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    Practical writing,应用文写作,Part II:announcement and notice,Part III:Poster,Part I:letter writing,Part I:letter writing,Letter of suggestions 建议信 Letters of Application 申请信 Letters of Complaints 投诉信 Letters of Apology 道歉信 Letters of Thanks 感谢信,What is job application letter?,Features of application letters,Function of application letters,Structure of English application letters,Sample English application letters,Layout of English application letters and superscription(信封格式),Letter of Application,what is application letter writing,A letter that accompanies your resume.Serves to introduce you to a prospective employer,makes a first impression about you and your writing ability,and prepares your prospective employer for what they will find in your resume.In other words,application letter is a highlight of your resume.But its not a repetition of your resume,rather,itadds clarity and refinement to what you put in your resume.,Features of Application Letters,Clearness(明了),Focus on the subject seeking a job,dont beat about the bushes.The structure should also be clear so that the reader can easily get your point.,Conciseness(简洁),All the information included in the letter should be relevant to the job.Besides,use more short sentences than compound sentences.,Features of Application Letters,Correctness(准确),Be correct in your wording,and avoid too many spelling or punctuation mistakes.,Courtesy(politeness)(礼貌),Write in a proper tone.Show your respect to the receiver.But there is no need to flatter(奉承)them.Self-respect is also very important.,Function of Application Letters,Attention,Interest,Desire,Action,Try to use a specific salutation(称呼):,Dear Sir/Madam,Dear Mr.Sun,Highlight your ability or experience relevant to the position you apply for.,Ask for a job interview.For example,“I can come to your office for an interview between 9:30 am and 5:30 pm on any weekday.My telephone number is”,Structure of English Application Letters,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,Heading,信头,Inside Address,信内地址,Salutation,称呼,Body,正文,Complementary Close,结束语,Signature,签名,Enclosure,附件,Heading,Inside Address,Body of Letter,Salutation,Complementary Close,Enclosure,Signature,1,Heading,信头,Includes the writers address(telephone number in some cases),postal code and date of writing.It tells the receiver from whom the letter is from and when it is written,and will make it more convenient for the receiver to reply.Its on the upper right corner(右上角)of the letter paper.,E.g.,58 Xige Street Xuzhou,Jiangsu 214001ChinaMarch 17,2009,中国江苏省徐州市西阁街58号邮编:214001,58 Xige Street Xuzhou,Jiangsu 214001ChinaMarch 17,2009,Pay attention to the differences of writing address and date in English and Chinese:,1,Heading,信头,Order of street name and house number,解放路9号,9 Jiefang Road,解放北路9号,9 N.Jiefang Road,淮海中路56号,56 Central Huaihai Road,光河西路16号34单元,16 W.Guanghe Road,Apt.(apartment)34,16 W.Guanghe Road,Flat 34,AmE,BrE,Sometimes,you need to mention the floor number,notice the differences between British English and American English:,BrE,一楼,二楼,the ground floor,the first floor,AmE,一楼,二楼,the first floor,the second floor,1/F,1/F,2/F,Pay attention to the differences of writing address and date in English and Chinese:,1,Heading,信头,When writing the name of a city,The province or state name can be omitted if the city is famous.,In America,most state names can be abbreviated(缩写),but the names of Chinese provinces and cities can not be abbreviated.,1,Heading,信头,There are 4 ways of writing the date:,Mar.17,2009,Mar.17th,2009,17 March,2009,17th March,2009,AmE,BrE,Most commonly used,Another informal way:,5/6/2008,But,it may cause misunderstanding:,To British people,it means June 5,2008,To American people,it means May 6,2008,1,Heading,信头,Pay attention to the following points when writing the date:,The year should be written in its complete form.For example,2008(not 08).,Months can be written in their abbreviated forms,except May,June and July.,British people prefer ordinal numbers(序数词)like 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,while American people like cardinal numbers(基数词)such as 1,2,3,4.,Inside Address,信内地址,Includes the receivers name,address and position.Should be consistent with the address on the evelope.Otherwise,the letter may be rejected.Its below the heading with space of one or two lines,but begins at the left margin(信纸左边顶格).Better add titles(尊称)before the receivers name.,E.g.,Mr.Sam AdamsEwart Leather ProductImport&Export Corporation36 Main StreetToronko,CaliforniaU.S.A.,美国加利福尼亚州托朗克市莓茵街36号爱华特皮革制品进出口公司山姆亚当斯先生收,2,58 Xige Street Xuzhou,JiangsuChinaMarch 17,2009,Mr.Sam AdamsEwart Leather ProductImport&Export Corporation36 Main StreetToronko,CaliforniaU.S.A.,If you dont know the name of the person in charge of recruitment,you may write to,Inside Address,信内地址,2,The ManagerEwart Leather ProductImport&Export Corporation36 Main StreetToronko,CaliforniaU.S.A.,美国加利福尼亚州托朗克市莓茵街36号爱华特皮革制品进出口公司经理 收,Personnel DepartmentEwart Leather ProductImport&Export Corporation36 Main StreetToronko,CaliforniaU.S.A.,美国加利福尼亚州托朗克市莓茵街36号爱华特皮革制品进出口公司人事部 收,Or,3,Salutation,称呼,One or two lines below the inside address.Followed by a colon(冒号)in British English,but a comma in America and Canada.,58 Xige Street Xuzhou,JiangsuChina,Mr.Sam AdamsEwart Leather ProductImport&Export Corporation36 Main StreetToronko,CaliforniaU.S.A.,Dear Sir,3,Salutation,称呼,Dear Sirs,Dear Madam,Dear Mesdames,亲爱的女士们,Gentlemen,Dear Mr.,Dear Mrs.,Dear Miss,Dear Ms.,To Whom It May Concern,敬启者,4,Body,正文,Usually consists of several paragraphs.Begins with an openingsentence and ends with a closing sentence.Should avoid usingslang(俚语),vulgarism(俗语)and abbreviation(缩写).,One or two lines below the salutation.Includes your purpose of writing the letter,your personal information(gender,age,educational background,work experience,skills,etc.),referee(见证人)or recommender(推荐人),and request for a job interview.,4,Body,正文,Common opening sentences,I am pleased/happy to,I have pleasure in,I have the pleasure of,I take the liberty of,冒昧,Please allow me to call your attention to,The purpose/object of this letter is to,I am writing this letter to,4,Body,正文,If you write in reply to an advertisement,In reply/Replying to your advertisement in todays China Daily,I offer myself for the post.,拜读今日中国日报上贵公司的征才广告,本人愿 应征该职位。,With reference/Referring to your advertisement in China Daily of May 28 for a secretary,I wish to tender my service.,五月二十八日贵公司在中国日报上广告正聘一位秘 书,本人愿就该职位。,4,Body,正文,If you write in reply to an advertisement,Having noticed your advertisement in,I hope to offer my service for the post.,I would like/wish to apply for the post of an executive as advertised in,4,Body,正文,If you get the recruiting information from somewhere else,Learning from Mr.Mayer that you are looking for a secretary,I should like to apply for the post.,从迈耶先生处得知,贵公司正招聘一位秘书,我愿 应征此职。,I have learned from a friend that there is a vacancy in,and I wish to apply for the position.,I have learned that you are looking for a sales manager with experience in sales and a good command of English,so I desire to apply for the position.,4,Body,正文,Common closing sentences,Please inform me that/of 惠请告知,I will thank you for your informing me that/of,I should be glad if you would inform me that/of,I look forward to your early reply.,盼您早日回复。,I should be glad to have a personal interview.,Please kindly grant me an interview.,恳请准予面谈。,5,Complementary Close,结束语,Equivalent to“敬上”,“谨启”in Chinese.Two or three lines below the body of the letter.The beginning letter of the first word should be capitalized(第一个词首字母大写).Followed by a comma.,Heading,Inside Address,Body of Letter,Salutation,Yours sincerely,To a company or someone you dont know,Yours truly/Truly yours,Yours faithfully/Faithfully yours,5,Complementary Close,结束语,Yours sincerely/Sincerely yours,To a supervisor or an elder,Yours respectfully/Respectfully yours,Yours obediently/Obediently yours,Yours gratefully/Gratefully yours,To a friend,Yours/Ever yours/Yours ever,Yours affectionately/Affectionately yours,5,Complementary Close,结束语,Yours cordially/Cordially yours,Yours devotedly/Devotedly yours,Yours intimately/Intimately yours,Yours lovingly/Lovingly yours,Right under the complementary close.Shows the authenticity(真实性)of the letter and the respect of the writer.If there is a printed name,add another handwritten signature above the printed one.,Heading,Inside Address,Body of Letter,Salutation,Yours sincerely,6,Signature,签名,(Handwritten Signature),Zhang San,7,Enclosure,附件,Under the signature.Indicates materials attached to the letter.Abbreviated as“Encl.”or“Enc.”Should state the content and amount of enclosed files.,E.g.,Enclosure:A resume,附上简历一份,Enc.A photocopy of academic degree certificate,附学位证书复印件一份,Encls.2 photographs,附照片两张,7,Enclosure,附件,Enclosure can also be stated in the body of the letter.,E.g.,Enclosed please find,随函附上,请查收,Enclosed you will find,I enclose(herewith),I attach(hereto),You will find enclosed,Layout of English Application Letters and Superscription(信封格式),Block Style 平头式,56 Xia Fei RoadWuhan 43 P.R.ChinaJune 30,2008,Personnel DepartmentHuihuang CompanyMain StreetCalifornia,U.S.A.,Dear Sir,Please consider me for the position of market investigator you advised in Market Information of June 17th.,I am 28 years old,Yours sincerely,(Signature)Wang Jun,Layout of English Application Letters and Superscription(信封格式),Indented Style 缩进式,56 Xia Fei Road Wuhan 430015 P.R.China June 30,2008,Personnel Department Huihuang Company Main Street California,U.S.A.,Dear Sir,Please consider me for the position of market investigator you advised in Market Information of June 17th.,I am 28 years old,Yours sincerely,Wang Jun Encl.A resume,Layout of English Application Letters and Superscription(信封格式),Modified Style 折衷式,56 Xia Fei RoadWuhan 430015P.R.ChinaJune 30,2008,Personnel DepartmentHuihuang CompanyMain StreetCalifornia,U.S.A.,Dear Sir,Please consider me for the position of market investigator you advised in Market Information of June 17th.,I am 28 years old,Yours sincerely,(Signature)Wang Jun,Layout of English Application Letters and Superscription(信封格式),Superscription 信封书写格式,Return Address(寄信人地址),Stamp,Address(收信人地址),Mailing Directions(信件类别),Remarks(附加说明),Layout of English Application Letters and Superscription(信封格式),Superscription 信封书写格式,Zhao MinAnhui UniversityHefei,P.R.China,Prof.John WiseChairman,Dept.of BiologyVancouver Education College100,St.Greenhill Ave.Vancouver 24Canada,Air Mail,Personal,Layout of English Application Letters and Superscription(信封格式),Mailing Directions&Remarks,Air Mail(By Air Mail/Via Air Mail),航空,Air Mail Registered,航空挂号,Sea Mail,海运,Registered,挂号,Ordinary Mail,平信(通常不注),Express,快件,Urgent/Immediate,急件,Rush,速递,Layout of English Application Letters and Superscription(信封格式),Mailing Directions&Remarks,Book Post,图书邮件,If undelivered,please return to,如果无法投递,请退,Parcel Post,包裹邮件,Sample Post,样品邮件,Private,亲启,Personal,亲收,Secret,密件,Layout of English Application Letters and Superscription(信封格式),Mailing Directions&Remarks,Top Secret,绝密,Confidential,机密,To await arrival,收信人到后拆封,Please Readdress,请转寄,Layout of English Application Letters and Superscription(信封格式),If you want the letter to be forwarded(转交)by someone,Miss Zhang Lan c/o(care of)Prof.Zhang Jie Department of Physics Anhui University 230036 Hefei,P.R.China,Sample 1 Dear Mr.Li,I take the liberty to write you in the hope that you might need someone to fill in for you.I feel that I am qualified as an administrator.I am currently a student at college,I have over a month more to complete before I graduate.My major is business administration.I have excellent grades in all my subjects.If you wish to look at these information it will be sent to you later.I have worked at a trading company as a secretary,but I hope to seek more responsible employment.I am 25 years old and very honest and dependable.If you need someone with my qualifications,please let me know.Thank you very much for your kind attention.Sincerely yours,Zhang Peng,Sample 2,Dear Sirs,I am looking for a position in an engineering department in which I may use my training in computer science to solve engineering problems.I would be interested in exploring the possibility of obtaining such a position within your firm.I expect to receive a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from Tangshan Institute of Technology in June.Since September 2008 I have been participating,through my institute,in the Professional Training Program as Programmer Trainee and have gained a great deal of experience in computer applications.Details of the academic courses I have taken are contained in the enclosed resume.May I have an appointment for an interview with you to discuss my qualifications in detail?Please contact me at 18763796869.Sincerely,Zhang Lin,Letter of suggestions 建议信,(1)建议信写作注意事项:写作目的是提出建议或忠告。不是投诉信,观点要 合情合理,注意礼貌当先。(2)写作方法 首段:简介自己,不要罗嗦;说明目的,注意语气。主体:提出具体建议;首先肯定优点,再写改进内容,否则变成投诉信;经常进行交流,注意对方感受,时时提到你和我,否则容易跑题写成议论文,因为内容与议论文相似。尾段:总结建议,注意礼貌,易于接受,真题(2001.6)Writing(30 minutes)Directions:For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter.Suppose you are Zhang Ying.Write a letter to Xiao Wang,a schoolmate of yours who is going to visit you during the weeklong holiday.You should write at least 100 words according to the suggestions given below in Chinese.1、表示欢迎。2、提出对度假安排的建议。3、提醒应注意的事项。,Dear Xiao Wang,Im delighted to learn that you are going to visit me during the week-long vacation.My parents will also be happy to see you again.Im sure you will enjoy every minute here.I know you are fond of swimming.A river lies not far away from my home.We can go swimming there.I think it would be very pleasant and refreshing to swim in such hot summer days.In every big room of my home there is an air-conditioner.We can watch TV,play CDs or read books very comfortably at home.A mountain about two miles away from here is beautiful and it is worth touring.We can go there on foot.When we climb to the top of the mountain,we can have a wonderful bird-eye view of the whole village.Just phone me before you set off.There is no need for you to take anything.Ill prepare everything for you.I am looking forward to seeing you soon.Yours sincerelyZhang Ying,真题(2004.1)Directions:In this section,you are required to write a letter in reply to a friend s inquiry about applying for admission to your college or university.You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:1建议报考的专业及理由;2报考该专业的基本条件;3应当如何备考。,Dear sir,When it comes to which major you should choose,I propose that you apply for the major of English.To begin with,English is the most popular language in the world,which is widely used in all fields such as teaching,translation,foreign trade and so on.Whats more,it goes without saying that English majors are more likely to find a good job in the tighter and tighter job market.In order to study at English Department,you have to meet the following requirements.In the first place,you have to spend a lot of time on it,just as the old saying goes,“Practice makes perfect”.I


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