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    A Guide to English-Speaking Countries,英语国家概况,The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,Education,Media and Holiday,英语国家概况,Chapter Five,Holidays and Festivals,Education,Media,I,II,III,CONTENT,Education,Educational Policy,Educational System,Compulsory education for all children between the ages of 5 and 16(17 from 2013)Comprehensive schools introduced in the 1960s.The purpose of the comprehensive school is to democratize education and provide equal opportunity for all children.Grammar schoolsoffers an academic course in preparation for university entrance and for the professions.Vocational schools It may be obtained either formally in trade schools,technical secondary schools,or in on-the-job training programs or,more informally,by picking up the necessary skills on the job.,Educational Policy,National Curriculum was introduced in 1988.Subjects include mathematics,English,science,geography,history,technology,music,arts,physical education and a foreign language.,Education in Britain is divided into four stages:primary secondary further education higher education,Educational System,Primary and Secondary Education,Famous Universities,Higher Education,Two parallel school system:National curriculum:,Primary and Secondary Education,State systemlocal authority maintained 93%(Free to all children between the ages of 516)Independent systemPublic schools 7%(Parents pay for their childrens education),Compulsory in state schoolOptional in independent school,state system11-year compulsory education5-11:primary schools(co-educational/mixed schools)11-16:secondary schools(most are comprehensive schools)GCSE(General Certificate of Secondary Education),Primary and Secondary Education,State System,The General Certificate of Secondary Education(GCSE)(普通中等教育证书)An academic qualification generally taken in a number of subjects by students aged 1416 in secondary education in England,Wales and Northern IrelandCertifying that the students have achieved the standard expected after 11 years of compulsory education,Primary and Secondary Education,Primary and Secondary Education,“sixth form”(2 years)(English education system)the final two years of secondary schooling during which students are about sixteen to eighteen years of age.A-levels(General Certificate of EducationAdvanced)for universities admittancesGNVQs(General National Vocational Qualifications)for vocational training,State System(Cont.),A-levelsThe A-level,or“Advanced Level”is a grade of education that is offered by educational institutions such as schools and colleges and is an accepted form of qualification.A-levels are generally a two-year course,with AS levels being obtained within the first year.A-levels are usually taken after successful completion of a previous level of course,such as GCSEs.,Primary and Secondary Education,the most famous Eton,Harrow and Winchesterover 2500 independent schools across BritainOver 7%percent of all British childrenA privilege for the rich,Primary and Secondary Education,Better fundedBetter teachersBetter facilitiesBetter chance to enter famous universities,Independent System,Eton College Eton College,often informally referred to as Eton,is the largest public school(independent secondary school)in England and one of the highest in prestige.It educates over 1,300 pupils,aged between 13 to 18 years and was founded in 1440 by King Henry VI as The Kings College of Our Lady of Eton besides Wyndsor.,Primary and Secondary Education,Eton college,Winchester College one of the oldest of the great public schools of England(dating from 1382)Every pupil at Winchester,apart from the Scholars,lives in a boarding house.Each house also had a set of house colours,which adorned the ribbon worn around boys strats(straw hats).,Primary and Secondary Education,Recruitment base on:A-levelsSchool references InterviewAll British universities are partially funded by central government grants.Except Buckingham University and BPP University College,Higher Education,Maintenance grantReceived by students from poor families Financial aid based on need,from the central governmentVery poor students receiving the full grant and less-poor students receiving only a partial grant.Having been abolished in 1998 by the Labor government and a tuition plan for university education was implemented,Higher Education,Buckingham University,Higher Education,Higher Education(Cont.),BPP University College,Q.Whats the difference between time range required for degrees in British highereducation system and the time range in Chinese higher education system?,Higher Education,Famous Universities,Oxford University and Cambridge University are sometimes referred to collectively as Oxbridge.,Oxford Crest,Cambridge Crest,Famous Universities,Famous Universities,Bodleian Library of Oxford University,牛津大学博德利图书馆,Bodleian Library of Oxford Universitythe main research library of the University of Oxfordone of the oldest libraries in Europe,and in Britain is second in size only to the British Library with over 11 million items.Known to Oxford scholars as Bodley or simply the Bod,Famous Universities,The Mathematical Bridge(at Queens College,Cambridge University),Famous Universities,Many of the most important scientific discoveries and revolutions were made by Cambridge alumni 校友.These include:,Cambridges contributions to Science,Understanding the scientific method,by Francis Bacon The laws of motion,by Sir Isaac Newton The discovery of the electron,by J.J.Thomson The unification of electromagnetism,by James Clerk Maxwell The discovery of hydrogen,by Henry Cavendish Evolution by natural selection,by Charles Darwin The Turing machine,the basis of modern computers,by Alan Turing The structure of DNA,by Francis Crick and James D.Watson,The British Library of Political and Economic Science 英国政治经济图书馆,Famous Universities,The British Library of Political and Economic Science 英国政治经济图书馆the national social sciences library of the United KingdomOne of the largest libraries in the world devoted to the economic and social sciencesA public lecture venue,Famous Universities,Media,Newspapers,Television and Broadcast,Long established industry The Observer(first appeared in 1791)still published every Sunday the worlds oldest Sunday newspaperThe Times(first published in 1785)one of Britains oldest and influential newspapers,Newspapers,The“quality press”or“broadsheets”featuring mostly serious articles“Big Three”The Timesin-depth article,well-educated audience The Guardianleft wingThe Daily Telegraph The“tabloids”Scandal and gossipThe Sun on Sunday,Newspapers,Two categories,The British Broadcasting Corporation(BBC)1936Independent Television(ITV)1955SkyTV 1989British Satellite Broadcasting,Television and Broadcast,Britains top pay-television provider Formed in 1990 by the merger of Sky Television and British Satellite Broadcastingthe largest pay-TV broadcaster in Britain and Ireland with over 10 million subscribers,Television and Broadcast,BSkyB 英国天空广播集团,Holidays and Festivals,Christmas,Easter,Trooping the Color,Celebration of the birth of Jesus ChristExchanging gifts and Christmas cardsPreparing holiday foodsDecorating homes and workplaces with colored lights,Christmas trees and ornaments,Christmas,A form of musical comedy stage production,designed for families,developed in the United Kingdom and mostly performed during the Christmas and New YearAlways based on traditional childrens stories,e.g.Cinderella,Aladdin,Dick Whittington and His Cat and Jack and the Beanstalk.,Christmas,Christmas Pantomime 童话剧,Boxing Day 节礼日the day following Christmas DayServants and tradesmen would receive gifts from their superiors or employers,known as a Christmas box.,Christmas,The oldest and most important Christian festivalCommemorates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after his CrucifixionFalls on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25Easter eggs,Easter bunny,Easter,The second Saturday in June(the Queens birthday is officially celebrated)The ceremony of the Queen inspecting her troops,Trooping the Color,A ceremony performed by regiments of the British and British Commonwealth armies.On battlefields,a regiments colors,or flags,were used as rallying points.Since 1748,it has also marked the official birthday of the British sovereignty,A national festival on November 5Historical event celebrated:In November 1605,the gunpowder plot took place in which some Catholics plotted to blow up the English Parliament and King James I.,Bonfire Night,Celebration:Light huge bonfireLet off fireworksBurn guys(life-sized men made of straw and other available materials),Bonfire Night,first celebrated in 1908,when Anna Jarvis(Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia,whose mother had organized womens groups to promote friendship and health)held a memorial for her mother in Americasending of cards and the giving of gifts.In protest against its commercialization,Jarvis spent the last years of her life trying to abolish the holiday.“A printed card means nothing except that you are too lazy to write to the woman who has done more for you than anyone in the world.And candy!You take a box to Motherand then eat most of it yourself.A pretty sentiment.”Anna Jarvis.,Mothers Day,Received its name from the custom of playing practical jokes on this day.The modern custom may have originated in France when the Gregorian calendar,which moved New Years Day from March 25 to January 1,was adopted in 1582.Those who continued to celebrate the end of New Year Week on April 1 were referred to as fools.In the UK,an April fool joke is revealed by shouting April fool!at the victim.The April 1 tradition in France includes Aprils fish,attempting to attach a paper fish to the victims back without being noticed.,April Fools Day,held on the second Sunday in NovemberCommemorating the contribution of British and Commonwealth military and civilian servicemen and women in the two World Wars and later conflictsThe poppy(罂粟花)is worn around the time of Remembrance Sunday.,Remembrance Sunday,Thank You!,英语国家概况,


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