Outline of talk,Advances in genomics Attitudes to Genomics projectCloningreproductivetherapeuticFindings from:SurveyVignette studiesFocus groupsTextual analysesConcluding comments,Human genome,http:/夹布胶管 橡胶管 胶管 http:/,Genome sequences completed,HumanMouseRatChimpanzeeFruit fly(Drosophila)PlantsE.g.Arabidopsis Bacteria E.g.Streptomyces coelicolor YeastE.g.Saccharomyces cerevisiae(bakers yeast),UK stamp,Genomics applications,Increasing importance of genomics in biological sciencesGM food/cropsPharmaceuticalsHealth treatmentsForensicSocial and economic issuesPublic and media interest,Attitudes to Genomics project,Funded by ESRCNovember 2002-January 2006Includes both health and agricultural applications of genomics,Survey,Included in British Social Attitudes Survey Approx 3200 members of the public representative sampleApprox 60 questions on genomicsSome repeated from earlier surveysPlus demographics and other informationFieldwork:June-September 2003,Questionnaire topics,GenericGenetic knowledgeHistory of genetic illnessAwareness and engagementGeneral attitudes towards genomicsTrustValuesUse of genetic dataApplicationsGene therapyGenetic testingHuman cloningGM crops and food,Vignette studies,Six vignette studiesBaseline,scenario,outcomeScenarios designed to testContextual factors on cognitive and affective responsesAmbivalenceTopicsStem cellsGenetic testingGM cropsGene patentingReproductive technologiesCloning,Focus groups,Personal stakeholder groups2 affected by genetic diseases4 concerned about environment/cropsGeneral public groups4 focusing on genetic diseases4 focusing on environment/crops4 wider concernsAnalysed using discourse analysis,Textual and visual analyses,Analysis of representations of genetic technologies 1340 Newspaper articles:12 Jan 11 April 2004 Times,Guardian,Daily TelegraphSun,Daily Mail,Daily Mirror31 TV programmes:12 Jan 11 April 2004 News items,Documentaries/factual programmesWebsites:20 genetic-related groups:April 2003-04UK Government texts:12 April 2002-11 April 2004,Reproductive and therapeutic cloning,UN Discussions on world-wide ban on all human cloning US in favour of total banUK wanted ban only on reproductiveMarch 2005:Non-binding ban on all human cloning passedUKBanned reproductive cloning 2001Therapeutic cloning still allowed and supported by government,Dolly,Claims for first human clone,Korean stem cell research,Breakthrough 2003/4,Fraud claims 2005/6,Clone breakthrough may lead to gene cures,say scientists Colin BlackstockThursday February 12,2004The Guardian,