学术英语 社科,Academic English for Social Sciences,4,We live in a world today that is increasingly more complex.Why are the living conditions of our times so different from those of earlier times?How will our lives change in the future?These are the questions that lead us to the study of sociology.,The Study of Society and People,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,Unit Contents,Lead-in,Text A,Text B,Listening,Speaking,Writing,Lead-in,Task Listen to a talk twice and complete the following notes.,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,1 The questions the speaker raises in the talk are:a Why does everyone _?b Why cant people _?c Why is she spending her money _?d Why doesnt the government _?e Why is the state _in a _?f What about that _?2 Sociologists study _,look for _.,need an SUV,carpool,on lottery tickets,invest more in public transportation,running a lottery,convenience store,cup of premium coffee you bought,social patterns that many people share,organized and governed,root causes of such social patterns in the way society is,Text A,Critical reading and thinking Difficult sentences English language for academic purpose,Specialized vocabulary Collocations Formal and informal English Signpost language,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,Text A,Critical reading and thinking of Text A,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,Text AnalysisHow do the authors develop the text?,Tragic mass murder at Columbine High School Ethnic cleansing War in Kosovo How do the authors describe the world we live today in?awash with change,marked by deep conflicts,tensions,social divisions;marked by the destructive onslaught of modern technology,1 Introduce the topic of sociology by using the example.,Text A,Critical reading and thinking of Text A,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,Text Analysis2 Explain what is sociology,including definition,scope,nature&objectives,content,and functions.,What is sociology?Definition:the study of human social life,groups,and societies.Wide scope of sociological study:ranging from the analysis of passing encounters between individual on the street to the investigation of global social processes.,How do the authors develop the text?,Text A,Critical reading and thinking of Text A,Text Analysis,Using the example of love to illustrate the nature and objectivities of sociology.Love expresses a mutual physical and personal attachment two individuals feel for one another.Falling in love is an experience arising from universal human emotions.,How do the authors develop the text?,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,2 Explain what is sociology,including definition,scope,nature&objectives,content,and functions.,Text A,Critical reading and thinking of Text A,Text Analysis,Romantic love(Para 7),Among both rich and poor,the decision of whom to marry wasmade by family and kin.e.g.India(Para 8),However falling in love is not an experience most people across the world have;and having no connection with marriage.e.g.In the Middle age and for centuries after ward(Para.6),How do the authors develop the text?,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,2 Explain what is sociology,including definition,scope,nature&objectives,content,and functions.,Text A,Critical reading and thinking of Text A,Text Analysis,Content:Sociology studies human life and social and historical influences on it.Sociology shows the need to take a much broader view of why we are as we are,and why we act as we do.,How do the authors develop the text?,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,2 Explain what is sociology,including definition,scope,nature&objectives,content,and functions.,Text A,Critical reading and thinking of Text A,Text Analysis,parison between common people and sociologists in explaining the mass murder.,How do the authors develop the text?,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,2 Explain what is sociology,including definition,scope,nature&objectives,content,and functions.,Text A,Critical reading and thinking of Text A,Text Analysis,Functions sociology serves:show us the need to look beyond the surface of peoples actions and study the social context;teach us to try to identify general patterns of behavior and be systematic in explaining the social influences on these patterns.,How do the authors develop the text?,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,2 Explain what is sociology,including definition,scope,nature&objectives,content,and functions.,Text A,Critical reading and thinking of Text A,Text AnalysisHow do the authors develop the text?,3 Explain how to think sociologically,How to think sociologically?cultivate the sociological imagination.Thats to say:“Think ourselves away from the familiar routines of our daily lives in order to look at them anew.”,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,Text A,Difficult sentences,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,passing encounters(Para.3)a short accidental meetingThe opinions of prospective marriage partners are quite often taken into account,but by no means always.(Para.8)In India,when parents arrange marriages they often listen to the opinions of their children,but sometimes they just do not consider their childrens wishes.,Text A,Difficult sentences,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,Neither romantic love,then,nor its association with marriage,can be understood as“given”features of human life.Rather,it has been shaped by broad social and historical influences.(Para.9)Nowadays the idea of romantic love and its association with marriage is taken for granted as if it has always been like that.In fact it is not always the case and has suffered changes throughout history.,Text A,Difficult sentences,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,A sociologist is someone who is able to break free from the immediacy of personal circumstances and put things in a wider context.(Para.13)(结合最后一句理解)A sociologist must learn to detach himself/herself to think ourselves away in order to observe things in a context wider than his/her own personal situations and arrive at fresh understandings.,Specialized vocabulary,social division social beingintellectual lifehuman emotionsocial class,Text A,English language for academic purpose,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,社会分工,社会人,精神生活,人类情感,社会阶级,Specialized vocabulary,人类社会生活全球社会进程婚姻幸福公共场所社会环境行为模式文化背景,Text A,English language for academic purpose,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,global social process,marital happiness,public places,social context,patterns of behavior,cultural background,human social life,Collocations,Text A,English language for academic purpose,be awash withcontrol our destinyshape our livesbe skeptical ofin the form of marriagekeep property in the hands of familyin privatein the aftermath of easy availability of sth.a wide array of evidence,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,Signpost language,ListingIt presents a list of items in no specific order.,Text A,English language for academic purpose,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,Do the task on Page 76.,Formal and informal English,Text A,English language for academic purpose,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,See Page 76.,Task 1 The tree diagram below shows how the authors develop the text about the study of sociology.Fill in the blanks according to the text.,Text A,Suggested answers,Critical reading and thinking,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,Using the example of _.,mass murder at Columbine High School,The study of sociology,Introducing the topic of sociology,Task 1 The tree diagram below shows how the authors develop the text about the study of sociology.Fill in the blanks according to the text.,Text A,Suggested answers,Critical reading and thinking,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,Sociology is the study of _.,Using the example of _ to illustrate the _ of sociology.,love,nature and objectives,The study of sociology,What is sociology,human social life,groups,and societies,Task 1 The tree diagram below shows how the authors develop the text about the study of sociology.Fill in the blanks according to the text.,Text A,Suggested answers,Critical reading and thinking,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,Sociology studies _ influences.,The study of sociology,What does sociology study?,social historical,Task 1 The tree diagram below shows how the authors develop the text about the study of sociology.Fill in the blanks according to the text.,Text A,Suggested answers,Critical reading and thinking,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,Sociology shows people the need to _.,Sociology teaches people to _ and be systematic in explaining _.,behavioral patterns,The study of sociology,What function does sociology serve?,peoples actions,look beyond the surface of,identify general patterns of behavior,the social influences on these,Task 1 The tree diagram below shows how the authors develop the text about the study of sociology.Fill in the blanks according to the text.,Text A,Suggested answers,Critical reading and thinking,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,Cultivate _;“think ourselves away”from _.,them anew,The study of sociology,How to think sociologically?,the imagination,the familiar routines of our daily lives in order to look at,Task 2 Answer the following questions.,Text A,Suggested answers,Critical reading and thinking,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,1 How does the author describe the world we live in today?2 Why does the author raise the three questions in Paragraph 2?3 Why do people fall in love according to the authors?4 Why did men and women marry in the Middle Ages?,The author describes that the world we live in today is intensely worrying,yet full of the most extraordinary promise for the future.,The author wants to show us what is the prime concern of sociology.,Because love expresses mutual physical and personal attachment two individuals feel for one another.,Mainly in order to keep property in the hands of family or to raise children to work the family farm.,Task 2 Answer the following questions.,Text A,Suggested answers,Critical reading and thinking,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,5 Where did romantic love make its first appearance?6 How were the relations between husband and wife among aristocratic groups?,Its first appearance made in courtly circles.,The relations are cool and distant.,Task 2 Answer the following questions.,Text A,Suggested answers,Critical reading and thinking,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,7 What is basic to the sociological outlook?8 What are the differences between ordinary people and sociologists in explaining the mass murder at Columbine High School?,Understanding the subtle yet complex and profound ways in which our individual lives reflect the contexts of our social experience is basic to the sociological outlook.,Ordinary peoples explanations focus on the social causes of violence in the United States,whereas sociologists can bring an even deeper understanding.For example,sociologists might study other mass murders and consider if there was a pattern in the group characteristics.,Task 3 In Paragraph 12,the authors roughly explain how a sociologist would study the Columbine High School massacre.Suppose you were a sociologist,work in pairs and examine the case.You may:,Text A,Suggested answers,Critical reading and thinking,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,1 Search the Internet for more information about the mass murder,the U.S.young generation,their living conditions etc.2 Explore the case like a sociologist.3 Have a discussion about it with your partner.4 Report your findings to the class.,Task 4 Consider the simple act of a Chinese drinking a cup of coffee.Work in pairs and explore the behavior from a sociologists view.Think about:,Text A,Suggested answers,Critical reading and thinking,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,What is coffee?What does it symbolize?,Coffee is not just a refreshment.It possesses symbolic value as part of our day-to-day social activities.Often the ritual associated with coffee drinking is much more important than the act of consuming the drink itself.Two people who arrange to meet for coffee are probably more interested in getting together and chatting than in what they actually drink.,Task 4 Consider the simple act of a Chinese drinking a cup of coffee.Work in pairs and explore the behavior from a sociologists view.Think about:,Text A,Suggested answers,Critical reading and thinking,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,What are the relations between coffee drinkers and the people involved in the production,transport,and distribution of coffee?,An individual who drinks a cup of coffee is caught up in a complicated set of social and economic relationships stretching across the world.The production,transport,and distribution of coffee require continuous transactions between people thousands of miles away from the coffee drinker.Studying such global transactions is an important task of sociology,since many aspects of our lives are now affected by worldwide social influences and communications.,Task 4 Consider the simple act of a Chinese drinking a cup of coffee.Work in pairs and explore the behavior from a sociologists view.Think about:,Text A,Suggested answers,Critical reading and thinking,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,What does the Chinese peoples act of sipping a cup of coffee remind you of?(e.g.social and economic development,Western lifestyles,origin of coffee etc.),The act of sipping a cup of coffee presumes a whole process of past social and economic development.Along with other now-familiar items of Western diets like tea,bananas,potatoes,and white sugar coffee only became widely consumed from the late 1800s.Although the drink originated in the Middle East,its mass consumption dates from the period of Western colonial expansion about a century and a half ago.,Language building-up,Text A,Suggested answers,Task 1 Specialized vocabulary,Translate the following sociological terms from English into Chinese or vice versa.,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,1 social division2 social being3 intellectual life4 human emotion5 social class6 人类的社会生活,社会分工,社会人,精神生活,人类情感,社会阶级,human social life,Language building-up,Text A,Suggested answers,Task 1 Specialized vocabulary,Translate the following sociological terms from English into Chinese or vice versa.,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,7 全球的社会进程8 婚姻幸福9 公共场所10 和他人交往11 社会环境12 行为模式13 文化背景,socialize with others,global social process,marital happiness,cultural background,public places,social context,patterns of behavior,Language building-up,Text A,Suggested answers,Task 1 Specialized vocabulary,Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the terms in the box.,Unit 4The Study of Society and People,cultural background intellectual life marital happinesspattern of behavior public place social class,1 This study examines the effects of _ on the acceptation of information and communications technology in developing countries.2 _ is a judgment made by a spouse that indicates the sense of well-being or satisfaction he or she experiences in the marital