The rise of 360(360的崛起),Literacy:the words of 360 is god“figure“,Qihoo 360 was founded in September 2005,March 30,2011 Qihoo 360 company official in the New York Stock Exchange,Qihoo 360 has 360 secure browser,360 safe,360 anti-virus 360 software housekeeper,360 pages firewall,360 Guardian,and other products.翻译:(知识普及:话说360是神一般的“人物”,奇虎360创立于2005年9月,2011年3月30日奇虎360公司正式在纽约证券交易所挂牌交易,奇虎360拥有360安全浏览器、360保险箱、360杀毒、360软件管家、360网页防火墙、360手机卫士等系列产品。),Now seeing my Records(战绩),Round one:the famous 3Q war,only you have a computer,not afraid of you do not know 翻译:(回合一:著名的3Q大战,只有你有电脑,不怕你不知道),Heavy attack(重磅出击),QQ:Teng brother Say:(腾哥说),360:Zhou(周鸿祎):,QQ:Teng brother say:Boy,I scrape you do not feel wronged!(腾哥说:小子,我凑你别觉得委屈!)360:Oh?-(嗯?)QQ:you think!(你猜!)360:Thought for a long-(沉思良久)Guess what is 360 thinking?(你猜猜360想的是什么?)(答案在最后一张ppt)Finally,3Q war ended?(最后,3Q大战落幕?),Round 2:360 gold,three drug gangsters,contention dark wins,intrigues 翻译:(回合二:360与金三毒霸,明争暗夺,尔虞我诈),Now seeing my Records(战绩),360:Ha ha ha(哈哈哈),金山毒霸:I am ruthless than you!(我比你狠!),360最新力作,顶起,The legend Little is so-(传说“小3”是这么来的),“3”world war in-(“小3”大战进行中)We are(我们是:),“小”米,“3”60,周鸿祎:360 mobile phone iscoming,are you ready?!So,What are you waiting for?,Outcome you dare predict?Test your courage,Full countless software vendors continue to disputes spared from war You know what?As long as you dare,the answer is out there,not the grief do not like to go unabated growth(not explained)I know you know what I know.This is a funny answer:Software market to determine the IT status of the hardware market is lopsided,the future of electronic products is not worth the money,worth of billing software and fee-based services.(Well,you guessed 360 and QQ reconciliation of reason?)(注:翻译在下一页),结局你敢预测吗?考验你的勇气,悉数无数软件厂商不断纠纷乱战你知道了什么?只要你敢想,答案就在那里,不悲不喜不来不去不减不增(不解释)我知道你知道我知道的是什么这是个有趣的答案:软件市场决定IT地位,硬件市场渐行渐远,未来电子产品不值钱,值钱的是收费软件和收费服务。(那么,你猜到360和QQ和解的原因了吗?),PPT 演讲到此结束,Thanks for your listening very much!,