名师教你轻松突破GRE阅读高分难关 名师教你轻松突破GRE阅读高分难关,我们来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。名师教你轻松突破GRE阅读高分难关看到GRE阅读密密麻麻的单词就头疼的话,这样不会考出好成绩。将GRE阅读不要看成阅读,而是当做一篇介绍相关知识的*来看,是不是就会感觉到生动很多呢?GRE阅读高分不是梦想,找准主题、跟随线索,相信那些题目将会迎刃而解。下面为大家带来轻松突破GRE阅读高分难关的攻略:1.根据GRE阅读题目类型固定或所涉及考点为已做标记范畴1)问事物之间的关系,定位到同时标记这两个事物的地方。2)问作者态度,定位到有态度词标记的地方。3)问事物的缺陷,直接定位到标记缺陷处。4)问*大意类的主旨题定位与TS5)问全文focus的特征,首先到TS处定位。6)问*结构、段落作用、行文方法类的主旨题定位于SE。7)问作者举某个例子的目的,或者作者引用一段文字为了说明什么,这类就写作用意提问的题目一般定位于例子或者引述文字的上文。8)提干句以IF结尾的改进型或取非题,定位在原文缺陷处或者有unless的句子。9)如果题目为EXCEPT题,可以先看看原文的标记中有没有列举内容;如果有,很可能是答案所在。2.GRE阅读题干有特征词的题目1)最高级、比较级、数字、以大写字母开头的专有名词、年代、特殊历史时期、引号、斜体字。2)选项标志词与题干核心词双重定位3)段落定位上述两种方法,言简意赅的表做GRE阅读时候的必要手段。忙着做题的考生们,也要利用空闲时间,研究一下有关GRE阅读的小技巧,或许在自己没有注意到得地方就蕴藏着解题的关键。祝大家取得理想的成绩!GRE阅读备考自我检测练习试题与答案As of (As of: 到.时为止;从.时起) the late 1980s, neither theorists nor large-scale computer climate models could accurately predict whether cloud systems would help or hurt a warming globe. Some studies suggested that a four percent increase in stratocumulus (stratocumulus: n.气层积云) clouds over the ocean could compensate for a doubling in atmospheric carbon dioxide, preventing a potentially disastrous planetwide temperature increase. On the other hand, an increase in cirrus (cirrus: n. 气卷云) clouds could increase global warming.That clouds represented the weakest element in climate models was illustrated by a study of fourteen such models. Comparing climate forecasts for a world with double the current amount of carbon dioxide, researchers found that the models agreed quite well if clouds were not included. But when clouds were incorporated, a wide range of forecasts was produced. With such discrepancies plaguing the models, scientists could not easily predict how quickly the worlds climate would change, nor could they tell which regions would face dustier droughts or deadlier monsoons.1.The information in the passage suggests that scientists would have to answer which of the following questions in order to predict the effect of clouds on the warming of the globe?(A) What kinds of cloud systems will form over the Earth?(B) How can cloud systems be encouraged to form over the ocean?(C) What are the causes of the projected planetwide temperature increase?(D) What proportion of cloud systems are currently composed of cirrus of clouds?(E) What proportion of the clouds in the atmosphere form over land masses?2.The information in the passage suggests that scientists would have to answer which of the following questions in order to predict the effect of clouds on the warming of the globe?(A) What kinds of cloud systems will form over the Earth?(B) How can cloud systems be encouraged to form over the ocean?(C) What are the causes of the projected planetwide temperature increase?(D) What proportion of cloud systems are currently composed of cirrus of clouds?(E) What proportion of the clouds in the atmosphere form over land masses?答案:(A)(A)GRE阅读每日复习训练the Color Purplegeneral intro:The Color Purple is a 1982 eistolary novel 书信小说 written by American author Alice Walker that won the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for Fictionand the National Book Award for Fiction.Taking place mostly in rural Georgia, the story focuses on female black life in the 1930s in thesouthern United States, addressing numerous issues including their exceedingly low position in American social culture.Plot summary (只选了关于书信那一截,大概晓得是为撒子写信就行了)The Color Purple spans the years 1909 to 1949, relating the life of Celie, a Southern black woman virtually sold into a life of servitude to her brutal husband, sharecropper Albert. Celie, the protagonist and narrator of The Color Purple, is a poor, uneducated, fourteen-year-old black girl living in rural Georgia.Celie starts writing letters to God because her stepfather, Alphonso, beats and rapes her. Celie pours out her innermost thoughts in letter form to her sister Nettie, but Albert has been hiding the letters Nettie writes back, allowing Celie to assume that Nettie is dead.Letters Alice Walker highlights the power of communication through the characters letter writing form.The letters that Celie writes to God, and later to her sister Nettie, symbolize a certain voice that only Celie has and one that she is only able to express in her letters.She is able to express her true desires only in her letter.These letters allow her to display any emotion, and they are very personal to her as well.In the beginning, when she was writing letters only to God, the letters were very private and Celie would not have wanted anyone to see them.The letters are the only way she can represent her true feelings and despair as she is abused.Later, the letters she gets from Nettie give her hope that she will be reunited with her sister again.Celie writes to God for a lack of someone else to write to. She writes to her sister because she gets mad at God because of her past and the people who have been hurt because of it.She asks God "Why?" which is a question that cannot be answered.The last letter she writes is to everyone, including God showing that she has forgiven Him, and that her story has gone through a full circle of maturation.theme:In the short story “The Color Purple,” author Alice Walker describes the life of Celie, a black woman growing up in the South. She must overcome racism and poverty to establish herself as an independent person. The novel also follows the maturation of her sister Nettie and the lives of Shug, Albert, and much of his extended family.A motif in “The Color Purple” is the recurring concept of roundness.The concept of roundness relates to the shape of the human body, and especially the female body.The letters are also another motif in the novel.The letters play an important role in conveying Celies thoughts and emotions throughout her life.Walker suggests that oppressed people can unite with solidarity to overcome their oppressors.A sub theme of “The Color Purple” is the harm inflicted on the Black community, both by their own cycle of violence and the racially motivated hatred of Negroes in the South.Symbol:The title of the book is an important symbol.Celie goes through life having a hard time noticing the beautiful aspects and appreciating them.She had a difficult life and was abused as an adolescent."The color purple is continually equated with suffering and pain.Sofias swollen, beaten face is described as the color of eggplant.Purple is the color of Celies private parts, the site of her sexual violation.However, later Shug points out to her that life must be enjoyed. When they are in a field of purple flowers, Shug tells Celie to look at the flowers and embrace their beauty. "You must look at all the good and acknowledge them because God placed them all on earth". After learning this, Celie has a better respect for life and everything it has to offer.GRE阅读难点长难句题型实例分析 长句式题干和长主语问题详细讲解1. Which of the following most probably provides an appropriate analogy from human morphology for the "details" versus "constraints" distinction made in the passage in relation to human behavior?以下哪一个选项最有可能为*中所谈到的与人类行为有关的“人类行为细节”相对“人类所受限制”之间的差异,从人类形态的角度上提供了一个合适的类比?难句类型:复杂修饰、抽象词解释:本句子在所有GRE或GMAT阅读题的题干中是最难读懂的题干之一。本句不但结构复杂,而且用词抽象,使得读者如果想根据语义来搞清楚谁修饰谁,也变得极为困难。分析如下:本句的主干是Which of the following provides an analogy for the details versus constraints distinction? Versus是一个介词,等于against,即体育比赛中的VS。其他的所有成分均是一些修饰成分。其中一个对答题最重要的限制条件是from human morphology,说明这种类比的比较双方所比的必须是人类形态上的特征。意群训练:Which of the following most probably provides an appropriate analogy from human morphology for the "details" versus "constraints" distinction made in the passage in relation to human behavior?2. A low number of algal cells in the presence of a high number of grazers suggested, but did not prove, that the grazers had removed most of the algae.在存在大量食草动物的同时却只有少量的水藻花粉囊,这暗示出但没能证明食草动物已吞噬了大部分水藻。难句类型:插入语解释:本句主语很长,而且谓语suggested与that引导的宾语从句间被插入语but did not prove隔开,造成阅读障碍。当suggest与but did not prove连在一起使用的时候,其意思不是建议,而是指一种基于主观臆测的推理,中文翻译成“暗示”。其英文释义为:to call to mind by though or association the explosion suggested sabotage。GRE、GMAT及LSAT*中,常用suggest,but do not prove来描述一种没有真凭实据、可能有问题的理论,然后在后面的叙述中把它否定掉。意群训练:A low number of algal cells in the presence of a high number of grazers suggested, but did not prove, that the grazers had removed most of the algae.: