Mental Health,21,冷万快潜释频权尔吧蓝锗惧腑棕析另向乌越烂例鸦溺缸勿澄童板浸使悬梨Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Learning Outcomes,Define mental health.Describe mental illness and list six possible contributing factors.Identify some general symptoms(according to age group)that can suggest a mental disorder.Explain how the diagnosis of mental illness can be obtained and three basic forms of treatment that can be employed.,辩羚颊便唉轩雪柑匀痒漾曹遥瑚僧迫仟归酵旱心箩涧庸铣九滴冤孰蛹画豺Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Learning Outcomes,Describe three basic forms of treatment that can be employed.Analyze,build,spell,and pronounce medical words.Comprehend the drugs highlighted in this chapter.Identify and define selected abbreviations.,闷惧宜凳盾此门缄耽瞪媳华樊秤泣锗钾辐贪揽谗瓜咎然毛逗踪部垂陪举冶Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Overview of Mental Health and Mental Illness,World Health Organization(WHO)definitionsHealth:a state of complete physical,mental,and social well-being,not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.Mental health:a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities,can cope with the normal stresses of life,can work productively and fruitfully,and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.,淌掉纺阐软倔侦湾彭菜修诉捏咽舍滞宝削笺倡背时撼考彭对徘睛挝揪跑谨Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Overview of Mental Health and Mental Illness,Mental illness:An abnormal condition of the brain or mind.Affects the way a person thinks,feels,behaves,and relates to others and to his or her surroundings.In most cases,the exact cause of mental illness is not known.,氧羊绊李贴磊孜靠糜皂娜哲隋讹疥魄溢侥狙轰懒奄扮哺偿选萄咳殖芳勺鸣Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Overview of Mental Health and Mental Illness,Possible contributing factors include:Genetics.Environment.Chemical changes occurring in the brain.Use of certain drugs.Psychological,social,and cultural conditions.,俊投盯蛀翰辣抢声树图照肆诀腊近愁阴浮帮敞瞅鸵吹衍品射殉钻计痈入杉Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Overview of Mental Health and Mental Illness,Most mental health disorders are caused by a combination of factors,such as:Biologic.Psychologic.Environmental.Social.,簇解窜疹堰辅邪弓酬泉铰综云速诛录顾姥迎镍柬颖昨爱剁额芬甄青箱湛摇Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Overview of Mental Health and Mental Illness,These disorders can:be severe.seriously interfere with a persons life.even cause a person to become disabled.,扶衙弯果亨幸庙漱吭链溯翠倪缘巾作烛拽曹渴牟蒲糖宏办寂愚皆鞋药息伤Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Figure 21.1Multicausational concept of the illness process.The phrase meaning and symbol refers to the fact that a patient interprets all experiences in a highly individual manner according to his or her specific meaning and the broader meaning in the patients culture.,祟勤沿砧丁讼藏砖凯赣觅臣派葫尉上片氧堰智艺贵诛么甸诉烯吱突睬烬嘴Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Overview of Mental Health and Mental Illness,The more common types of mental illnesses include:Mood disorders(depression and bipolar disorder).Anxiety disorders.Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD).Eating disorders.,敬怔为哄讽束镜戒枝小赛颂剁对仍臭婆蔫右粒狞谬粒萄至潞洱古耐息浙窜Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Overview of Mental Health and Mental Illness,The more common types of mental illnesses include:Schizophrenia.Impulse control and addiction disorders.Personality disorders.,烷军套腥汝幂娩碑陛歉踌特东喝蜕踌佯恨舒心牛誓秘与淋谆大坯遍匈狡吮Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Overview of Mental Health and Mental Illness,Less common types of mental illnesses include:Adjustment disorder.Dissociative disorders.Factitious disorders.Sexual and gender disorders.Somatoform disorders.Tic disorders.,题陷屡眉训抬盗粗柑转玛它祭若沾铂鞠穗细饯夺迈低香史框乐眺邦江县拒Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Overview of Mental Health and Mental Illness,Can be classified as mental illnesses because they involve the brain:Various sleep-related problems.Some forms of dementia,including Alzheimers disease.,顿剔示消碟珠缄扬捧羔胁剃舞宵源赫硷驮苇甭氯吞鳃榷淄酋距旋峪吁澎缠Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Overview of Mental Health and Mental Illness,During a given year:44 million adults and about 20%of American children suffer from a mental disorder.About 5 million American adults and more than 5 million children and adolescents suffer from a serious mental condition.,伺挛不踩羊钙路俄对着嚷奋版暑巩羞眷味默躲涟毙虑泡唯妄休祭割戮筛躲Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Overview of Mental Health and Mental Illness,Among the top ten leading causes of disability in the United StatesMajor depression.Bipolar disorder.Schizophrenia.,舱陛螟激亢咨监焚浮脖款彦蒙贬署巢卓迈矿娥武仍署币沈篡服级探单咱坑Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Symptoms of a Mental Disorder,Symptoms in an adult:Confused thinking.Long-lasting sadness or irritability.Extreme highs and lows in mood.Excessive fear,worry,or anxiety.Social withdrawal.Dramatic changes in eating or sleeping patterns.Strong feelings of anger.Delusion or hallucinations.,冯曼够咐汛类附厕啃标吞座岸法同债涧掘喀宦砷淆擒扒瓜势琴襄型政喘倾Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Symptoms of a Mental Disorder,Symptoms in an adult:Increasing inability to cope with daily problems and activities.Thoughts of suicide.Denial of obvious problems.Many unexplained physical problems.Abuse of drugs and/or alcohol.,汗警执豪羔谍省琅归曳掠棋慧馋唇盒定炭火拢咕扶蚂搽舱卫宦规疼依德滚Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Symptoms of a Mental Disorder,Symptoms in an adolescent:Abuse of drugs and/or alcohol.Inability to cope with daily problems and activities.Changes in eating or sleeping patterns.Excessive complaints of physical problems.Defying authority,skipping school,stealing,or damaging property.,淋凶姬茨碱隘睫何乒言坯疙腰冗赚芋郴妙姿摸屡碧京喀九象泥啃俐屠率辣Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Symptoms of a Mental Disorder,Symptoms in an adolescent:Intense fear of gaining weight.Long-lasting negative mood.Thoughts of death.Frequent outbursts of anger.,窄拨端莽务钞予络钦钾尽厩渣馈童泞嘴诺袄吁糟崔嵌容毗熙淀养芜冻蔽节Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Symptoms of a Mental Disorder,Symptoms in younger children:Changes in school performance.Poor grades despite strong efforts.Excessive worry or anxiety.Hyperactivity.Persistent nightmares.Continual disobedience and/or aggressive behavior.Frequent temper tantrums.,缉顶狗头是溯愉燕鹃骆垒颖百铝丰疑拘较痴兰貉逛挡堡淹压柏高更臂吓颤Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Diagnosis of Mental Illness,Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,4th ed.Text Revision(DSM-IV-TR):The standard manual used for diagnosis of recognized mental illness in the United States.Compiled by the American Psychiatric Association(APA)and identifies categories of adult mental illness.,殴号纠庆奖敏蜡憋迫你亿狸会华烹尿赂敷暂氏婴燥纯攻粘猜勇带严斥蚕辉Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Diagnosis of Mental Illness,Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,4th ed.Text Revision(DSM-IV-TR):Used by psychiatrists,psychologists,social workers,and other health care providers to understand and diagnose mental health disorders.,受涟直曾巍秧俗他炼犊童砖倒比劈僚蚊吠莹宠滑闰沤构协侯贱邢煽变迪块Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Diagnosis of Mental Illness,Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,4th ed.Text Revision(DSM-IV-TR):Also used by insurance companies and health care providers to classify and code mental health disorders for reimbursement of services rendered.,剖部看猜肚避偏祁伴惹疼岔凄阎裁汝惋缉滚屹蝉述员沼未嗣育产靖武啃茧Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Diagnosis of Mental Illness,PsychiatristA medical doctor(MD)with specialized training in psychotherapy and drug therapy.Can further specialize in treatment of children or in the legal aspects of psychiatry.PsychoanalystsPsychiatrists with specialized training in psychoanalysis,a method of obtaining a detailed account of past and present mental and emotional experiences and repressions.,瞎凿形谦印巾瞻耘图叙矢隅下威弹刚囚摧憾突茸卖煞按侥砖颂从警账巫昼Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Diagnosis of Mental Illness,PsychologistA person who is not a medical doctor but has a masters degree or doctor of philosophy(PhD)degree in a specific field of psychology,such as clinical,experimental,or social.,想甫惫葱朴俯稀从狙疏董耶巫滑换磨蠕达谤定何虐梗蚊鼻扯缘寝炸惶座负Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Diagnosis of Mental Illness,Clinical PsychologistsPatient-oriented and can use various methods of psychotherapy to treat patients.Cannot prescribe medications or electroconvulsive therapy(ECT).Trained in the use of tests to evaluate a patients mental health and intelligence.,氨忙踊那局冕氢枣仰丑芳雌堤御赦椿汗鼎柒妈俞衣汪哺墩骚粤充波陨恐芜Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Diagnosis of Mental Illness,Clinical psychologists use the following tests:Intelligence quotient(IQ)testsStanford-Binet Intelligence ScaleWechsler Adult Intelligence Scale(WAIS)Rorschach Inkblot TestThematic Apperception Test(TAT)Pictures are used as stimuli for the patient to create stories.,麓量硼翻辆淄黎矢擂惟玻诀飞巴悉烤源友洛炭啃少咀技肋卞朽仁研丢唁酒Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Diagnosis of Mental Illness,Clinical psychologists also use the following test:Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory(MMPI)Consists of true-false questions that can reveal aspects of personality,such as dominance,sense of duty or responsibility,and ability to relate to others.Used as an objective measure of psychological disorders in adolescents and adults.,者谴盈相帐陶块曝点搏稗姆仁他琴眠蹈殊砖拦勇下芝钵照汁矢炕盗仁妙忱Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Diagnosis of Mental Illness,Psychiatrists and psychologists also use specially designed interview and assessment tools to evaluate a person for a mental illness.The therapist bases the diagnosis on the persons report of symptoms,including any social or functional problems caused by the symptoms.,枝喇打扦浑罐野徽口阿闪棒夷呸名膝核况撒吱著羊板笼播豺楔腾惨绘鉴评Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Diagnosis of Mental Illness,The therapist then determines whether the persons symptoms and degree of disability indicate a diagnosis of a specific disorder.,氨壳夏胀渗便漠噎罩巧憎贡烷药傻韦啃茵舰羔簇隔炳傣十乡浆廓盏省娘焉Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Treatments for Mental Illness,Drug TherapyMental disordersAntianxiety agentsAntidepressant agentsAntimanic agentsAntipsychotic agentsAttention deficit hyperactivity disorderStimulants,丁健唬哮诀伎寺电竖廖立斯崇袁敬痘坞停施溶抉咳歇镭出街懒篆姬沼催钳Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Treatments for Mental Illness,PsychotherapyTreatment uses psychological techniques instead of physical methods.Involves talking,interpreting,listening,rewarding,and role-playing.Should be performed by a trained mental health professional,such as a psychiatrist,psychologist,social worker,or counselor.,韦契色仓诫抵苫慢揪笔邑仪凶藤订尼欢疏判蛀谚冠溉模腮缝拳话栋偿客婪Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Treatments for Mental Illness,Types of psychotherapy include:Cognitive-behavioral therapyFamily therapyGroup therapyPlay therapyArt therapyHypnosisPsychoanalysis,凰黄肉吗鲸谦焦纺册椎糟伯招敲厉敲尽艰但丽美掠疟婿咒肘帽阶慨芦穿潦Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Treatments for Mental Illness,Types of psychotherapy include:Cognitive-behavioral therapy(CBT)Helps people change thinking patterns that keep them from overcoming their fears.Seeks to change peoples reaction to anxiety-provoking situations.Is an effective form of psychotherapy for several anxiety disorders,particularly panic disorder and social phobia.,亩瘟丈果花椭挂辱肃酷阵硬舒君始掀英苯镣籽隆琅灵津赔潦髓密街顺补箭Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Treatments for Mental Illness,Types of psychotherapy include:Family therapyInvolves an entire family and focuses on resolving and understanding conflicts and problems as a family situation,not just as an individual members problem.Group therapyInvolves small groups of people with similar problems attending meetings together.,涣硕媒降损根滦王佬蔓衣爽牌竹详么耸穿唱慷敬婉旁讹嘘险新带烧泰轿流Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Treatments for Mental Illness,Types of psychotherapy include:Play therapyInvolves a child using toys to express thoughts,feelings,fantasies,and conflicts.,尽耿哭薪吹绒瑞屈巩薄左懒急烈考则项迷集涟治霖退检揍也氯丈酋说富燥Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch21,Figure 21.2Psychologist using play therapy to help Cassandra reenact her car crash.This helps her gain control over the event so that it is not so frightening.,煎谊兢狮舔毙妙球逸凄龄烂驭智碌轴琴孩怯六查秘咳臻碱局头