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    ,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,5 c,10 i,1 e,2 h,3 a,4 g,6 b,7 j,8 f,9 d,2 Scanning and skimming,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,2 Scanning and skimming,1 electric power(自动化)equipment2(职业的)disease3 illegal(移民)4 Music can(振奋)your spirits.5 result in substantial population(转移)6 the(手工制作的)furniture7 He has(在牧场工作)in the north for 20 years.8 eat(有营养的)food9 be(卷入)in the trouble10 a new(装配)line11(屈服)to the enemy12 make(难以置信的)progress13 unrealistic(乐观)14 in recent(暴徒)violence,automation,occupational,immigrant,uplift,displacement,hand-crafted,ranched,nutritious,involved,assembly,yield,incredible,optimism,mob,Enhancing your academic language,Complete the paragraph,2 Scanning and skimming,Robots are playing(越来越重要的作用)in our life.They replaced humans in the assistance of performing those repetitive and dangerous tasks,(那些人类不愿做或不能做的事)such as in outer space or at the bottom of the sea(以及诸如此类的事)where humans could not survive the extreme environments.But the important role of robots does not(解决人类的担忧).(问题提了出来):Will robots control man?,increasingly important role,tasks humans prefer not to do,or are unable to do,and the like,settle mans worries,Some questions are raised,Enhancing your academic language,Translate the following sentences from Text 5 into Chinese.,1 最近在纽约时报上刊登的一篇文章谈到了一种新计算机软件,该软件在瞬间就能通过数以千计的法律文件筛选并寻找到那些可诉讼的条款,这为律师们节省了在阅读文件上所花费的数百小时。,2 他们主要靠耕种来养活自己,然后再多种一些用以物品交易或卖一些盈余。,3 从事农业和畜牧业者的绝对数量大约在1910年时达到顶峰(约有1,1001,200万),在此之后人数便急剧下降。,2 Scanning and skimming,Enhancing your academic language,Translate the following sentences from Text 5 into Chinese.,4 这个故事总结了美国几个世纪以来的工作经历,从失业工人的层面上讲是悲剧,但从全国劳动力的层面上讲是件好事。,5 人工智能是一种新的自动化技术吗?是一种削弱了曾经是20世纪末就业标志的脑力工作的技术吗?是一种只会消除更好的工作机会的技术吗?,2 Scanning and skimming,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,5 h,10 g,1 d,2 f,3 i,4 b,6 c,7 a,8 e,9 j,3 Identifying topic sentences for information,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,1 Some places are(有问题的)for women traveling alone.2 I have to make some(推测).3 go through what he calls a period of political(边缘政策)4 She reminds us of the famous(格言).5 enjoy the(垄断)of cigarette business6 try to(隐藏)his envy7 If you want a(n)(份额)of the pay,youll have to do your fair share of the work.8 They threatened him with a(n)(诉讼).9 No difficulty can(阻止)us from trying it again.10 joint together for(相互的)benefits,problematic,presumptions,brinkmanship,dictum,monopoly,conceal,share,lawsuit,deter,mutual,3 Identifying topic sentences for information,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,11 If you are serious about our relationship,you should make(保证).12 promise never to(泄露)his secret13 a(n)(有目的的)decision and action14(过得)badly during those days15 the(相互依赖)between humans and nature16 The troops were thoroughly(士气低落)by this setback.17 The children helped the old man(共同地).18 He(规定)payment in advance.19 The car is sold with a 12-month(担保).20 The benefits have(超过)the risk.21 Too much food will(引起)sleepiness.22 force applied(一致地)over a surface,commitment,reveal,purposive,fare,interdependence,demoralized,collectively,stipulated,warranty,outweighed,induce,uniformly,3 Identifying topic sentences for information,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,23 the(最佳的)method for improving speaking practice24 refuse to(承认)to his crime25 Even the best quality rubber will(毁坏)with age.26 Unless the employers(采取行动)quickly,there will be a strike.27 be faced with a(n)(两难境地)28 remain(中立的)in the war29(无法忍受的)temper and attitude30 The right hand is(占优势的)in most people.31 His statement doesnt(符合)with the facts.32 the(结果)of the election33(吓退)the man off34 It is a(n)(直线的)diagram.,optimal,confess,perish,dilemma,move,neutral,intolerable,dominant,square,bluff,outcome,linear,3 Identifying topic sentences for information,Enhancing your academic language,Complete the paragraph,Few social situations can be modeled by a single interaction.The strategy one uses to(为自己得到最好的结果)depends on his experience in previous interactions.(为了说明这一点),the paper(尝试运用)the example of a game.A player is likely to cooperate only if his opponent previously demonstrated willingness to cooperate,(这个过程就导致了)a relationship of mutual reciprocity.(这种例子还出现)in other situations where social interaction occurs.,secure the best outcomes for himself,To illustrate the point,attempts to use,a process that leads to,Such an example also arises,3 Identifying topic sentences for information,Enhancing your academic language,Translate the following sentences from Text 6 into Chinese.,1 就前者来说,玩家按照顺序移动,(那么)每个人都了解其他玩家之前的动作。就后者而言,玩家同时做出动作,则不了解其他玩家的动作。,2 当一个人思考别人会如何反应的时候,他必须站在别人的角度,用和他们一样的思考方式进行思考;一个人不能将自己的推理强加在别人的身上。,3 尽管各位玩家同时做出动作,不知道其他玩家当前的动作,然而,每个玩家都必须明白其他玩家也和自己一样有同样的想法等等。,3 Identifying topic sentences for information,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,5 f,10 h,1 g,2 d,3 i,4 b,6 j,7 a,8 c,9 e,Unit 2 Searching for information,4 Guessing word meaning,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,1 amateur(天文学家)2 sign a(n)(合同)with the landlord3 professional(奉献)4 theory of(进化)5 a(n)(踪迹)of evidence for the claim6 have no(概念)of the law7(散发)light and heat8 correct(错误的)data9 be(插入)in the soil10 climate(预报)11(数量的)information on both costs and benefits12(扩大)domestic demand13 be(精确地)the same14 No one can(贬低)us except ourselves.,Unit 2 Searching for information,astronomer,contract,dedication,evolution,trace,conception,diffuse,erroneous,embedded,prediction,quantitative,expand,precisely,degrade,4 Guessing word meaning,Enhancing your academic language,Translate the following sentences from Text 6 into Chinese.,4 事实上,有众所周知不好的例子,如:“囚徒困境”(见下文),在这个游戏中如果每个人追求自我的最佳利益,那么所有玩家都会卷入一个糟糕的结局。,5 这种合作行为可通过反复玩这个游戏实现,因为这种由作弊暂时获得的利益会被由于合作破裂引起的长期的损失所压倒。,3 Identifying topic sentences for information,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,15 a(n)(排斥的)force16 goods in(运送)17 give us a(n)(洞察力)into the problems of education18(俘获)an escaped convict19(充分的)and necessary condition20 a huge(分歧)between them21 have a productive(能力)of 200 cars a week22 cling to a somewhat(静态的)view of society23 The flames(舔着)against the building.24 slowly fall into(衰落)25(原始的)accumulation of capital26 Success(使承担)hard work.,repulsive,transit,insight,capture,sufficient,gulf,capacity,static,licked,decay,primitive,entails,4 Guessing word meaning,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,27(精炼的)oil28 the most(引人注目的)global event29(不易破碎的)glass30(理论上的)foundation31 a(n)(障碍)to understanding32(取消)the dinner party33 broaden our(眼界)34 a pair of(配错的)shoes35(公然地)break promises36(目击)the robbery37(照字面地)translated38 be of(至关重要的)importance,refined,spectacular,unbreakable,theoretical,barrier,cancel,horizon,mismatched,blatantly,witness,literally,vital,4 Guessing word meaning,Enhancing your academic language,Complete the paragraph,A landmark discovery of the 1990s was that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating.(这个发现是如此的意义深远)that it provides a new way of understanding the behavior of space and time near black holes.It has changed our view of universe,(就如一样)the discovery has done that the earth rotates the sun.(如果会怎样)we have not such a discovery?Were Einstein still alive,(他的发现很可能为他获得又一个诺贝尔奖).The Beyond Einstein program seeks to advance science and technology in different ways.(将打开新的通道)the questions about universe and space.,So significant is the discovery,much as,his discovery would,What if,have likely garnered him another Nobel Prize,It will open,new paths to,4 Guessing word meaning,Enhancing your academic language,Translate the following sentences from Text 7 into Chinese.,1 在过去的十年里,对古老星光的观测让人对宇宙的过去有了深刻的了解,令人惊讶的是,他们也让人对未来的本质有了深刻的洞察。而这些数据所显示的未来令人非常不安因为某种被称之为暗能量的东西。,2 像地球或太阳一样的普通物质只能生成引力,但数学演算却显示,一种更外在的能源 一种就像是填充桑拿浴的蒸汽一样的能量均匀地充满着整个空间,只不过这种能量是无法看到的会产生与引力相斥的力量。,4 Guessing word meaning,Enhancing your academic language,Translate the following sentences from Text 7 into Chinese.,4 在测算充满宇宙的暗能量的总量的最为精确的尝试中,遗漏了一个测定值,一个巨大的因数10123(即一个1后面跟着123个0),这是在科学历史中理论和观测最为严重的一次误差。,5 距今一千亿年后,任何没有与我们比邻的星系都将会被不断膨胀的空间横扫出去,它飞驰而去的速度将会比光速还快。,3 快速推进到二十世纪九十年代,那时我们发现两队天文学家对遥远的超新星由天体爆发所产生的非常耀眼的星星,能够穿过宇宙而被看得很清楚进行着艰辛而精确的观测,用以确定外太空间的膨胀速度是怎样在宇宙的历史进程中改变的。,4 Guessing word meaning,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,5 g,10 e,1 d,2 f,3 a,4 b,6 h,7 c,8 i,9 j,4 Guessing word meaning,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,1 We love the valley in all its(方面).2 Please(折叠)the paper.3 The two accidents took place(同时地).4 There was an air of(期望)among the waiting crowd.5 Article in The Wall Street(日报)leans heavily on fashion.6 What does it require to be a successful(技工),to do all the mechanics problems?7 Thousands of wounded were brought to the next town of Castiliogne where he arrived and there was(几乎)no medical assistance.8 A text message confirming the policy number and sale is then sent(自动的),aspects,replicate,simultaneously,expectancy,Journal,mechanic,practically,automatically,4 Guessing word meaning,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,9 He says the troops will have to launch quick,sharp and(精确的)attacks in the area if they hope to prevail.10 The trouble with Bill was that he never had a(n)(明确的)aim in life.11 Kevin drove(不规律地),knocked down several cones,and ran over atleast one of the inflatable dolls.12 This is a(n)(纯粹的)white residential area.13“Good morning”is a(n)(传统的)greeting.14 Honesty,industry and kindness are(基础)of a good life.15 I needed a place to fire ceramic(半导体)substrates for homemade integrated circuits.16 The findings appeared just days after another team reported its findings in the journal Nature Structural and(分子的)Biology.,precise,specific,erratically,exclusive,conventional,elements,semiconductor,Molecular,4 Guessing word meaning,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,17 It is a(n)(广阔的)desert.18 The(外貌)of the old house completely changed.19 The dispute has scared away(潜在的)investors.20 This small house is my only(资产).21 Do you know how to(操作)a computer?22 You are not allowed to(伪造)a certificate.23 It is hard to(预见)what will happen.24 The(主旨)of his speech was that he was better than the other candidates.25 Exceptions cannot be made for(个体).26 She then looked at the(反面)side of the coin.27 The government and central bank were in(理论上的)harmony.,vast,appearance,potential,property,manipulate,fabricate,foresee,substance,individual,reverse,theoretical,4 Guessing word meaning,Enhancing your academic language,Complete the paragraph,There is evidence that nanotechnology(起着非常重要的作用)every aspect of our life,for example,nanotechnology(对医学界正在产生很大影响).Patients drink fluids containing nanorobots(比药丸还小)programmed to attack cancer cells or viruses.(这可极大地减轻疼痛)the treatment will bring.(直到我们体验到这种好处)of anotechnology that we can be aware of its significance.,has played an ever-important,is impacting the medical industry,This could vastly reduce the pain,smaller than,It is not until we experience such benefits,role in,a pill,Enhancing your academic language,Translate the following sentences from Text 8 into Chinese.,1 一纳米是一米的十亿分之一,比可见光的波长还要短,其宽度是人类头发的十万分之一。,2 诺贝尔奖获得者霍斯特施特默说纳米尺度比原子尺度更有趣,因为纳米尺度是我们可以将东西安装在一起的起始点,我们只有将原子拼凑在一起这个东西才有使用价值。,Unit 2 Searching for information,3 只有在那时,他说,我们才能有效地教授纳米科学,因为没有牢固的多学科背景就无法理解纳米科技的世界。,4 Guessing word meaning,Enhancing your academic language,Translate the following sentences from Text 8 into Chinese.,4 物质是绝缘体,就意味着他们不能带电荷,然而,在分散形式下缩微到纳米尺度时物质可以变为绝缘体。,5 有些人担心纳米科技最终会成为虚拟的现实换句话说,在纳米领域的界限成为公众知识之前有关纳米科技的炒作仍会继续,然后兴趣(和资金)会很快消失。,Unit 2 Searching for information,4 Guessing word meaning,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,5 j,10 g,1 c,2 f,3 d,4 h,6 i,7 a,8 e,9 b,Unit 2 Searching for information,5 Using the organization of the text,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,1 the(巨大)of loss2 increase(显著地)overnight3(大气)pressure4 work with greater(紧张)5 give(证据)in support of a theory6 birds(迁徙)in winter7 speak more(明确地)8(增强)the electric current9 a disease of frequent(发生)10 be in control of your own(命运)11 strong(动机)to succeed12(年度的)bonus13 be(释放)from prison14 a(n)(恶毒的)enemy to defeat,Unit 2 Searching for information,magnitude,significantly,atmosphere,intensity,evidence,migrating,specifically,amplify,occurrence,destiny,motivation,annual,released,vicious,5 Using the organization of the text,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,15 create a(n)(有关环境方面)safe society16(交替)between rain and sunshine17 the most(突出的)feature of the book18 his(反应)to the news19(大幅度地)cutting staff20 traffic(规则)21 a(n)(最小的)charge for the service22(暴露)of the body to strong sunlight23(保持)youthful vigor24(混合)the ingredients25 They are free(最后).26(谢绝)an invitation27 Man is a reasoning(生物).,environmentally,alternate,prominent,reaction,drastically,regulation,minimal,exposure,Unit 2 Searching for information,retain,compound,eventually,decline,creature,5 Using the organization of the text,Enhancing your academic language,Complete the paragraph,Although ordinary people(没有意识到)of global warming,scientists are more than 90 percent certain that most of it is caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases which(对大气造成很大影响).According to scientists,greenhouse gases are produced by human activities such as deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels.These findings indicate that(人类的环境和健康处于危险之中).More dangerous are the fact that(不是一般人所关心的日常问题).Hence what we should do is to(使人们参加到)the cause.,mans environment,Unit 2 Searching for information,are unaware or uninformed of the causes,have a large impact in the atmosphere,the issue is not of their daily concern,get all people involved in,and health are at risk,5 Using the organization of the text,Enhancing your academic language,Translate the following sentences from Text 9 into Chinese.,1 他将气候变暖称为“伟大的地球物理实验”。他说:“这个实验就是给大气加载尽可能多的二氧化碳,再增加少许其他有害气体,然后看看会发生什么。”,2 对减少温室气体的排放,特别是因燃烧化石燃料而产生的二氧化碳的排放所做的微不足道的努力增加了全球变暖的速度和强度。,Unit 2 Searching for information,3 大气中的二氧化碳可以使植物更快地进行光合作用,并使得过敏原数量增加。,5 Using the organization of the text,Enhancing your academic language,Translate the following sentences from Text 9 into Chinese.,4 它是地球上除了水蒸汽外最丰富的热能吸收气体它并不被认为是一种温室气体,因为它通过下雨不断地循环回到地球上。,5 沸点是一部关于全球变暖导致地球气候变化的著作,该书的作者罗斯格尔布斯潘在2004年公开谈及他的这本书时说:“气候问题最终会撕开全球经济的裂口。”,Unit 2 Searching for information,5 Using the organization of the text,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,5 i,10 b,1 d,2 c,3 j,4 a,6 f,7 h,8 e,9 g,Unit 2 Searching for information,6 Reading Critically,Enhancing your academic language,Match the words with their definitions.,1(经历)a smooth transition2 be offered(大量的)sums to leave3(史无前例的)reforms in any socialist countries 4(失控的)inflation5 achieve a wide variety of(共识)on many issues6 such a motion will largely(阻碍)any move by the new Governor7 total farm(产量)for this year8 a childs(注意力集中的时间)9


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