Tess of the DUrbervilles,chapters 42-3,by Thomas HardyHardy(1840-1928)was born andgrew up in southwest of Englandwhich used to be a Saxon kingdomnamed Wessex.He was an architectbut grew more interested in literature.His literary career began with poetry,but later he turned to novel writing.He wrote altogether 18 novels,all set in his hometown Wessex and Tess is the most famous.His novels are characterized by pessimism and fatalism:His protagonists are all goodpeople who are driven by fate to tragic ends.,Point of view,a novel,Setting,Wessex in todays Dorset in the 19th century,3rd-personnarrators of Tess and Angel,Major characters,Tess Durbeyfield,eldest daughter of a poor farmer Alec,son of an aristocrat,Tesss seducer Angel Clare,son of a clergyman,her husband,Genre,Theme,The tragedy of a pure woman who is driven by fate to be a murderess.,Tess and Angel at the Stonehenge,Plot,1Tesss visit to the DUrbervilles and her seduction by Alec;2her return home in disgrace;3her work at a dairy farm at Talbothays and her love and marriage with Angel;4Angels desertion of Tess and Tesss return home;5 her work at Flintcomb-Ash and her fathers death;6her return home and her living with Alec as his mistress;7 Angels return to claim her and her murder of Alec;8 her arrest and sentence to death.,Chapters 42 and 43 are about her journey to Flintcomb-Ash farm to join her friendMarian there,after Angel deserted herand went to Brazil.,章台柳,Questions for discussion and term paper:1.What is Tess preoccupied with on her way to Flintcombe-Ash Farm?2.In what ways does she cherish her love for Angel?3.Why doesnt she want other people to know about her marital status?4.In paragraph 9,chapter 42,why does she think of France?,Tess and Alec,The prehistoric stone henge,