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    剑桥少儿英语词汇大全,【包括预备级,1级、2级和3级】,本课件包括少儿剑桥英语所有词汇:【共包括4个部分】,1.剑桥少儿英语预备级词汇2.剑桥少儿英语1级词汇3.剑桥少儿英语2级词汇4.剑桥少儿英语3级词汇,剑桥少儿英语预备级词汇,【我的主页有少儿到大学英语词汇】,football 足球baseball 棒球basketball 篮球I 我you 你,he 他she 她it 它they 他/她/它们,blackboard 黑板chair 椅子big 大的small 小的walk 走kick 踢stop 停jump 跳,pen 钢笔ruler 格尺book 书eraser 橡皮bag 书包pencil-case 铅笔盒desk 书桌,ice 冰ice-cream 冰激凌lemon 柠檬mango 芒果pineapple 菠萝watermelon 西瓜orange 桔子,frog 青蛙giraffe 长颈鹿horse 马hen 母鸡house 房子kite 风筝jacket 夹克,blue 蓝色的green 绿色的yellow 黄色的pink 粉色的black 黑色的red 红色的,purple 紫色的grey/gray 灰色的brown 棕色的white 白色的orange 橘色的,carrot 胡萝卜pea 豆子onion 洋葱sausage 香肠skirt 裙子shirt 衬衫shoes 鞋子socks 袜子handbag 手提袋,shop 商店street 街道bookshop 书店garden 花园sea 海洋lion 狮子goat 山羊sheep 绵羊crocodile 鳄鱼,bike 自行车boat 小船 hair 头发mouth 嘴eyes 眼镜nose 鼻子,sunglasses 太阳镜cap 帽子bus 公共汽车jeep 吉普车ship 轮船plane 飞机train 火车,her 她的our 我们的their 她/他/它们的food 食物bread 面包rice 大米stick 小木棒,arms 胳膊ears 耳朵hands 手my 我的your 你的his 他的,glasses 眼镜shorts 短裤trousers 裤子,jeans 牛仔hat 帽子dress 裙子feet 脚legs 腿,ant 蚂蚁bike 自行车farm 农场zoo 动物园park 公园classroom 教室,window 窗户fox 狐狸zebra 斑马paint 颜料brush 刷子,banana 香蕉elephant 大象fish 鱼rabbit 兔子,snake 蛇turtle 海龟umbrella 雨伞vest 背心,cat 猫apple 苹果cake 蛋糕cat 猫bear 熊monkey 猴子candy 糖bamboo 竹子,spider 蜘蛛hello 你好monkey 猴子panda 熊猫dog 小狗,put 放shop 商店parrot 鹦鹉mouse 老鼠animal 动物,we 我们best 最好的,剑桥少儿英语一级词汇,【我的主页有少儿到大学英语词汇】,Aa det 一、一个add v 加afternoon n 下午again adv又、再alphabet n字母表,am v 是an det一、一个and conj和animal n 动物Ann n 安answer n 答案,回答answer v 回答,apple n 苹果are v 是arm n 手臂armchair n 扶手椅ask v问at prep在,于,向,在方面,Bbaby n 婴孩badminton 羽毛球bag n 袋子ball n 球banana n 香蕉,baseball n 棒球basketball n 篮球bath n淋浴,浴室bathroom n浴室,盥洗室be v是beach n 海滩bean n 豆,beautiful adj 美丽的,很好的bed n 床bedroom n 卧室behind prep在后面Ben n 本(人名)between prep 在中间,big adj 大的bike n 自行车Bill n 比尔(人名)bird n 鸟birthday n 生日,black adj 黑色的blue adj 蓝色的board n 木板boat n 小船,艇body n身体book n书bookcase n书架,书柜bounce v弹跳,(球)弹回box n 盒子,箱,boy n男孩bread n面包breakfast n早餐brother n兄弟brown adj褐色的,棕色的burger n汉堡包bus n 公共汽车bye(-bye)再见,Ccake n蛋糕camera n照相机can/cannot/cant v能不能car n小汽车carrot n胡萝卜cat n猫catch v抓住;赶上(车船等),chair n椅子chicken n小鸡,鸡肉child/children n孩子/孩子们class n班级;课classroom n教室clean adj干净的,clock n时钟close v关,关闭clothes n衣服coconut n椰子colour n颜色colour(in)v涂色computer n计算机correct adj正确的cow n奶牛,crocodile n鳄鱼cross n叉cross v横过;划叉cupboard n壁橱,Ddad(dy)n爸爸day n天;日desk n课桌dining room n餐厅dirty adj脏的do/dont v做/不做,dog n狗doll n洋娃娃door n门draw v画drawing n绘画;图画dress n连衣裙drink n+v饮料;喝duck n鸭子,Eear n耳朵eat v吃egg n鸡蛋eight num八,elephant n大象English n+adj英语;英国的enjoy v喜欢eraser n橡皮example n例子eye n眼睛,Fface n脸family n家庭father n父亲favourite adj最喜欢的find v找到;发现fish(s+pl)n鱼fishing n钓鱼,five num五floor n地面;楼层flower n花fly v飞,food n食物foot/feet 脚nfor prep为;给;替four num四French fries n炸薯条friend n朋友frog n青蛙,Ggame n游戏garden n花园giraffe n长颈鹿girl n女孩give v给,glasses 眼镜ngo v去goat n山羊good adj好的good-bye再见grandfather n祖父;爷爷,grandmother n祖母;奶奶green adj绿色的grey(or gray)adj灰色的guitar n吉它,Hhair n头发hall n大厅;厅hand n手handbag 手提包nhappy(birthday)adj快乐的hat n帽子have(got)v有he pron他,head n头helicopter n直升飞机hello喂;你好her pron她here adv这里him pron他hippo n河马,his pron他的hit v击;打hobby n爱好hockey n曲棍球horse n马house n房子how many int多少how old int多大,II pron我ice cream n冰淇淋in prep of place在里面in front of prep在前面is v是it pro它n,Jjacket n夹克衫jeans n牛仔裤juice n果汁jump v跳;跳跃,Kkick v踢Kim n 基姆(人名)kitchen n厨房kite n飞筝know(dont know)v知道;认识,L lamp n台灯;灯learn v学习leg n腿lemon n柠檬lemonade n柠檬水lesson n课letter(as in alphabet)n字母like v+prep喜欢;像lime n酸橙,line n线listen(to)v听live v居住;生活living room n起居室lizard n晰蝎long adj长的look v看look at v看(某物)love v热爱;喜欢lunch n午饭,Mman/men n男人mango n芒果mat n小块地毯May(girls name)n梅(女名)me pron我(宾格)meat n肉,milk n牛奶mirror n镜子monkey n猴子monster n怪物mother n母亲motorbike n摩托车mouse/mice n老鼠mouth n嘴mum(my)n妈妈my det 我的,Nname n名字new adj新的next to prep与相邻的Nick n尼克(男名),night n晚上nine num九no det不nose n鼻子not adv不;没有now adv+dis现在number n数字,Oof prep属于的oh 阿;呀OK dis行;可以,old adj老的on prep在上面one num一onion n洋葱open v打开or conj或者;否则orange n桔子our pron我们的,P page n页paint v颜料;涂颜色painting n画pardon inter请原谅part n部分Pat n帕特(男名)pea n碗豆,pear n梨pen n钢笔pencil n铅笔phone n+v电话;打电话photo n照片piano n钢琴pick up v拾起;捡起,picture n图片pineapple n菠萝pink adj粉红色plane n飞机,play(with)v玩please inter请point v指(向)potato n土豆purple adj紫色的put v放;搁,Qquestion n问题Rradio n收音机read v读;阅读red adj红色的,rice n米饭ride n+v坐车;骑(车马)right(=correct)adj+dis正确的robot n机器人room n房间ruler n尺子run v跑,Ssad adj伤心的Sam n山姆(男名)sausage n香肠say v说school 学校nsea n海see v看见sentence n句子seven num七she pron她,sheep(s+pl)n绵羊shirt n衬衣shoe n鞋short adj短的;矮的show v展示sing v唱sister n姐姐;妹妹sit(down)v坐下six num六,skirt n裙子sleep v睡觉small adj小的snake n蛇so dis这样;如此soccer n足球sock n袜子sofa n沙发some det一些,song n歌曲sorry对不起spell v拼写spider n蜘蛛sport n体育运动stand(up)v站立start v开始,stop n+v停止story n故事street n街道Sue n苏(女名)sun n太阳supper n晚饭swim v游泳,TT-shirt n T恤table n桌子table tennis n乒乓球talk v谈话,teacher n老师television/TV n电视tell v告诉ten num十tennis n网球test n+v测试thank you谢谢你,that det+pron那,那个the det指这个,那个(定冠词)their det他们的;她们的;它们的them pron他们;她们;它们then dis 那时;那么,there adv那里these det+p 这些they pron他们;她们;它们this det+pron这those det+pron那些three num三throw v扔tick n+v勾;打勾tiger n老虎,to prep去某个方向today adv今天Tom n汤姆(男名)tomato n西红柿,toy n玩具train n火车tree n树trousers n裤子try v试一试two num二,Uugly adj丑的under prep在下面understand v明白us pron我们(宾格),VverWwalk v走路wall n墙壁want v想要watch v观看water n水watermelon n西瓜we pron我们,wear v穿;戴well dis好what int什么where int哪里which int哪一个white adj白色的,who int谁whose int谁的window n窗户with pron和woman/women n女人word n词write v写,X(No words at this level)Yyellow adj黄色的yes是,是的you pron你;你们young adj年轻的your pron你的;你们的ZZoo n 动物园y adv很;非常,剑桥少儿英语二级必背词汇,【我的主页有少儿到大学英语词汇】,1.序数词:first second third fourth last2.次数:once twice(3,4,)times3.交通工具:car bus train bike boat plane4.公园:trees flowers games clowns money parrot pirate treasure,5.食物:coffee tea juice lemonade milk water bread cake cheese chips egg fish fries ice cream pasta rice salad sandwich soup burger chicken sausage bean carrot onion pea potato,6.水果:apple banana coconut grapes lemon lime mango orange pear pineapple tomato watermelon7.学科:English Chinese Maths Music Art P.E.Science8.人名:Alex Anna Ben Bill Daisy Fred Jack Jane Jim John Kim Lucy Mary May Nick Pat Paul Peter Sally Sam Tom Tony Vicky Brown Black Green,9.动物:bat bear bird cat cow crocodile dog dolphin fly frog goat kagaroo lion mice/mouse panda parrot rabbit shark snake whale chicken duck elephant fish giraffe hippo horse kitten lizard monkey pet puppy sheep spider tiger,10.周围事物:farm jungle sea water city countryside hill town village field forest ground island waterfall bank supermarket library hospital cafe shop swimming pool bus station cinema zoo park11.毛发:beard moustache curly straight long short black blonde brown fair grey orange red white,12.服装:coat dress hat jacket jeans scarf shirt shoe skirt sock sweater T-shirt trousers13.形容词:best new old pink purple green wet bad good14.家人与朋友:father mother brother sister son daughter aunt uncle cousin grandfather grandmother grandson granddaughter friend doctor,15.星期:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday weekend16.时间:morning afternoon evening night 8:20 9:30 17.电影:cartoons,剑桥少儿英语三级词汇表,【我的主页有少儿到大学英语词汇】,1.a lot of2.a few adj少许,少数3.a little det+pron少许,少数4.a piece of adj一块,5.across prep adv,1).prep横过a bridge across the river 一座横跨河上的桥Erna Hart is going to swim across the English Channel tomorrow.欧娜.哈特准备明天游泳横渡英吉利海峡。2).到对面;在对面the house across the street 街道对面的房子We swam across the river.我们游到河对岸,6.actor n演员7.actress n女演员8.address n地址;住址9.ago advadv,adj 以前(的),以往(的)She left 30 minutes ago.她30分钟前离开了。Long,long ago there lived a king.很久很久以前,那里住着一位国王。,10.agree v.agreed,agreeing 同意;赞成;答应She agreed to my idea.她同意我的想法。I quite agree with what you say.你所说的我很赞成。11.air n空气1).fresh air 新鲜空气2).天空;空中Birds fly in the air.鸟在空中飞翔。3).航空by air 乘飞机,12.airport n航空港,飞机场13.all right adv安全地(的);健康地(的)Are you all right?你好吗?(你没事吧?)Is it all right with you?这对你方便吗?14.already adv 已经She had already gone when I arrived.我到的时候她已经走了。He has seen that film twice already.那部电影他已经看过两次了。Twenty people had already left.二十人已经离职。,15.also adv 也;同样We also went to see the film.我们也去看了电影。He also asked to join the army.他也要求去参军。16.ambulance n救护车17.anyone pron任何人;无论谁,18.anything pron any任何+thing事1)pron 东西;任何事物Is there anything in that box?在那盒子里有什么东西吗?He will do anything for a rich life.为了过上富裕的日子他什么都愿意干;他千方百计要过富裕的生活。2)无论什么Anything will do to keep the door open.,19.anywhere adv1)在什么地方;在任何地方Did you go anywhere yesterday?你昨天去没去过什么地方?Sit anywhere you like.随便坐哪儿都成。2)到任何地方;无论何处You can go anywhere you like.你可以去你喜欢的任何地方。20.April n,21.arrive v到达;抵达to arrive home 到家to arrive at a port 抵达港口At what time did you arrive at the station?你是几点钟到火车站的?21.art n美术I am an art student.我是个学美术的学生。22.artist n艺术家,23.ask(for)v1)问,询问ask him a question 向他问个问题Who are you?she asked.“你是谁?”她问。They asked me the time.他们向我打听时间。2)请求ask her a favor 请他帮个忙ask her for the money 向他要钱,24.August n25.autumn n秋季,秋天(亦作:fall)26.away adv离开Go away!走开!Several children are away from school because of illness.几个学生因患病而没有来校上课。As she walked away,I followed her out of the fair.我跟着她走出了集市。He will be away for two months.他将外出两个月。,B1.begin v开始It began to rain.天开始下雨。The film begins at two oclock.电影两点钟开始。After running half a kilometer,I began to feel tired.跑了500米之后,我开始感到累了。随便什么东西都能把门弄开。,2.believe v1)相信;信任I dont believe you.我不信你说的话。You cant believe anything she says.你不能相信她说的话。Most people believe that the strike will last for at least a week.多数人相信,罢工至少会延续一个星期。I believe him(to be)right.我认为他是对的。2)to believe sb.信任某人3.belt n腰带I need a belt keep up my trousers.我需要一条腰带系裤子。4.Betty n 人名。贝蒂5.bicycle n自行车,脚踏车She goes to work on/by her bicycle.她骑自行车上班。6.bin n垃圾箱dust bin 垃圾箱,7.biscuit n饼干8.bookshop n书店9.boring adj 令人厌烦的10.break v broke,broken,breaking 打破;碰破;折断;打碎The stone broke the window.石头打坏了窗子。The cup broke on the floor.杯子摔碎在地板上了。Youll break your neck if you arent more careful!(喻)你如果不加倍小心,你会摔死的!10.bridge n桥a bridge across the river 架在河上的桥,Dont cross the bridge until you come to it.(谚)不要杞人忧天。;莫自寻烦恼。11.bring v拿来;带来Bring me the book.把那本书带给我。Why dont you bring you favourite girl along?你为什么不带你最喜欢的女儿一块儿来呢?Bring the children back from the kindergarten at four oclock.下午四点把孩子们从幼儿园接回来。When you go to the post office,will you please bring some stamps back for me?你去邮局时能不能给我带些邮票回来?,12.brush n and v13.business n职业;职务1)买卖;交易Business has been bad this year.今年生意很糟糕。2)职责;本分Its a teachers business to make children learn.使学生学习是老师的责任。14.businessman/woman n15.burn v燃烧The house is burning.房子烧起来了。16.bus stop n公共汽车站17.butter n黄油peanut butter 花生酱18.butterfly n 蝴蝶是以字母B开始的单词和短语,B1.begin v开始It began to rain.天开始下雨。The film begins at two oclock.电影两点钟开始。After running half a kilometer,I began to feel tired.跑了500米之后,我开始感到累了。2.believe v相信;信任I dont believe you.我不信你说的话。You cant believe anything she says.你不能相信她说的话。Most people believe that the strike will last for at least a week.多数人相信,罢工至少会延续一个星期。I believe him(to be)right.我认为他是对的。3.to believe sb.信任某人4.belt n腰带,。I need a belt keep up my trousers.我需要一条腰带系裤子。5.Betty n6.bicycle n自行车,脚踏车She goes to work on/by her bicycle.她骑自行车上班。7.bin n垃圾箱dust bin 垃圾箱8.biscuit n饼干9.bookshop n书店10.boring adj 令人厌烦的11.break vbroke,broken,breaking 打破;碰破;折断;打碎The stone broke the window.石头打坏了窗子。The cup broke on the floor.杯子摔碎在地板上了。Youll break your neck if you arent more careful!(喻)你如果不加倍小心,你会摔死的!,12.bridge n桥a bridge across the river 架在河上的桥Dont cross the bridge until you come to it.(谚)不要杞人忧天。;莫自寻烦恼。13.bring v拿来;带来Bring me the book.把那本书带给我。Why dont you bring you favourite girl along?你为什么不带你最喜欢的女儿一块儿来呢?Bring the children back from the kindergarten at four oclock.下午四点把孩子们从幼儿园接回来。When you go to the post office,will you please bring some stamps back for me?你去邮局时能不能给我带些邮票回来?14.brush n and v,15.business n职业;职务1)买卖;交易Business has been bad this year.今年生意很糟糕。2)职责;本分Its a teachers business to make children learn.使学生学习是老师的责任。16.businessman/woman n,17.burn v燃烧The house is burning.房子烧起来了。18.bus stop n公共汽车站19.butter n黄油peanut butter 花生酱20.butterfly n 蝴蝶我们来看看以字母C开始的单词。1、cafe/caf n.咖啡馆,小餐馆2、call(what is X called?)v 称呼,Ill call you back soon.我会很快给你回电话的。Call me(up)this afternoon.今天下午给我打个电话。3、camel n骆驼4、camp v野营地5、card n,1)卡片 a membership card 组织成员卡2)明信片 Christmas card 圣诞贺片6、castle n城堡In this old castle you can see cannons from the 17th century.在这座古老的城堡里你可以看到十七世纪的火炮7、cave n洞;穴;地窖;窑洞8、century n世纪;百年;一世纪;一百年,It was built in the 19th century.它是19世纪建造的。9、cheap adj便宜的;廉价的A bicycle is much cheaper than a car.一辆自行车比一辆小汽车便宜多了。Bread is cheap in this supermarket because they bake it themselves.这家超市的面包是自制的,所以便宜。Fresh vegetables are very cheap in the autumn.新鲜蔬菜在秋天很便宜。10、chemist n化学家 药剂师,11、chocolate n巧克力;巧克力糖chocolate cake 巧克力蛋糕Id like a piece of chocolate.我想要吃块巧克力。12、chopsticks n筷子When you go to a Chinese restaurant you have to use chopsticks instead of a knife and fork.到中国餐馆用餐时,不用刀叉而得用筷子,13、Christmas n1)圣诞节(=Christmas Day)We sent a card with Christmas greetings.我们送了一张圣诞卡,表示祝贺。2)圣诞节节期Christmas Eve 圣诞节前夕We always go to my parents house on Christmas Eve.我们总是到我父母家里度过圣诞之夜。14、circus n马戏团,Last Christmas,the circus owner,Jimmy Gates,decided to take some presents to a childrens hospital.“去年圣诞节,马戏团老板吉米.盖茨决定给一家儿童医院送些礼物。”15、clever adj1)聪明的;伶俐的;灵巧的My brother is clever at dealing with business.我弟弟善于经商。;我弟弟的生意做得很精/机灵。2)熟练的,a clever worker 熟练工人16、closed adj关闭的;不公开的;只限少数人的;保密的a closed ballot 秘密投票17、club n俱乐部a football club 一个足球俱乐部18、college n学院;大学The college is located next to the airport.学院在机场旁边。Their son will start college in January.他们的儿子将于一月份开始上大学。,19、comb n+v梳(头发);刷(毛)Have you combed your hair?你梳过头发了吗?Boy,your hair needs a good comb“小伙子,你的头发要好好梳一梳了。”20、competition n比赛;竞赛,角逐He takes part in a swimming competition.他参加游泳比赛。21、cook1)n炊事员;厨师Peters a cook in a hotel.彼得在一家大酒店当厨师2)烹调;煮;烧(饭、菜),I havent cooked the dinner.我还没做饭呢。Does he cook well?他做饭做得好吗?3)炊事员;厨师 Peters a cook in a hotel.彼得在一家大酒店当厨师22、corner n1)角The table stood in the corner of the room.桌子在房间的角上。2)(街道等的)拐角;壁角,to stand at a corner of the street 站在街道拐角处23、could v动词1)can 的过去式I could run faster then.我那时能跑得更快一些。2)(表示与事实相反的设想)能;可以I could come tomorrow if you like.如果你愿意,明天我可以来。3)(委婉语)能Could you do something for me?你能替我做件事情吗?24、cut v切;割,to cut a cake 切蛋糕He has cut his leg,and it is bleeding.他把腿割破了,腿在流血。,


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