_ vt.偏爱;偏袒_ adj.赞许的;称赞的_ adj.&n最喜欢的;最爱之物20_ n满意;令人满意的事情_ v使满意_ adj.令人满意的;令人高兴的_ adj.感到满足的,1view2.finance3.interrupt4.foresee5.reject6.reward7.rarely8.appointment9.tiresome10.attain11.sensitive12.suspect13.possess;possession14.restrict;restriction15.contradictory;contradict16.representative;represent;representation17.defence;defend;defensive18.distinguish;distinguished;distinguishable19.favour;favorable;favorite20.satisfaction;satisfy;satisfying;satisfied,.短语回顾1be deleted_被从删除2give thought_考虑;思考3be absent_不在;缺席的4point_指出5give some bonus_给予一些资金的奖励6_往往容易干某事7tell_区分;分辨,8_the minority占少数9_/_只要(起一个连词作用)10in reward_作为(的)奖励11in time_the interview及时赶上面试12_ones dream_ones dream实现梦想_ones dream_realityones dream_13have an appointment to meet_约定在见面,14leave_遗漏;不考虑15charge sb._控告某人16have a tendency_有的倾向17contrary_this与此相反18suspect sb._sth.怀疑某人某事19_声誉良好,1from2.to3.from4.out 5.awards6.tend to do sth.7.apart8.in9.as long as/so long as10.for11.for12.realize;live;turn;into;come true13.at14.out15.with16.to17.to18.of19.have a good reputation,.佳句回顾1Maria,_the Venice Film Festival.玛利亚,一定要告诉我们一些关于威尼斯电影节的情况。2I think_me to begin our discussion.我认为让我来开始我们的讨论是很合适的。3Our policy is to include highquality films,_who makes them.我们的政策是囊括所有高质量的电影,而不在乎是谁制作了它们。,4_the films quality_,we include it.只要电影的质量达到了我们的标准,都能参加评选。5She_winning.她大有希望/没有可能/没什么希望/只有微薄的可能性获胜。,1do tell us a little about2.it is rather appropriate for3.regardless of4.As long as;meets our standards5.has a good chance/no chance/not much chance/a slim chance,1view n观点;看法;景色;视野 vt.视作;认为,【经典例句】We view film as a type of contemporary art.(P51)我把电影看作是一种现代艺术形式。The castle came_into_view as we turned the corner.我们拐过街角时城堡就映入眼帘。The Internet is_viewed_by many as a revolutionary educational tool.因特网被许多人看作是革命性的教育手段。,【即时应用】翻译句子(1)我们所持的态度是:干涉是错误的。_(2)那湖很快映入眼帘。_【答案】(1)We take the view that it would be wrong to interfere.(2)The lake soon came into view.,2distinguish v区别;区分,【经典例句】We dont distinguish between Hollywood films and independent ones.(P50)我们不区分好莱坞电影与独立电影。Small children cant distinguish_right_from_wrong.小孩子不能明辨是非。He is_distinguished_for his scientific achievements.他以其科学成就而闻名。,distinguish/differdistinguish既可用作及物动词,又可用作不及物动词,而differ只可用作不及物动词,differ用作“有区别,不同于”讲时,一般不以人作主语,此外differ还可用作“看法不同”,而distinguish则无此义。,【即时应用】完成句子(3)She_(杰出)as a black lawyer.(4)He is _(以他的幽默著称)(5)When you are lost in a dark forest,you can not_(辨别白天与黑夜)(6)Our opinions_(在那个方面有很大出入),【答案】(3)distinguished herself(4)distinguished for his sense of humour(5)distinguish day from night(6)differ greatly in that respect,3interrupt n打断;打扰;阻碍,【经典例句】Kathy,I hate to interrupt you,but in defence of the Venice Film Festival,I have to point out.(P50)凯西,很遗憾打断你的话,不过我得为威尼斯电影节说句话,我必须指出They were_interrupted_by a knock at the door.他们被敲门声打断了。Traffic was_interrupted_by_ a snowstorm.交通被暴风雪阻断。,interrupt/disturbinterrupt强调使原来在进行的活动(如工作、谈话等)“被中断,被打扰”。disturb强调使某活动受到干扰或影响。If you get up early,try not to disturb everyone else.你如果起得早,尽量不要打扰别人。,【即时应用】用interrupt的适当形式完成句子(7)Trade between the two countries_by the war.(8)Dont_me;Im busy now.(9)This new building will_our view of the sea.【答案】(7)was interrupted(8)interrupt(9)interrupt,4favour vt.偏爱;偏袒;赞成;照顾n.恩惠;照顾;好意;关心;支持do a favour for sb./do sb.a favour帮某人一个忙ask sb.a favour/ask a favour of sb.请某人帮个忙in sb.s favour对某人有利in favour of 赞成;支持be in/out of favour with sb.(be in/out of sb.s favour)得到或失去某人的赞同或尊重,【经典例句】Considering the history of our festival,we feel it is important not to favour films from any one country.(P51)从我们电影节的历史看,我们认为不偏袒任何一个国家的电影是很重要的。We are_in_favour_of her promotion to president.我们赞成她升为总裁。,He favours bright colours.他偏爱亮色。Darkness favoured their escape.黑暗掩护他们逃跑。,【即时应用】翻译句子(10)你能否帮个忙给我打个电话?(do sb.a favour)_(11)他竭力讨她的欢心。(win ones favour)_(12)我完全赞同你的提议。(be in favor of)_【答案】(10)Will you do me a favour and phone for me?(11)He did all he could to win her favour.(12)Im all in favour of your proposal.,5reward vt.报答;奖赏n.奖赏;奖金,【经典例句】At the Academy Awards,the focus is_on_rewarding American films of the top rank.(P53)在学院颁奖典礼上,焦点聚焦在奖赏美国一流电影上。Winners will be_rewarded a trip to England.优胜者将获得去英国旅游的奖赏。It is unfair that he gets very little in_reward for his hard work.他工作很辛苦,报酬却很少,这不公平。,A_large_reward is offered for the capture of the criminals.巨额悬赏捉拿这些罪犯。He will sooner or later be_rewarded_for his wicked conduct.他的恶行迟早会受到报应。,reward/awardreward指的是替他人做事或提供服务后得到的奖赏或报酬,侧重于对某一行为的回报。award指的是对于成绩优异者或者贡献卓越者经评定之后正式授予的奖金或奖品。,【即时应用】根据汉语提示完成下面小片段As long as one has been contributing oneself to his work,he is supposed to find his work(13)_(有意义的)Mr.Green is such a good example.On his retirement day,his company(14)_(因他的杰出贡献而奖赏了他)He also got a large sum of money(15)_(作为奖励)【答案】(13)rewarding(14)rewarded him for his excellent contributions(15)as a reward,6suspect vt.怀疑;猜想;认为(某人)有嫌疑 n(犯罪)嫌疑人;可疑分子 adj.可疑的;不可信任的;不可靠的,【经典例句】At first,Harry suspects_that his absent parents were killed in a car crash when he was a baby.(P62)起初,哈利怀疑他失踪的父母在他小的时候因车祸而死。They suspect him of murder.他们怀疑他谋杀。I began to suspect_that they were trying to get rid of me.我开始觉察出,他们试图摆脱掉我。,【即时应用】完成句子(16)She _a spy.她被怀疑是间谍。(17)The police have _.警察逮捕了两名嫌疑犯。【答案】(16)was suspected of being(17)arrested two suspects.,7contrary adj.&n相反的;相反;反面;对立面contrary to.与相反on the contrary正相反;恰恰相反to the contrary相反地quite the contrary恰恰相反,【经典例句】Contrary_to_this,Harry finds out that his father was a wizard,and that his mother was a witch,.(P62)与此相反,哈利发现他父亲是个巫师,母亲是女巫,Contrary_to popular belief,animals do not often attack humans.和人们通常想法相反,动物并不经常攻击人类。,【即时应用】完成句子(18)The risk of infection hasnt diminished,_,it has increased.感染的危险并没减少,恰恰相反,反而增加了。(19)I will continue to believe it unless I get proof_.我仍然相信这一点,除非我得到相反的证明。【答案】(18)on the contrary(19)to the contrary,8possess vt.拥有;占有;控制,【经典例句】Harry discovers that he possesses the magical powers of a wizard too.(P62)哈利发现他也拥有巫师的魔力。They possess property all over the world.他们在世界各地均拥有财产。We didnt take/get_possession_of the car until a few days after the auction.拍卖会过后几天,我们才真正拿到了那辆汽车。,【温馨提示】in possession of意为“(某人)拥有或占有(某物)”;in the possession of意为“(某物)为(某人)所拥有或占有”。类似用法的短语还有:in charge of(掌握,控制)与in the charge of(为所控制/掌握)。She was in possession of the big house.The big house was in the possession of her.这所大房子是她的。,【即时应用】翻译句子(20)他有很多优良的品质。(be possessed of)_(21)那时,这间老屋为我奶奶所有。(possession)_(22)我不知道是什么使他在这条繁忙的街道上开这么快。(possess)_,【答案】(20)He is possessed of many good qualities.(21)The old house was in the possession of my grandma then.(22)I dont know what possessed him to drive so fast down that busy street.,1be sensitive to 敏感的;善解人意的【经典例句】Harry,a_sensitive young boy,has been living with his relatives,the Dursleys.(P62)哈利,一个敏感的孩子,一直住在亲戚德思礼家。We must be_sensitive_to the communitys needs.我们必须善于体察大众的需求。Dont be so_sensitiveI wasnt criticizing you!别那么神经过敏我不是在批评你!,sensible adj.有感觉的;明智/合理/实际的senseless adj.无道理;无意义;失去知觉的,【对接高考】(23)(2009江苏高考)Compared with his sister,Jerry is even more_to,and more easily troubled by emotional and relationship problems.AscepticalBaddictedCavailableDsensitive【解析】sceptical不相信的;addicted上瘾的;available可用的,可得到的;sensitive敏感的。D项符合句意。【答案】D,【即时应用】用sensitive/sensible/senseless填空(24)I think thats a very_suggestion.(25)Surely it would be_to get a second opinion.(26)He was_of the trouble he had caused.(27)It is _to do that foolish thing.(28)She is really a_girl.【答案】(24)sensible(25)sensible(26)sensible(27)senseless(28)sensitive,2regardless of不管;不顾【经典例句】Our policy is to include highquality films,regardless_of who makes them.(P30)我们的政策是囊括所有高质量的电影,而不在乎是谁制作了它们。All the students can be admitted to the university regardless_of their races.所有的学生,不分种族,都可以上这所大学。,Franklin discovered electricity,which was then regarded_as a secret of nature.富兰克林发现了电,那时电被认为是大自然的一个奥秘。The companys position with_regard_to overtime is made clear in their contracts.公司关于加班的立场在合同中有明确说明。,【即时应用】(29)We freely exchange opinions and ideas around here,_rank relationship.Aregardless of Bin view ofCin spite of Din case of【答案】A,3as long as如果;只要【经典例句】As_long_as the films quality meets our standards,we include it.(P50)只要电影的质量满足我们的标准,都能参加评选。Im not particular how you do it as_long_as it gets done.只要把它完成了,你怎么做我并不计较。So_(As)_long_as you clear your desk by this evening,you can have tomorrow leave.如果今晚你能把手头上的工作做完,明天你就可以休息。,long for 渴望before long不久;很快for long长久Its not long before.不久;很快,【对接高考】(30)(2010江西高考)Our holiday cost a lot of money.Did it?Well,that doesnt matter_you enjoyed yourselves.Aas long as BunlessCas soon as Dthough【解析】as long as“只要”符合句意。【答案】A,【即时应用】完成句子(31)We can arrange everything_(只要)we have enough time.(32)I_(渴望)the day when my dreams can come true.(33)His plan seemed to be too difficult,but_(不久)it proved to be practicable.(34)We had not waited_(不久)she came.【答案】(31)as long as(32)long for(33)before long(34)long before,1Maria,do_tell_us a little about the Venice Film Festival.玛丽亚,给我们谈谈威尼斯电影节吧。【句式分析】句中do是对谓语动词tell的强调,表示“的确,确实”。当需要强调谓语动词时,可用助动词do/does/did/动词原形。但这种用法仅限于一般现在时、一般过去时及祈使句,并且只用于肯定句。Do come on time!一定要准时来!,I do think you should apologize to her.我的确认为你应该向她道歉。He did go to the airport to meet you but had to leave due to an emergency.他确实去机场迎接你,但是因为有急事而离开。,【对接高考】(35)(2010四川高考)If you have a job,_yourself to it and finally youll succeed.Ado devote Bdont devoteCdevoting Dnot devoting【解析】do加强祈使句的语气。【答案】A,【即时应用】(36)You are always scolding him,arent you?Yes,what he eats_harm to his health.Adoes do Bdo doCdoes does Ddo does【解析】强调谓语动词do。what he eats是从句作主语,视为单数。【答案】A,2Considering the history of our festival,we feel it is important not to favour films from any one country.考虑到我们电影节的历史,我们觉得不偏向某一国家的电影是非常重要的。【句式分析】considering在本句中并不是现在分词形式,而是介词,意为“考虑到,鉴于”,其后常接名词或that/who/how等引导的从句。Considering his age,the little boy reads very well.就他的年龄来说,这个小男孩读得挺好的。,Im considering applying for that job.我在考虑申请那份工作。Dont consider him to be a fool.不要把他当傻瓜。,【即时应用】完成句子(37)You managed the project well,_(考虑到你缺乏经验)(38)Do you_(认为有必要)to finish the work today?【答案】(37)considering your inexperience(38)consider it necessary,.单词拼写1Dont i_me while Im busy doing my homework.2Zhu Xueqin is one of the r_from migrant workers.3The hen h_out her young by sitting on the eggs.4Without any a_ticket,you cant enter the important place.5You should phone his secretary if you want to make an a_with the boss.,6Obama had won a comfortable_(胜利)in the general election before being the president.7Many_(业余的)sportsmen took part in the National Games held in Jinan.8English is an essential part of the new school_(课程)9Do you feel a sense of_(满足)after a day of study?10It was hot,and we decided to walk in the_(阴影)of the wall.,【答案】1.interrupt2.representatives3.hatches4.admission5.appointment6.victory7.amateur8.curriculum9.satisfaction10.shadow,.选词填空in defence of;regardless of;as long as;win a victory;in the minority;make an agreement;give thought to;join sb.in;view.as.;point out1He made a speech_his behavior.2It is considered one of the greatest honors_at Olympics.3Now most singers encourage the audience_singing their songs.4_,they ended the meeting and left for their home.,5No matter who_our shortcomings,we will correct them.6Generally,leaders who accept bribes are_.7_we are united,there is no difficulty we cannot overcome.8The judge will_his attitude toward acknowledgement of his guilt and let him get away with a fine.9The returning of birds to the lake can_its qualitys changing for the better.,10He serves the people whole heartedly,_his personal gain or loss.【答案】1.in defence of2.to win a victory3.to join them in4.Having made an agreement5.points out6.in the minority7.As long as8.give a thought to9.be viewed as10.regardless of,.句型转换1Why not join us in playing basketball?_joining us in playing basketball?2He jumped into the icy water to save the drowning child,regardless of the risk.He jumped into the icy water_save the drowning child,_his own life.3I shall fight all my life in defence of the truth.I shall fight all my life_the truth.,4She resembles her sister so closely that many people cant tell them apart.So closely_her sister that many people cant _them.5As long as we are united,there is no difficulty we cannot overcome._that we are united,there is no difficulty we cant overcome.【答案】1.What/How about2.in order/so as to;risking3.to defend4.does she resemble;distinguish5.On condition,.完成句子1She gave the speech_(为她的政治信仰而辩护)2It is unwise of him_(与老板相抵触)3He_(因自己取得的成就受到奖赏)with a cash bonus.4This big house_(为她所拥有)5It is hard for his parents_(满足他经济上的需要),【答案】1.in defence of her political belief2.to contradict with the boss3.was rewarded for his achievements4.is in the possession of her5.to meet his financial needs,


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