译林三年级上册unit5 Look at me (Story time).ppt
3AUnit 5,(Story time Period 1),Look at me!,Fuming Primary School,A Fashion Show,Come on!,(如果你看到服装类图片,请大声读出来。),(如果你看到波比,请拍两下手。),Play a game,Play a game,Introduction,请介绍你自己和你的朋友。,Hello,Im/I am Look,this is Hes/She s my friend.,My friend,story time,story time,Guess,Task 1:Watch and circle,你能圈出Yang Ling试穿的服饰吗?,A,B,C,D,Task 1:Watch and circle,Watch and circle,你能圈出 试穿的服饰吗?,A,B,C,D,再看动画,找出妈妈是怎样赞美 的每一件衣服的。,Task 2:Watch and find,Task 2:Watch and find,Watch and remember妈妈是怎样称赞杨玲的衣服?,Its nice.,How nice!,Great!,Its great.,Skirt,skirt.Look at my skirt.Nice,nice.Oh,its nice.T-shirt,T-shirt.Look at my T-shirt.Great,great.Oh,its great.,Say a chant,.Look at my.Nice,nice.Oh,its nice.,.Look at my.Great,great.Oh,its great.,Make a chant(四人小组),Task 4:Read and act,Task 4:Read and act,Task 4:Read and act,Tip:每组推选两名同学参赛,注意加上适当的 表情、动作哦!,Excellent!,Great!,Good.,Learning tip:,How do we give praise?,当我们赞扬和夸奖时,可以说 等。,如何赞扬?,“Good.”“Great!”“Its great.”“How nice!”“Its nice.”,、,、,、,、,Play a game,Play a game,Play a game,Play a game,Play a game,Play a game,Play a game,Play a game,Play a game,Play a game,Play a game,Play a game,1.Yang Ling:Look at my _(T恤).Mum:Its n_c_(好看的).2.Y L:_at my _(短裙)Mum:H_ _ nice!3.Y L:Look at _ _(我的帽子).Mum:Its gr_ _t(很棒).4.Y L:Look at _(我).Mum:_.(好极了),T-shirt,i,e,Look,skirt,ow,my cap,ea,me,Great,Task 6:Fashion show,Look at my.,Praising brings happiness!相互赞美会给彼此带来快乐!,We know,Homework,1.跟读对话并试着背诵。,2.设计你喜欢的服饰,下节课展示。,Thank you!,