专业英语论文写作讲座(1)科技论文的组成,一、Title(标题)1 要求:简捷、概括全篇、引人注目2 注意问题:(1)标题作为一种“标记”,一般不能采用句子(在专业英语中极少采用问句,这是与科普英语的不同),比句子简捷,但是词的先后反映了论文的主题。例如:A)航空座椅锁扣缸体冷挤压工艺及模具设计 Cold-extrusion Process and Die Design of Plane-chair-clasp CylinderB)STEYR转向节模锻成形工艺研究 Research on the Technology of Die-forging Formation Process for STEYR Steering Joint(较为罗嗦)Research on the Die-forging Forming Process of STEYR Steering JointC)基于特征的液压机本体柔性化设计 Feature-based Flexible Design of the Hydraulic Press Body,专业英语论文写作讲座(1)科技论文的组成,(2)标题中尽量不能使用缩略语、化学分子式、专利商标名称以及过时的专业术语。比如:FEM一般应该表示为Finite Element Method。但是诸如CAD等大家已经公认的缩略语除外。(3)注意标题的字数限制以及对于副标题的要求(学术期刊、论文各有规定)。(4)尽量避免连载小说式的系列标题,每篇论文都应该有独立的研究结果。(5)按照惯例,英语标题的第一个词和其后的每个实体词首字母都应该大写。例如:Feature-based Flexible Design of the Hydraulic Press Body二、Authors and Address(作者及其单位)作者排序,在有些期刊里要求用AND 连接,一般用逗号隔开。三、摘要(Abstract)1 放在正文文章前面的称为摘要(放在后面为综述),摘要的目的是概括文章的主旨,例如:研究性论文要说明研究的主题、主要手段、方法、获得的主要结论。摘要反映的是论文的基本面貌。,专业英语论文写作讲座(1)科技论文的组成,2 注意问题:(1)摘要往往在成文之后写,采用正规英语、标准术语,避免缩写,采用第三人称。例如:We have researched 句型禁用。例:According to the deformation of shear spinning on conical workpieces,the stress and strain has been analyzed and the new deformation mechanism has been put forward that the forming area of shear spinning should be divided into tension bending zone and rolling zone.译:根据锥形件坯料剪旋过程的实际情况,本文对其进行了应力、应变分析,对剪旋变形的机理提出了新的见解,将剪旋变形区分为拉弯区与碾压变形区。(2)精炼,不宜出现:for example,不宜直接与其他研究进行对比。如果建立在他人成果基础之上,可以用:Base on the research of(3)具体:一般不用is related to(与相关),而直接讲论文:discuss,resolve,detail等。(4)完整:一般不允许引用内部的插图,例如不能使用:as detailed in Fig句型。(5)长度:短为好,不同的期刊、场合要求不同。,专业英语论文写作讲座(1)科技论文的组成,例文:锥形件剪旋变形分析徐文臣单德彬吕炎(哈尔滨工业大学150001)摘要根据剪旋过程的实际情况进行了应力应变分析,对剪旋变形机理提出了新的见解,将剪旋变形区分为拉弯区和辗压变形区。前者的受力情况类似于胀形,后者为母线方向拉应力作用下的辗压变形,该区起主要减薄壁厚的作用。此外,本文利用Z 形图对剪旋的各种状态进行了应力应变分析,并确定出了剪旋时最佳应力应变状态的区域。关键词 剪切旋压变形机理Z 形图最佳区域,专业英语论文写作讲座(1)科技论文的组成,Deformation analysis of shear spinning on conical workpiecesXu Wenchen Shan Debin Lu Yan(Harbin Institute of Technology)Abstract:According to the deformation of shear spinning on conical workpieces,the stress and strain has been analyzed and the new deformation mechanism has been put forward that the forming area of shear spinning should be divided into tension bending zone and rolling zone.The former is similar to bulge,but the deforming mode of the latter is rolling in which the stress is tensile in generatrix direction and the wall thickness are mainly reduced in this zone.In addition,by means of Z graph,the stress and strain of different shear spinning state has been researched and the optimum range of stress and strain has been gained.Keywords:Shear spinning Deformation mechanismZ graph Optimum range,专业英语论文写作讲座(1)科技论文的组成,四、Keywords(关键词)摘要的末尾要加关键词,作为索引和检索之用,表明文章的特点和特性,可以选标题和摘要中的词,最好从文章中选出,一般要求310个。例如:上面文章中的Keywords:Shear spinning Deformation mechanismZ graph Optimum range五、Introduction(引言)又可以称为“前言”,向读者介绍文章的主题、目的、总纲,引导读者明确全文的背景、方法、论点。六、正文:一般按照论文的主题结构分节阐述七、Conclusion and Recommendations(结论与建议)注意问题:结论不能只是罗列研究结果,要反映研究工作者如何从研究中经过概括、判断、推理的过程而形成的总的结论、观点。,专业英语论文写作讲座(1)科技论文的组成,举例:Conclusions Because it has several advantages over conventional methods,sheet hydroforming is a new field of investigation in the manufacturing industry.In this paper,a numerical simulation using elasto-plastic FEM is carried out and an automobile fuel tank is produced using sheet hydroforming instead of the stampedwelded method used reviously.Results from a comparison of stamping and hydroforming processes show that the hydroforming process can produce a fuel tank with more uniform and sound thickness than the stamping operation.Use of the finite element method to analyze a complex sheet metal forming and hydroforming problem has also proven to be effective as a design analysis tool.,专业英语论文写作讲座(1)科技论文的组成,八、Acknowledgement(致谢)感谢对象:实验室与个人、经济支持、出注意和建议的人,而打字员、技术员、绘图员不包括在内。例如:Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the Dong-Hee Industrial Co.for providing the experiment and the ERC/NSDM at Pusan National University for support of this work.The last author would also like to acknowledge support from the 1999 Research Fund Program of Pusan National University.,专业英语论文写作讲座(1)科技论文的组成,九、References and Appendix(参考文献与附录)学术论文以及学位论文列举参考文献是传统惯例,反映作者严肃科学的态度和研究工作的广泛依据。凡是引用其他作者的文章、观点或研究成果,都应该注明,并在参考文献栏处写明出处。不同期刊和场合要求有所不同,但正文编号必须与参考文献中所注明所编号相符,且能够具体到页码的一定要写明页码。例如:The product model and modeling method are the decisive factors in the modern integrated CAD system 4.4 Anoop Singhal,Chi_yuan Lo.Object Oriented Data-modeling for VLSI/CAD.8th International Conference on VLSI design.1995:2529 复杂的公式推导,校核用的数表等项目,如果插入有关部分可能会搅乱正文,这种情况下,通常可以把它们放在附录中。,