语 句 重 音,一般句子重音,句子重音一般落在句子的实词(实义动词、名词、形容词和副词)以及充当主语的人称代词上,而虚词(连词、代词、介词等)需要弱读。如果句意没有需要特别强调的地方,句子最重的重音落在句子的最后一个实词上,称作一般句子重音。所以如果句子最后一个是实义动词、名词、形容词或副词时,一般这也是句子的主重音所在。句子中最重的重音被称为主重音,其他的重读的实词称为次重音。,3,句子重音 升降调 Sentence Stress and intonation,句子重音的一般规则实词重读,虚词不重读,4,1、名词 一般都重读 There is a book on the desk.My sister put up a picture on the wall.John wants to see the teacher after class.An elephant is an animal.,5,2、形容词一般都应重读 The sky is blue.The streets are wide,clean and beautiful.Its a dull and disappointing film.Thats exciting news.,6,3、数词一般都应重读,His first daughter is fifteen.Her second son is twenty five.He bought ten cups and I bought only four.,7,4、动词 主要动词,或称实意动词、行为动词(notional verb)都要重读(be、have 除外)He takes a walk after supper every day.Dont forget your homework.I suppose you know him.非限定动词一般也都要重读 不定式 We decided to start the next day.分词 We sat at the desk writing a letter.动名词 Its no use asking him about that.,8,5、副词,大部分副词需要重读。,They can speak English fluently.They came back early yesterday.Where did you buy it?Why do you come?You meet people everywhere.Ive never heard of such a thing before,9,6、代词常重读的代词有 1指示代词,this,that,these,those。This is not what I mean.That isnt the one I asked for.Do you like()these flowers?但如指示代词前后都有重音时,该指示代词可失去重音How do you like those little ones?Who wrote this interesting story?,10,2.反身代词He himself cooked the dinner.We ourselves bought the ticket.I saw it myself.The man himself told me so.3.不定代词We are many,they are few.Some are boys,some are girls.4疑问代词 Who are you talking to?What can I do for you?,11,7.感叹词 感叹词是表示某种感情的自然一般都重读 Ah!Oh!Ugh!uh Eh?Fancy!Goodness!Nonsense!Hello!Indeed!How awful!但如果后面紧跟一个有强重音的词,单音节的感叹词可以不重读,但音调很高Ah no!Oh well!Oh dear!,12,节奏 O O O O go slow hold tight stand up sit downcome here go there ask John speak uplook out try hard not now no useno good please tono,thanks yes,pleaseall right quite right,练习1 P104,13,句子重音的一般规则实词重读,虚词不重读,14,1.冠词一般都不重读He lives in a house not far from the school.Its an hours drive from the old station.The man over there is my brother.An elephant is an animal.,15,2.不重读的代词有:人称代词,物主代词(形容词性),相互代词,关系代词He hasnt seen my brother yet.He hurt himself when he was playing football.They often help each other.The girl who spoke to you just now is my sister.,16,3.不重读的动词助动词 He did not work hard for the exam.We were impressed by their achievements.Much has been said about it.They will be surprised at that.情态动词 Mary could do it better than Herbert.I must go now.Who can answer this question?,17,Notes:助动词和情态动词与not构成的缩略式要重读I dont want to go there today.He wasnt surprised when I told him the news.We cant stay any longer.Dont you think you shouldnt say such things?We must do it now,mustnt we?cannot不缩写成cant 时,重音也在can 上I cannot agree with him.,18,Do 用于肯定句中表示强调时,总是重读的I do hope this will be effective.He does need your help.We did warn you before.,19,4.连接词 单一的并列连接词(包括关联连接词both and neithernor等)和从属连词都不重读 He came and spoke to us.I saw it but didnt read it.Lets run or well be late.That takes both time and energy.Neither you nor I can solve the problem.I suggest that we give up the plan.He was angry with me because I was late.The professor was busy writing when I went to see him.,20,1.We took the taxi to the station so(that)we could be in time for the train.2.She didnt arrange the chairs as I told her.3.Put it where it can easily be seen.4.He wants to see you before you leave.,21,连接代词who(whom,whose)what,which 和连接副词when,where,how,why 可以重读,也可以不重读。I wonder who that was.Ask him which is better.I dont know how they are.I dont know how things are in their school.Im not sure when hes coming.I cant understand why he refuses to go.Do you see what I mean?He doesnt know what he should do next.,22,5.介词 单音节介词一般都不重读 All but one of the family are at home.How far is it from Paris to London?What are you looking at?Thats what I was thinking of.,23,Notes:多音节的介词常重读,但也可不重读 Ill do it()after lunch.He finished the article()during the holidays.The man walked a()long the street.He searched a()mong the papers.I forgot all a()bout it.I have nothing to say con()cerning this problem.Put it opposite the door.,24,Notes:介词在句首时常可重读 On his way home he met an old friend.In the room they found a little boy.Under the tree stands a tall man.,25,O o O O o O go to sleep not so fastlend a hand try againcut the bread make the teanot enough look insidedo it now have a drinkpractise hard What is that?Whats for?sing a songwrite it down have a gowhore you?half an hourcold as ice cant be done,练习2 P104,26,Conclusion:Stress,(1)content words,stressed,27,(2)Functional words unstressed,28,(3)others,口语交流中,当虚词的在句中起到重要的表意作用时,会被重读。,A:Did you see the movie?B:Yes,I did.A:Have you seen him?B:I have.,