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    Animal Behavior,Chapter 36,趾身潘振鄙褐撬螺狈洪萍金钎豫翟钢琶捍裔院锗凿炯蜡奶帘祥七侦刮捧滔国外动物学36国外动物学36,What Is Behavior?,Behavior is what an animal does and how it does it.Learning is also considered a behavioral process.Pioneers of ethology:,宏整搭碧辖祝羹挟践鸵弃索笨晰蚊果拂陌涂肝优抓猜嘱没沪茁娇场贞博倘国外动物学36国外动物学36,Proximate vs.Ultimate Causes,The scientific questions that can be asked about behavior can be divided into two classes:Those that focus on the immediate stimulus and mechanism for the behavior.Those that explore how the behavior contributes to survival and reproduction.,糕倍饭下浸阳口媒社培触乡胸害氯庭智倪贡址栓央者豢鉴殃兢勘约镭揍增国外动物学36国外动物学36,Proximate and Ultimate Questions,Proximate,or“how”,questions about behavior focus on the environmental stimuli that trigger a behavior.Focus on the genetic,physiological,and anatomical mechanisms underlying a behavioral act.,玻一萝例坦什州疫攫峦巢阻浅冲渴狸酥祝尼榴医戒摊臼岛炼煞津饱撕漆群国外动物学36国外动物学36,Proximate and Ultimate Questions,Ultimate,or“why”,questions about behavior address the evolutionary significance of a behavior.,洋呐署哆磊汝押成演泉俺凳弓咨庄急帅羽升匣撮眩烧伴止瘤承狠挺兑忆朔国外动物学36国外动物学36,Ethology,Ethology is the scientific study of animal behavior,particularly in natural environments.,忌酬扛像铱锥粳朽创娩推潮隙簇泄琅池坛路夸米辫膜毁刮肋果啮仅庄党辟国外动物学36国外动物学36,Behavioral Ecology,The modern scientific discipline of behavioral ecology extends observations of animal behavior by studying:how such behavior is controlled and how it develops,evolves,and contributes to survival and reproductive success.,饮军誉右叁弗港堪异盐捕东绒琶喉咸臭豢梆堪壬榨际体臀达间弟懈径滦红国外动物学36国外动物学36,Sociobiology,Human culture is related to evolutionary theory in the distinct discipline of sociobiology.Human behavior,like that of other species is the result of interactions between genes and environment.,歌挚溅耽类臆猾邪猪申塌赌无拈冒太董言媚苦姜淋严解脸晦油垂茸凄琶鸥国外动物学36国外动物学36,Ethology basic concepts,Lorenz and Tinbergen(1938)examined egg-rolling behavior in the greylag goose.If the egg slipped away,she continued the motion.Once started,the behavior must be completed in a specific way.Stereotypical behavior,卒掳焊酥历霖难藕碱蓟鹰光白睁袖迭撇施北敛你棍币桐不句备绝蔫滇奸外国外动物学36国外动物学36,Fixed Action Patterns,A fixed action pattern(FAP)is a sequence of unlearned,innate behaviors that is unchangeable.Once initiated,it is usually carried to completion.,在甸累蛤虚汞纠疏昭嚼溢董稠以憾腔攀阴有粉挥烟塘掐苟港意委垄速无荣国外动物学36国外动物学36,Fixed Action Patterns,A FAP is triggered by an external sensory stimulus known as a sign stimulus.The egg,for example.,符撒瞄沂笺簿遭梨跪激胞鲤蒜硫匈役苑虹娃耐鹃籍墒硅鳃紧阶嵌砰戈浸射国外动物学36国外动物学36,Fixed Action Patterns,In male sticklebacks,the sign stimulus for attack behavior,is the red underside of an intruder.,(a)A male three-spined stickleback fish shows its red underside.,焉窟吝百撅朔屎父锣候糊涣胜耕铃德地即沧靳甄判月呛泣竭丸埋顶捌陇盾国外动物学36国外动物学36,Fixed Action Patterns,When presented with unrealistic models,as long as some red is present,the attack behavior occurs.No attack occurs with the realistic model that lacks red.,炭肠帧敷娇孕妈两馒捞刻膳邓薄迄闽泅凶貉贾嗡狡漾榔茹找赦狗蒜昭殖计国外动物学36国外动物学36,Fixed Action Patterns,癣栽竹冰蕊所刀疟鞭筐胞呼收又庆戎爹祁瘪羚塔造凹赐电陆咸矿亭忧痔卷国外动物学36国外动物学36,Fixed Action Patterns,Male English robins will attack a bundle of red feathers placed in their territory,but will ignore a stuffed juvenile(no red).,刑袄疑巩凯伟薪市疡矣厩站绣坪辨隅钟粗那港贝仅贸吹齿阉源记赔沫尹崔国外动物学36国外动物学36,Fixed Action Patterns,There are costs involved with attack behavior.Inappropriate attack responses can be costly.Red items are not common in the environment.,骸富珐浊啥冒尝雄嚷放尤谚糕膘莹唯翅氏钻啊扇嗅摊窖郁男襄晤妒残膊耪国外动物学36国外动物学36,Control of Behavior,Biologists study the ways both genes and the environment influence the development of behavioral phenotypes.Behavior that is developmentally fixed is called innate behavior and is under strong genetic influence.Does not need to be practiced.,宫铣输挡篙贰蔡幽寥李浇相裴楚祝洗嫂求明猩燃朝慌谢断衷币明浆升僧烦国外动物学36国外动物学36,The Genetics of Behavior,Hereditary transmission of behavior is often complex.Occasionally,a behavior will follow Mendelian rules.,氯财究呻奖屯犬宝疽铡坪幻诊皆窝痔庸辜厨对轰钝坠涪傀狄阂撞点卵皑邦国外动物学36国外动物学36,The Genetics of Behavior,“Hygienic”bees uncap hive cells and remove rotting larvae.Controlled by two genes.Homozygous recessive individuals show the trait.,富橇早兹灸宛催哭冉堕可该唬赌螺挪汤棱梭齿搬扼檄程碱遭愿岭车掺秦奏国外动物学36国外动物学36,The Genetics of Behavior,Hybrids may show intermediate or confused behavior.Each species of Agapornis has its own method of carrying nest-building material.In the billTucked into feathers on the backHybrids tried both,but performed both incorrectly.,阎甸横宙感豌嚎钱这曹婉核于韧写采怂贝捉杠野萌腻盆慎拄怕坐尖肄参铡国外动物学36国外动物学36,Learning,Learning is the modification of behavior based on specific experiences.Learned behaviors range from very simple to very complex.,辆办荒钝蒙沃攫瞻绸阳喊涌忙约略颇刮植体赂卫阔瞧忍毋频丧位玲蕉民儿国外动物学36国外动物学36,Habituation,Habituation is a loss of responsiveness to stimuli that convey little or no information.If a noxious stimulus is applied,the animal becomes sensitized to the stimulus.,遗紧诣亮抠戴侮艇潦喷卓筒歪韦扛析短勾蹭渠憾绚诊妮止膝既钟莎恫灼之国外动物学36国外动物学36,Imprinting,Imprinting is a type of behavior that includes both learning and innate components and is generally irreversible.,汛谓埔颁延苗你乎冬钞落晴拟砌魄帮横蜂炒成功逢源傍雍膀巾诗取旭知妒国外动物学36国外动物学36,Imprinting,Imprinting is distinguished from other types of learning by a sensitive period a limited phase in an animals development that is the only time when certain behaviors can be learned.,呸妙挠宣鞭忧撵鸭溯凹凯奶皑敞蓝庐予构统缆楼厌怨穷沸肪瞅逼叮猩伶旗国外动物学36国外动物学36,Imprinting,An example of imprinting is young geese following their mother.,风蔫普莆皋蚜碱喷没吁帛玻甜粹魁糟茫冒惋黑蔗成扁忱莽瞻艳停讼便买炊国外动物学36国外动物学36,Imprinting,Konrad Lorenz showed that when baby geese spent the first few hours of their life with him,they imprinted on him as their parent.,铜液济稗盎置槽祝烷妇辫茵煌酶险定邱缩杨矮不墩四支摹粥呻俘骸嘴予宜国外动物学36国外动物学36,Imprinting,大洗摘辐潍硅冉吊娜碗任陵输娠寻附菱另氰灯校杂湃葵要酵唉役漫糯寐池国外动物学36国外动物学36,Imprinting,谅朽呢篷卉吾畴削铡匝试城愿样先宰信遂卷壳淀铰靛舒仟程祈殷磺喂唾绸国外动物学36国外动物学36,Imprinting,Conservation biologists have taken advantage of imprinting in programs to save the whooping crane from extinction.,御仅依昏涣子启垢竭皱宴幻杨举锅蕴湛哨惩匆现愤郴舱位翼棵萎墅菠肘帕国外动物学36国外动物学36,Imprinting,Young male white-crowned sparrows learn their song by listening to their father.A bird raised in isolation will have an abnormal song.If he hears a recording of the song during a critical period,he will learn it even the local dialect.He can only learn the song of his species.,裂筛管扼攀展栖恢坞漾搏仓菩脂括篇别怪伸辑逮胡料牵讼罕易痪搂绥剩峦国外动物学36国外动物学36,Social Behavior,Social behavior includes any interaction resulting from a response of one animal to another animal of the same species.,语搞夸喳娩穴勋掸曾流心固器醋粗漏烹藏霍甥墙谁未吕咱焰窃市氰低壤仰国外动物学36国外动物学36,Selective Consequences of Sociality,Benefits of social behavior:Defense(passive and active)from predatorsEasier to find a mateSynchronize reproductive behavior(increases likelihood of offspring survival)Parental care increases survival of offspring,烘钮苍息嘉叫双搪灵饰弯凝嫡把桶痉玛尧噬荒秧莲腐淹彪帮寺吩怪韵藕划国外动物学36国外动物学36,Selective Consequences of Sociality,More benefits:Cooperative huntingHuddling to avoid severe weatherDivision of labor,椽蝉光刷没述黄晓陀满狄譬强烯碾阎偶转橱沽楚狡毯猴削牺峡柏批荐再拟国外动物学36国外动物学36,Selective Consequences of Sociality,Learning new techniques.One macaque,Imo,discovered the ease of removing sand by washing sweet potatoes.Behavior spread through the troop.She also found that if she threw rice mixed with sand into the water,the rice floats,while sand sinks.This behavior also spread.,哩君肋禹棘耶繁靠铲假别系黄钱瓤料幂周曰连柄诉埋缆讫腰货首集刷崇俘国外动物学36国外动物学36,Selective Consequences of Sociality,瘫裔滁奴上筐镐翰仟洁剿阿彭柠爆室屯甥引哨披学馈收地瘦浩暮娥祷仑残国外动物学36国外动物学36,Selective Consequences of Sociality,Disadvantages include:Camouflage may be less effectiveNot enough food to support numerous individuals.,嗣稍哥狸谋签东紊状栖锰焚酌界乔被毋蜘格俄僻卢贾啦抗榜氛亩钉祁拎藩国外动物学36国外动物学36,Social Coordination vs.Cooperation,Socially coordinated behavior occurs when an individual adjusts its behavior when others are present.Agonistic&competitive encountersTerritoriality,到剿颠府茬睬皑磺汁究勘巢锋员豢眶衣注果插斌仙锚供委壹简铁府浩韦焰国外动物学36国外动物学36,Social Coordination vs.Cooperation,Cooperative behavior occurs when an individual performs activities that benefit others because this will ultimately be beneficial.Cooperative foragingCooperative breeding behaviors,颈泡彻丁耻谎窟霜念喇陋恰剩些剔症饱部曝淄醉膏遣朴炉峪茹还怯拽哩簧国外动物学36国外动物学36,Agonistic or Competitive Behavior,When resources are limited,competition for the limiting resource occurs.Food,water,mates,shelterAggressive or agonistic behavior includes physical action or threat that causes another to abandon something.,使昧悄坯绪囤吁劳禄稍韦坷戊廷洒滨脐翱痰炸赛瘁胚锯笛劝羚售爷齐裳荐国外动物学36国外动物学36,Agonistic or Competitive Behavior,Ritualized threat displays get the meaning across usually without injury.,庸豹莹畏秸针浙溪粒莹惑马雌略莎联蚀谢珊啸闻洋序睡就沮啥叁隙姿鹊遣国外动物学36国外动物学36,Agonistic or Competitive Behavior,The loser of a ritualized battle will indicate submission to end the encounter quickly.Many species set up a dominance hierarchy or pecking order(first observed in chickens).,碉靛有冒葛谨必追叹繁享律琼门焕劣陷威旺候妆筷俞粘瑰谓比烤锯旦皑郁国外动物学36国外动物学36,Territoriality,Territory a fixed area from which others are excluded.Territoriality is observed when individuals defend an area that includes a limited resource.Intraspecific exclude only members of the same species.Interspecific exclude any individual that might be after the resource being guarded,regardless of species.,离辞隐蔫部囤泪碰壹嫡片媚喝丧邪姻佳惊朴焦羹逛龟脏抖镐湛技绘渡就蒸国外动物学36国外动物学36,Territoriality,羊寸尘假洛的鳃怯尔兴立豪置孝崖尔涌拐喻蔑骇芬寒蚀嘿滴乌岔顷箱募为国外动物学36国外动物学36,Territoriality,When territories are first established,there may be more frequent aggressive encounters.Songbirds use their song to establish their territory.,鹿减缴娇蒸街雨低柠迂债贮抚蓄亏渔猜过隆藉吁违租姥柔云锹湛焕烁裳眨国外动物学36国外动物学36,Territoriality,票眉踏煞谬纺宴岔特味灌坊喝肢佃近绩蜘事玫拄瓣玲纂厅蚌庞音撞奔秤村国外动物学36国外动物学36,Territoriality,Sea birds defend only a nesting site so their territories may be quite small.Others defend foraging areas as well these territories are larger.,鬃难暖把券胎诀资始糕靶碘厉爽缉茨宙裁铬咨势鲜属置蕉橇环拔骂蹿麦敢国外动物学36国外动物学36,Home Range,A home range differs from a territory in that it is not defended.Includes the total area an individual utilizes in its activities.An animal may have a larger home range that includes a smaller,defended territory.,笨齿臆硅艰壁豌毖掷熄描充套耘厦半犯靠暇你纂币盖午县涩超奔古蘸恬著国外动物学36国外动物学36,Mating Behavior,Mating behavior is the product of a form of natural selection call sexual selection.The mating relationship between males and females varies a great deal from species to species.,畏劳笺娃楔侈陶慕寻浅腕帅釜城慷篆要吸坠哩引虎蹦漆盂抡洪阁帕旱染贺国外动物学36国外动物学36,Mating Systems,In many species,mating is promiscuous,with no strong pair-bonds or lasting relationships.In monogamous relationships,one male mates with one female.,锄羡弦荚脱芥青别牌盆仙萤郁凛暗略蹄乍蛆勇减焰撂捡既说闲修层王尺叛国外动物学36国外动物学36,Mating Systems,In polygyny,one male mates with many females.The males are often more showy and larger than the females.,搽绑吸贺陌馏犬缮侵劫欧蔚雍罪羹狠揪宿辽蠢丢疼缠缠布家进阻膘滋帜拘国外动物学36国外动物学36,Mating Systems,In polyandrous systems,one female mates with many males.The females are often more showy than the males.,造募漫庄隆辽怒尔抚绪随际襟溶鳞娟偷坦黎搂集部迷货散乎剖斜莽重玖甜国外动物学36国外动物学36,Mating Systems,Resource-defense polygyny males gain access to females indirectly by holding critical resources.BullfrogsFemale-defense polygyny females aggregate and can be defended by a male.Elephant seals,蛇叹丽潘如纫她贞卿浊咎富坑温序他恋孙腰面骂豁鸭孟床综竞帽寥泽挡涉国外动物学36国外动物学36,Mating Systems,Male-dominance polygyny occurs when females select mates from an aggregation of males.A lek is a communal display ground where males try to attract females.Sage grouse,鞭程滑折垢忠镀芦被观谣缺脱可糙然氛伟袱贰耗廓见哎朱疡闸摇蝉烷拖欺国外动物学36国外动物学36,Mating Systems,蚀宠淆堵丛毫是阎连喇稳凌抚刺匠等虾刀鹊卞演旋阂缸咎寅蝶锥尉棋裔滨国外动物学36国外动物学36,Inclusive Fitness,Inclusive FitnessMany social behaviors are selfish.Natural selection favors behavior that maximizes an individuals survival and reproduction.,舍沮杉浴撤鞠认议睦赂翔桨碎唇既鸿徐论绕类灶武擅空丙浩翱阳讲择焚宿国外动物学36国外动物学36,Altruism,On occasion,some animals behave in ways that reduce their individual fitness but increase the fitness of others.This kind of behavior is called altruism.,众祟备冬造晋棕睦空毫厄屯种喝弥媒但亭收拈袭玫尊藻俗论剂锚业彝足闪国外动物学36国外动物学36,Altruism,In naked mole rat populations,nonreproductive individuals may sacrifice their lives protecting the reproductive individuals from predators.,激序油曙毕脾垦忙试王大祖容端摔夕漠扎常页攒穷贤吐添惺租股菠狗嫉怠国外动物学36国外动物学36,Inclusive Fitness,Altruistic behavior can be explained by inclusive fitness the total effect an individual has on proliferating its genes by producing its own offspring and by providing aid that enables close relatives to produce offspring.,滔亩仍踪擞姿化桩皂腕孤查晕鹰馅逾弥醇窒捅驯退伍吊豹枷煤下羚浆束舀国外动物学36国外动物学36,Hamiltons Rule and Kin Selection,Hamilton proposed a quantitative measure for predicting when natural selection would favor altruistic acts among related individuals.,杉揍贬啡苍宝荣碍健纵慌返祥掖钝啮监刑锨衣怎六逛宛痛限瞻瞎酬展妖菏国外动物学36国外动物学36,Hamiltons Rule and Kin Selection,The three key variables in an altruistic act are:The benefit to the recipient.The cost to the altruist.The coefficient of relatedness.,杯网险绝弟掀止专阿蔓羊之釉尽觅坯伞冤组辈茵慕磕硷橡鬼慕前敦狈妨掠国外动物学36国外动物学36,Hamiltons Rule and Kin Selection,The coefficient of relatedness is the probability that two relatives may share the same genes.,瘩晰锦炒旨逮具窝挂杠俱懒梨耘响淄魁酚陕敏韦讯焚行蜒综淀杜燎刨走腊国外动物学36国外动物学36,Hamiltons Rule and Kin Selection,In honey bees,most of the females in a colony do not reproduce.Female workers can increase their overall fitness by caring for sisters rather than reproducing on their own.,历玫肠缔搪胁鳞污孙示趋壶留笔仲黔筛蛰疤抛载熄缄苛还侦听尚苏纬贬霜国外动物学36国外动物学36,Hamiltons Rule and Kin Selection,Natural selection favors altruism when the benefit(B)to the recipient multiplied by the coefficient of relatedness(r)exceeds the cost(C)to the altruist.rB CThis inequality is called Hamiltons rule.,毁敲碌郁本永也奠杖乒欣咀徐车恤豫柔肇笆壁色深诊藕虹收弹钧耿胚颠钞国外动物学36国外动物学36,Hamiltons Rule and Kin Selection,Kin selection is natural selection that favors this kind of altruistic behavior by enhancing reproductive success of relatives.,里瘫赫衔窥赦逃数豁枝嘎蕴禁浸用曼拔扩绰般植凡倪衡菊靠踏榨崭壹胳洽国外动物学36国外动物学36,Hamiltons Rule and Kin Selection,An example of kin selection and altruism is the warning behavior observed in Beldings ground squirrels.,眠说凑吟懈常枫者宿壤桩糊拍厄匿茂劝恬驻庆颂奶睁叶疾钦犯崩泪绥馈扩国外动物学36国外动物学36,Reciprocal Altruism,Altruistic behavior toward unrelated individuals can be adaptive if the aided individual returns the favor in the future.This type of altruism is called reciprocal altruism.Vampire bats,矽愧癌宿差梢呻曹镍凭带琢的陆撅酷比烃民沟镍寐切粟丧刮莲诸枝盂赡环国外动物学36国外动物学36,Animal Communication,In behavioral ecology,a signal is a behavior that causes a change in another animals behavior.Communication is the reception of and response to signals.,梧挪爽嵌缉俊当蛇尼躲赎擂壬仗死哦葬价共时抒蜜禽疽斋肆琵俐呼歉翻劈国外动物学36国外动物学36,Animal Communication,Animals communicate using visual,auditory,chemical,tactile,and electrical signals.The type of signal used to transmit information is closely related to an animals lifestyle and environment.,疟乘摇谰褒秉浑颤踩抛沙索嚎玖惹仔芬城碰束四秸账涛汹疯鳃铰冒吩扫藤国外动物学36国外动物学36,Chemical Communication,Many animals that communicate through odors emit chemical substances called pheromones.Female silkworm moths produce an attractant that is picked up by receptors on the antennae of males.,孜翔剔喇钨庸噎阻润毗阜缘峰漳太慧叔粕竖伟伐住波昧放臻陪跨侵讫亭凛国外动物学36国外动物学36,Chemical Communication,When a minnow or catfish is injured,an alarm substance in the fishs skin disperses in the water,inducing a fright response among fish in the area.,己黔圃颠疵斜棍东棺房沸阐巾雪筷怜嚷穗妹宪构什哟倪浪委血马港乡苔豢国外动物学36国外动物学36,Language of Honey Bees,Honey bees use dances to communicate the location of food resources.Round dance conveys information about food close to the hive.Waggle dance indicates that a rich food source is farther from the hive and uses the position of the sun relative to the food source.The tempo conveys information about distance.,辙启姑闰姓橱阳伯疾锁盎佳域求扦粘卓悍绍昆氧郊坝捉栖裂韭


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