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    Evaluating Baseline Deposition and Etch Recipes for Silicon Dioxide and Silicon Nitride using PECVD and RIE Tools,Presented byAyesha K.DennyNNIN RET GIFT FellowGa Tech MiRC Summer 2007,汪泣绷冉桂向菏闲稼蔗炎巷申瞧腿觅狐分丰武蚂挫丛蔽康浦茅莎村焦蔚祁CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,Research Objectives,Verify process rates of standard recipes on deposition and etching tools.The tools utilized for deposition were:Unaxis PECVD,Plasma Therm PECVD(left chamber SiN,right chamber SiO2),and STS PECVD.Etching tools used were Plasma Therm RIE(right chamber)and the Vision Oxide(Advance Vac).Substances deposited and etched were silicon dioxide and silicon nitride.Evaluate deposition uniformity of the Plasma Therm PECVD.Comparing deposition samples before and after maintenance on the Unaxis PECVD.,岩烩序兰垛捍枷江箱柳丢寡短勃旗坟牲拒戚励怪吃卵盗夸议耗棋艰爬锌堂CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,Research Procedure for Verifying Deposition Rates of Standard SiO2 and SiN Recipes,10 minute cleaning process of each deposition tool prior to use.1 minute seasoning of standard recipe on a“miscellaneous wafer”to create the desired environment in the chamber.Place wafer in the center of the chamber and run the standard recipe for SiO2 or SiNx using the appropriate tool.Measure film thickness of each wafer by completing a 5 point scan using the Woollam Ellipsometer and then determining the deposition rate and uniformity using the data obtained.Spin coat each wafer with HMDS and photoresist 1827 and then bake for 10 minutes at 110C on a hotplate.,霓评点飘枷特编厕戒甜涨己儡巾揣吊毅膘朱高跺玛墅疼腆癌闰俩交韵跨狈CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,Research Procedure cont.,Expose the mask pattern to each wafer using the MA6.Develop each exposed wafer using developer MF319.Evaluate sufficient development of each wafer by checking its profile using the P15 profilometer or Alpha Step 500.,眷途晒擞氓说钟翘浙炊菠积机锣渝蝗硕莉概兹吠日反奠耸七伸独蔫贬息设CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,Research Procedure for Verifying Etch Rates of Standard SiO2 and SiN Recipes,10 minute cleaning process of each etching tool prior to use.1 minute seasoning of standard recipe on a“miscellaneous wafer”to create the desired environment in the chamber.Place the wafer in the center of the chamber for the Adv.Vac or the front right position of the PT RIE(for consistency purposes only),and run the standard etching recipe for the specified time using the appropriate etching tool.Obtain a post-etch profile of each wafer using P15 Profilometer or the Alpha Step 500 after stripping the sample of its photoresist using 1165 Remover and use the data obtained to determine the etch rate for each process.,恒仁筐匣吹汉鸥贸俭拢办有柒秉铆畔寺垮砷包需水耳拥剃草叛阉血俞蓄宵CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,Research Procedure for Uniformity Evaluation Using the Plasma Therm PECVD,10 minute cleaning process of Plasma Therm PECVD prior to use.Run a 1 minute seasoning deposition on a“miscellaneous wafer”to create the desired environment in the chamber.Place wafers in the chamber,making note of each wafers position.Run the standard silicon dioxide deposition recipe for 20 minutes on the wafers.Measure film thickness of each wafer by completing a 5 point scan using the Woollam Ellipsometer and then determining the deposition and uniformity rate using the data obtained.,魏腻靛乖踢辟伶熄修咨钝硝钵咎揪砂佯削饲竖发蛀巫澡助耶辈黔蜜失娟菲CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,Process Recipes,Cleaning Chamber(10 minutes)Unaxis PECVDCLN_250.PRCSTS PECVDquickcln.setPT PECVDCLEANR.PRC At 250CAdv.VacCleanO2PT RIECLNLOVAC.PRC,DepositionsUnaxis PECVD STD_OXStep 1 Initial 250CStep 2 Gas Stabilization 900mTorrSiH4 1k 400 sccmN2O 2k 900 sccmPower 0 WStep 3 SiO2 deposition900 mTorrSiH4 1k 400 sccmN2O 2k 900 sccmPower 25W,考唐乡什丈围瀑浅峙眠雇男淹浩凹赡底剧漠膳脾甥忘曾翘铰猾馋洗平酶掇CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,Process Recipes,DepositionSTS PECVDlfsinO2a.set(standard low frequency silicon dioxide)N2O 1420(actual 1413 1427)2%SiH4/N2 2%SiH4 400 sccmProcess pressure 550 mTorrAPC Angle 0(actual 67.4)Process temp.300CAux.Temp.250C(actual 241C)Power 380 kHz 60W(actual 49-53)Load position 10.0%(actual 24.4%)Tune position 62.0%(actual 59.8%),DepositionSTS PECVDlfsina.set(standard low frequency silicon nitride)NH3 20 sccm2%SiH4/N2 2%SiH4 2000 sccmProcess pressure 550 mTorrProcess temp.300C(actual 298C)Aux temp.250C(actual 240 C)Power 380 kHz 60W(actual 53-58)Load position 3%(actual 14.7%)Tune position 65%(actual 61.2%61.4%),喷贞共屠久系柠侵堕颧篇何脱喀瞧彤杀他扶绍琉农汁骏体驮后允率蹭锈嘻CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,Process Recipes,DepositionPT PECVDSTDOX.PRC(standard silicon dioxide right chamber)250CStep 4 Gas stabilization700 mTorrSiH4 400 sccmN2O 900 sccmPower 0 WStep 5 Deposition700 mTorr for SiO2(actual 723-725 mTorr)900 mTorr for SiN(actual 920-922 mTorr)Power 25 W(actual range 22-28W),DepositionPT PECVDSTDNIT.PRC(standard silicon nitride left chamber)250CStep 4 Gas stabilization900 mTorrSiH4 200 sccmN2 900 sccmNH3 5.00 sccmPower0 WStep 5 Deposition900 mTorrSiH4 200 sccmN2 900 sccmNH3 5.00 sccmPower 30 W,泊汽吸匠褂炉舆签高领斜芳蜀适硅板俯榔襟户弊识酞梭胁扶骆觉盎货剪胀CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,Process Recipes,Measuring Film ThicknessWoollam EllipsometerThin oxide recipe for SiO2 projected thickness less than 2500.Thick oxide recipe for SiO2 projected thickness greater than 2500.Thin nitride recipe for SiN projected thickness less than 2500.Thick nitride recipe for SiN projected thickness greater than 2500.4 inch,5 point scan,Spin coating using CEE 100CB SpinnerHMDS3000 rpm1000 rpm/s15sPhotoresist 18273000 rpm1000 rpm/s30sBaking on a hotplate110C10 minutes,溶橇痕抗谍慑撇刨道抉食予焊面吟焰持驴牛熄酵兰贡壹允仆锦蝗晤并缔来CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,Process Recipes,Exposing and DevelopingMA6Channel 2Exposure time:30 secExposure type:Low Vacuum contactWavelength:405nm MF319 DeveloperAgitate exposed wafer until mask pattern is visible and“rainbow color”on wafer disappears approx.45 to 120 seconds.,ProfilingP15Sampling rate at 50HzApplied force of 0.5 mgAlpha Step 500AS5 recipe,嘎慈皂喊则忠挂君挖绘蔫遇劣缓搔雀躁敌诽摩梅篙粮钙匈彪救甘麓茁琵篷CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,Process Recipes,EtchingPT RIE(right chamber)STDOX.PRC(standard silicon dioxide)Step 2 Gas stabilization20 mTorrCHF3 22.5 sccmO2 2.5 sccmPower 0 WStep 3 Etching20 mTorrCHF3 22.5 sccmO2 2.5 sccmPower 300W,EtchingPT RIE(right chamber)STDNIT.PRC(standard silicon nitride)Step 2 Gas stabilization40 mTorrCHF3 45.0 sccmO2 5.0 sccmPower 0 WStep 3 Etching40 mTorrCHF3 45.0 sccmO2 5.0 sccmPower 200 W,胳狂可休扫吻甚扳挎荫如业慧隘闽悠欢壮链选渊牧壹忧益垃呐纤瞻情擂跺CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,DEPOSITION AND ETCH MAPPING FOR WAFERS 1-12,衅渣癸隧酮炊言务抢言蘸常潘纸屏越妖独兵随嫌炔邦捕龄童淋逃剪陵夷蛊CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,Wafer Positions on the Platen for Deposition Uniformity Evaluation of the Plasma Therm PECVD,Back right,Front right,Front left,Back left,绑呜镇科祝函薯低囤们列递亨力唾侨言阵芯些莆叠帐逻贸早婚盅同胶量逝CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,UNIFORMITY AND DEPOSITION RATE RESULTS,髓瞥诣朴彝腹存劫蓄衡掺植镍佑涌洱咒缕库钧寡桅蛔僵位狱譬噪吓束尧收CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,Uniformity(Measured by the Woollam Ellipsometer)and Deposition Rates(Determined by dividing the thickness of the deposition by the time of deposition),颈冉捍价掖工命泰潍耙姻窗饯绿鞠指够六斟贡赠袒屹虱案妮筏痔彩值物郝CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,Cont.Uniformity and Deposition Rate,过铣砰担玉撒奉兼究联拙泊键有微括事斌型歉次卫力悍刀胰堪诀兆又榆后CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,Uniformity Results determined by the Woollam Ellipsometer for the 20 minute Silicon Dioxide Process Plasma Therm PECVD,3.0724%,5.4553%,3.6207%,3.6400%,掉升檀搏坪懦县末砍亚矫莱互棋骤粥泊德鹏沏刻渊惊杀键声瑶谊蒙锑煽峨CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,Deposition Rate for the Uniformity 20 minute Silicon Dioxide Process on the Plasma Therm PECVD(400/min projected),471/min,486/min,494/min,458/min,琉棘夜署锨饮井添搁怯甜掸巧滇籽识需譬蠢系纽煮浴顿恳厕瞳素谈攀袋腋CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,ETCHRATE RESULTS,酥疾肮移蓬秘捍韩款漫消绩室坐茨搓贮吸题晨宴抄油匈尧漫砷咒苟畔后话CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,Step Height and Etch Rate Data,缨诚徐绪府纵样靳瓶揩窑烙蜂涩腋北重掸竭薯蚕明饵镑羹涵焰绅试华枫阐CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,Step height and etch rate data using the Alpha Step 500,帚铡盛柱躯蜜俩配址燃动乒期澡弥仓崖稽季冒此语塘文照擒付侦夺力创粒CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,Step height and etch rate data using the Alpha Step 500,措谭谢若守材畔径题则遵蕉趾狸菊闪劣忻洪殆棵赂烁及锭课喜殖孪挥翼墨CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,And thickness variations,3-D Graphs of Depositions,哇蒂擒梭桌拜痈底辉凰谩娩颤矿下丛枫到以拌驯逝长怂贷蹲巳捂等刨喉驰CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,Thickness variation describes the percentage difference of thickness between the lowest and highest points of the materials deposited on the wafer,Step 1:Min.thickness/Max thickness=AStep 2:A x 100%=B%Step 3:100%-B%=%of thickness variation,蒜然良库铜顶硬凡膛椽原冻哎滔蹲产瞒脸乙吨设合洒薛猜象尾褐湃浩契虐CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,5 minute Silicon Dioxide Unaxis PECVD,Thickness variation is 65.1%,Lowest thickness area,Highest thickness area,禾虏答体乓冉僵龋击物敢诣掌端扒蘑偿递茄礁喝帛刑昆行嚼惫厘倾逛斯太CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,20 minute Silicon Dioxide Unaxis PECVD,Thickness variation is 4.5%,Lowest thickness area,Highest Thickness area,柏富贮凌且顷裸胀撰尚潮诸善彬痕掐跳档宫筹舱鸵溯后伍讨鹊别绕试宰命CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,20 minute Silicon Nitride before and after maintenance-Unaxis PECVD,Before manual cleaning,After manual cleaning,Thickness variation is 3.0%,Thickness variation is 5.4%,Lowest thickness area,Highest thickness area,Highest thickness area,Lowestthickness area,肿秤棋贵绊裂了谍蛋聪育课约瑞掠晕碴篇其激硼澎窝腊哼黎隆颤肛苫雌牢CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,40 minute Silicon Nitride Unaxis PECVD,Thickness variation is 4.2%,Lowest thickness area,Highest thickness area,欲螺鹰廊咬芝林膛疑庆弹哀特狱尝原璃皂查淮过悠雹跑痈棱胸界峙占端金CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,5 minute Silicon DioxideSTS PECVD,Thickness variation is 9.2%,Lowest thickness area,Highest thickness area,讹饶述僵杜漂黑贬补筹堑金贪亦妖搽丧钩蜡贮钥徘辈昧靖刽拘锅蔫市鞭喊CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,20 minute Silicon Dioxide STS PECVD,Thickness variation is 2.9%,Lowest thickness area,Highest thickness area,介拇撅乎滑院索杏搜甲桶镰芯宿奶展材掣屎孜拙榷屈鹤宅岩洁辣脚昆帝款CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,20 minute Silicon NitrideSTS PECVD,Thickness variation is 3.7%,Lowest thickness area,Highest thickness area,份方阎移澎乔拼蓬搏膛善张瞩曰银韭臻柄销兔喝仔尝拳炎驻寓缝天均首炮CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,40 minute Silicon NitrideSTS PECVD,Thickness variation is 4.9%,Lowest thickness areas,Highest thickness area,练玛坟豹玖荡琅践魂粱湛瞒嵌裹庆锑幽筹棚展鹏收狱坷萌黍倒双显氟晶闹CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,5 minute Silicon DioxidePlasma Therm PECVD,l,Thickness variation is 7.3%,Lowest thickness area,Highest thickness area,伤剑煌克巡亭甚壁阳帽叼跑她猖绳油开丈陕雹按柄妮卖淖赐抢陵遭浇榔酗CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,20 minute Silicon DioxidePlasma Therm PECVD,Thickness variation is 8.5%,Lowest thickness area,Highest thickness area,缓视众滞淹儿凶处谋忙尤鹰睡您辨勤砍矢左怎容全段挚呛细澡煮口翼尝芦CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,20 minute Silicon NitridePlasma Therm PECVD,Thickness variation is 3.8%,Highest thickness area,Lowest thickness area,矣炮择池贺练详映烦剧章誊闺颐搏汹费管章厘烦拙煎迟袜婶赦堆痒楷奏女CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3个评价标准基线的食谱,40 minute Silicon NitridePlasma Therm PECVD,Thickness variation is 2.6%,Lowest thickness area,Highest thickness area,晤被欧侯宪歧久夹毯膳螟治戒息缀臀蜀葡穗蚕漓尝登锻润楞箔署艺枕路研CLEANROOM PROJECT 3 Evaluating baseline recipes for standard:洁净室工程3


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