By Stefan Peng,SOME BASIC CHINESE,Content,问候 Greetings相识 Making an acquaintance数字 Numbers时间 Time Expression买东西 buying goods,Greetings,Greetings,问候 Greetings(1),How do you do?你好吗?,我很好。I am very well!你呢?And you?,我也很好!I am very well,too.,Greetings(2),你身体好吗?How is your health?你工作忙吗?are you busy your work?,用“吗”的问句:questions with“吗”在陈述句末尾加上表示疑问语气的助词“吗”,就构成了一般疑问句。例如:你好吗?你身体好吗?她是老师吗?An interrogative sentence is formed by adding the modal particle“吗”at the end of a declarative sentence,相识 Making an acquaintance,A:你好!我是Hoefer。你的名字是什么?Hello!I am Hoefer.What is your name?B:你好!我的名字是Stefan。很高兴见到你!Hello!My name is Stefan,nice to meet you!A:我也很高兴见到你!Nice to meet you,too.,shz 数字 Numbers,一,y,二,r,sn,三,s,四,w,五,六,li,q,七,b,八,ji,九,lng,零,sh,十,请快速说出现在弹出的数字是几。(please say it loud as soon as the figures been enlarged。),1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,3,6,5,8,9,1,4,8,1,3,4,9,10,2,7,6,7,9,2,4,4,7,3,2,8,3,9,1,6,10,5,7,8,11=10+1,12=10+2,13=10+3,shy十一,shr十二,shsn十三,14,15,18,shs,shw,shb,102030405060708090,sh rshsnsh ssh wsh lish qsh bsh jish,11=10+1 十一 18=10+8 十八22=20+2 二十二 25=20+5 二十五37=30+7 三十七 39=30+9 三十九,shy,shb,r sh r,r sh w,sn sh q,sn sh ji,。,。,23,35,44,57,62,79,83,99,din 点,fn分,mio秒,k刻,n.oclock,n.minute,n.second,n.a quarter(15 minutes),bn 半,n.half(of an hour),Time Expression,din(fn)点(分),din k 点 刻,din bn 点 半,6:08,4:33,21:25,10:58,5:15,9:45,11:15,13:45,1:30,3:30,8:30,10:30,din 点,4:00,12:00,10:00,7:00,Asking/Telling Time,xinzi j din 现 在 几 点?,Whats the time now?,Its nine oclock.,xinzi 现 在,adv.now,xinzi j dinQ:现 在 几 点?,Whats the time now?,Its nine oclock.,xinzi j dinQ:现 在 几 点?,Whats the time now?,Its.,xinzi j dinQ:现 在 几 点?,Whats the time now?,Its.,xinzi j dinQ:现 在 几 点?,Whats the time now?,Its.,xinzi j dinQ:现 在 几 点?,Whats the time now?,Its.,mi dngxi买 东西,fn分,kui块,yun元,jio角,mo毛,min 面 额 n.denomination,=,=,¥,¥,¥,du sho qin?Q:多 少 钱?How much is,¥3478.90,du sho qin?Q:多 少 钱?How much is,pnggu 苹 果,shu 水,minbo 面 包,bozh 报 纸,du sho qin?Q:多 少 钱?How much is,