欧盟劳动力市场政策,劳动经济学研究生课程胡永健2009年12月,欧盟历史简介,欧盟历史简介:从三个共同体发展成为欧洲联盟1951年,比利时、西德、卢森堡、法国、意大利和荷兰共同创建了欧洲煤钢共同体(the European Coal and Steel Community-ECSC)1957年,签订了罗马条约,建立欧洲原子能共同体(the European Atomic Energy Community-EURATOM)和欧洲经济共同体(the European economic Community-EEC).成员国决定逐步消除成员国之间的贸易壁垒,建立共同市场1967年,三个联盟合并,建立单一的欧洲委员会、部长级别的理事会和欧洲议会1993年生效的马斯赫特条约创立了成员国之间新的合作方式,标志着欧洲经济共同体开始向欧洲联盟过渡 欧盟的扩大:,欧盟历史简介,1973年:丹麦、爱尔兰和英国加入1981年:希腊1986:西班牙和葡萄牙加入1995年:奥地利、芬兰和瑞典加入2004年:Cyprus,the Czech Republic,Estonia,Hungary,Latvia,Lithuania,Malta,Poland,Slovakia and Slovenia2007年:保加利亚和罗马尼亚加入克罗地亚和土耳其:正在谈判,欧盟历史简介,EU-15:Austria,Belgium,Denmark,Finland,France,Germany,Greece,Ireland,Italy,Luxembourg,the Netherlands,Portugal,Spain,Sweden and the United KingdomEU-25:plus Cyprus,the Czech Republic,Estonia,Hungary,Latvia,Lithuania,Malta,Poland,Slovakia and SloveniaEU-27:plus Bulgaria and Romania,欧盟历史简介,欧盟主要机构:the European Commission(欧盟委员会)the Council of the European Union(欧盟理事会)European Parliament(欧洲议会)European Court of Justice(欧洲法院)the Economic and Social Committee(经社委员会)-a consultative body representing the interests of labor,employers,farmers,consumers,and other groups The European Central Bank(欧洲中央银行),欧盟历史简介,重要条约罗马条约马斯赫特条约里斯本条约重要事件EMU:作为一个目标,建立欧洲货币联盟被写入马斯赫特条约/2002年1月欧元正式使用.工人的自由流动:,欧盟历史简介,巴黎条约(建立欧洲煤钢共同体条约)确认了这两个部门工人自由流动的权利1957年罗马条约确认了在欧洲共同体内部工人自由流动的权利2004年的欧盟指导性文件阐述了自由流动工人及其家属的各种权利按照欧盟的有关规定,对欧盟新成员国就业限制到2011 年应该结束。但实际上,对2004年加入欧盟的东欧国家工人的限制在2009年已基本结束,但对保加利亚和罗马尼亚工人流动的限制仍将持续到2014年,欧盟劳动力市场政策,就业政策收入分配政策工作条件工作时间社会保障政策劳动关系的调整其它,欧盟就业政策的演变,欧盟发展与扩展时期(80年代):劳动力市场政策主要通过OECD 和 ILO 机构协调就业与劳动力市场政策引起欧盟的关注(90 年代):失业问题严重:EU-15 失业超过450万,最高达到1740万就业成为 欧盟的共同利益问题,提高就业水平成为欧盟主要目标之一:1999年阿姆斯特丹条约建立就业委员会以协调各国的就业和劳动力市场政策:1999年阿姆斯特丹条约欧洲就业战略(Europe Employment Strategy:EES):1997 年,欧盟在卢森堡举行就业会议并通过了 欧洲就业战略文件,欧盟就业政策的演变,卢森堡战略的主要目的是减少失业卢森堡战略的四大支柱:提高就业水平:减少长期失业及年轻人失业现象鼓励创业改善适应性:工作组织和工作安排/灵活劳动力市场政策平等机会:反对歧视妇女和灵活就业者,欧盟就业政策的演变,欧盟就业政策中的开放协调机制-the Open Method of Coordination(OMC)建立欧盟及成员国在责任方面的平衡:the Union does not take action unless it is more effective than action taken at national,regional or local level.It is closely bound up with the principles of proportionality and necessity,which require that any action by the Union should not go beyond what is necessary to achieve the objectives of the Treaty(principle of subsidiarity-马斯赫特条约)建立共同目标,监督成员国的执行情况:融合包括所有相关者,比较各国发展成就,并从其它国家的经验中汲取经验:学习/整合/技术指导EES 中的目标和程序不受法律约束,欧盟就业政策的演变,建立各种机构,对成员国的就业政策从财政方面加以支持未来计划项目 为成员国实现就业和社会发展目标提供财政支持 欧洲社会基金:保障欧盟及成员国实现EES 目标;通过教育和培训,提高青年人和长期失业者的就业能力 共同学习项目:在EES 框架下,成为促进就业,增强可转换能力的有效工具,欧盟就业政策的演变,2000年3月欧盟理事会确立了里斯本进程(Lisbon Strategy,Agenda or Process)make Europe the most competitive and most dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world,capable of sustainable economic growth accompanied by quantitative and qualitative improvement of employment and greater social cohesion within ten years.里斯本战略的三大支柱:an economic pillar preparing the ground for the transition to a competitive,dynamic,knowledge-based economy an environmental pillar,and a social pillar designed to modernize the European social model by investing in human resources and combating social exclusion.,欧盟就业政策的演变,里斯本战略的主要内容执行旨在实现充分就业、改善工作质量和效率、并加强社会与地域凝聚力的就业政策确保包容性劳动力市场,提高工作吸引力改善(劳动力供给)与劳动力市场需求的匹配状况提高弹性以及就业保障并减少劳动力市场分隔状况确保有利于创造友好型就业 和工资确定机制扩大并提高人力资本投资,改造教育与培训体系以适应新的能力要求2005 年对里斯本进程的评估报告提出了2010年欧盟就业率目标,欧盟就业政策的演变,里斯本战略的主要作用 适应欧盟增长动力的持续增强,为21世纪做好准备 就业政策纳入新元素:人口老龄化/全球化/技术变革就业政策与社会政策共存,创造更多更好的工作减少失业,提高就业水平和劳动生产率,增强欧盟竞争力提倡绿色就业,建立环境友好型的可持续发展社会,欧盟就业政策的演变,为实现上述目标,欧盟建议将就业措施集中在以下三个方面:创造更多就业,增加劳动力供给,并使社会保障体系现代化改善劳动与企业的适应性通过更好的教育和技能培训增加人力资本投资2002年欧洲理事会会议提出,欧盟扩大后,应进一步加强EES 在推动实现里斯本进程中的作用,欧盟劳动力市场政策:灵活就业,灵活就业产生的背景受经济发展周期影响,80年代初欧洲失业问题严重,特别是长期失业(失业超过一年)问题困扰着欧洲各国政府。以荷兰为例,1981年,荷兰失业率高达11%,通胀率在10%以上就业保护:国家对企业雇主的行为有比较严格的限制:就业合同/时间/解雇失业救济:欧洲各国有所不同,但救济水平及时间长度普遍高于美国后果:劳动生产率提高缓慢,竞争力下降(外商直接投资、产品出口等)讨论结果:采取积极的劳动力市场政策,在某种程度上减轻对劳动力市场的管制,改变安全有余,灵活不足的状况,世界银行:做生意指数,欧盟劳动力市场政策:灵活就业产生背景,欧盟劳动力市场政策:灵活就业形式,就业合同长期合同/无固定期限合同(open ended contract)固定期限合同(fixed term contract)劳务派遣合同(temp jobs)零就业合同(Zero employment contracts/on-call job),欧盟劳动力市场政策:灵活就业的形式,按就业时间全职工作(full-time jobs)Full time jobs on a permanent basis Full time jobs on a temporary basis Part-time jobsPart-time jobs on a permanent basis Part-time jobs on a temporary basis,欧盟劳动力市场政策:灵活就业的规模,欧盟灵活就业政策:反对歧视,保障灵活就业人员的合法权益,灵活就业可能带来的问题:为降低人工费用,规避劳动力市场管理的有关法律和规定,企业有可能滥用灵活就业形式对灵活就业人员的歧视:工资、福利、培训和工作条件等企业内部劳动力市场/insider and outsider/core workers and pier九十年代,英国企业内部劳动力市场的范围缩小(Grimshaw and Carroll,2006)EU-15:企业对临时工岗位培训的投资减少不利于建立稳定的劳动关系和提高劳动生产率灵活就业人员行为的短期性Transition from flexible jobs to permanent positionEU-15:临时工转为正式固定工作的机会变得越来越小/Flexible job trap 对减少收入不平等和降低工资差异的不利影响:弱势群体/低收入人群/poverty trap社会排斥(social exclusion):standard jobs vs.non-standard jobs/precarious jobs/marginal jobs/atypical jobs,欧盟灵活就业政策:反对歧视,保障灵活就业人员的合法权益,非典型工作(Atypical work)、边缘工作(marginal work)、contingent work(causal work)企业内部劳动力市场,核心工人(core workers;insiders),边缘工人(peripheral workers;outsiders),欧盟灵活就业政策:反对歧视,保障灵活就业人员的合法权益,欧盟灵活就业政策:反对歧视,保障灵活就业人员的合法权益,欧洲社会合作伙伴(ETUC,UNICE 和CEEP)1999年就固定期限合同达成协议,并同意以欧洲理事会指导性文件的形式发表。确立了非歧视性原则(第四款)要求采取措施防止滥用固定期限合同(第五款)延长固定期限合同的正当性固定期限合同的长度连续延长的次数/numbers of successive renewals of fixed-term contracts contracts or relations of indefinite duration,欧盟灵活就业政策:反对歧视,保障灵活就业人员的合法权益,欧洲社会合作伙伴(ETUC,UNICE 和CEEP)1997年就 part-time employment 达成协议,并同意以欧洲理事会指导性文件的形式发表。文件目的:减少歧视/改善工作质量确立了非歧视性原则part-time job 应发展成为工人和业主的自愿选择工作方式,欧盟灵活就业政策:反对歧视,保障灵活就业人员的合法权益,Needs of employers and workers A workers refusal to transfer from full-time to part-time work or vice versa should not in itself constitute a valid reason for dismissal.Wherever possible,employers should give consideration to:requests by workers to transfer from full-time to part-time work that becomes available in the establishment;requests by workers to transfer from part-time to full-time work or to increase their working time should the opportunity arise;the provision of timely information on the availability of part-time and full-time jobs in the establishment;measures to facilitate access to part-time work at all levels of the enterprise;the provision of appropriate information to workers representatives about part-time working in the enterprise.,欧盟灵活就业政策:反对歧视,保障灵活就业人员的合法权益,从1995 年,欧洲社会合作伙伴开始就 temporary agency work 进行协商,但一直没有结果2008年11月19日,欧洲议会和欧洲理事会联合发表了关于 temporary agency work 的指导性文件 文件目的:保护劳务派遣工的权利/改善工作质量/反对歧视文件要求各成员国在2011 年之前,对其法律、集体协议中对使用劳务派遣的限制加以重新评估,并以2011 年底将结果通知欧洲理事会,欧盟灵活就业政策:反对歧视,保障灵活就业人员的合法权益,欧盟主要国家的情况丹麦Danish model(见图)/Flexicurity:灵活性+安全性2002 年,有关 part-time job 法律生效,规定解雇那些不同意接受part-time 行为是违法的 荷兰:1997年荷兰下院通过了Flexibility and Security Act,并于1999年1月生效。按照法案规定,企业与雇员的第四个连续合同,将使员工成为具有长期合同的正式职工英国西班牙,欧盟灵活就业政策:反对歧视,保障灵活就业人员的合法权益,Legally regulated terms of employment and social security for part-time work in the Netherlands13 Salary Persons who do the same kind of work should receive the same(gross)hourly wage regardless of working time.As from January 1 1993 all employees are entitled to a(proportional)salary based on the legal minimum wage regardless of working time.Holidays A part-time worker is entitled to the same number of days off as full-time workers,in proportion to the hours he or she works.For example,if somebody working full-time gets twenty full free days a year,somebody working half-time gets twenty half free days a year.According to the Civil Code the minimum holiday entitlement is four times the average working hours per week,which amounts to twenty days for a full-timer;collective agreements generally grant approximately twenty-five days a year.Probationary period The maximum is two months for permanent contracts and possibly shorter for fixed-term contracts,but this is regardless of working time.Dismissal law This is exactly the same for all workers regardless of working time.Special leave Parental leave On the basis of the Parental Leave Act persons employed by the same employer for a year or more are entitled to unpaid part-time leave.As a consequence of the 2001 Work and Care Framework Act employees working 20 hours or less are no longer excluded from this possibility(employees,part-time workers included,may reduced their weekly working hours up to 50 percent).Pensions Under the General Old Age Pensions Act(Algemene Ouderdomswet-AOW)every person is provided with a monthly pension.On top of that,employees can,as a rule,build up additional pension within the company.There are about a thousand private pension schemes.In the first tier of the Dutch pension system entitlements were individualised,unrelated to earnings(covering about 40 percent of average wages)and based on citizenship,which is the system in which part-timers fare best.Hours limits for entry in occupational pension funds guaranteeing earnings-related pensionsthe second tierhave been outlawed under the 1990 Pensions and Savings Act.If a wage limit is applied in pension schemes,wages of a part-time employee have to be converted to full-time level.A part-time employee acquires pension rights in proportion to the number of his/her working hours.In 1996,91 percent of all Dutch workers were covered by occupational pensions,which,when fully matured,guarantee 70 percent of earnings.The white spots,without coverage,are seasonal workers,young people and women working flexible hours in low pay occupations.Unemployment(Unemployment Insurance Act)Part-time employees receive unemployment benefit for the same period of time and under the same conditions as a full-time employee based on 70 percent of their last-earned gross salary.Sickness(Article 629 Civil Code)Both part-time and full-time employees(either having a permanent or fixed-term contract)receive at least 70 percent of their gross salary in case of illness(but not less than the minimum wage,calculated proportionally for part-timers)paid by the employer for a period of one year.Disability(Invalidity Insurance Act)Part-time employees receive disability benefits for the same duration of time and under the same conditions as a full-time employee based on 70 percent of their last-earned income(if fully incapacitated)and depending on the age at which the said employee starts receiving this benefit.Contributions for social security The contributions paid for social-security insurance are usually calculated on the basis of a fixed percentage of pay or income.Working time does not play a role.Health insurance Up to a certain salary limit(in 2002:59,700 a year)all employees are insured under the terms of the Compulsory Health Insurance Act which provides medical and dental care,hospital,nursing and other services.Above this limit employees have to insure themselves privately.There is no difference in the conditions that apply to part-time and full-time employees.Both pay the same percentage of their income plus the same nominal contribution.Working conditions Employers are legally obliged to apply the same safety regulations and measures at work for both part-time and full-time workers.Working hours The Working Hours Act(Arbeidstijdenwet)which came into force on 1 January 1996,includes an article regarding the obligation on the part of the employer to take into account the care duties 16 of his/her employees.This means that the employer has to take into consideration the wishes regarding working hours and patterns of the individual employees in his/her work-planning within reasonable limits.The importance of this Act has diminished since the WAA came into force in 2000.Taxes There are no specific or special measures in the tax system to encourage(or discourage)part-time work.As the tax system is based on progressive taxation for higher incomes,the net income losses in the case of part-time jobs are smaller than the gross reduction of income.The 1990 tax reform already reduced the basic tax allowance for breadwinners and integrated social security charges,thus lowering disincentives for second earners to take up more hours.The 2001 tax reform removed the remaining shared taxation components.In,丹麦模式:flexicurity=灵活性+安全性,Training,Higher level of unemployment benefit,Flexibility in employment and on workplace,Active labor market policy,No exclusion from the social system,Effective CW,欧盟劳动力市场政策:促进绿色就业,世界经济一体化、环境变化和人口老龄化是欧盟在21世纪面临的结构性挑战里斯本战略:促进经济增长,创造更多更好的工作,并使欧盟经济变得更绿、更富有创造性和竞争力挑战+机会?加大绿色投资力度,创造更多绿色工作,建立低碳型的、环境友好型的、可持续发展社会2008-2009年发生的全球金融危机为发展绿色经济带来新的机会,欧盟劳动力市场政策:促进绿色就业,欧盟经济复苏计划(2008年11月)The Plan sets out a comprehensive program to direct action to smart investment.Smart investment means investing in the right skills for tomorrows needs;investing in energy efficiency to create jobs and save energy;investing in clean technologies to boost sectors like construction and automobiles in the low-carbon markets of the future;and investing in infrastructure and inter-connection to promote efficiency and innovation,欧盟劳动力市场政策:绿色投资在经济刺激计划中的比重,欧盟劳动力市场政策:促进绿色就业,绿色工作什么是绿色工作?绿色投资能够带来更多、更好的工作?绿色投资与传统投资相比,谁的就业弹性更高?绿色工作=更好的工作?绿色投资对传统产业就业的影响:net employment effects 绿色投资对就业影响的数量分析:投入产出法,欧盟的收入分配政策:工资的确定,工资是工人收入的主要来源/工资是影响厂商生产成本的主要因素工资确定的方法和水平主要由各国决定;没有统一的欧盟工资政策欧洲工会一直在推动超国家的工资政策阿姆斯特丹条约中的 social charter 为社会伙伴在欧盟层次上的谈判确立了法律基础欧洲最低工资标准:50-60%?1994年,在建立欧元的第二阶段,欧盟发表指导性文件(BEPGs),要求成员国的工资增长应该适度1999年,欧盟要求成员国的工资增长应与财政、预算和金融政策协调,避免通货膨胀式的增长通过OMC(open method of coordination)建立统一工资政策面临的问题,欧盟的收入分配政策:工资的确定,工资确定由社会伙伴+政府(协调、最低工资)负责工资集体协商谈判的层次:欧洲大陆国家以部门为主;英国则在企业和部门层次工资确定的因素:通货膨胀、劳动生产率、劳动力市场状况等,欧盟的收入分配政策:工资集体协商谈判的协调性,欧盟的收入分配政策:工资集体协商谈判,Denmark National tripartite declaration:In order to increase Denmarks competitiveness,the declaration recommends that the development of labor costs should not exceed the development of labor costs in competing countriesSweden Bipartite agreement for the industry sector(1997)recommended that Swedish wages should not rise faster than the EU averageIn Spain,trade unions use European references,stressing the need to improve pay and conditions to correspond with European averages.The unions in Portugal often demand an improvement of wages and working conditions in order to move towards the European average.In Greece,unions place a particular emphasize on wage comparisons with other southern European countries,欧盟的收入分配政策:工资集体协商谈判,Dutch social partners in October of 2003 agreed on two years of wage moderation as part of a social agreement with the government.The agreement committing the social partners to pay moderation-pay growth must be in line with government inflation forecasts and productivity growth,欧盟的收入分配政策:实际工资增长缓慢,欧盟的收入分配政策:D9/D1,欧盟的收入分配政策:最低工资标准,最低工资的种类:国家单一标准地区最低标准部门或职业标准最低工资的制定国家:专门委员会:英国集体协商谈判:德国奥地利、丹麦、芬兰、意大利和瑞典没有法定的最低工资标准,欧盟的收入分配政策:最低工资标准,关于最低工资的国际公约Convention26(1928)Convention99(1951)Convention131(1970)影响最低工资水平的因素:The needs of workers and their families,taking into account the general level of wages in the country,the cost of living,social security benefits and the relative living standards of other social groups Economic factors:requirements of economic development,level of productivity and the desirability of attaining and maintaining a high level of employment,欧盟的收入分配政策:最低工资/平均工资的比率,欧盟的收入分配政策:最低月工资水平(欧元),欧盟的收入分配政策:最低工资标准,最低工资的作用: