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    雅思英语 写作篇,PPT 编写:胡宇斌,CMA Training Centre,雅思写作简介:,全程时间:2小时55分 写作时间:60分 Task 1 20分 图表作文(150字以上)Task 2 40分 议论文(250字以上)雅思评分:9分制(留学需要6分以上,最好达到7分)分项式评分:根据具体评分细则给分 Task Organization Idea Language,图表题 写作,摸底测试,Writing Task-1,You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The pie chart below shows the main reasons why agricultural land becomes less productive.The table shows these causes affected three regions of the world during the 1990s.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.,图表题 写作,概论,图表5种类型,表格 Table线图(直线/曲线)Line graph柱状图(条形图)Bar chart饼图 Pie chart流程图 Process diagram,雅思图表题3个要求,第一 客观性 不能有想象成分,总结归纳要符合逻辑。第二 准确性 数据要求精确(不抄错),可以合理目测(大概数值)。第三 详尽性 4类特征数据一定介绍:最大值(maximum),最小值(minimum),交叉点(intersection),变化趋势(trend)。P215,图表题3种段落,第一 开头段第二 主体段第三 结尾段,开头段 写作,第一节,开头段:1-2句,转述原题,转述原题3法:添加单词 删除单词 替换单词(注意:改动不需过多,3-4处,即可)原题一句变两句,两句变一句。全部改写,要保证语法、句型的正确性。开头段的时态:永远一般现在时,开头段:1-2句,转述原题,练习1You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The following graphs indicate the proportion of the effect of treatment in two types of cancer in women.You should write at least 150 words.,Key to 练习1【原文】The following graphs indicate the proportion of the effect of treatment in two types of cancer in women.【改写】The two line graphs(given)illustrate/show/demonstrate/outline/describe the percentage of the influence of treatment in two kinds/categories of cancer in females.,开头段:1-2句,转述原题,练习2You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The charts below show the results of a survey of adult education.The first chart shows the reasons why adults decide to study.The pie chart shows how people think the costs of adult education should be shared.You should write at least 150 words.,Key to 练习2【原文】The charts below show the results of a survey of adult education.The first chart shows the reasons why adults decide to study.The pie chart shows how people think the costs of adult education should be shared.【改写】The two charts illustrate the results(outcomes/solutions)of a survey(questionnaire)of adult education.The bar chart describes the reasons why adults decide to study while the pie chart outlines peoples opinion about the cost shares of adult education.,开头段:1-2句,转述原题,练习3You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The table shows the results of a survey in 2004 which asked undergraduate and postgraduate students of a UK university whether they were satisfied with the facilities at the university.You should write at least 150 words.,Key to 练习3【原文】The table shows the results of a survey in 2004 which asked undergraduate and postgraduate students of a UK university whether they were satisfied with the facilities at the university.【改写】The diagram gives a breakdown(明细表)about different attitudes among undergraduate and postgraduate students towards equipments of a UK college in the year 2004.,开头段 写作常见可替换同义词 P220下面实战练习 P217-222,写作技巧,主体段 写作,第二节,图表题3种段落,第一 开头段第二 主体段第三 结尾段,主体段:1+X句,第一句总体概括,X句具体介绍数字。,第一句作用:总括变化趋势(有时间变化的图,如 line graph和 bar chart 的升降、波动等);或 包含哪几种数据(没时间变化的图,如 pie chart 和 table 的组成部分)。X句数据介绍3要点:按照顺序介绍数据 4类关键信息:最大-最小-变化-交叉(主要是线图)还有:起点-拐点-终点 信息也值得注意 可作取舍,不必面面俱到,视时间而定 注意:主体段时态由题目的时间决定。,主体段模版:,According to the first bar,(由图可见).To be more specifically(具体说来),.At first,.Then,.After that,.From this point onwards,.Finally,.1.As shown in the,As can be seen from the,It is manifest from the that 2.To be more specific,=More specifically,To be more exact,=More exactly,To be more precise,=More precisely,表示时间推移的短语(熟记):,At first,(=initially)Then,After that,From this point onwards,Finally(=eventually),表示趋势的短语-动词(熟记):,数字趋势动词1.上升趋势:rise,go up,2.下降趋势:fall,sink,drop,dip,reduce,go down3.保持不变:remain steady,show no/little change4.波动:fluctuate,趋势动词替换1.上升趋势:increase,grow,climb,ascend(jump,surge,soar,shoot up)2.下降趋势:decline,decrease,descend(plunge,slump)3.保持不变:level off/out at,hover at,stabilize at,reach a plateau at,表示趋势的短语-形容词(熟记):,1.速度快:sharp,rapid,dramatic,drastic2.速度慢:gradual,slow,steady,gentle3.幅度大:significant,substantial,marked4.幅度小:slight,modest,moderate注意:以上加 ly 均为副词。表示分别的副词是 respectively。,表示趋势的短语-其它(熟记):,1.最高点:peak at,reach the highest point at,2.最低点:bottom out at,reach the bottom at,the lowest point at3.达到多少(量):reach,arrive at,amount to,hit,stand at4.占多少(比例):account for,make up,occupy,represent,constitute5.预测(会有)多少:predict,expect,forecast 句型为:A is predicted/expected/forecasted to reach,这些你用起来得心应手吗?,1-表示经历了某种变化 see/witness/experience2-表示由组成 be made up of/be composed/comprised of consist of/comprise(主动态)3-对比和类比 Similarly,/Likewise,Unlike,In comparison,In/By contrast,4-大约多少 about/around/roughly/approximately just over/just under,结尾段 写作,第三节,三大注意:P236,题目里如果有总数(total)不要在主体段介绍,可放在结尾段,比较清楚。如没有total,就直接总结上文。(例题11 P224)最后一句结论没有必要过于深刻。可据常理找出图表呈现的规律。(例题11/12 P224-225),如出现两图,一般以图之间的比较得出结论。(例题14 P235)From the two charts,it is clear that electricity is in higher demand in winter in England.或如 P177 两个柱状图的结尾,分别总结:图一:30年间美国结婚率比离婚率高;图二:1970 和2000年结婚人数百分比最大。(Key-P238)注意:结尾段的时态由题目的时间决定。结论摸版:Therefore,it can be clearly seen from the(table)that,1-开头段:改写 writing task-1。2-结尾段:分析两幅图,写一个合理结论。,图表写作技巧验收,参考答案:【开头段】The pie chart shows that there are four main causes of farmland becoming degraded in the world today.These causes affected different regions differently in the 1990s.【结尾段】Overall,it is clear that Europe suffered more from farmland degradation than the other regions,(结论1:欧洲农田退化最严重)and the main causes were deforestation and over-cultivation(结论2:主要原因是滥伐森林和过度耕种).,引用数据方法,第 四 节,你知道吗?,图表主体段写作,第一句话是主题句,支持句介绍数据时要详尽。请看例句:,图表引用数据方法:1.The number picked up in June,rocketing by almost 500%.2.There was a marked improvement in July with the number of visitors surging 400%.3.The period between May and September saw a steady growth in the number of visitors from 70,000 to 140,000.4.The gradual rise in visitor numbers from 30,000 to approximately 45,000 in the first four months was followed by a sharper increase in May.,图表引用数据句型:1.The number picked up in June,rocketing by almost 500%.2.There was a marked improvement in July with the number of visitors surging 400%.3.The period between May and September saw a steady growth in the number of visitors from 70,000 to 140,000.4.The gradual rise in visitor numbers from 30,000 to approximately 45,000 in the first four months was followed by a sharper increase in May.,统计数据句型,There was a slight rise in the number of TV audiences from about 3%at 6:00 am to about 7%at 8 am.,表达-1:从早上6点到早上8点看电视的人数有个小小的增长,由3%到7%。,统计数据句型,The percentage declined substantially until 8:00 am,bottoming out at about 45%.,表达-2:百分率一直大幅下滑,到早上8点最低降到约45%。,统计数据句型,The next two hours witnessed a dramatic rise in the number again,with the number reaching 280 at midday.,表达-3:接下来的两个小时,数字又巨幅攀升,中午时分最高达到280。,统计数据句型,However,for the rest of the day,the percentage of radio was much lower than that of TV.,表达-4:然而在一天里其他的时间,听收音机的百分比要比看电视的百分比低很多。,统计数据句型,Other reasons had the smallest number in the four reasons.,表达-5:其他的原因在这四个原因中数字是最小的。,统计数据句型,The price plunged dramatically in 1994,but then it regained its previous level,before soaring to a new peak.,表达-6:价格在1994年急剧下挫,不过很快恢复到了原来水平,最后冲上新的高点。,统计数据句型,In spite of the sharp fluctuations in the price,the trend was obviously upwards.,表达-7:尽管价格波动很大,但趋势明显向上。,统计数据句型,The profit doubled from March to May.The profit increased three times(three-fold)from March to May.,表达-8:5月的利润是3月的两倍/三倍。,统计数据句型,The other colors,which constitute 3.12%,are considerably less popular than blue(12.72%),表达-9:其他颜色占3.12%,极不如蓝色受到欢迎,蓝色占12.72%。,统计数据句型,For A Company,the income from sales is$23 million,making the company the lowest one in sales.,表达-10:A公司的销售收入2300万美元,销售排行最低。,统计数据句型,B Company tops the list,with a sales figure about$70 million.,表达-11:B公司的销售收入排行第一,约7000万美元。,统计数据句型,D Companys sales income reaches$48 million,which is in the middle of the list.,表达-12:D公司的销售收入达4800万美元,排行居中。,统计数据句型,China has 1.3 billion people,accounting for one fifth of the worlds population.,表达-13:中国有13亿人口,占世界总人口的五分之一。,统计数据句型,There are 12 staff members with masters degree,making up nearly a quarter of the workforce.,表达-14:十二人有硕士学位,占职工总数的四分之一。,统计数据句型,The number increased by 70%during the last decade.(动词)There was an increase of 70%during the last decade.(名词),表达-15:在过去的十年里数字增长了70%。,


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