,第二部分:(P841 He lefe the house-P842Why not ghosts as well?),奶娃离开了Susan Byrd的家,开始了反思,对自己祖先的历史有所理解了。Do you think the family history is so important to a person?Why or why not?,问题1(P841 He left the house-thought of Miss Susan Byrd)When Milkman realized that Susan somewhat blushed when she said his grandmother would haven been too dark to pass,he felt angry.Why?,问题2:(P841 He was curious about these people-P 841 or even out)“He was curious about these people.He didnt feel close to them,but he did feel connected,as though there was some cord or pulse or information they shared.”,问题3:(P841 And there was something more.-P842 Pilate headed straight for it)What is the tone in this paragraph?,问题4:(P 842 Milkman opened the parcel-P 842 all he ever said-her name.)Name Macon Dead:Macon is the name of a place and is mistaken by a white official to be his name,somewhat register the name as Macon Dead.It is funny but also miserable.,瑟思:“白人就像给马那样给黑鬼起名!”,Pilate老戴德从圣经中选了“派拉特”这个名字,因为“这一组字母在他眼中显得强壮而秀美”。老戴德与瑟思的对话“你不想让这个没娘的孩子叫一个杀害上帝的凶手的名字,是吧?”“我求过上帝来救救我的妻子。”“别乱说,麦肯。”“我整夜都向他祈祷。”“他给了你一个孩子。”“是的,是的,孩子名叫派拉特。”,Sing 是一个 pun.在所罗门之歌中音乐起了什么样的作用The motif of musicwith an emphasis on the bluesresonates throughout the novel.the numerous references and allusions to music,Guitars,Byrd(bird),the echoes,“Pilate did not have a navel”-killer of God,Milkman:未成长,