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    www.linuo-Shandong Linuo Paradigma Co.Ltd.2006 all rights reserved,2011年太阳能技术北京高层论坛IntroductionDigestion Absorptioninnovation开发太阳能中高温热利用高端市场Development of high end market for solar high temperature application,www.linuo-Shandong Linuo Paradigma Co.Ltd.2006 all rights reserved,能源是人类生存和社会发展的基础,近年来能源及与之相关的环境成为全世界各国最为关注的焦点。Energy is the base for humans living and social development,it and relative environment problem become the focus caused the attention from all of the world.太阳能作为地球上最清洁的可再生能源,“取之不尽、用之不竭”。As the most clean regenerative energy of the world the solar energy is inexhaustible.太阳能热利用技术的关键挑战是,将能量密度低的太阳辐射转换成低成本、高效益的中高温热能,适合各种场所的供应热水、取暖、空调制冷海水淡化和热发电,以及太阳房、太阳能温室、太阳能干燥、太阳能土壤消毒杀茵等。The most important challenge for solar thermal application is:conversion of solar radiation with low energy density to heat energy with high temperature applied for hot water supply,heating,air conditioning,seawater desalination,hot electricity generation,and solar house,solar energy greenhouse,solar dryer and solar soil disinfection and sterilization etc.,www.linuo-Shandong Linuo Paradigma Co.Ltd.2006 all rights reserved,目前国内太阳能热利用多限于低温范围,中温和高温还处于空白阶段。Now the solar thermal application is mostly limited in low temperature,the high temperature is still in blank stage in home.山东力诺瑞特新能源有限公司,通过与国际、国内最优秀的太阳能开发制造企业、科研机构的合作,逐步形成技术引进、消化吸收、独立新技术研发等技术发展路线,拥有太阳能中高温热利用高端技术;拥有大面积太阳能中高温热水工程技术;拥有太阳能与建筑一体化以及采暖、制冷技术。Linuo Paradigma hat formed the special developing route from technology introduction,digestion,absorption to innovation through the cooperation with outstanding solar manufacturers and institutes in home and abroad.Now it possesses high tech of solar thermal application and the large scale projects technology with high temperature,and also the solar product integration,solar heating and refrigeration technology,www.linuo-Shandong Linuo Paradigma Co.Ltd.2006 all rights reserved,目录Content,一、国内能源的利用现状、对策。Present situation and policy of energy application in home.二、太阳能解决当前能源危机。Energy crisis solution through solar product.三、开发太阳能中高温热利用技术。Development of solar high temp.application technology.四、太阳能中高温热利用技术发展方向。Technical development direction of solar high temp.application.,www.linuo-Shandong Linuo Paradigma Co.Ltd.2006 all rights reserved,国内能源利用现状Present situation of energy application,www.linuo-Shandong Linuo Paradigma Co.Ltd.2006 all rights reserved,面临严峻能源挑战Face to stern energy crisis,总量需求压力巨增。Huge pressure on energy demand 液体燃料短缺。Shortage of fluid fuel 环境污染严重。Serious pollution 地球温室效应显著。Obvious greenhouse effect 八亿农民及城镇化所需能源的供应紧张。Energy supply shortage for 800 Mill.Farmer cities inhabitant,www.linuo-Shandong Linuo Paradigma Co.Ltd.2006 all rights reserved,国内建筑惊人的高能耗,每年城乡新建建筑竣工面积约20亿平方米;建筑耗能占全社会总耗能的31%;单位建筑能耗为发达国家的3倍;已建成的近400亿平方米的建筑中,99%为高耗能建筑。向屋顶要能源,向建筑物外立面要能源,成为建筑节能的发展方向,www.linuo-Shandong Linuo Paradigma Co.Ltd.2006 all rights reserved,太阳能解决能源危机Solar energy to solve energy crisis,投射到地球上的太阳能一年中高达1.05 1018kWh,相当于1.3106亿吨标煤。Soalr to radiate the earth at 1.05 1018kWh is equal to coal of 1.3106 hundred million ton.其中我国陆地面积每年接收太阳辐射能相当于2.4104亿吨标煤。Every year Chinese land could absorb solar radiation equal to coal at 2.4104 hundred million.太阳照射40分钟,满足人类1年的能量需求。It could meet humans energy demand for 1 year when sun radiate earth only for 40 minutes.,www.linuo-Shandong Linuo Paradigma Co.Ltd.2006 all rights reserved,太阳能热利用成为首选solar thermo is first option,太阳能是各种可再生能源中最重要的基本能源,生物质能、风能、太阳能、海洋能、水能等都来自太阳能。Solar energy is the most important basic energy among all renewable ones,such as biomass energy,wind energy,ocean energy and hydropower are all from solar.在各种能源供应中,从环保、安全、使用成本考虑,都比不上直接利用太阳能。All other energy supply cant be equal with direct usage of solar in view of environment protection,safety and use-cost.作为地球上最清洁的可再生能源,太阳能利用技术已经进入快速发展时期。太阳能热利用事实上已成为太阳能利用的先锋。As most clean of renewable energy,solar technology has come into period of high speed development.Solar thermo has been pioneer of solar utilization.,www.linuo-Shandong Linuo Paradigma Co.Ltd.2006 all rights reserved,100升热水与4000亿人民币的关系Relation between 100L hot water and RMB 400 billion,中国目前有13亿人口,约3.5亿家庭,若每户每日供应100升60度的热水,全年需要6643亿度电,几乎用掉全年发电量的一半,折合人民币4000亿元。如果3.5亿家庭全部用上太阳能,每年相当于节省4.7个三峡总电站的总负荷。At present there is 1.3 billion population in China about 0.35 billion families.If each family supply 100L hot water at 60 everday,there requires 664.3 billion kw/h,which almost consume half of total electricity generating of whole year and is about rmb 400 billion.,www.linuo-Shandong Linuo Paradigma Co.Ltd.2006 all rights reserved,国际太阳能热利用技术发展趋势Trend of international solar utilization technology,世界能源形势Solar energy situation,工业发展industrial development,太阳能中高温利用Solar usage under high temperature,太阳能空调、取暖Solar cooling and heating,海水淡化desalination,建筑一体化Integration of building,工业用热Industrial thermo,太阳能房Solar home,太阳能热发电solar PV,www.linuo-Shandong Linuo Paradigma Co.Ltd.2006 all rights reserved,国际合作取得突破性进展Breakthrough of international cooperation,www.linuo-Shandong Linuo Paradigma Co.Ltd.2006 all rights reserved,与世界著名的太阳能企业合作Cooperation with worldwide famous solar enterprise,2001年,力诺集团与德国Paradigma公司合资成立力诺瑞特;In 2001,Linuo group and Paradigma set up a joint-venture LINUO PARADIGMA.拥有两个生产太阳能集热器和太阳能锅炉的Ritter Solar公司;Ritter solar who have two solar collectors and wooden boilers factories.欧洲太阳能热水系统、供热系统和制冷系统领域的著名品牌;Famous brand of solar thermo system,solar heating system and solar cooling systems in Europe.真空管式集热器系统与采暖系统设计和制造专家;Design and manufacture expert on vacuum collector system and solar heating system.产品市场份额的占到欧洲市场的30%左右。Product could cover about 30%of Europe market.,www.linuo-Shandong Linuo Paradigma Co.Ltd.2006 all rights reserved,与霍尼韦尔公司实现战略合作 Realize the strategy Cooperation with Honeywell,全球首创采用不破坏臭氧层发泡材料的太阳能热水器。The first Solar Water Heater adopting blowing agent which is harmless to ozone layer.实现了清洁能源和环保材料的完美结合。Perfect Combination of Clean Energy&Environment-protective Material.,太阳能热水器保温材料更均匀,保温效果更稳定,环保效果更好。Insulation material is being more stable,more efficient,and more friendly to the environment 技术已经延伸到家电领域。Technology has been extended to the home appliances.,www.linuo-Shandong Linuo Paradigma Co.Ltd.2006 all rights reserved,与德国斯图加特大学合作Cooperation with University of Stuttgart,建成EN ISO太阳能检测中心;Built up EN ISO Solar Energy Test Center.符合欧洲太阳能检测标准;Compliance to the solar energy test standard of Europe.德国ITW测试中心的升级;More advanced than ITW test center 主要测试设备由德国进口;Most of the facilities imported from Germany.为出口欧美国家奠定基础。Laying the foundation of the exporting to the Europe and North America.,www.linuo-Shandong Linuo Paradigma Co.Ltd.2006 all rights reserved,与山东建筑大学实现战略性合作作Cooperation with Shandong Jianzhu University,双方在产学研及项目等方面实现战略性合作;,在建筑专业太阳能建筑一体化方向培养专业人才;共建国家工程实验室太阳能建筑一体化研究室。,www.linuo-Shandong Linuo Paradigma Co.Ltd.2006 all rights reserved,对外技术交流与合作广泛Cooperation and sharing the technology widely,与德国Paradigma、德国Ritter solar、美国霍尼韦尔、法国特瑞帕等合资合作;Cooperation with Paradigma,Ritter Solar,Honeywell,Traba.与斯图加特大学、山东大学、上海交大、山东建筑大学、西安建大、浙大设计院等大专院校进行产学研交流合作;Sharing the technology with Tsinghua University,Shandong University,Shandong Jianzhu University,Xian Architecture University,Architectural Design and Research Institute of Zhejiang University,University of Stuttgart.与北京太阳能研究所、北京自动化研究所、上海建科院、中国建筑标准研究院、中国建筑科学研究院等科研机构进行科研合作;Cooperation in research with Solar Energy Institute of Beijing,AI institute of Beijing,Shanghai Research Institute of Building Sciences,China Institute of Building Standard Design&Research.,www.linuo-Shandong Linuo Paradigma Co.Ltd.2006 all rights reserved,生产工艺、设备与德国同步Using the same technology and facility with German partner,国外技术专家支持;Supported by the foreign experts 与德国同步的生产设备,优质的生产环境;The advanced facility and excellent workshop 德国严谨的工作作风使产品的品质不断提升。Serious working style improving the quality of the products,www.linuo-Shandong Linuo Paradigma Co.Ltd.2006 all rights reserved,通过国外机构认证Certified by foreign organizations,国内首家通过欧洲solar keymark认证;首家通过澳大利亚AS2712认证国家免检产品;集热器通过美国SRCC、德国TUV机构认证;通过了韩国可再生能源设备认证。,


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