请论述身体语言的重要性,没身体语言的话,我们和与我们说不同语言的人沟通会有困难。Without body language,we will have difficulty communicating with those who speak different languages from us.有助于我们克服语言障碍.It helps us to get over the language barrier with foreigners.身体语言在我们日常生活中起着重要作用,它的重要性不容忽视,没有它的话我们不能充分表达我们自己Body language plays a vital role in our daily routine.the importance of it can not be overlooked,withoutwhich we couldnt fully express ourselves.,身体语言是一种强有力的沟通手段,没有它的话我们不能生动的表达自己Body language serves as a powerful means of communication,without which we cant vividly express our feelings.没身体语言的话,我们在某些场合不能表达自己 But for body language,we couldnt express ourselves on some occasions.Were it not for body language,身体语言有助于我们 表达我们用言语无法表达的感觉来让我们懂得彼此 It helps us to display our feelings beyond words to make ourselves understood,身体语言是人们沟通的桥梁。Body language serves to bridge the communication for people across the world 身体语言让人们方便地表达自己的感受。Body language serves as a convenient way to express our feelings.,身体语言在我们日常生活中起着重要作用 Body language plays a vital role in our daily routine.有些通用的身体语言,比如让它人感觉舒服的微笑就是很好的例子说明了身体语言的魅力 Some body languages such as smile which can put others at ease serve as a good example to illustrate the magic power that body language has.它可以让人们更靠近,没有它的话我们很可能进退两难。It helps shorten the distance between people,without which we are likely to be caught in a dillemma.,身体语言可以展现个人魅力,让你与众不同Body language helps to display your charm,which makes you different.身体语言传达了言语无法传达的信息,而且它丰富了语言,让我们的生活更有趣。Body language can convey message beyond words.besides,it enrichs our language,making the life more interesting.,身体语言,可以作为一种通用的沟通方式,我们的生活不能没有它。Body language which can serve as a universal means of communication is so important that we cant live without it.身体语言是语言的补充,它能让我们丰富我们表达我们的言语。Body language serves as a supplement to language,with which we can enrich the meaning of what we say.,身体语言是人们沟通的桥梁。Body language serves to bridge the communication for people across the world.,