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    如何备考GRE阅读 GRE长阅读对考生们来说是一个大难点,那该如何备考GRE阅读呢?我们一起看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。如何备考GRE阅读众所周知长阅读是GRE阅读中的一个难点,*长已经不是问题了,而是在有限的时间内不仅要读完这么长的一篇*,还要快速理清*的脉络和逻辑帮助你作答。要想提高长阅读的做题能力,就必须要以提高阅读速度为首要目标,从而,提高重要信息的抓取能力,主要逻辑线的整理能力,以及视角功能词,逻辑词等的标记能力。提高单词的识别能力提高单词的识别能力并不是说需要你认识*中的所有单词,比如一些抽象名词,需要根据上下文来推测,不认识也没有关系。而需要识别的是一些重要的具有态度方向的形容词,负向动词,因为这些词恰恰反映了作者的态度和*的转折、递进等逻辑结构。长难句训练GRE考试的题目句子大都比较长,所以长难句的训练是必要的,每天都看 一点GRE 长难句图解与精练,自己尽量分析,画逻辑图的方式,差不多每天5-10句花费10-20分钟左右的时间即可。GRE 逻辑框架训练逻辑框架的训练就是要求同学们在分析*时,要注重预测下文的行文方向,理清楚*的框架和主旨,是什么观点,是怎么论证的,有哪些重要的证据。要多去思考及分析,做到主动阅读而非被动阅读。限时训练就如前文所说,咱们的核心就是要提高*的阅读速度,读*的时候,把握住*的逻辑结构和主要观点即可,不需要深究细节,把握阅读及做题的pace,这需要一定时间的练习,所以在备考后期要逐渐开始进行限时训练,考前进行模考练习,专门针对考试的时间分配进行适应性训练。综合练习做GRE阅读的时候切忌完全的翻译成中文去理解,而是去分析*的逻辑结构,可以利用逻辑单项里的题型:比如:recognizethe assumption,review/evaluate the argument : weaken,strengthen, find the missing but must-be-true informationthat can be inferred and mostly supported by the passages, and apply theprinciples from the authors。或者,也可以运用Argument作文中的驳论结构去找*的行文结构。切忌翻译理解哦GRE阅读记忆训练的三个步骤如何培养考试所需的短期记忆能力呢?下面的将为你介绍具体步骤:步骤一:首先记住*框架1.在3.5分钟左右阅读*。2.在每一段的结尾,一句话概括了该段的主要思路。3.读完全文后,浏览每一段主旨,并做一个归纳性的总结。4. 提炼*的整体主旨。上述步骤可以帮助考生熟悉全文并加快解决问题的速度。步骤二:回顾检查记忆内容1. 把刚才看过的*翻过去,暂时不去看。2. 在纸上写下刚才的每段主旨和*整体主旨。检查记忆是测试你在*中实际记住了多少内容,这实际上也是GRE阅读理解考察的能力。如果在刚开始练习时没有记住任何内容并不重要,但请不要在此阶段直接阅读该*。只要尽可能地记下你记得的东西即可。步骤三:结合记忆答题1.现在我们可以把刚刚的*翻回来再看一遍。2.如果主题涉及到特定的细节,比如在某一行中描述特定的内容,那么立即找到*的相关部分寻找答案。3.如果这不是一个细节题,直接回答它。4.如果能够确定答案,便立刻回答并继续进行下一个问题。5.如果不能确认答案,再返回*快速找到。6.如果前面的步骤无法解决问题,那就做个记号空下,继续跟进下一个问题。GRE阅读备考真题解析之器官移植The transplantation of organs from one individual to another normally involves two major problems: (1) organ rejection is likely unless the transplantation antigens (a usually protein or carbohydrate substance (as a toxin or enzyme) capable of stimulating an immune response) of both individuals are nearly identical, and (2) the introduction of any unmatched transplantation antigens induces the development by the recipient of donor-specific lymphocytes that will produce violent rejection of further transplantations from that donor. However, we have found that among many strains of rats these “normal” rules of transplantation are not obeyed by liver transplants. Not only are liver transplants never rejected, but they even induce a state of donor-specific unresponsiveness in which subsequent transplants of other organs, such as skin, from that donor are accepted permanently. Our hypothesis is that (1) many strains of rats simply cannot mount a sufficiently vigorous destructive immune-response (using lymphocytes) to outstrip the livers relatively great capacity to protect itself from immune-response damage and that (2) the systemic unresponsiveness observed is due to concentration of the recipients donor-specific lymphocytes at the site of the liver transplant.17. The primary purpose of the passage is to treat the accepted generalizations about organ transplantation in which of the following ways?(A) Explicate their main features(B) Suggest an alternative to them(C) Examine their virtues and limitations(D) Criticize the major evidence used to support them(E)(E) Present findings that qualify them18. It can be inferred from the passage that the author believes that an important difference among strains of rats is the(A) size of their livers(B) constitution of their skin(C) strength of their immune-response reactions(D) sensitivity of their antigens(C)(E) adaptability of their lymphocytes19. According to the hypothesis of the author, after a successful liver transplant, the reason that rats do not reject further transplants of other organs from the same donor is that the(A) transplantation antigens of the donor and the recipient become matched(B) lymphocytes of the recipient are weakened by the activity of the transplanted liver(C) subsequently transplanted organ is able to repair the damage caused by the recipients immune-response reaction(D) transplanted liver continues to be the primary locus for the recipients immune-response reaction(D)(E) recipient is unable to manufacture the lymphocytes necessary for the immune-response reaction20. Which of the following new findings about strains of rats that do not normally reject liver transplants, if true, would support the authors hypothesis?I. Stomach transplants are accepted by the recipients in all cases.II. Increasing the strength of the recipients immune-response reaction can induce liver-transplant rejection.III. Organs from any other donor can be transplanted without rejection after liver transplantation.IV. Preventing lymphocytes from being concentrated at the liver transplant produces acceptance of skin transplants.(A) II only(B) I and III only(C) II and IV only(D) I, II, and III only(A)(E) I, III, and IV onlyGRE双语阅读:五件事加快衰老速度Your Lunchtime cola午餐时的可乐What it ages: Your bones老化部位:骨骼The science: Older women who drank a cola every day had significantly lower bone-mineral density than those who consumed less than one cola per month, according to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Its not exactly clear why cola had this effect, but the study researchers believe that it could be the combination of caffeine and phosphoric acid (which most other carbonated drinks dont have) that causes the problem.科学研究:美国临床营养期刊研究发现,年纪较大的女性如果每天喝一杯可乐,骨密度会远低于那些每月只喝不到一杯可乐的同龄女性。尚不明确可乐为何会产生这种影响,不过许多研究者认为可能是咖啡因与磷酸(其他大多数碳酸饮料不含该成分)结合,造成这个问题。What you can do: Cut back. Keep in mind that diet cola had similar effects and, to a lesser extent, so did decaf versions. If you need bubbles, try seltzer instead.解决办法:少饮可乐。记住,健怡可乐也会影响骨密度,不过程度比较轻,脱咖啡因可乐亦如此。如果你想喝碳酸饮料,选择苏打水泡腾片吧。Your Daily Commute日常交通What it ages: Your skin老化部位:皮肤The science: The air youre exposed to on the highway is no friend to your complexion. Traffic-related pollution can lead to age spots, according to a review in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, while another review in Frontiers in Environmental Science found that pollution contributes to overall skin aging, plus other problems like acne, eczema and psoriasis.科学研究:路上的空气可不是皮肤的好朋友。皮肤病学研究杂志表明,交通污染会引发老年斑。环境科学前沿还发现,污染会导致皮肤整体老化并产生一系列问题,如粉刺、痤疮和牛皮鲜。What you can do: Until someone comes up with a way to make a long commute shorter, these tips should help. First, if you drive an older car, roll your windows down instead of up when youre sitting in traffic. (With an older air-filter system, youll just breath in your cars own exhaust if you keep them up). Second, apply a topical antioxidant product to your face, neck in the morning to help protect your skin from environmental pollution.解决办法:如果行程不可缩短,那这些方法也许有用。首先,如果你开的是旧车,开车时要把车窗摇下来。因为旧车的空气过滤设备老化,摇起车窗只会吸入车的尾气。其次,在脸和脖子上涂一些抗氧化性产品,减少环境污染带来的伤害。A Hypercritical Boss吹毛求疵的老板What it ages: Your brain老化部位:大脑The science: Anxiety and stress can shrink your hippocampus, and in people already experiencing the cognitive decline that can lead to Alzheimers, they could potentially speed up the progression of the disease.科学研究:压力和焦虑会使大脑中的海马体缩小。对于那些认知能力已经开始下降的、可能会得老年痴呆症的人来说,病情可能会加速发展。Your hippocampus controls memory formation and also plays a role in regulating your emotions. It naturally gets smaller as we age, but a review in Current Opinion in Psychiatry found that stress can cause structural damage and accelerate the shrinking process.海马体是大脑中负责记忆和感情的部分。随着年龄增加,它会不断缩小。不过,精神医学最新观点发现,压力会造成海马体结构性损伤,加速缩小进程。“Cortisol is released when youre stressed and cortisol is toxic to the hippocampus,” explains lead study author Linda Mah, an assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Toronto and clinical scientist at the Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care. Before you get anxious about how stress and anxiety are affecting your brain, know this: The researchers concluded that “pathological anxiety and chronic stress” are the real dangers, meaning the kind thats unrelenting and never seems to go away. If you think thats what youre experiencing, talk to your doctor about ways to manage it.“紧张时会释放出皮质醇,对海马体百害无利,”研究作者Linda Mah表示,同时他还是东京大学的精神学助教、Baycrest老年护理中心的临床科学家。在你焦急的想知道焦虑和紧张是如何影响大脑之前,先弄清楚这些:研究人员认为“病态焦虑和慢性压力”是真正的元凶,这些可是顽固性因子。如果你觉得自己有这些症状,和医生谈谈解决办法。Dr. Mah led another study in 20XX focusing on people with mild cognitive impairment, or MCI. (MCI is considered a precursor to Alzheimers. Not everyone with MCI develops Alzheimers, but almost all cases of Alzheimers start as MCI.) Subjects who experienced anxiety at any time were more likely to progress to Alzheimers during the three-year study. The more severe the anxiety, the higher the risk.Mah医生在20XX年做了另一项研究,关注那些患有轻度认知障碍(MCI)的人。MCI是老年痴呆症的早期疾病,不是每一个有MCI的人都会得老年痴呆症,但是大多老年痴呆症的病人都是从患有MCI开始的。在这三年的研究中,容易焦虑的人更容易得老年痴呆症。焦虑程度越高,患病风险也越高。What you can do: Youve heard this before, but managing your stress levels is incredibly important. Exercise may be particularly helpful in dealing with work worries, according to a new study in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, which reported that being physically fit helped protect against the health effects of work-related stress.解决方法:你之前可能听说过,学会控制压力至关重要。运动医学与科学杂志最新研究表明,锻炼也许能帮助减轻工作压力。同时,健康的身体也会帮助我们抵抗工作压力带来的不利影响。Sleepless Nights夜间失眠What they age: Your cells老化部位:细胞The science: A startling discovery comes via a study in Biological Psychiatry, which reported that women with five key symptoms of insomnia were almost two years older biologically than women of the same age without sleep issues. (The insomnia symptoms were difficulty falling asleep, restlessness, waking up during the night, trouble dozing off again and waking up too early.) This study didnt show an obvious cause-and-effect relationship, but study author Steve Horvath, PhD, notes that its still good not to let sleep issues linger.科学研究:生物精神病学研究有一项惊人的发现,有五大失眠症状的女性在生理上要比同龄女性老两岁。五大失眠症包括入睡困难、情绪不安、夜间易醒、午休困难、过早起床。该研究并未显示明显的因果关系,但是研究作者Steve Horvath博士表示还是要解决这些失眠问题。What you can do: Treat the insomnia. If youre having trouble sleeping, or notice any of the five symptoms above, ask your doctor for help.解决方法:治疗失眠。如果你入睡困难,有上述症状,向医生寻求帮助。An Expanding Waistline腰围增加What it ages: Your brain老化部位:大脑The science: Our brains naturally lose white matter with age, but researchers from the University of Cambridge found that the brains of overweight and obese people had the same amount of white matter as healthy people 10 years older than them. Being physically unfit in middle age was also linked to smaller brain size, according to research in Neurology.科学研究:大脑中的白质会随年龄增加而不断损耗。剑桥大学的研究人员发现,体重超重的人大脑中的白质与与比自己大10岁的人含量相当。神经病学研究表明,中年人身体不健康也会导致脑容量减小。What you can do: Get regular exercise (the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise, or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise, per week) and manage your weight to help keep your brain at a healthy size for your age.解决方法:锻炼。美国卫生与人类服务部建议,每周至少要有150分钟的有氧运动,或是75分钟的剧烈运动。并且要控制体重,以此保证正常的大脑容量。如何备考GRE阅读


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