一、演练目的 Objective 二、组织机构 Organization三、前期准备工作 Pre-work 四、应急演练步骤 The practice process五、灭火器使用方法 Fire extinguisher usage六、紧急疏散图 Emergency Exit Layout,消防应急疏散培训Evacuation Training,一、演练目的 Objective 面向全体员工和外协人员组织开展紧急疏散、逃生自救演练,强化员工的安全防 意识,严防拥挤、踩踏事故的发生,提高全体员工应对突发事件的能力。We will organize an evacuation practice for all the staffs who work in FMS and supplier,it can strengthen the staffs safe guard consciousness to prevent overcrowding,trampling incidents and improve the ability to handle emergencies.,消防应急疏散培训Evacuation Training,二、组织机构 Organization,消防应急疏散培训Evacuation Training,三、前期准备工作 Pre-work厂区安全员对每个部门经理与部门安全协调员下发应急演练实施方案。Plant safety coordinator distributes the evacuation plan for each dept.manager and safety coordinator.2.安全协调员与部门经理负责对全体员工的预防火灾、灭火、拥挤踩踏、地震等 突发事故的教育。The safety coordinator and dept.manager are responsible for all staffs fire prevention,fire fighting,crowding stampede,earthquakes and other emergencies education.3.安全员培训员工能做到:(1)、遇事不惊,头脑冷静;(2)、判明情况,思考对策;(3)、积极自救,互帮互助;(4)、听从指挥,有序疏散。杜绝:恐慌混乱、相互践踏。The safety training made the staffs to understand:(1)be calm when met the incident;(2)distinguish the situation and think the countermeasure;(3)self-saving actively and mutual help;(4)obey the command and evacuation orderly.To avoid:panic and confusion,trampling each other.,消防应急疏散培训Evacuation Training,四、应急演练步骤 The practice process X月X日举行应急演练,全体员工参加。Held the emergency practice on XX.,all the staffs attended.1.全体员工正常上班、下班。All the staffs on duty and off duty normally.2.总指挥启动紧急逃生警报装置通知全体员工紧急疏散。The Commander-in-chief startups the emergency alarm and notifies the staffs to urgency evacuation.,消防应急疏散培训Evacuation Training,听到警铃与通知后,全体员工立即停止一切工作,安全协调员负责紧急疏散自己部 门的所有员工与外协人员(安全协调不在时,由部门主管负责)。安全员于第一时间赶到事故现场,确定事故发生的地点与具体情况,及时向上级领导汇报。When hearing the alarm bell and notice,all the staffs stop their work,the safety coordinator takes charge of evacuating own dept.staffs and suppliers(when the safety coordinator is out,then dept.supervisor take-over it).The safety coordinator should arrive the scene of the accident in the first time,to understand the accident location and detail info.,report it to superior in time.4.员工与外协人员按预先指定的路线到达园区指定的地点集中。The staffs and suppliers should evacuate according to the designated route to assembly points.5.人事提供当天出勤人员姓名与外协人员姓名。HR provides the attendance name list of staffs and suppliers of the day.6.集合所有员工与外协人员;安全协调员组织清点人数,并与人事出勤数据进行核对。Collect all employees and suppliers;the safety coordinator organize to count the people,and check with HR attendance data.,消防应急疏散培训Evacuation Training,7.安全协调员组织抢救财物、贵重设备,物资暂放处应有人看管,防止被盗;抢救伤员;清理保护现场。The safety coordinator organize to save the property,valuable equip.,and should arrange somebody to take charge of the material to prevent being stolen;rescue the wounded person;clean and protect the scene.8.如有人员受伤:急救组人员负责对伤员临时性的救助。If someone injures,the first aid group should give him provisional salvation.9.安全领导小组负责对事故现场的查实与确认,展开力所能及的救助方案。The safety group takes charge of examining and affirming accident scene,and deploys the salvation solution.10.安全领导小组确定事故排除过后,全体员工才能进入公司。After the safety group confirming accident was solved,then the staffs are allowed to enter the company.11.事故过后,各相关人员按分工做好善后工作,其他地方应尽快恢复原状,由安全 元负责写出事报告上报,对此次工作进行总结,对扑救工作中表现突出的人员提 出表扬。After the accident,the relative person deal with related issues,the other place should be gone back to the former condition as soon as possible.The safety coordinator is responsible to write accident report,and summary the issues,reward the person who is outstanding performance in this emergency treatment.,消防应急疏散培训Evacuation Training,消防应急疏散培训Evacuation Training,五、灭火器使用方法 Fire extinguisher usage占领上(侧上)风。Take the fire extinguisher in the same direction of wind.保持适当距离(2-3)米,拔掉保险销、压下压把。忌颠倒使用。Keep the distance in 23m,pull out the safety pin then push down the holder.No using it with upside down.对准火焰根部由远及近,水平扫射。Aim at fire root from far to close,level spray.火焰未灭、不轻易松压把。If the fire is not extinguished,dont loose the holder.一经使用,须重新充装。Once be used,it must be filled again.,消防应急疏散培训Evacuation Training,Thank you,消防应急疏散培训Evacuation Training,