第五部分:(P849 O Solomon-结尾),朋友是什么?,?,问题1所罗门之歌的内容是什么?,问题2“O Solomon dont leave me here.”这句歌词与上段在内容上形成一种内在的逻辑关系吗?,歌中的主人公所罗门丢下妻儿,飞走了,唱歌的是妻儿们,吟唱的是被抛下的妻子莱娜和孩子们的悲哀和无望。露斯哈加尔的遭遇还有一种女性,即辛的母亲、瑟斯、彼拉多等,所罗门之歌中的女性,问题3 所罗门之歌完整呈现。说一说“所罗门之歌”出现的场景和作用.,“江湖义气”的特点是只讲“友情”,不讲是非,它表现为互相隐瞒、包庇和助长坏思想、坏行为。它的后果是一害同学,二害自己,三害集体。另外,“酒肉”朋友也是不长久的。战国策中有这样的话:“以财交者,财尽则交绝;以色交者,华落而爱渝。”因为这一“友谊”的纽带不是相互理解而是金钱,一旦没了钱,友谊也就不存在了。,名人名言,“所罗门之歌”在作品中一共出现了三次。第一次出现在第一章,主人公“奶娃”出生的前一天,保险公司收费员史密斯站在楼上正要飞行(自杀)“奶人”的姑姑彼拉多唱着,广东省江门市江海区麻园中学,“O Sugarman dont leave me hereCotton balls to choke meO Sugarman dont leave me hereBuchras to yoke meSugarman done fly awaySugarman done goneSugarman cut across the skySugarman gone home.”,“所罗门之歌”第二次出现是在彼拉多家中。12 岁的“奶人”不顾父亲的禁令来到姑姑家,姑姑一家人摘着黑莓唱起了关于所罗门的歌谣。,“所罗门之歌”在第12章第三次出现。记住父辈们历史,问题4(P852 He ran back to Solomon store)为什么奶娃发自己的祖先时感到以前从未体验过的快乐?,the vital role of“the ancestor”,Young black men who,as Morrison illustrates through the character of Milkman,are doomed to spiritual death and self-alienation unless they read and understand their history.,Morrison defines ancestors as“timeless people whose relationships to the characters are benevolent,instructive,and protective,and who provide a certain kind of wisdom.”According to her,the role of the ancestor is to render a source of comfort or solace.Consequently,the function of the ancestor in African-American literature is equivalent to“the contemplation of serene nature”in white mainstream literature.,The importance of community,Morrison contends that,in order to build and maintain a strong,culturally rooted African-American community,each member of that community must assume responsibility for keeping the ancestor alive;killing the ancestor is equivalent to killing oneself.,Contrary to the Western Eurocentric perspective,which emphasizes individualism and competition,the Afrocentric perspective emphasizes community and cooperation.This concept is illustrated in the African proverb“It takes a village to raise a child.”,