Chapt5,CREATING CUSTOMER VALUE,SATISFACTION,AND LOYALTY,创造顾客价值满意忠诚,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,LEARNING OBJECTIVES,Know what are customer value,satisfaction,and loyalty,and how can companies deliver them,Know what is the lifetime value of customers,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,LEARNING OBJECTIVES,Know how companies can both attract and retain customers,Know how companies can cultivate strong customer relationships,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,LEARNING OBJECTIVES,Know how companies can deliver total quality,Know what is database marketing,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,5.1 Building Customer Value,Satisfaction,And Loyalty,Managers who believe the customer is the companys only true“profit center”consider the traditional organizational chart obsolete.,With the rise of digital technologies like the Internet,todays increasingly informed consumers expect companies to do more than connect with them,more than satisfy them,and even more than delight them.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,Customers,Front-line people一线人员,Middle Management,TopManagement,Traditional Organization versus Modern Customer-Orientated Company organization,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,Determinants of Customer Delivered Value,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,5.1.1Customer Perceived Value,Customer perceived value(顾客感知价值)is the difference between the prospective customers evaluation of all the benefits and all the costs of an offering and the perceived alternatives.Total customer value(整体顾客利益)is the perceived monetary value of the bundle of economic,functional,and psychological benefits customers expect from a given market offering.Total customer cost(整体顾客成本)is the bundle of costs customers expect to incur in evaluating,obtaining,using,and disposing of the given market offering,including monetary,time,energy,and psychic costs.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,Customer perceived value is a useful framework that applies to many situations and yields rich insights.Its implications are:First,the seller must assess the total customer value and total customer cost associated with each competitors offer.Second,the seller who is at a customer perceived value disadvantage has two alternatives:,Choices and Implications,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,To increase total customer value(by strengthening or augmenting the offers product,services,personnel,and image benefits).To decrease total customer cost(by reducing price,simplifying the ordering,and delivery process,or absorbing some buyer risk by offering a warranty.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,Loyalty(忠诚度)is defined as“a deeply held commitment to rebuy or repatronize a preferred product or service in the future despite situational influences and marketing efforts having the potential to cause switching behavior.”The key to generating high customer loyalty is to deliver high customer value.The value proposition(价值主张)consists of the whole cluster of benefits the company promises to deliver,it is more than the core positioning of the offering.,Delivering High Customer Value,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,Whether the promise is kept depends on the companys ability to manage its value-delivery system.The value-delivery system(价值传递体系)includes all the experiences the customer will have on the way to obtaining and using the offering.Whether customers will actually receive,the promised value proposition will depend upon the marketers ability to influence various core business processes.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,5.1.2 Total Customer Satisfaction,Whether the buyer is satisfied after the purchase depends on the offers performance in relation to the buyers expectations.Satisfaction is a persons feeling of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a products perceived performance(or outcome)in relation to his or her expectations.A company must operate on the philosophy that it is trying to deliver a high level of customer satisfaction subject to delivering acceptable levels of satisfaction to the other stakeholders,given its total resources.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,Customer ExpectationsHow do buyers form their expectations?From past buying experiences.Friends and associates advice.Marketers and competitors information and promises.A customers decision to be loyal or to defect is the sum of many small encounters with the company.Companies need to create a“branded customer experience.”,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,5.1.3 Measuring Satisfaction,A)Many companies are systematically measuring customer satisfaction and the factors shaping it.B)A company would be wise to measure customer satisfaction regularly because one key to customer retention is customer satisfaction.C)The link between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty,however,is not proportional.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,D)A number of methods exist to measure customer satisfaction.1)Periodic surveys can track customer satisfaction directly.2)Companies can monitor the customer loss rate and contact customers who have stopped buying and learn why this happened.3)Companies can hire mystery shoppers to pose a potential buyers and report on strong and weak points experienced in buying the companys and competitors products.4)For customer satisfaction surveys,it is important that companies ask the right questions.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,E)In addition to tracking customer value expectations and satisfaction,companies need to monitor their competitors performance in these areas as well.F)For customer-centered companies,customer satisfaction is both a goal and a marketing tool.G)Companies that do achieve high customer satisfaction ratings make sure that the target market knows it.H)American Customer Satisfaction Index(ACSI).,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,5.1.4 Product and Service Quality,Satisfaction will also depend on product and service quality.Quality is the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,1)We can say that a seller has delivered quality whenever the sellers product or service meets or exceeds the customers expectations.2)Distinguish between conformance quality(性能质量)and performance quality(一致性质量).3)Total quality is the key to value creation and customer satisfaction.4)Marketing managers have two responsibilities in a quality-centered company.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,First,they must participate in formulating strategies and policies to help the company win through total quality excellence.Second,they must deliver marketing quality alongside production quality.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,5.2 MAXIMIZING CUSTOMER LIFETIME VALUE,Marketing is the art of attracting and keeping profitable customers.The 80/20 rule states that the top 20 percent of the customers may generate as much as 80 percent of the companys profits.Suggests amending the rule to read 20-80-30,to reflect the idea that the top 20 percent of customers generate 80 percent of the companys profits,half of which are lost serving the bottom 30 percent of unprofitable customers.The implication is that a company could improve its profits by“firing”its worst customers.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,5.2.1 Customer Profitability,A)A profitable customer is a person,household,or company that over time yields a revenue stream that exceeds by an acceptable amount the companys cost stream of attracting,selling,and servicing that customer.B)Customer profitability can be assessed individually,by market segment,or by channel.C)Most companies fail to measure individual customer profitability.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,5.2.2 Measuring Customer Lifetime Value,Customer Lifetime Value(CLV)describes the net present value of the stream of future profits expected over the customers lifetime purchases.CLV calculations provide a formal quantitative framework for planning customer investment and helps marketers to adopt a long-term perspective.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,5.3 CULTIVATING CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS,Maximizing customer value means cultivating long-term customer relationships.Companies are moving to more precision marketing designed to build strong customer relationships.Mass customization is the ability of a company to meet each customers requirementsto prepare on a mass basis individually designed products,services,programs,and communications.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,5.3.1 Customer Relationship Management(CRM),Customer relationship management(CRM)is the process of managing detailed information about individual customers and carefully managing all customer“touch points”to maximize customer loyalty.A)A customer“touch point”is any occasion on which a customer encounters the brand and productfrom actual experience to personal or mass communications to casual observation.B)Customer relationship management enables companies to provide excellent real-time customer service through the effective use of individual account information.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,C)Peppers and Rogers outlined a four-step framework for one-to-one marketing that can be adapted to CRM marketing:Identify your prospects and customers.Differentiate customers in terms of:(1)their needs and(2)their value to your company.Interact with individual customers to improve your knowledge about individual needs and to build stronger relationships.Customize products,services,and messages to each customer.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,D)A key driver of shareholder value is the aggregate value of the customer base.Winning companies improve the value of their customer base by excelling at strategies such as:Reducing the rate of customer defection.Increasing the longevity of the customer relationship.Enhancing the growth potential of each customer through“share-of-wallet,cross-selling,and up-selling.”Making low-profit customers more profitable or terminating them.Focusing disproportionate effort on high-value customers.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,5.3.2 Attracting,Retaining,and Growing Customers,Firstly,Customers are becoming harder to please.Secondly,Companies seeking to expand profits and sales have to spend considerable time and resources searching for new customers.Thirdly,Most companies now recognize the importance of satisfying and retaining customers.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,Lastly,Satisfied customers constitute the companys customer relationship capital.Acquiring new customers cost five times more than the costs involved in satisfying and retaining current customers.The average company loses 10 percent of its customers each year.A 5 percent reduction in customer defection rate can increase profits by 25 percent to 85 percent depending on the industry.Customer profit rate tends to increase over the life of the retained customer.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,5.3.3 Building Loyalty,Reducing Customer Defection Five main steps a company can take to reduce the defection rate:The company must define and measure its retention rate.The company must distinguish the cause of customer attrition and identify those that can be managed better.The company needs to estimate how much profit it loses when it loses customers.The company needs to figure out how much it would cost to reduce the defection rate.Finally,listening to customers.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,Forming Strong Customer BondsBerry and Parasuraman have identified three retention-building approaches:Adding financial benefits.Adding social benefits.Adding structural ties.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,Adding Financial BenefitsTwo financial benefits companies can offer are:Frequency programsdesigned to provide rewards to customers who buy frequently and in substantial amounts;good way to build long-term loyalty with the 20 percent of the customers who contribute 80 percent of the profits.Club marketing programslimited to an affinity group or to those willing to pay a small fee.Limited membership clubs are more powerful long-term loyalty builders.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,Adding Social BenefitsCompany personnel work on cementing social bonds with customers by individualizing and personalizing customer relationships.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,Adding Structural TiesThe company may supply customers with special equipment or computer links that help customers manage orders,payroll,and inventory.The marketers aim should be to increase the consumers proclivity to repurchase.Create long-term contracts.Charge a lower price to consumers who buy larger supplies.Turn the product into a long-term service.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,5.4 CUSTOMER DATABASES AND DATABASE MARKETING,A customer database is an organized collection of comprehensive information about individual customers or prospects that is current,accessible,and actionable,for such marketing purposes as lead generation,lead qualification,sale of a product or service,or maintenance of customer relationships.Database marketing is the process of building,maintaining,and using customer databases and other databases for the purpose of contacting,transacting,and building customer relationships.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,5.4.1Customer Databases,A)Customer databases are not customer mailing lists.A customer mailing list is simply a set of names,addresses,and telephone numbers.Ideally,a customer database contains the consumers past purchases,demographics,income,family members,psychographics,mediagraphics,and other useful information.B)A business database would contain business customers past purchases,past volumes,prices,and profits,buyer team members names,and other useful information.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,5.4.2Data Warehouses and Data mining,A)Savvy companies are capturing information every time a customer comes into contact with any of its departments.These data are collected by the companys contact center and organized into a data warehouse.Through data mining,marketing statisticians can extract useful information about individuals,trends,and segments from the mass of data.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,B)Using the DatabaseTo identify prospects.To decide which customers should receive a particular offer.To deepen customer loyalty.To reactivate customer purchases.To avoid serious customer mistakes.,硕经管112班 赵欣 North China Electric Power University,5.4.3 The Downside of Database Marketing and