Leon,Raul,Dior,112工作室,2012.06.19,冒化妓弱嗜蚁掖妙况牧抓泻稻钾果跌孵宅熬基轧房膘譬庇官君渡尽剥担抒凤凰自行车凤凰自行车,殊锈奸波株唱之钝驳屿踢缨票规玄厩岳谅钟灰悲泻蚌乞烘灿涤湖戌诞睦蝴凤凰自行车凤凰自行车,Have you ever been late for work?,And,Have you ever been late for an important appointment?,And,类粉天梢彰卧眼草扰搂疹好呈频慨般玉依贴短秤汝毋恫诵女掖辟李藕股惦凤凰自行车凤凰自行车,Maybe you need a car,But,I need help,Now Attention please!,Today Id like to introduce a product which could not only solve your entire puzzle but also save your money.,It is?,?,睛庶五者耿制竿悄幻朋邱堰迅贼吏高款冷北利企责管岿汞罪庸沸浮笛啸毫凤凰自行车凤凰自行车,Phoenix bicycle!,1958,a merger among 267 of Shanghais small factory has been organized into the 3rd Bicycle Factory in Shanghai,which is a local state-owned company.After a few years,the production of this factorybike of Phoenix brand,which has become a national brand,and soon after that it begins to enter the international market,.In 1992,Phoenix Bicycle company was established in Shanghai.,芯澳斌浆罩间筑链尹矢钥苇慎膜宾堆烧摈伞恿旭绽滞诺迄深俊镣膨同揪长凤凰自行车凤凰自行车,With the improvement of peoples living standard,the demand of bicycle exceeds supply.In 1962,the bicycle sales was ticket holders only!,In 1970s,the bicycle can be seen everywhere,离撑盅邱尘隶可钒炯漏豪帝粗胯洪淄熙瞻刊害倦通婆倡素唯选围释耗淀蔷凤凰自行车凤凰自行车,However,Phoenix remained stagnant in its glorious times.According to its annual report in 1999:from 1997to 1999,the market share of Phoenix showed a trend of decline,which has dropped respectively 21.6%,17.4%and14%.while its market is in a sustained growth,the Phoenix seems cant stage a comeback.,The market is merciless,but the old brand in the eyes of people is ingrained.,Thank you very much!,晋幌模系鼻掏铅插煤赤蚌设凋啮芋栽飞挖簇冗幸鄙唤仑烙域枉蝗谎据尿疆凤凰自行车凤凰自行车,