古代汉语通论同义词,一、同义词的概念和特点,同义词是指语言中意义相同或相近的两个或两个以上的词。同义词的本质特点:“有同有异”,即在其理性意义或附加意义上,既有相同点,又有不同点。,二、同义词的形成原因,(一)新词产生形成的古今同义词 坚硬“坚则毁矣,锐则挫矣。”庄子天下“柔则茹之,刚则吐之。”诗经大雅烝民,“硬骨残形知几秋。”(皮日休龟赋)吃东西“闻其声不忍食其肉。”孟子梁惠王上“闻白羊肉美,一生未曾得吃。”世说新语任诞,(二)词义演变形成的同义词,、同一时期内本义相同的共时同义词“树”和“艺”说文:“树,生植之总名也”,“艺,种也”。,“仲子所食之粟,伯夷之所树与?”孟子滕文公下“不能艺黍稷。”诗经唐风鸨羽“树艺五谷。”孟子滕文公上,“后”和“君”说文:“后,继体君也。”“其南陵,夏后皋之墓也。”左传僖公三十二年“奄有四海,为天下君。”尚书大禹谟,“劝”和“勉”说文:“劝,勉也。”“人不难以死免其君,我戮之不祥,赦之以劝事君者。”左传成公二年“父勉其子,兄勉其弟,妇勉其夫。”国语越语上,、甲词引申义与乙词本义相同的同义词“履”和“屦”诗经魏风葛屦:“纠纠葛屦,可以履霜。”,“夫冠虽贱,头必戴之;屦虽贵,足必履之。”韩非子说林上“郑人有且置履者,先自度其足。”韩非子外储说左上,“狱”和“囹圄”“小大之狱,虽不能察,必以情。”左传庄公十年“命有司省囹圄,去桎梏。”礼记月令“李斯拘执束缚,居囹圄中”“李斯乃从狱中上书”史记李斯列传,“回”与“返”“水深而回。”荀子致士“及公子返晋邦,举兵伐郑,大破之。”韩非子喻老“少小离家老大回。”(贺知章回乡偶书),、引申义相同的同义词“书”和“信”“朔有事则书,晦虽有事不书。”公羊传僖公十六年“美言不信,信言不美。”老子,“郢人有遗燕相国书者,夜书。”韩非子外储说左上“半封京信半题诗。”(元稹书乐天纸),“过”和“错”“乘白马而过关。”韩非子外储说左上“错刀,以黄金错其文,曰一刀值五千。”汉书食货志下,论语先进“过犹不及。”“人谁无过,过而能改,善莫大焉。”左传宣公二年“仰面贪看鸟,回头错应人。”(杜甫漫成),(三)由不同方言形成的同义词,“舟”和“船”方言:“自关而西谓之船,自关而东谓之舟。”“矢”、“镞”和“箭”方言:“自关而东谓之矢,江淮之间谓之镞,关西曰箭。”,“谷”和“乳”“於菟”和“虎”“楚人谓乳谷,谓虎於菟。”左传宣公四年“伙”和“多”“楚人谓多为伙。”史记陈涉世家“逆”和“迎”说文:“逆,迎也,关东曰逆,关西曰迎。”,(四)由特定的社会生活形成的同义词,死“天子曰崩,诸侯曰薨,大夫曰卒,士曰不禄。”公羊传隐公三年“天子死曰崩,诸侯曰薨,大夫曰卒,士曰不禄,庶人曰死。”礼记曲礼上,三、同义词的差别与辨析,理性意义感情色彩语法功能,(一)理性意义的差别,、所表示的对象不同 商、贾“行曰商,止曰贾。商之度其有无,通四方之物,故谓之商。”白虎通商贾,“以商贾阜货而行布,通物曰商,居卖曰贾。”郑玄注:“居卖物曰贾。”周礼地宫司市,门、户 玉篇:“门,人所出入也。在堂房曰户,在区域曰门。”“户,所以出入也。一扉曰户,两扉曰门。”,府、库 尚书大禹谟:“地平天成,六府三事允治。”孔颖达疏云:“府者,藏财之处。”,礼记曲礼下:“在库言库。”郑玄注云:“库谓车马兵甲之处也。”吕氏春秋分职:“叶公入,乃发太府之货与众,出高库之兵以赋民。”,2、辨明行为方式状态的不同 哭、泣、号、啼 论语先进:“颜渊死,子哭之恸。”史记高祖本纪:“汉王闻之,袒而大哭。”段玉裁:“哭下曰:哀声也。其出涕不待言,其无声出涕者为泣。此哭、泣之别也。”,汉书刘向传:“而号曰:骨肉复归于土,命也。”颜师古注:“号,谓哭而且言也。”颜氏家训风操:“礼以哭有言者为号。”庄子骈拇:“枝于手者,龁之则啼。”,观、察、看、望 说文:“观,谛视也。”段玉裁注:“审谛之视也。”谷梁传曰:“常事曰视,非常曰观。”左传僖公二十三年:“(公子重耳)及曹。曹共公闻其骈胁,欲观其裸。”,说文:“察,覆也。”徐锴说文系传:“察,覆审也”段玉裁注:“取覆而审之;亦取祭必详察之意。”左传庄公十年:“小大之狱,虽不能察,必以情。”,说文:“看,睎也。从手下目。”桂馥说文义证:“九经字样:凡物见不审,则手遮目看之,故看从手下目。”,释名释姿容:“望,茫也,远视茫茫也。”玉篇:“望,远视也。”诗经卫风河广:“谁谓宋远?跂予望之。”左传庄公十年:“吾视其辙乱,望其旗靡,故逐之。”,3、所指事物的质料或形状不同 布、帛 礼记礼运:“治其麻丝,以为布帛。”,被、衾 说文:“被,寝衣,长一身有半。”又:“衾,大被。”段玉裁注:“寝衣为小被,则衾是大被。”,璧、玦、璜 说文:“璧,瑞玉圜也。”“玦,玉佩也。”段玉裁注:玦,如环而缺。”说文:“璜,半璧也。”周礼大宗伯:“以玄璜礼北方。”郑玄注:“半璧曰璜。”,、所表程度的轻重不同 饥、饿 韩非子饰邪:“家有常业,虽饥不饿。”淮南子说山训:“宁一月饥,无一旬饿。”,疾、病 说文:“病,疾加也。”左传宣公十五年:“魏武子有嬖妾,无子,武子疾,命颗曰:必嫁是。疾病,则曰:必以为殉。及卒,颗嫁之。”,5、词义适用范围的不同 官、吏 谏逐客书:“臣闻吏议逐客,窃以为过矣。”史记滑稽列传:“(西门豹)即使吏卒共抱大巫妪投之河中。”,周易系辞下:“百官以治,万民以察。”礼记王制:“王者之制禄爵。”孔颖达疏:“其诸侯以下及三公至士,总而言之,皆谓之官。官者,管也,以管领为名。”,礼记玉藻:“凡君召,在官不俟屦,在外不俟车。”注:“官,谓朝廷治事处也。”左传成公二年:“敢告不敏,摄官承乏。”,击、攴 说文:“攴,小击也。”“击,攴也。”段玉裁注:“攴训小击,击则兼大小言之。”孙子虚实:“兵之形,避实而击虚。”仪礼少牢馈食礼:“司马刲羊,司士击豕。”郑玄注:“刲、击,皆谓杀之。”,(二)感情色彩的差别,子、若、汝(女)、尔(而)左传僖公三十年:“吾不能早用子,今急而求子,是寡人之过也。”庄子齐物论:“若胜我,我不若胜。”,隋书杨伯丑传:“见公卿,不为礼,无贵贱,皆汝之。”列子汤问“甚矣,汝之不惠。”“汝心之固,固不可彻。”殽之战:“尔何知,中寿,尔墓之木拱矣。”,杀、诛、弑 韩非子难三:“有罪者必诛。”晁错贤良文学对策:“害民者诛。”荀子正论“诛纣,断其首”。,左传宣公二年:“赵盾弑其君。”礼记檀弓下:“臣弑君,凡在官者杀无赦。”,周、比 论语为政:“君子周而不比,小人比而不周。”孔安国注:“忠信为周,阿党为比。”朱熹注:“周,普遍也。比,偏党也。皆与人亲厚之意,但周公而比私耳。”,(三)语法功能的差别,畏、恐、惧 论语季氏:“畏天命,畏大人,畏圣人之言。”左传僖公二十六年:“何恃而不恐?”论语:“君子不忧不惧。”,孟子:“民惟恐王之不好勇也。”史记廉颇蔺相如列传:“秦城恐不可得。”老子:“民不畏死,奈何以死惧之?”,耻、辱 论语公冶长“不耻下问”。论语子路“不辱君命”。,往、适 国殇:“出不入兮往不返。”史记滑稽列传:“幸来告语之,吾亦往送女。”论语子路:“子适卫。”史记贾谊列传:“适长沙。”,Classification of Practical English Writing,英语应用文包括各国政府、民间团体、企事业单位或个人相互往来所使用的书信、商务文书、礼仪文书、契约文书、单据表格、会务文书等。,The function of Practical English Writing,在国际交往中的主要作用:(1)规约作用(2)知照作用(3)凭证作用,Language Features and Writing Ways,完整 一篇好的涉外英语应用文,必须对读者(对方或公众)提供所有需要的信息,或者答复读者所提出的一切问题和要求,务必使所有的事情都得到阐明和论述,所有的问题都得到答复和解释。,为了检验你所写的应用文的完整性,我们可以使用5个W(Who,What,When,Where,Why)和一个 H(How)。例如:NOTICE Dec.31,2003 All the staffs of Accounts Department are requested to be ready to attend the meeting in the conference room on Tuesday,at 3:00pm,Jan 6,2004,to discuss the financial statement of last year.Accounts Dept.,2.具体 任何一种英语应用文应当具体、明确和有说服力,而不应含糊、笼统和抽象。特别是合同、协议、通知、启事、招领、海报、广告和需要做出具体答复等的信函,必须强调具体使用的事实、数据和时间。如:,We wish to confirm our telex dispatched yesterday.(我们确认昨天发出的电传)Revised:We confirm our telex of July 2,2000.(我方确认 2000年7月2日的电传)These brakes stop a car within a short distance.(这些制动器能在短距离内把车煞住),Revised:These type SM02 power brakes can stop a 4-ton car traveling 65 miles an hour within 300 feet.(这些SM02型动力制动器可使时速65英里的4吨汽车在300英尺内制动),3 清楚清楚,是英语应用文的主要语言特点之一。所谓清楚,就是要确保你所写的内容清楚,不被误解。要写得恰到好处,使读者不假思索就能理解你的要点为宜。要达到上述目的,必须注意下列几点:1)选择简明易懂的词语,尽量避免意义上模棱两可的词语和句子。例如:,As to the steamer sailing from Shanghai to Los Angeles,we have bimonthly direct services.“bimonthly”has two meanings here.One is“twice a month”,another is“once every two months”.Revised:a)We have a direct sailing from Shanghai to Los Angeles every two months.(从上海到洛杉矶,每两月一次直达船。),b)We have a direct sailing from Shanghai to Los Angeles semimonthly.(从上海到洛杉矶,我们每半月有一次直达船。)c)We have two direct sailings every month from Shanghai to Los Angeles.(从上海到洛杉矶,我们每月有两次直达船。)又如:Cotton and silk blouses made in China enjoy a good market in the European market.(中国制造的棉质与丝质女衫在欧洲市场销路很好。),本句中,“market”有两个含义-“销路”和“市场”在英语应用文写作中,特别是在商务信函、合同、协议、销售确认书等文书中,应当在同一句子里尽量避免像“market”这样具有两种不同含义的词。Revised:Cotton and silk blouses made in China sell best in the European market.,2)注意修饰词的位置,同一修饰词放到句中不同位置,会导致句子的含义不同。例如:We can supply 50 tons of the item only.(我们只供这种商品50吨。)We can supply only 50 tons of the item.(我们能供这种商品仅限50吨。),3)注意代名词的指代对象和关系代词与现行词的关系。例如:They informed Messrs.Smith&Brown that they would receive a reply in a few days.Revised:They informed Messrs.Smith&Brown that the later would receive the reply in a few days.(史密斯.布朗公司将在近日内得到答复。),4)注意逻辑上的合理,句子结构上的多变,情节上的紧凑和意义上的连贯。首先,必须注意分词的逻辑主语与句子的主语的一致。例如:Being a registered accountant,Im sure you can help us.,Revised:Being a registered accountant,you can certainly help us.(作为一名。)As you are a registered accountant,Im sure you can help us.(因为你是我坚信。),其次是,应当注意句子结构的多变,例如:We have received your letter of April 4.We are sorry for the wrong dispatch.We will do something about it.(单调,乏味)Revised:Thank you for your letter of April 4.We regret that we have dispatched the wrong goods and will do something for compensation.,(你方4月4日来函收悉,谢谢,得知我方发错了货,深表遗憾。我们将为此做点补偿。)第三,意义上的连贯是值得考虑的。例如:,We wrote a letter.It was addressed to Mr.Henry.He is the sales manager.Revised:We wrote a letter to Mr.Henry,the sales manager.第四,应当注意情景上的紧凑。例如:We have received your letter of July 1st and it contained a complete set of shipping documents.(and使情节不紧凑),Revised:Weve received your letter of July 1st containing a complete set of shipping documents.(7月1日来函及所附全套装船单据均已收悉。)5)注意全文的逻辑性。写信之前,要考虑好表达的先后次序和内容的合理安排与分段,每个重点成一段是一般的分段原则。,例如,如果你想写一封未按期交货的投诉信,应先根据表达的顺序列出大纲:供货者的许诺 没有履行诺言失诺给你造成的损失提出索赔,希望理赔,4 简明简明被认为是最重要的写作原则和语言特点,它节约作者和读者的时间。简明指的是尽可能地用精辟的文笔清楚地表达你需要表达的内容。而又毫不损害完整、具体和礼貌。要达到此目的,必须遵循下面几条准则:,(1)长话短说,尽力避免啰嗦。You shouldnt use:Youd better use:at this time-nowcome to a decision-decideduring the time that-whileexpress a preference for-preferdue to the fact that-because,On the basis of-byin the matter of-about It should be pointed out that-Please notice thatconcur(同意,赞成)-agreeinitiate(开始)-beginrequest(询问)-ask,acknowledge receipt of(兹收到)-Thank you for,I receivedbe in receipt of(兹收到)-Thank you for,I receivedthe writer(笔者)-I,me,my up to this writing(至今)-so far or omittedWe beg to thank you-Thank you Take an early opportunity(趁早)-act promptly,We express our regret at being unable to fulfill your order on this occasion(此次未能满足贵方订货,深表遗憾)-We are sorry we cant meet your present order.Please dont hesitate to tell us.-Please tell us.,(2)避免使用怪词、难词及笼统的陈旧的商业术语,尽量用常用词及现代英语表达。比较下列几对句子。例如:I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to your kind cooperation.(wordy)Concise:Thank you for your cooperation.Please be advised that we have received our invoice No.248.(wordy)Concise:We have received your invoice No.248.,(3)避免不必要的重复。例如:We have begun to export our machines to the foreign countries.Revised:We have begun to export our machines.Samples will be sent and offers will be make upon receipt of your specific enquiries.(一经收到你方具体询盘,就发盘并寄送样品。),Revised:Samples will be sent and offers made upon receipt of your specific enquiries.信件的举例。,Dear sirs,Will you send us the samples of Shanghai Printed Pure Silk Fabrics of various patterns sometimes,any time during the month of May,or even June if you are busy now,for June would suit us better.Hopping to send these samples along to us by express,and not by parcel post,as parcel post is too slow to reach us in time,while express will be much faster,we are Yours faithfully,Dear sirs,Please send us the samples of Shanghai Printed Pure Silk Fabrics of various patterns by express,by the end of June.Thank you in advance for your cooperation.Yours faithfully,(4)控制字数,构造有效句子和段落。句子的平均长度应为1020 个词,不能超过30个词。通常一个段落不能超过10行,短小的段落能激励读者读完该文。例如:例1.In your letter of April 8,in connection with our order No.135,we are enclosing herewith as per your demand,a certificate to the effect that the quantity delivered is less than order.,译文:在贵方4月8日来函中,过于我方135号订单的订货,我方已按贵方要求在此附上证明一份,其内容大致为交货数量少于所订数量。Revised:As requested in your letter of April 8,concerning our order No.135,we are enclosing a certificate of short delivery(weight).译文:按照贵方4月8日来函要求,关于我方135号订单的订货,我方附寄短装证明一份。,例2 We would like to know whether you would allow us to extend the time of shipment for twenty days and if you would be so kind as to allow us to do so,kindly give us your reply by fax without delay.(42words)译文:我们很想知道您是否允许我们将交货时间延期20天,如果你方友好地容许我方延期20天,请速电复无误。,Revised:Please reply by fax immediately if you will allow us to delay the shipment until April 21.译文:如果同意我方把交货时间按延期至4月21日,请速电复。例3 Thank you for you samples.You sent to us on November 20.We are pleased to place an order.It is specified on the enclosed order sheet.(支离破碎。应恰当使用关联词),Revised:Thank you for the samples which you sent to us on November 20.We are pleased to place an order as specified on the enclosed order sheet.译文:谢谢贵方11月20 日寄给我方样品,现我方乐意订货,详见所附订单。,5 礼貌 礼貌是国际商务英语应用文特别是国际商务信函的重要语言特点,一封彬彬有礼的书信能使你自己在对方的心目中树立起一种正直、热情、有良好的文化素养和职业道德的形象,使之乐意与你合作,竭诚为你服务。例如:,1)We are sorry that you misunderstood us.Revised:We are sorry that we didnt make ourselves clear.“courtesy”不仅指礼貌,而且指要为顾客的利益着想。例如:1)We take the pleasure of sending you our latest catalogue and we wish to draw your attention to a special offer that we have made in it.(我们高兴地将我们最近的目录单寄给贵方,并希望贵方注意我方在目录单中做出的特殊报价。),Revised:You will certainly be interested in a special offer on page 4 of the latest catalogue sent to you by us.(你定将对我方所寄最近订单第4页中的特殊报价感兴趣。)More examples:将命令式改为请求式,即将祈使句改为will 或would 开头的一般疑问句。如:将贵方需求的详细信息告诉我方。,Will you tell us more detailed information on your requirements?(请将行吗?)Will you please(kindly)tell us more detailed information on your requirements?Would you please tell us more detailed information on your requirements?,(2)使用虚拟语气。We would ask you to make a prompt shipment.(请贵方即期装运)We wish you would let us have your reply soon.(务请贵方即期装运)We wish you would let us have your reply soon.(希望贵公司早作答复),We would be grateful if you advance delivery to the middle of June and ship the goods in one lot.(如果贵方把交货日期提前至六月中旬,且做一次性装运,我方将十分感谢。)(3)使用缓和法,避免过分强调或刺激。为了避免过分强调自己的观点或刺激别人,应在写作中使用缓和法。如:,We are afraid that,We would say,We may(might)say,We would think,It seems(would seem)to us that,We would suggest that,As you are(may be)aware,As we need hardly point out that,It appears that etc.e.g.,We cannot deliver the goods all at one time.-改:Im afraid we cannot deliver the goods all at one time.(2)It was unwise of you not to accept this favorable offer.-改:We would say that it was unwise of you not to accept this favorable offer.,(3)Our goods are the very best on the current market.-We might say that our goods are the very goods on the current market.(4)You ought to have accepted the offer.-It seems(would seem)to us that you ought to have accepted the offer.(5)You must cut down your price by 10%.We would suggest that you should cut down your price by 10%.,(6)You should be responsible for the loss.As we need hardly point out that you should be responsible for the loss.(无需我方指出,贵方公司理应负责赔偿。)(7)We have not yet had your reply.-It appears that we have not yet had your reply.(好像我们尚未得到贵方答复。),(4)适当地使用被动语态。被动语态比主动语态显得更有礼貌,因为它避免指责动作的执行。例如:You made a very careless mistake during the course of shipment.-改:A very careless mistake was made during the course of shipment.You didnt enclose the price lists in your letter.-改:The price lists was not enclosed in your letter.,(5)尽量避免使用带有强迫语气和引起不快的词语。有些词语,像 demand,意思是asking for(sth.)as if ordering 或者as if one has a right to,即具有强迫命令的语气不应使用,而应当改为request;又如:disgust,意味着hating 有 strong feeling of dislike or distaste之意,不应当使用,又如:must refuse,带有胁迫性的语调,want you to,带有傲慢和长者的口吻等,应改用其他方式表达。,例如:We demand prompt shipment from you.We request prompt shipment from you.We are disgusted with your manner of doing business.-(我们厌恶)We are not completely satisfied with your manner of doing business.(对贵方作生意的风格不尽满意。),We must refuse your offer.(我们拒绝)改:We regret that we are unable to accept your offer,or:we are sorry that we are not in a position to accept your offer.(我们很抱歉不能接受贵方的报价)We want you assists us.(我们想要贵方帮助)改:Your assistance would be appreciated deeply.(贵方的帮助我们深表谢意),(6)使用表示高兴、感谢和遗憾等词语。1)高兴和乐意的表达法有:It is with pleasure that we have reached an agreement on all the terms.(所有条款达成协议)It is a pleasure for us to sign such a sales contract.(签订销售合同)2)感谢的表达法有:Thank you for your inquiry of July 8.,We shall(would)appreciate your sending detailed information in your market.(如能寄送贵方市场的详细信息,我们将不胜感激)We appreciate your confidence in our products.(感谢贵方对我方产品的信任)We are thankful to you for your great help.(对你方的大力协助,我们深表谢意。)3)遗憾的表达法有:,We are sorry to inform you that we are unable to deliver the machines on time.(很抱歉,告知贵方,我们没能按时运送这些机器。)We regret being unable to offer you this article at present.(很遗憾,我们目前无法向你方提供这种商品。)We wish to express our deepest regret over the unfortunate incident.(对此不幸之事,我们深表遗憾。),