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    必须了解的记忆GRE词汇的方法 你早该了解的记忆GRE词汇的方法,一起来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。你早该了解的记忆GRE词汇的方法对于GRE词汇相信大家并不陌生,这是“很折磨人的”。新GRE词汇量相当大,考生在复习中一看到这么多量的单词就犯浑,就连GRE真题也做不进去了。那么背单词有什么好方法能够快速记住?下面是我们小站教育为考生讲解有关GRE词汇记忆的七点建议。1.复习GRE词汇比背新词更重要。如果时间实在安排不开,宁可不背新词,也一定要完成当天的复习任务。2.记忆新词的时间安排。背新GRE词汇最好安排在早晨,最迟在中午,以便在12小时后的晚上的复习。3.发挥主观能动性。勤于思考、比较、联想、使用,增加对单词的思维过程,以此赋予单词更多的意义。4.对付难词的方法。对难以记住的GRE词汇的重复遍数一定要超过其他单词。到了5遍以上还记不住的单词,可抄在小本,一有空就拿出来背一背。5.17天之后,开始做GRE真题。6.循环练习。对单词完成了15天的复习周期之后,坚持每天花约45min复习3个list。7.先看英文再看中文释义。每次复习GRE词汇都应该先看英文单词,想这个单词的意思,然后再看中文含义。这七个建议是我们对GRE词汇的记忆见解,或许有的考生觉得自己未必能够做到,其实这只是一些建议,对于新GRE词汇的记忆还是要靠大家自己的探索。GRE词汇零距离之APEC会议必会的关键词时隔13年,亚太经合组织(APEC)又来中国开会了,这一次是在北京,现在真是举国皆说APEC。那么,到底谁是知识最渊博、认识最深入的小伙伴呢?我们为此精心编撰了APEC中国年词典,掌握从A到Z的26个关键词,那个人可能就是你。To help people better understand the focus of the APEC Beijing meeting, Xinhua News Agency has prepared a list of 26 key words that define the gathering of the leaders of Asia-Pacific economies。APEC|亚太经合组织1989年诞生的亚太经合组织联通了太平洋两岸,对接了新兴与发达经济体,让“亚太”从地理概念变成了一个如今经济总量占据全球半壁江山的经济合作体,成为全球最具增长活力和发展潜力的地缘经济板块。Born in 1989, the Asia-Pacific economic Cooperation connects both sides of the Pacific Ocean, linking emerging economies with developed economies. APEC has made the geographical concept of "Asia-Pacific" into an economic cooperation group that accounts for half of the worlds economy. It currently demonstrates the biggest growth vigor and potential。Bogor Goals|茂物目标APEC成员1994年通过茂物宣言,提出了APEC“大家庭”的奋斗目标,承诺最迟不晚于2020年实现在亚太地区的自由开放的贸易和投资。今年是茂物目标提出20周年,人们期待北京会议使区域经济一体化路径更加清晰。APEC members announced the Bogor Goals in 1994, proposing the goal of forming a "big family" of APEC members. They promised to achieve free and open trade and investment in the Asia-Pacific region no later than 2020. As it is the 20th anniversary of the Bogor Goals, people expect the APEC Beijing meeting to provide a clearer path for regional economic integration。Connectivity|互联互通加强全方位基础设施与互联互通建设,是北京APEC的三个主要议题之一。各方正积极讨论准备制定的APEC互联互通蓝图,既涉及道路等基础设施的“硬联通”,也包括规章制度方面的“软联通”,还将推动人员的流动。The APEC Beijing meeting will discuss ways to strengthen comprehensive infrastructure construction that can improve regional connections. APEC members are actively discussing an APEC connectivity blueprint that involves the connection of infrastructure, rules and people。Dialogue|对话会对话会是APEC领导人会议周一大看点。8日,习近平主席将出席并主持加强互联互通伙伴关系对话会。10日,习近平将主持亚太经合组织领导人与工商咨询理事会代表对话会,并现场回答各组咨询理事提出的问题。Dialogues play animportant role at the Beijing APEC meeting. On Nov. 8, Chinese President Xi Jinping chaired and addressed a dialogue on strengthening connectivity partnership. On Nov. 10, Xi will chair the APEC Business Advisory Council Dialogue with Leaders and answer questions at the meeting。Economies|经济体亚太经合组织目前共有21个经济体成员,它们的人口占全球40%,GDP占全球57%,贸易额占全球46%。The 21 APEC economies make up 40 percent of global population, 57 percent of the worlds GDP, and 46 percent of the global trade。FTAAP|亚太自由贸易区推动区域经济一体化是北京会议的主要议题之一,启动亚太自由贸易区进程有望取得新的突破。习近平主席20XX年在巴厘岛的亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会上表示,我们要携手建设开放型经济和区域合作框架,以开放包容精神推进亚太自由贸易区建设。Promoting regional economic integration is a major topic of the APEC Beijing meeting. The meeting is expected to make new progress in starting building the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP)。Growth|增长促进经济创新发展、改革与增长,是当前亚太各经济体面临的共同任务,也是北京会议的主要议题之一。APEC各成员将就经济改革、新经济、创新增长、包容性支持和城镇化等五大支柱领域展开交流对话,发掘亚太新一轮经济增长的新动力。All APEC economies need to drive growth through innovation and reforms. Growth is one of main topics of the APEC Beijing meeting. APEC members will discuss key fields such as economic reforms, innovation and urbanization. They will explore new momentum for regional growth。Host|东道主继2001年在上海之后,中国此次在北京第二次作为东道主举行APEC领导人非正式会议。中国希望以北京会议为契机,深化亚太各经济体合作,建立面向未来的更紧密的伙伴关系,共同勾画亚太长远发展前景。China is the host of the annual APEC meeting for a second time in 13 years after the 2001 APEC Shanghai meeting. China hopes the Beijing meeting will deepen Asia-Pacific economic cooperation and shape the regions future through closer partnership。Integration|一体化在推动亚太自贸区建设方面,中国希望切实发挥APEC在推进区域经济一体化方面的协调和领导作用,完成亚太经合组织推动实现亚太自贸区路线图的制定。In promoting the FTAAP, China hopes APEC can guide and coordinate regional economic integration. China also hopes APEC can chart a roadmap for the FTAAP。Japan|日本有记者问:此次亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议期间,中国国家领导人与日本领导人是否会有双边会见?中国外交部长王毅的回答是:“来者都是客”,中国会对所有客人尽必要的地主之谊。Chinese foreign minister and commerce minister met with their Japanese counterparts at the APEC Beijing meeting. China also calls on the Japanese side to create an "enabling environment" for the contact of the leaders of the two countries。Meetings|重要会议11月5至11日的领导人会议周是全年APEC活动高潮,主要内容包括高官会、部长级会议,以及领导人非正式会议等。期间还将举行加强互联互通伙伴关系对话会,APEC工商领导人峰会,APEC领导人与工商咨询理事会代表对话会等工商界活动和领导人配偶活动等。The meetings held in Beijing between Nov. 5 and Nov. 11 are the key for this years APEC activities. The meetings include minister-level meetings, leaders informal meetings, a dialogue on strengthening connectivity partnership, APEC CEO Summit, and APEC Business Advisory Council Dialogue with Leaders。Leaders|领导人亚太经合组织各成员的领导人和代表聚首北京,参加APEC领导人非正式会议,展开密集的双边、多边外交活动。习近平主席将按惯例同与会经济体领导人和代表合影,并共同参加亚太伙伴林植树活动,象征亚太大家庭的成员共同成长、共同发展、共同进步。The leaders and representatives of the APEC member economies will get together in Beijing to attend the APEC Economic Leaders Meeting and to carry out intensive bilateral and multilateral diplomatic activities.Chinese President Xi Jinping will have a group photo taken with the leaders and representatives attending the APEC meeting. Xi will also take part in a tree planting activity that symbolizes the joint growth, development and progress of the Asia-Pacific。Partnership|伙伴关系本次APEC会议的主题是“共建面向未来的亚太伙伴关系”。观察家解读,这一主题表明了对话、合作、包容、理解的愿望,是各成员能够接受的“最大公约数”,将为各成员超越“零和关系”铺平道路,从而能够集中精力创造可持续的经济增长。This years APEC meeting is under the theme "Shaping the Future Through Asia-Pacific Partnership," underlining the aspiration that inclusive partnerships may be the greatest common ground APEC members can find.Analysts said the meeting will help pave the way for APEC members to bring relationships away from a zero-sum relation so that they can focus on promoting sustainable development。Urbanization|城镇化中国倡导在APEC开展城镇化领域的合作。城镇化将是未来亚太繁荣发展的一个重要增长动力。China advocates cooperation of urbanization at APEC. Urbanization will be an important engine driving the future prosperity of Asia-Pacific。Zero Tariff|零关税从自贸区建设到互联互通,是否有一天APEC区域内真会实现“零关税”这个理想化的目标?若是如此,以后在上海买苹果手机说不定就跟在美国加州的价格一样了。One day there may be no tariff between APEC economies with the development of the free trade area and regional connectivity. If that comes true, people may pay the same amount of money to buy an iPhone in Shanghai as they do in California。GRE词汇零距离之亚太梦释义20XX年亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会11月9日在北京国家会议中心举行。国家主席习近平出席开幕式并发表题为谋求持久发展共筑亚太梦想的主旨演讲。习近平指出,中国愿意同本地区各国携手实现亚太美好梦想。"The development prospect of our region hinges on the decisions and actions we take today," he said. "We are duty-bound to create and fulfill an Asia-Pacific dream for our people."习近平指出,亚太发展前景取决于今天的决断和行动。我们有责任为本地区人民创造和实现亚太梦想。文中的Asia-Pacific dream就是指“亚太梦”。习近平指出,今天的亚太,在世界格局中的地位不断上升。也面临方方面面的挑战。亚太的未来,正处在关键的路口。习近平在演讲中还指出,中国经济呈现出“new normal”(新常态)。我们正在推行的comprehensively deepening reform(全面深化改革),既是liberate the productive force(对社会生产力的解放),也是对unleash the vitality of the society(社会活力的解放),必将成为推动中国经济社会发展的强大动力。GRE词汇零距离之敏锐的释义小站教育为大家精心整理了一些GRE考试中的重点单词详解,分享给大家,供大家参考,希望大家在GRE考试中碰到这些词汇的时候能够运用自如,最后祝大家在11月的考试中取得好成绩!acumen英?kj?m?n美?kjum?n, ?kj?-n.敏锐;聪明;植渐尖头;动短刺。柯林斯高阶英汉词典:1.N-UNCOUNT敏锐;聪明Acumen is the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions.His sharp business acumen meant he quickly rose to the top.他精明的商业头脑令其青云直上。例句:1.The ntc is a rather lawyerly bunch that often seems to lack political acumen.全国过渡委员会主要是由一群律师组成的,通常缺乏政治敏锐性。2.His answer is that previously, ngos had tried to tackle it, when what was needed was business acumen.他的答案是,非政府组织早先曾试图解决这个问题,当时需要的是商业上的敏锐。3.While g20 veterans may miss some of mr browns acumen, they may find the new british prime minister to be a more congenial member of the club.尽管出席G20峰会的其它国家领导人可能有些怀念布朗的敏锐,但他们可能发现英国新首相是g20俱乐部更合群的好伙伴GRE词汇零距离之拼车的英文释义11月3日起,北京全市开始单双号限行,并将一直持续到11月12日。平时开车上班的人们有些选择在限行日乘坐公交或地铁出行,还有些则开始在网上发帖,寻求拼车伙伴,两家替换着开车出行。Carpooling has become a popular choice for Beijings white-collar workers as the limit on the number of cars on roads during the APEC meeting took effect on Monday.北京在APEC期间的车辆限行措施周一开始实施,拼车成为北京白领们的热门选择。Carpooling也叫car sharing,即“拼车”,指多人共同使用一辆车出行的做法,这样既提高了出行效率,同时也能减轻交通压力,减少车辆尾气排放。其实,在美国不少大型城市都在交通高峰时段为这一类车辆开设专用车道,统一叫做HOV lane(high-occupancy vehicle lane),即“高上座率机动车道”,同时也叫拼车专用道(carpool lane)。交通高峰时段在该车道行驶的车辆,每辆车最少要载有2到3个人。


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